Source code for mindspore.common.parameter

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"""Parameter for cell."""
from copy import copy
import numbers
import numpy as np
from mindspore import log as logger
from mindspore.log import _LogActionOnce
from .._c_expression import ParamInfo
from . import dtype as mstype
from .. import context
from ..parallel._utils import _get_parallel_mode
from .initializer import initializer
from .tensor import Tensor
from .._checkparam import Validator
from .._c_expression import Tensor as Tensor_
from ..parallel._tensor import _get_slice_index
from ..parallel._auto_parallel_context import auto_parallel_context
from ..parallel._ps_context import _is_role_worker, _is_role_pserver, _is_role_sched, _clone_hash_table, _is_fl_mode
from ..parallel._ps_context import _reinsert_hash_table_size
from ..parallel._ps_context import _insert_weight_init_info, _insert_accumu_init_info
from .seed import _get_global_and_op_seed

__all__ = ['Parameter', 'ParameterTuple']


def _is_in_parallel_mode():
    """Get parallel mode."""
    return auto_parallel_context().get_parallel_mode() in ["semi_auto_parallel", "auto_parallel"]

def init_to_value(init):
    Get value of initializer.

        Value of the initializer.

        ValueError: The value of the argument 'init' is not correct.
    if isinstance(init, str):
        if init == 'zeros':
            return 0.0
        if init == 'ones':
            return 1.0
        raise ValueError("The argument 'init' should be one of values in ['zeros', 'ones'].")
    if isinstance(init, numbers.Number):
        return float(init)
    raise ValueError("The argument 'init' should be number or string, but got {}.".format(type(init)))

[文档]class Parameter(Tensor_): """ `Parameter` is a `Tensor` subclass, when they are assigned as Cell attributes they are automatically added to the list of its parameters, and will appear e.g. in `cell.get_parameters()` iterator. Note: In auto_parallel mode of "semi_auto_parallel" and "auto_parallel", if init `Parameter` by a `Tensor`, the type of Parameter will be `Tensor`. `Tensor` will save the shape and type info of a tensor with no memory usage. The shape can be changed while compiling for auto-parallel. Call `init_data` will return a Tensor Parameter with initialized data. If there is an operator in the network that requires part of the inputs to be Parameter, then the Parameters as this part of the inputs are not allowed to be cast. Give each `Parameter` a unique name to facilitate subsequent operations and updates. If there are two or more `Parameter` objects with the same name in a network, will be prompted to set a unique name when defining. Args: default_input (Union[Tensor, int, float, numpy.ndarray, list]): Parameter data, to initialize the parameter data. name (str): Name of the parameter. Default: None. 1) If the parameter is not given a name, the default name is its variable name. For example, the name of param_a below is name_a, and the name of param_b is the variable name param_b. .. code-block:: self.param_a = Parameter(Tensor([1], ms.float32), name="name_a") self.param_b = Parameter(Tensor([2], ms.float32)) 2) If parameter in list or tuple is not given a name, will give it a unique name. For example, the names of parameters below are **Parameter$1** and **Parameter$2**. .. code-block:: self.param_list = [Parameter(Tensor([3], ms.float32)), Parameter(Tensor([4], ms.float32))] 3) If the parameter is given a name, and the same name exists between different parameters, an exception will be thrown. For example, "its name 'name_a' already exists." will be thrown. .. code-block:: self.param_a = Parameter(Tensor([1], ms.float32), name="name_a") self.param_tuple = (Parameter(Tensor([5], ms.float32), name="name_a"), Parameter(Tensor([6], ms.float32))) 4) If a parameter appear multiple times in list or tuple, check the name of the object only once. For example, the following example will not throw an exception. .. code-block:: self.param_a = Parameter(Tensor([1], ms.float32), name="name_a") self.param_tuple = (self.param_a, self.param_a) requires_grad (bool): True if the parameter requires gradient. Default: True. layerwise_parallel (bool): When layerwise_parallel is true in data/hybrid parallel mode, broadcast and gradients communication would not be applied to parameters. Default: False. parallel_optimizer (bool): It is used to filter the weight shard operation in semi auto or auto parallel mode. It works only when enable parallel optimizer in `mindspore.context.set_auto_parallel_context()`. Default: True. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindspore import Parameter, Tensor >>> import mindspore.ops as ops >>> import mindspore.nn as nn >>> import mindspore >>> >>> class Net(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self): ... super(Net, self).__init__() ... self.matmul = ops.MatMul() ... self.weight = Parameter(Tensor(np.ones((1, 2)), mindspore.float32), name="w", requires_grad=True) ... ... def construct(self, x): ... out = self.matmul(self.weight, x) ... return out >>> net = Net() >>> x = Tensor(np.ones((2, 1)), mindspore.float32) >>> print(net(x)) [[2.]] >>> net.weight.set_data(Tensor(np.zeros((1, 2)), mindspore.float32)) >>> print(net(x)) [[0.]] """ __base_type__ = {} def __new__(cls, default_input, *args, **kwargs): init_data_flag = bool(isinstance(default_input, Tensor) and default_input.has_init) input_class, *class_init_args = Parameter._get_parameter_new_args(default_input) new_type = Parameter._get_base_class(input_class) obj = input_class.__new__(new_type) input_class.__init__(obj, *class_init_args) # it's better to make the Initializer a kind of tensor. obj.init_mode = None obj.is_default_input_init = init_data_flag if obj.has_init: obj.init_mode = default_input return obj def __reduce_ex__(self, _): data = self if self.init_mode is not None: data = self.init_mode else: # cast to break deep infinite loop while deepcopy data = Tensor(self) return ( Parameter, (data,, self.requires_grad, self.layerwise_parallel)) def __init__(self, default_input, name=None, requires_grad=True, layerwise_parallel=False, parallel_optimizer=True): self.param_info = ParamInfo() self.init_in_server = False self.cache_enable = False = name self.requires_grad = requires_grad self.layerwise_parallel = layerwise_parallel self.parallel_optimizer = parallel_optimizer # this flag for tensor copy data. self.init_flag = False # this flag is for ge variable copy data. self.is_init = False self._inited_param = None self._sliced = False self.is_param_ps = False self.push_weight_to_server = False self.pull_weight_from_server = False self.requires_aggr = True self._cast_type = None self._unique = False self.is_in_parallel = _is_in_parallel_mode() self._pipeline_stage_list = [] if isinstance(default_input, (Tensor_, Tensor)): Tensor_.__init__(self, default_input.dtype, default_input.shape) elif isinstance(default_input, int): Tensor_.__init__(self, mstype.int64, ()) elif isinstance(default_input, float): Tensor_.__init__(self, mstype.float32, ()) elif isinstance(default_input, (np.ndarray, list)): Tensor_.__init__(self, default_input) else: raise TypeError(f"The type of the argument 'default_input' must be in ['Tensor', 'int', 'float'," f" 'numpy.ndarray', 'list']. But got type {type(default_input)}.") self.param_info.parameter_shape = self.shape def __deepcopy__(self, memodict): new_obj = Parameter(self) = new_obj._inited_param = self._inited_param return new_obj @staticmethod def _get_base_class(input_class): input_class_name = Parameter.__name__ if input_class_name in Parameter.__base_type__: new_type = Parameter.__base_type__[input_class_name] else: new_type = type(input_class_name, (Parameter, input_class), {}) Parameter.__base_type__[input_class_name] = new_type return new_type @staticmethod def _get_parameter_new_args(data): """Set `set_data` of current `Parameter`.""" if isinstance(data, bool): raise ValueError('Parameter data can not be `bool`') if isinstance(data, Tensor) and data.has_init: if not _is_fl_mode(): if _is_in_parallel_mode() or _is_role_worker() or _is_role_sched() or _is_role_pserver(): # do not init data while in auto parallel. return (Tensor, None, data.dtype, data.shape, data.init) data = data.init_data().asnumpy() elif isinstance(data, Tensor): # make a copy of Tensor to init the parameter return (Tensor, data.asnumpy(),) if isinstance(data, int): return (Tensor, data, mstype.int32) if isinstance(data, float): return (Tensor, data, mstype.float32) return (Tensor, data) def __str__(self): return f'Parameter (name={}, shape={self.shape}, dtype={self.dtype}, ' \ f'requires_grad={self.requires_grad})' def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __parameter__(self): """For parse check."""
[文档] def set_param_ps(self, init_in_server=False): """ Set whether the trainable parameter is updated by parameter server and whether the trainable parameter is initialized on server. Note: It only works when a running task is in the parameter server mode. Args: init_in_server (bool): Whether trainable parameter updated by parameter server is initialized on server. Default: False. """ if not(_is_role_worker() or _is_role_pserver() or _is_role_sched()): raise RuntimeError("Must complete following two steps before calling set_param_ps: \n" "1. context.set_ps_context(enable_ps=True) \n" "2. export MS_ROLE environment variable \n" "Please refer to the official website for detailed usage.") self.is_param_ps = True self.init_in_server = init_in_server self.param_info.init_in_server = init_in_server
[文档] def set_param_fl(self, push_to_server=False, pull_from_server=False, requires_aggr=True): """ Set the way of parameter and server interaction. Args: push_to_server (bool): Whether the parameter should be pushed to server. Default: False. pull_from_server (bool): Whether the parameter should be pulled from server. Default: False. requires_aggr (bool): Whether the parameter should be aggregated in the server. Default: True. """ if push_to_server: self.push_weight_to_server = True if pull_from_server: self.pull_weight_from_server = True if not requires_aggr: self.requires_aggr = False self.param_info.requires_aggr = False
@property def inited_param(self): """ Get the new parameter after call the init_data. Default is a None, If `self` is a Parameter without data, after call the `init_data` the initialized Parameter with data will be recorded here. """ return self._inited_param @property def name(self): """Get the name of the parameter.""" return @name.setter def name(self, name_): """ Define a name for the parameter. Args: name_ (`str` or `None`): The name of the parameter. When the parameter is None or an empty string, the default value `PARAMETER_NAME_DEFAULT` is used. """ if name_ is None: name_ = PARAMETER_NAME_DEFAULT elif isinstance(name_, str): name_ = name_.strip() if name_ == '': name_ = PARAMETER_NAME_DEFAULT if len(name_) > PARAMETER_NAME_PREFIX_MAX_LEN: raise ValueError("The length of the '{}' name should be less than {}.". format(name_, PARAMETER_NAME_PREFIX_MAX_LEN)) else: raise ValueError("The type of the Parameter's name should be 'string' or 'None', " "but got {}.".format(type(name_))) if _is_role_worker() and self.cache_enable: if len(self.shape) != 2: raise RuntimeError("The dims of parameter '{}' must be 2, but got {}." .format(, len(self.shape))) _reinsert_hash_table_size(name_,, self.shape[0], self.shape[1]) = name_ @property def sliced(self): """Get slice status of the parameter.""" return self._sliced @sliced.setter def sliced(self, sliced_): self._sliced = sliced_ @property def comm_fusion(self): """ Get the fusion type (int) for communication operators corresponding to this parameter. In `AUTO_PARALLEL` and `SEMI_AUTO_PARALLEL` mode, some communication operators used for parameters or gradients aggregation are inserted automatically. The value of fusion must be greater than or equal to 0. When the value of fusion is 0, operators will not be fused together. """ return self.param_info.comm_fusion @comm_fusion.setter def comm_fusion(self, comm_fusion_): if context.get_context("mode") == context.PYNATIVE_MODE and "auto_parallel" in _get_parallel_mode(): raise RuntimeError( "`comm_fusion` does not support PYNATIVE_MODE in AUTO_PARALLEL and SEMI_AUTO_PARALLEL mode.") Validator.check_non_negative_int(comm_fusion_) self.param_info.comm_fusion = comm_fusion_ @property def parallel_optimizer_comm_recompute(self): """ Get the communication recompute status(bool) of optimizer parallel for the parameter. In `AUTO_PARALLEL` and `SEMI_AUTO_PARALLEL` mode, when applying parallel optimizer, some AllGather operators used for parameters gathering are inserted automatically. It is used to control the recompute attr for those AllGather operators. Note: - Only `Graph` mode is supported. - It is recommended to use cell.recompute(parallel_optimizer_comm_recompute=True/False) to configure the AllGather operators introducing by parallel optimizer rather than using this interface directly. """ return self.param_info.parallel_optimizer_comm_recompute @parallel_optimizer_comm_recompute.setter def parallel_optimizer_comm_recompute(self, parallel_optimizer_comm_recompute_): Validator.check_bool(parallel_optimizer_comm_recompute_) self.param_info.parallel_optimizer_comm_recompute = parallel_optimizer_comm_recompute_ @property def unique(self): """Whether the parameter is already unique or not.""" return self._unique @unique.setter def unique(self, unique_): self._unique = unique_
[文档] def clone(self, init='same'): """ Clone the parameter. Args: init (Union[Tensor, str, numbers.Number]): Initialize the shape and dtype of the parameter. If `init` is a `Tensor` or `numbers.Number`, clone a new parameter with the same shape and dtype, and the data of the new parameter will be set according to `init`. If `init` is a `str`, the `init` should be the alias of the class inheriting from `Initializer`. For example, if `init` is 'same', clone a new parameter with the same data, shape, and dtype. Default: 'same'. Returns: Parameter, a new parameter. """ x = copy(self) x.param_info = self.param_info.clone() x.is_init = False x.init = self.init x.is_param_ps = self.is_param_ps x.init_in_server = self.init_in_server x.cache_enable = self.cache_enable x.requires_aggr = self.requires_aggr if self.cache_shape: x.cache_shape = self.cache_shape if init != 'same': shape = self.shape dtype = self.dtype x.set_data(initializer(init, shape=shape, dtype=dtype)) return x
@property def layerwise_parallel(self): """ Get the layerwise parallel status(bool) of the parameter. When layerwise_parallel is true in `DATA_PARALLEL` and `HYBRID_PARALLEL` parallel mode, broadcast and gradients communication would not be applied to parameters. """ return self.param_info.layerwise_parallel @layerwise_parallel.setter def layerwise_parallel(self, value=True): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("The argument `layerwise_parallel` must be bool type.") self.param_info.layerwise_parallel = value @property def parallel_optimizer(self): """ Get the optimizer parallel status(bool) of the parameter. It is used to filter the weight shard operation in `AUTO_PARALLEL` and `SEMI_AUTO_PARALLEL` mode. It works only when enable parallel optimizer in `mindspore.context.set_auto_parallel_context()`. """ return self.param_info.parallel_optimizer @parallel_optimizer.setter def parallel_optimizer(self, value=True): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("The argument `parallel_optimizer` must be bool type.") self.param_info.parallel_optimizer = value @property def cache_enable(self): """Return whether the parameter is cache enable.""" return self.param_info.cache_enable @cache_enable.setter def cache_enable(self, value=True): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("The argument `cache_enable` must be bool type.") self.param_info.cache_enable = value @property def cache_shape(self): """Return the cache shape corresponding to the parameter if use cache.""" return self.param_info.cache_shape @cache_shape.setter def cache_shape(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError("The argument `cache_shape` must be tuple or list type.") self.param_info.cache_shape = value @property def requires_grad(self): """ Return whether the parameter requires gradient. The main function of requires_grad is to tell auto grad to start recording operations on a Tensor. If a Tensor has requires_grad=False, then Tensor requires_grad will make auto grad start recording operations on the tensor. """ return self.param_info.requires_grad @requires_grad.setter def requires_grad(self, value=True): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("The argument `requires_grad` must be bool type") self.param_info.requires_grad = value @property def data(self): """Return the parameter object.""" return self def _update_tensor_data(self, data): """Update the parameter by a Tensor.""" if isinstance(self, Tensor): self.init_flag = False self.init = None return self.assign_value(data) new_param = Parameter(data,, self.requires_grad) new_param.param_info = self.param_info return new_param @_LogActionOnce(logger=logger, key='add_pipeline_stage') def add_pipeline_stage(self, stage): logger.warning(f"This interface may be deleted in the future.") if not isinstance(stage, int) or stage < 0: raise TypeError("`stage` must be a positive number of int type") self._pipeline_stage_list.append(stage) def _raise_type_error(self, incoming): raise TypeError(f"Incoming Parameter dtype can not be converted to current dtype implicitly. " f"Current dtype is {self.dtype}, and incoming is {incoming}. " f"Use .set_dtype(xxx) to change the dtype.") @staticmethod def _set_data_check_input_valid(current_shape, data_shape, current_tensor_is_init, incoming_tensor_is_init, slice_shape=False): if incoming_tensor_is_init and not current_tensor_is_init: raise TypeError("The original tensor data is initialized, but the argument 'data' is not initialized." "Please initialize 'data' before call this method.") if tuple(current_shape) != tuple(data_shape): # If Slice create Parameter shape can be change. if not slice_shape: raise ValueError(f"Can not change the shape of Parameter which has been initialized." f" Current shape is {current_shape}, and incoming is {data_shape}.")
[文档] def set_data(self, data, slice_shape=False): """ Set Parameter's data. Args: data (Union[Tensor, int, float]): New data. slice_shape (bool): If slice the parameter is set to true, the shape is not checked for consistency. Default: False. Returns: Parameter, the parameter after set data. """ if not isinstance(data, (Tensor, int, float)): raise TypeError(f"Parameter data must be [`Tensor`, `int`, `float`] or a kind of `Tensor` " f"(like `Tensor`). But with type {type(data)}.") if isinstance(data, (int, float)): if self.dtype in mstype.int_type and isinstance(data, float): self._raise_type_error(mstype.float_) data = Tensor(data, self.dtype) # both not init. incoming_tensor_is_init = isinstance(data, Tensor) and not data.has_init current_tensor_is_init = isinstance(self, Tensor) and not self.has_init Parameter._set_data_check_input_valid(self.shape, data.shape, current_tensor_is_init, incoming_tensor_is_init, slice_shape) if self.dtype != data.dtype: if mstype.implicit_conversion_seq[self.dtype] < mstype.implicit_conversion_seq[data.dtype]: self._raise_type_error(data.dtype) else: from mindspore.ops import functional as F if isinstance(data, Tensor) and data.init is not None: data.init_data() data = F.cast(data, self.dtype) if isinstance(data, Tensor) and data.has_init: # The parameter has been initialized, directly update by the data if current_tensor_is_init: self._update_tensor_data(data.init_data()) else: # also update the related inited parameter data if self.inited_param is not None: self.inited_param.set_data(data) self.init_mode = data elif incoming_tensor_is_init or current_tensor_is_init: self._update_tensor_data(data) self.sliced = slice_shape return self
@staticmethod def _get_init_data_args(layout=None): """Get the data layout args.""" init_data_args = () if layout: if not isinstance(layout, tuple): raise TypeError("The argument 'layout' should be tuple, but got {}.".format(type(layout))) if len(layout) < 6: raise ValueError("The length of 'layout' must be larger than 5, but got {}.".format(len(layout))) slice_index = int(_get_slice_index(layout[0], layout[1])) init_data_args += (slice_index, layout[2], layout[5]) return init_data_args
[文档] def init_data(self, layout=None, set_sliced=False): """ Initialize the parameter's data. Args: layout (Union[None, tuple]): The parameter's layout info. layout [dev_mat, tensor_map, slice_shape, filed_size, uniform_split, opt_shard_group]. Default: None. It's not None only in 'SEMI_AUTO_PARALLEL' or 'AUTO_PARALLEL' mode. - dev_mat (list(int)): The parameter's device matrix. - tensor_map (list(int)): The parameter's tensor map. - slice_shape (list(int)): The parameter's slice shape. - filed_size (int): The parameter's filed size. - uniform_split (bool): Whether the parameter is split evenly. - opt_shard_group (str): The group of the parameter while running optimizer parallel. set_sliced (bool): True if the parameter is set sliced after initializing the data. Default: False. Raises: RuntimeError: If it is from Initializer, and parallel mode has changed after the Initializer created. ValueError: If the length of the layout is less than 6. TypeError: If `layout` is not tuple. Returns: Parameter, the `Parameter` after initializing data. If current `Parameter` was already initialized before, returns the same initialized `Parameter`. """ if self.is_default_input_init and self.is_in_parallel != _is_in_parallel_mode(): raise RuntimeError("Must set or change parallel mode before any Tensor created.") if self.init_mode is None: return self if self.inited_param is not None: return self.inited_param if _is_role_worker() and self.cache_enable: global_seed, op_seed = _get_global_and_op_seed() _insert_weight_init_info(, global_seed, op_seed) init_data_args = self._get_init_data_args(layout) if _is_role_pserver(): return self if self.init_in_server and self.is_param_ps and isinstance(self.init_mode, Tensor) and \ self.init_mode.init is not None and (_is_role_worker() or _is_role_sched()): if self.cache_enable: data = self.init_mode.init_data(*init_data_args) else: data = self.init_mode.init_data(0, [1]) else: data = self.init_mode.init_data(*init_data_args) obj = self._update_tensor_data(data) if id(obj) != id(self): self._inited_param = obj obj.init_mode = None obj.sliced = set_sliced return obj
[文档]class ParameterTuple(tuple): """ Inherited from tuple, ParameterTuple is used to save multiple parameter. Note: It is used to store the parameters of the network into the parameter tuple collection. """ def __new__(cls, iterable): """Create instance object of ParameterTuple.""" data = tuple(iterable) ids = set() names = set() for x in data: if not isinstance(x, Parameter): raise TypeError(f"For ParameterTuple initialization, " f"ParameterTuple input should be 'Parameter' collection, " f"but got a {type(iterable)}.") if id(x) not in ids: if in names: raise ValueError("The value {} , its name '{}' already exists. " "Please set a unique name for the parameter.".format(x, names.add( ids.add(id(x)) return tuple.__new__(ParameterTuple, tuple(data))
[文档] def clone(self, prefix, init='same'): """ Clone the parameters in ParameterTuple element-wisely to generate a new ParameterTuple. Args: prefix (str): Namespace of parameter, the prefix string will be added to the names of parameters in parametertuple. init (Union[Tensor, str, numbers.Number]): Clone the shape and dtype of Parameters in ParameterTuple and set data according to `init`. Default: 'same'. If `init` is a `Tensor` , set the new Parameter data to the input Tensor. If `init` is `numbers.Number` , set the new Parameter data to the input number. If `init` is a `str`, data will be seted according to the initialization method of the same name in the `Initializer`. If `init` is 'same', the new Parameter has the same value with the original Parameter. Returns: Tuple, the new Parameter tuple. """ Validator.check_str_by_regular(prefix) new = [] for x in self: x1 = x.clone(init) = prefix + "." + new.append(x1) if not x1.cache_enable: continue if _is_role_worker(): _clone_hash_table(, _insert_accumu_init_info(, init_to_value(init)) return ParameterTuple(new)
def __parameter_tuple__(self): """For parse check."""