Source code for mindspore.nn.transformer.loss

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Parallel Loss for the Parallel Training
This is an experimental interface that is subject to change or deletion.
from mindspore.common.tensor import Tensor
import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.ops import functional as F
from mindspore.nn import Cell
from mindspore.nn.loss.loss import _check_is_tensor
from mindspore.parallel._utils import _get_parallel_mode, _is_sharding_propagation
from mindspore.context import ParallelMode
from .layers import _check_input_dtype, _check_input_shape
from .op_parallel_config import default_dpmp_config, OpParallelConfig

__all__ = ["CrossEntropyLoss"]

[文档]class CrossEntropyLoss(Cell): """ Calculate the cross entropy loss. Args: parallel_config (OpParallelConfig): The parallel configure. Default `default_dpmp_config`, an instance of `OpParallelConfig` with default args. Inputs: - **logits** (Tensor) - Tensor of shape (N, C). Data type must be float16 or float32. The output logits of the backbone. - **labels** (Tensor) - Tensor of shape (N, ). The ground truth label of the sample. - **input_mask** (Tensor) - Tensor of shape (N, ). input_mask indicates whether there are padded inputs and for padded inputs it will not be counted into loss. Outputs: Tensor. The corresponding cross entropy loss Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindspore import dtype as mstype >>> from mindspore.nn.transformer import CrossEntropyLoss >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> loss = CrossEntropyLoss() >>> logits = Tensor(np.array([[3, 5, 6, 9, 12, 33, 42, 12, 32, 72]]), mstype.float32) >>> labels_np = np.array([1]).astype(np.int32) >>> input_mask = Tensor(np.ones(1).astype(np.float32)) >>> labels = Tensor(labels_np) >>> output = loss(logits, labels, input_mask) >>> print(output.shape) (1,) """ def __init__(self, parallel_config=default_dpmp_config): super(CrossEntropyLoss, self).__init__() if _get_parallel_mode() in (ParallelMode.AUTO_PARALLEL,) and _is_sharding_propagation(): if not isinstance(parallel_config, OpParallelConfig): raise TypeError("For 'CrossEntropyLoss', the class variable 'parallel_config' must be OpParallelConfig" ", but got the type: {}.".format(type(parallel_config))) dp = parallel_config.data_parallel mp = parallel_config.model_parallel self.sum = P.ReduceSum() self.onehot = P.OneHot() # on/off value for onehot, for smooth labeling, modify the off_value self.on_value = Tensor(1.0, mstype.float32) self.off_value = Tensor(0.0, mstype.float32) self.max = P.ArgMaxWithValue(axis=-1, keep_dims=True).shard( ((dp, mp),)) self.eps_const = Tensor(1e-24, mstype.float32) self.sub = P.Sub() self.exp = P.Exp() self.div = P.RealDiv() self.log = P.Log() self.add = P.Add() self.mul = P.Mul() self.neg = P.Neg() self.sum2 = P.ReduceSum().shard(((1,),)) self.mul2 = P.Mul().shard(((1,), (1,))) self.add2 = P.Add() self.div2 = P.RealDiv() else: if not isinstance(parallel_config, OpParallelConfig): raise TypeError("For 'CrossEntropyLoss', the class variable 'parallel_config' must be OpParallelConfig" ", but got the type: {}.".format(type(parallel_config))) dp = parallel_config.data_parallel mp = parallel_config.model_parallel self.sum = P.ReduceSum().shard(((dp, mp),)) self.onehot = P.OneHot().shard(((dp, mp), (), ())) # on/off value for onehot, for smooth labeling, modify the off_value self.on_value = Tensor(1.0, mstype.float32) self.off_value = Tensor(0.0, mstype.float32) self.max = P.ArgMaxWithValue(axis=-1, keep_dims=True).shard( ((dp, mp),)) self.eps_const = Tensor(1e-24, mstype.float32) self.sub = P.Sub().shard(((dp, mp), (dp, 1))) self.exp = P.Exp().shard(((dp, mp),)) self.div = P.RealDiv().shard(((dp, mp), (dp, 1))) self.log = P.Log().shard(((dp, mp),)) self.add = P.Add().shard(((dp, mp), ())) self.mul = P.Mul().shard( ((dp, mp), (dp, mp))) self.neg = P.Neg().shard(((dp, mp),)) self.sum2 = P.ReduceSum().shard(((1,),)) self.mul2 = P.Mul().shard(((1,), (1,))) self.add2 = P.Add() self.div2 = P.RealDiv() def construct(self, logits, label, input_mask): self._check_input(logits, label, input_mask) # the shape is [bs*seq_length, vocab_size] logits = F.cast(logits, mstype.float32) # LogSoftmax for logits over last dimension _, logit_max = self.max(logits) logit_sub = self.sub(logits, logit_max) logit_exp = self.exp(logit_sub) exp_sum = self.sum(logit_exp, -1) exp_sum = P.Reshape()(exp_sum, (F.shape(exp_sum)[0], 1)) softmax_result = self.div(logit_exp, exp_sum) log_softmax_result = self.log(self.add(softmax_result, self.eps_const)) # Flatten label to [bs*seq_length] label = P.Reshape()(label, (-1,)) # Get onehot label [bs*seq_length, vocab_size] one_hot_label = self.onehot(label, F.shape(logits)[-1], self.on_value, self.off_value) # Cross-Entropy loss loss = self.mul(log_softmax_result, one_hot_label) loss_unsum = self.neg(loss) loss_reduce = self.sum(loss_unsum, -1) # input_mask indicates whether there is padded inputs and for padded inputs it will not be counted into loss input_mask = P.Reshape()(input_mask, (-1,)) numerator = self.sum2(self.mul2(loss_reduce, input_mask)) denominator = self.add2( self.sum2(input_mask), P.Cast()(F.tuple_to_array((1e-5,)), mstype.float32)) loss = self.div2(numerator, denominator) return loss def _check_input(self, logits, label, input_mask): r"""Check the input tensor shape and type""" _check_is_tensor('logits', logits, self.cls_name) _check_is_tensor('label', label, self.cls_name) _check_is_tensor('input_mask', input_mask, self.cls_name) _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(logits), "logits", [mstype.float32, mstype.float16], self.cls_name) _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(label), "label", [mstype.int32], self.cls_name) _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(input_mask), "input_mask", [mstype.float32], self.cls_name) _check_input_shape(F.shape(logits), "logits", self.cls_name, 2) _check_input_shape(F.shape(label), "label", self.cls_name, 1) _check_input_shape(F.shape(input_mask), "input_mask", self.cls_name, 1) return True