mindflow.pde.sympy2mindspore.parse_sympy 源代码

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parse sympy equations
from __future__ import absolute_import

import sympy

from mindspore import jit_class

from .sympy_translation import SympyTranslation

class FormulaNode:
    The root node for sympy expression.

         eq_name (str): the name of sympy expression.
    def __init__(self, eq_name):
        self.name = eq_name
        self.nodes = list()
        self.max_order = 0

    def compute(self, data):
        rst = list()
        for node in self.nodes:
            cur_node_rst = node.compute(data)

        return sum(rst)

def _make_nodes(equations, in_vars, out_vars, params=None):
    graph_nodes = list()
    for name, formula in equations.items():
        formula_node = FormulaNode(name)
        SympyTranslation(sympy.expand(formula), formula_node, in_vars, out_vars, params)

    return graph_nodes

[文档]def sympy_to_mindspore(equations, in_vars, out_vars, params=None): """ The sympy expression to create an identifier for mindspore. Args: equations (dict): the item in equations contains the key defined by user and the value is sympy expression. in_vars (list[sympy.core.Symbol]): list of all input variable symbols, consistent with the dimension of the input data. out_vars (list[sympy.core.Function]): list of all output variable symbols, consistent with the dimension of the output data. params (list[sympy.core.Function]): list of all parameter variable symbols. Returns: List([FormulaNode]), list of expressions node can be identified by mindspore. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> from mindflow.pde import sympy_to_mindspore >>> from sympy import symbols, Function, diff >>> x, y = symbols('x, y') >>> u = Function('u')(x, y) >>> in_vars = [x, y] >>> out_vars = [u] >>> eq1 = x + y >>> eq2 = diff(u, (x, 1)) + diff(u, (y, 1)) >>> equations = {"eq1": eq1, "eq2": eq2} >>> res = sympy_to_mindspore(equations, in_vars, out_vars) >>> print(len(res)) eq1: x + y Item numbers of current derivative formula nodes: 2 eq2: Derivative(u(x, y), x) + Derivative(u(x, y), y) Item numbers of current derivative formula nodes: 2 2 """ converted_equations = _make_nodes(equations, in_vars, out_vars, params) return converted_equations