Source code for mindquantum.core.operators.hamiltonian

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"""Hamiltonian module."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,no-member
from enum import Enum

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp

import mindquantum as mq
from mindquantum import mqbackend as mb

class HowTo(Enum):
    """Hamiltonian type."""  # Need to improve that...

    ORIGIN = 0
    BACKEND = 1
    FRONTEND = 2

[docs]class Hamiltonian: """ A QubitOperator hamiltonian wrapper. Args: hamiltonian (Union[QubitOperator, scipy.sparse]): The pauli qubit operator or a sparse matrix. dtype (mindquantum.dtype): data type of hamiltonian. Default: ``None``. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.core.operators import QubitOperator, Hamiltonian >>> ham = Hamiltonian(QubitOperator('Z0 Y1', 0.3)) >>> ham 3/10 [Z0 Y1] """ def __init__(self, hamiltonian, dtype=None): """Initialize a Hamiltonian object.""" # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from .qubit_operator import QubitOperator as HiQOperator from .utils import count_qubits support_type = (HiQOperator, sp.csr_matrix) if not isinstance(hamiltonian, support_type): raise TypeError(f"Require a QubitOperator or a csr_matrix, but get {type(hamiltonian)}!") if isinstance(hamiltonian, sp.csr_matrix): if dtype is None: dtype = mq.to_mq_type(hamiltonian.dtype) else: if dtype != mq.to_mq_type(hamiltonian.dtype): hamiltonian = hamiltonian.astype(mq.to_np_type(dtype)) self.ham_dtype = dtype if len(hamiltonian.shape) != 2 or hamiltonian.shape[0] != hamiltonian.shape[1]: raise ValueError( f"Hamiltonian requires a two dimension square csr_matrix, but get shape {hamiltonian.shape}" ) if np.log2(hamiltonian.shape[0]) % 1 != 0: raise ValueError(f"size of hamiltonian sparse matrix should be power of 2, but get {hamiltonian.shape}") self.hamiltonian = HiQOperator('') self.sparse_mat = hamiltonian self.how_to = HowTo.FRONTEND self.n_qubits = int(np.log2(self.sparse_mat.shape[0])) else: hamiltonian: HiQOperator if dtype is None: dtype = hamiltonian.dtype else: if dtype != hamiltonian.dtype: hamiltonian = hamiltonian.astype(dtype) self.ham_dtype = dtype self.hamiltonian = hamiltonian self.sparse_mat = sp.csr_matrix(np.eye(2, dtype=np.complex64)) self.how_to = HowTo.ORIGIN self.n_qubits = count_qubits(hamiltonian) self.ham_termlist = [] for i, j in self.hamiltonian.terms.items(): if not j.is_const(): raise ValueError("Hamiltonian cannot be parameterized.") self.ham_termlist.append((i, j.const.real)) self.ham_cpp = None self.herm_ham_cpp = None def __str__(self): """Return a string representation of the object.""" if self.how_to == HowTo.FRONTEND: return self.sparse_mat.__str__() return self.hamiltonian.__str__() def __repr__(self): """Return a string representation of the object.""" if self.how_to == HowTo.FRONTEND: return self.sparse_mat.__str__() return self.hamiltonian.__repr__() def __getstate__(self): """Create a dictionary that will be pickled.""" state = self.__dict__.copy() # Remove the unpicklable entries. if self.ham_cpp: state['ham_cpp'] = True if self.herm_ham_cpp: state['herm_ham_cpp'] = True return state def __setstate__(self, state): """Restore instance state from the unpickled state.""" self.__dict__.update(state) # Add the missing 'ham_cpp' and 'herm_ham_cpp' entries if self.ham_cpp: self.ham_cpp = self.get_cpp_obj(hermitian=False) if self.herm_ham_cpp: self.herm_ham_cpp = self.get_cpp_obj(hermitian=True)
[docs] def sparse(self, n_qubits=1): """ Calculate the sparse matrix of this hamiltonian in pqc operator. Args: n_qubits (int): The total qubit of this hamiltonian, only need when mode is 'frontend'. Default: ``1``. """ if self.how_to != HowTo.ORIGIN: raise ValueError('Already a sparse hamiltonian.') if n_qubits < self.n_qubits: raise ValueError(f"Can not sparse a {self.n_qubits} qubits hamiltonian to {n_qubits} hamiltonian.") self.n_qubits = n_qubits self.how_to = HowTo.BACKEND return self
@property def dtype(self): """Get hamiltonian data type.""" return self.ham_dtype
[docs] def astype(self, dtype): """ Convert hamiltonian to other type. Args: dtype (mindquantum.dtype): the new type of hamiltonian. """ if self.how_to == HowTo.FRONTEND: return Hamiltonian(self.sparse_mat, dtype) return Hamiltonian(self.hamiltonian, dtype)
[docs] def get_cpp_obj(self, hermitian=False): """ Get the underlying C++ object. Args: hermitian (bool): Whether to get the cpp object of this hamiltonian in hermitian version. """ if mq.is_double_precision(self.dtype): backend_module = mb.double else: backend_module = mb.float if not hermitian: if self.ham_cpp is None: if self.how_to == HowTo.ORIGIN: ham = backend_module.hamiltonian(self.ham_termlist) elif self.how_to == HowTo.BACKEND: ham = backend_module.hamiltonian(self.ham_termlist, self.n_qubits) else: dim = self.sparse_mat.shape[0] nnz = self.sparse_mat.nnz csr_mat = backend_module.csr_hd_matrix( dim, nnz, self.sparse_mat.indptr, self.sparse_mat.indices, ) ham = backend_module.hamiltonian(csr_mat, self.n_qubits) self.ham_cpp = ham return self.ham_cpp if self.how_to in (HowTo.BACKEND, HowTo.ORIGIN): return self.get_cpp_obj() if self.herm_ham_cpp is None: herm_sparse_mat = self.sparse_mat.conjugate().T.tocsr() dim = herm_sparse_mat.shape[0] nnz = herm_sparse_mat.nnz csr_mat = backend_module.csr_hd_matrix( dim, nnz, herm_sparse_mat.indptr, herm_sparse_mat.indices, ) self.herm_ham_cpp = backend_module.hamiltonian(csr_mat, self.n_qubits) return self.herm_ham_cpp
__all__ = ['Hamiltonian']