
Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) algorithms.

In NISQ, the quantum qubits number and quantum circuit depth are very limited and the quantum gate fidelity is also limited.

class mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.Ansatz(name, n_qubits, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Basic class for Ansatz.

  • name (str) – The name of this ansatz.

  • n_qubits (int) – How many qubits this ansatz act on.

property circuit: mindquantum.core.circuit.circuit.Circuit

Get the quantum circuit of this ansatz.


Circuit, the quantum circuit of this ansatz.

class mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.HardwareEfficientAnsatz(n_qubits, single_rot_gate_seq, entangle_gate=X, entangle_mapping='linear', depth=1)[source]

HardwareEfficientAnsatz is a kind of ansatz that can be easily implement on quantum chip.

The hardware efficient is constructed by a layer of single qubit rotation gate and a layer of two qubits entanglement gate. The single qubit rotation gate layer is constructed by one or several rotation gate that act on every qubit. The two qubits entanglement gate layer is constructed by CNOT, CZ, XX, YY, ZZ, etc. acting on entangle_mapping. For more detail, please refers Hardware-efficient variational quantum eigensolver for small molecules and quantum magnets.

  • n_qubits (int) – number of qubit that this ansatz act on.

  • single_rot_gate_seq (list[BasicGate]) – A list of parameterized rotation gate that act on each qubit.

  • entangle_gate (BasicGate) – The non parameterized entanglement gate. If it is a single qubit gate, than the control version will be used. Default: XGate.

  • entangle_mapping (Union[str, list[tuple[int]]]) – The entanglement mapping of entanglement gate. ‘linear’ means the entanglement gate will be act on every neighboring qubits. ‘all’ means the entanglement gate will be act on any two qubits. Besides, you can specific which two qubits you want to do entanglement by setting the entangle_mapping to a list of two qubits tuple. Default: “linear”.

  • depth (int) – The depth of ansatz. Default: 1.


>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq import HardwareEfficientAnsatz
>>> from mindquantum.core.gates import RY, RZ, Z
>>> hea = HardwareEfficientAnsatz(3, [RY, RZ], Z, [(0, 1), (0, 2)])
>>> hea.circuit
q0: ──RY(d0_n0_0)────RZ(d0_n0_1)────●────●────RY(d1_n0_0)────RZ(d1_n0_1)──
                                    │    │
q1: ──RY(d0_n1_0)────RZ(d0_n1_1)────Z────┼────RY(d1_n1_0)────RZ(d1_n1_1)──

q2: ──RY(d0_n2_0)────RZ(d0_n2_1)─────────Z────RY(d1_n2_0)────RZ(d1_n2_1)──
class mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.IQPEncoding(n_feature, first_rotation_gate=RZ, second_rotation_gate=RZ, num_repeats=1)[source]

General IQP Encoding.

For more information, please refer to Supervised learning with quantum-enhanced feature spaces.

  • n_feature (int) – The number of feature of data you want to encode with IQPEncoding.

  • first_rotation_gate (ParameterGate) – One of the rotation gate RX, RY or RZ.

  • second_rotation_gate (ParameterGate) – One of the rotation gate RX, RY or RZ.

  • num_repeats (int) – Number of encoding iterations.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq import IQPEncoding
>>> iqp = IQPEncoding(3)
>>> iqp.circuit
q0: ──H────RZ(alpha0)────●───────────────────────────●───────────────────────────────────
                         │                           │
q1: ──H────RZ(alpha1)────X────RZ(alpha0 * alpha1)────X────●───────────────────────────●──
                                                          │                           │
q2: ──H────RZ(alpha2)─────────────────────────────────────X────RZ(alpha1 * alpha2)────X──
>>> iqp.circuit.params_name
['alpha0', 'alpha1', 'alpha2', 'alpha0 * alpha1', 'alpha1 * alpha2']
>>> iqp.circuit.params_name
>>> a = np.array([0, 1, 2])
>>> iqp.data_preparation(a)
array([0, 1, 2, 0, 2])
>>> iqp.circuit.get_qs(pr=iqp.data_preparation(a))
array([-0.28324704-0.21159186j, -0.28324704-0.21159186j,
        0.31027229+0.16950252j,  0.31027229+0.16950252j,
        0.02500938+0.35266773j,  0.02500938+0.35266773j,
        0.31027229+0.16950252j,  0.31027229+0.16950252j])

Prepare the classical data into suitable dimension for IQPEncoding.

The IQPEncoding ansatz provides an ansatz to encode classical data into quantum state.

Suppose the origin data has \(n\) features, then the output data will have \(2n-1\) features, with first \(n\) features will be the original data. For \(m > n\),

\[\text{data}_m = \text{data}_{m - n} * \text{data}_{m - n - 1}\]

data ([list, numpy.ndarray]) – The classical data need to encode with IQPEncoding ansatz.


numpy.ndarray, the prepared data that is suitable for this ansatz.

class mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.Max2SATAnsatz(clauses, depth=1)[source]

The Max-2-SAT ansatz.

For more detail, please refer to Reachability Deficits in Quantum Approximate Optimization.

\[U(\beta, \gamma) = e^{-\beta_pH_b}e^{-\gamma_pH_c} \cdots e^{-\beta_0H_b}e^{-\gamma_0H_c}H^{\otimes n}\]


\[H_b = \sum_{i\in n}X_{i}, H_c = \sum_{l\in m}P(l)\]

Here \(n\) is the number of Boolean variables and \(m\) is the number of total clauses and \(P(l)\) is rank-one projector.

  • clauses (list[tuple[int]]) – The Max-2-SAT structure. Every element of list is a clause represented by a tuple with length two. The element of tuple must be non-zero integer. For example, (2, -3) stands for clause \(x_2\lor\lnot x_3\).

  • depth (int) – The depth of Max-2-SAT ansatz. Default: 1.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq import Max2SATAnsatz
>>> clauses = [(2, -3)]
>>> max2sat = Max2SATAnsatz(clauses, 1)
>>> max2sat.circuit
q1: ──H─────RZ(beta_0)────●───────────────────────●────RX(alpha_0)──
                          │                       │
q2: ──H────RZ(-beta_0)────X────RZ(-1/2*beta_0)────X────RX(alpha_0)──
>>> max2sat.hamiltonian
1/4 [] +
1/4 [Z1] +
-1/4 [Z1 Z2] +
-1/4 [Z2]
>>> sats = max2sat.get_sat(4, np.array([4, 1]))
>>> sats
['001', '000', '011', '010']
>>> for i in sats:
...     print(f'sat value: {max2sat.get_sat_value(i)}')
sat value: 1
sat value: 0
sat value: 2
sat value: 1
get_sat(max_n, weight)[source]

Get the strings of this max-2-sat problem.


list, a list of strings.


Get the sat values for given strings.

The string is a str that satisfies all the clauses of the given max-2-sat problem.


string (str) – a string of the max-2-sat problem considered.


int, sat_value under the given string.

property hamiltonian

Get the hamiltonian of this max-2-sat problem.


QubitOperator, hamiltonian of this max-2-sat problem.

class mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.MaxCutAnsatz(graph, depth=1)[source]

The MaxCut ansatz.

For more detail, please refer to A Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm.

\[U(\beta, \gamma) = e^{-\beta_pH_b}e^{-\gamma_pH_c} \cdots e^{-\beta_0H_b}e^{-\gamma_0H_c}H^{\otimes n}\]


\[H_b = \sum_{i\in n}X_{i}, H_c = \sum_{(i,j)\in C}Z_iZ_j\]

Here \(n\) is the set of nodes and \(C\) is the set of edges of the graph.

  • graph (list[tuple[int]]) – The graph structure. Every element of graph is a edge that constructed by two nodes. For example, [(0, 1), (1, 2)] means the graph has three nodes which are 0 , 1 and 2 with one edge connect between node 0 and node 1 and another connect between node 1 and node 2.

  • depth (int) – The depth of max cut ansatz. Default: 1.


>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq import MaxCutAnsatz
>>> graph = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2)]
>>> maxcut = MaxCutAnsatz(graph, 1)
>>> maxcut.circuit
q0: ──H────ZZ(beta_0)──────────────────ZZ(beta_0)────RX(alpha_0)──
               │                           │
q1: ──H────ZZ(beta_0)────ZZ(beta_0)────────┼─────────RX(alpha_0)──
                             │             │
q2: ──H──────────────────ZZ(beta_0)────ZZ(beta_0)────RX(alpha_0)──
>>> maxcut.hamiltonian
3/2 [] +
-1/2 [Z0 Z1] +
-1/2 [Z0 Z2] +
-1/2 [Z1 Z2]
>>> maxcut.hamiltonian
>>> partitions = maxcut.get_partition(5, np.array([4, 1]))
>>> for i in partitions:
...     print(f'partition: left: {i[0]}, right: {i[1]}, cut value: {maxcut.get_cut_value(i)}')
partition: left: [2], right: [0, 1], cut value: 2
partition: left: [0, 1], right: [2], cut value: 2
partition: left: [0], right: [1, 2], cut value: 2
partition: left: [0, 1, 2], right: [], cut value: 0
partition: left: [], right: [0, 1, 2], cut value: 0

Get the cut values for given partitions.

The partition is a list that contains two lists, each list contains the nodes of the given graph.


partition (list) – a partition of the graph considered.


int, cut_value under the given partition.

get_partition(max_n, weight)[source]

Get the partitions of this max-cut problem.


list, a list of partitions.

property hamiltonian

Get the hamiltonian of this max cut problem.


QubitOperator, hamiltonian of this max cut problem.

class mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.QubitUCCAnsatz(n_qubits=None, n_electrons=None, occ_orb=None, vir_orb=None, generalized=False, trotter_step=1)[source]

Qubit Unitary Coupled-Cluster (qUCC) ansatz class.

Qubit Unitary Coupled-Cluster (qUCC) ansatz is a variant of unitary coupled-cluster ansatz which uses qubit excitation operators instead of Fermion excitation operators. The Fock space spanned by qubit excitation operators is equivalent as Fermion operators, therefore the exact wave function can be approximated using qubit excitation operators at the expense of a higher order of Trotterization.

The greatest advantage of qUCC is that the number of CNOT gates is much smaller than the original version of UCC, even using a 3rd or 4th order Trotterization. Also, the accuracy is greatly improved despite that the number of variational parameters is increased.


The Hartree-Fock circuit is not included. Currently, generalized=True is not allowed since the theory needs verification. Reference: Efficient quantum circuits for quantum computational chemistry.

  • n_qubits (int) – The number of qubits (spin-orbitals) in the simulation. Default: None.

  • n_electrons (int) – The number of electrons of the given molecule. Default: None.

  • occ_orb (list) – Indices of manually assigned occupied spatial orbitals. Default: None.

  • vir_orb (list) – Indices of manually assigned virtual spatial orbitals. Default: None.

  • generalized (bool) – Whether to use generalized excitations which do not distinguish occupied or virtual orbitals (qUCCGSD). Currently, generalized=True is not allowed since the theory needs verification. Default: False.

  • trotter_step (int) – The number of Trotter steps. Default is one. It is recommended to set a value larger than or equal to 2 to achieve a good accuracy. Default: 1.


>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq import QubitUCCAnsatz
>>> QubitUCCAnsatz().n_qubits
>>> qucc = QubitUCCAnsatz(4, 2, trotter_step=2)
>>> qucc.circuit[:10]
q0: ──X──────────●──────────X───────────────────────────────X──────────●──────────X───────
      │          │          │                               │          │          │
q1: ──┼──────────┼──────────┼────X──────────●──────────X────┼──────────┼──────────┼────X──
      │          │          │    │          │          │    │          │          │    │
q2: ──●────RY(t_0_q_s_0)────●────●────RY(t_0_q_s_1)────●────┼──────────┼──────────┼────┼──
                                                            │          │          │    │
q3: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────●────RY(t_0_q_s_2)────●────●──
>>> qucc.n_qubits
>>> qucc_2 = QubitUCCAnsatz(occ_orb=[0, 1], vir_orb=[2])
>>> qucc_2.operator_pool
[-1.0*t_0_q_s_0 [Q0^ Q4] +
1.0*t_0_q_s_0 [Q4^ Q0] , -1.0*t_0_q_s_1 [Q1^ Q4] +
1.0*t_0_q_s_1 [Q4^ Q1] , -1.0*t_0_q_s_2 [Q2^ Q4] +
1.0*t_0_q_s_2 [Q4^ Q2] , -1.0*t_0_q_s_3 [Q3^ Q4] +
1.0*t_0_q_s_3 [Q4^ Q3] , -1.0*t_0_q_s_4 [Q0^ Q5] +
1.0*t_0_q_s_4 [Q5^ Q0] , -1.0*t_0_q_s_5 [Q1^ Q5] +
1.0*t_0_q_s_5 [Q5^ Q1] , -1.0*t_0_q_s_6 [Q2^ Q5] +
1.0*t_0_q_s_6 [Q5^ Q2] , -1.0*t_0_q_s_7 [Q3^ Q5] +
1.0*t_0_q_s_7 [Q5^ Q3] , -1.0*t_0_q_d_0 [Q1^ Q0^ Q5 Q4] +
1.0*t_0_q_d_0 [Q5^ Q4^ Q1 Q0] , -1.0*t_0_q_d_1 [Q2^ Q0^ Q5 Q4] +
1.0*t_0_q_d_1 [Q5^ Q4^ Q2 Q0] , -1.0*t_0_q_d_2 [Q2^ Q1^ Q5 Q4] +
1.0*t_0_q_d_2 [Q5^ Q4^ Q2 Q1] , -1.0*t_0_q_d_3 [Q3^ Q0^ Q5 Q4] +
1.0*t_0_q_d_3 [Q5^ Q4^ Q3 Q0] , -1.0*t_0_q_d_4 [Q3^ Q1^ Q5 Q4] +
1.0*t_0_q_d_4 [Q5^ Q4^ Q3 Q1] , -1.0*t_0_q_d_5 [Q3^ Q2^ Q5 Q4] +
1.0*t_0_q_d_5 [Q5^ Q4^ Q3 Q2] ]
class mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.StronglyEntangling(n_qubits: int, depth: int, entangle_gate: BasicGate)[source]

Strongly entangling ansatz.

Please refers Circuit-centric quantum classifiers.

  • n_qubits (int) – number of qubit that this ansatz act on.

  • depth (int) – the depth of ansatz.

  • entangle_gate (BasicGate) – a quantum gate to generate entanglement. If a single qubit gate is given, a control qubit will add, if a two qubits gate is given, the two qubits gate will act on different qubits.


>>> from mindquantum.core.gates import X
>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq import StronglyEntangling
>>> ansatz = StronglyEntangling(3, 2, X)
>>> ansatz.circuit
class mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.Transform(operator, n_qubits=None)[source]

Class for transforms of fermionic and qubit operators.

jordan_wigner, parity, bravyi_kitaev, bravyi_kitaev_tree, bravyi_kitaev_superfast will transform FermionOperator to QubitOperator. reversed_jordan_wigner will transform QubitOperator to FermionOperator.

  • operator (Union[FermionOperator, QubitOperator]) – The input FermionOperator or QubitOperator that need to do transform.

  • n_qubits (int) – The total qubits of given operator. If None, then we will count it automatically. Default: None.


>>> from mindquantum.core.operators import FermionOperator
>>> op1 = FermionOperator('1^')
>>> op1
1.0 [1^]
>>> op_transform = Transform(op1)
>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq import Transform
>>> op_transform.jordan_wigner()
0.5 [Z0 X1] +
-0.5j [Z0 Y1]
>>> op_transform.parity()
0.5 [Z0 X1] +
-0.5j [Y1]
>>> op_transform.bravyi_kitaev()
0.5 [Z0 X1] +
-0.5j [Y1]
>>> op_transform.ternary_tree()
0.5 [X0 Z1] +
-0.5j [Y0 X2]
>>> op2 = FermionOperator('1^', 'a')
>>> Transform(op2).jordan_wigner()
0.5*a [Z0 X1] +
-0.5*I*a [Z0 Y1]

Apply Bravyi-Kitaev transform.

The Bravyi-Kitaev basis is a middle between Jordan-Wigner and parity transform. That is, it balances the locality of occupation and parity information for improved simulation efficiency. In this scheme, qubits store the parity of a set of \(2^x\) orbitals, where \(x \ge 0\). A qubit of index j always stores orbital \(j\). For even values of \(j\), this is the only orbital that it stores, but for odd values of \(j\), it also stores a certain set of adjacent orbitals with index less than \(j\). For the occupation transformation, we follow the formular:

\[b_{i} = \sum{[\beta_{n}]_{i,j}} f_{j},\]

where \(\beta_{n}\) is the \(N\times N\) square matrix, \(N\) is the total qubit number. The qubits index are divide into three sets, the parity set, the update set and flip set. The parity of this set of qubits has the same parity as the set of orbitals with index less than \(j\), and so we will call this set of qubit indices the “parity set” of index \(j\), or \(P(j)\).

The update set of index \(j\), or \(U(j)\) contains the set of qubits (other than qubit \(j\)) that must be updated when the occupation of orbital \(j\)

The flip set of index \(j\), or \(F(j)\) contains the set of BravyiKitaev qubits determines whether qubit \(j\) has the same parity or inverted parity with respect to orbital \(j\).

Please see some detail explanation in the paper The Bravyi-Kitaev transformation for quantum computation of electronic structure.

Implementation from Fermionic quantum computation and A New Data Structure for Cumulative Frequency Tables by Peter M. Fenwick.


QubitOperator, qubit operator after bravyi_kitaev transformation.


Apply Bravyi-Kitaev Superfast transform.

Implementation from Bravyi-Kitaev Superfast simulation of fermions on a quantum computer.

Note that only hermitian operators of form will be transformed.

\[C + \sum_{p, q} h_{p, q} a^\dagger_p a_q + \sum_{p, q, r, s} h_{p, q, r, s} a^\dagger_p a^\dagger_q a_r a_s\]

where \(C\) is a constant.


QubitOperator, qubit operator after bravyi_kitaev_superfast.


Apply Jordan-Wigner transform.

The Jordan-Wigner transform holds the initial occupation number locally, which change the formular of fermion operator into qubit operator following the equation.

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}a^\dagger_{j}\rightarrow \sigma^{-}_{j} X \prod_{i=0}^{j-1}\sigma^{Z}_{i}\\a_{j}\rightarrow \sigma^{+}_{j} X \prod_{i=0}^{j-1}\sigma^{Z}_{i},\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

where the \(\sigma_{+}= \sigma^{X} + i \sigma^{Y}\) and \(\sigma_{-} = \sigma^{X} - i\sigma^{Y}\) is the Pauli spin raising and lowring operator.


QubitOperator, qubit operator after jordan_wigner transformation.


Apply parity transform.

The parity transform stores the initial occupation number nonlocally, with the formular:

\[\left|f_{M-1}, f_{M-2},\cdots, f_0\right> \rightarrow \left|q_{M−1}, q_{M−2},\cdots, q_0\right>,\]


\[q_{m} = \left|\left(\sum_{i=0}^{m-1}f_{i}\right) mod\ 2 \right>\]

Basically, this formular could be written as this,

\[p_{i} = \sum{[\pi_{n}]_{i,j}} f_{j},\]

where \(\pi_{n}\) is the \(N\times N\) square matrix, \(N\) is the total qubit number. The operator changes follows the following equation as:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}a^\dagger_{j}\rightarrow\frac{1}{2}\left(\prod_{i=j+1}^N \left(\sigma_i^X X\right)\right)\left( \sigma^{X}_{j}-i\sigma_j^Y\right) X \sigma^{Z}_{j-1}\\a_{j}\rightarrow\frac{1}{2}\left(\prod_{i=j+1}^N \left(\sigma_i^X X\right)\right)\left( \sigma^{X}_{j}+i\sigma_j^Y\right) X \sigma^{Z}_{j-1}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

QubitOperator, qubits operator after parity transformation.


Apply reversed Jordan-Wigner transform.


FermionOperator, fermion operator after reversed_jordan_wigner transformation.


Apply Ternary tree transform.

Implementation from Optimal fermion-to-qubit mapping via ternary trees with applications to reduced quantum states learning.


QubitOperator, qubit operator after ternary_tree transformation.

class mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.UCCAnsatz(n_qubits=None, n_electrons=None, occ_orb=None, vir_orb=None, generalized=False, trotter_step=1)[source]

The unitary coupled-cluster ansatz for molecular simulations.

\[U(\vec{\theta}) = \prod_{j=1}^{N(N\ge1)}{\prod_{i=0}^{N_{j}}{\exp{(\theta_{i}\hat{\tau}_{i})}}}\]

where \(\hat{\tau}\) are anti-Hermitian operators.


Currently, the circuit is constructed using JW transformation. In addition, the reference state wave function (Hartree-Fock) will NOT be included.

  • n_qubits (int) – Number of qubits (spin-orbitals). Default: None.

  • n_electrons (int) – Number of electrons (occupied spin-orbitals). Default: None.

  • occ_orb (list) – Indices of manually assigned occupied spatial orbitals, for ansatz construction only. Default: None.

  • vir_orb (list) – Indices of manually assigned virtual spatial orbitals, for ansatz construction only. Default: None.

  • generalized (bool) – Whether to use generalized excitations which do not distinguish occupied or virtual orbitals (UCCGSD). Default: False.

  • trotter_step (int) – The order of Trotterization step. Default: 1.


>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq import UCCAnsatz
>>> ucc = UCCAnsatz(12, 4, occ_orb=[1],
...                 vir_orb=[2, 3],
...                 generalized=True,
...                 trotter_step=2)
>>> circuit = ucc.circuit.remove_barrier()
>>> len(circuit)
>>> params_list = ucc.circuit.params_name
>>> len(params_list)
>>> circuit[-10:]
q5: ──●────RX(7π/2)───────H───────●────────────────────────────●───────H──────
      │                           │                            │
q7: ──X───────H────────RX(π/2)────X────RZ(-0.5*t_1_d0_d_17)────X────RX(7π/2)──
mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.generate_uccsd(molecular, threshold=0)[source]

Generate a uccsd quantum circuit based on a molecular data generated by Openfermion.

  • molecular (Union[str, MolecularData]) – the name of the molecular data file, or openfermion MolecularData.

  • threshold (float) – the threshold to filter out the uccsd amplitude. We only keep the excitation operator with absolute value of amplitude greater than threshold, so that if threshold=0, we only keep excitation operator with non zero amplitude. Default: 0.


  • uccsd_circuit (Circuit), the ansatz circuit generated by uccsd method.

  • initial_amplitudes (numpy.ndarray), the initial parameter values of uccsd circuit.

  • parameters_name (list[str]), the name of initial parameters.

  • qubit_hamiltonian (QubitOperator), the hamiltonian of the molecule.

  • n_qubits (int), the number of qubits in simulation.

  • n_electrons (int), the number of electrons of the molecule.


Get the qubit hamiltonian of a molecular data.


mol (MolecularData) – molecular data.


QubitOperator, qubit operator of this molecular.

mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.quccsd_generator(n_qubits=None, n_electrons=None, anti_hermitian=True, occ_orb=None, vir_orb=None, generalized=False)[source]

Generate qubit-UCCSD (qUCCSD) ansatz using qubit-excitation operators.


Currently, unrestricted version is implemented, i.e., excitations from the same spatial-orbital but with different spins will use distinct variational parameters.

  • n_qubits (int) – Number of qubits (spin-orbitals). Default: None.

  • n_electrons (int) – Number of electrons (occupied spin-orbitals). Default: None.

  • anti_hermitian (bool) – Whether to subtract the hermitian conjugate to form anti-Hermitian operators. Default: True.

  • occ_orb (list) – Indices of manually assigned occupied spatial orbitals. Default: None.

  • vir_orb (list) – Indices of manually assigned virtual spatial orbitals. Default: None.

  • generalized (bool) – Whether to use generalized excitations which do not distinguish occupied or virtual orbitals (qUCCGSD). Default: False.


QubitExcitationOperator, Generator of the qUCCSD operators.


>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq import quccsd_generator
>>> quccsd_generator()
>>> quccsd_generator(4, 2)
-1.0*q_s_0 [Q0^ Q2] +
-1.0*q_s_2 [Q0^ Q3] +
-1.0*q_d_0 [Q1^ Q0^ Q3 Q2] +
-1.0*q_s_1 [Q1^ Q2] +
-1.0*q_s_3 [Q1^ Q3] +
1.0*q_s_0 [Q2^ Q0] +
1.0*q_s_1 [Q2^ Q1] +
1.0*q_s_2 [Q3^ Q0] +
1.0*q_s_3 [Q3^ Q1] +
1.0*q_d_0 [Q3^ Q2^ Q1 Q0]
>>> q_op = quccsd_generator(occ_orb=[0], vir_orb=[1], generalized=True)
>>> q_qubit_op = q_op.to_qubit_operator()
>>> print(str(q_qubit_op)[:315])
0.125*I*q_d_4 + 0.125*I*q_d_7 + 0.125*I*q_d_9 [X0 X1 X2 Y3] +
0.125*I*q_d_4 - 0.125*I*q_d_7 - 0.125*I*q_d_9 [X0 X1 Y2 X3] +
0.25*I*q_d_12 + 0.25*I*q_d_5 + 0.5*I*q_s_0 - 0.5*I*q_s_3 [X0 Y1] +
-0.125*I*q_d_4 + 0.125*I*q_d_7 - 0.125*I*q_d_9 [X0 Y1 X2 X3] +
0.125*I*q_d_4 + 0.125*I*q_d_7 - 0.125*I*q_d_9 [X0 Y1 Y2 Y3] +
mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.uccsd0_singlet_generator(n_qubits=None, n_electrons=None, anti_hermitian=True, occ_orb=None, vir_orb=None, generalized=False)[source]

Generate UCCSD operators using CCD0 ansatz for molecular systems.


Manually assigned occ_orb or vir_orb are indices of spatial orbitals instead of spin-orbitals. They will override n_electrons and n_qubits. This is to some degree similar to the active space, therefore can reduce the number of variational parameters. However, it may not reduce the number of required qubits, since Fermion excitation operators are non-local, i.e., \(a_{7}^{\dagger} a_{0}\) involves not only the 0th and 7th qubit, but also the 1st, 2nd, … 6th qubit.

  • n_qubits (int) – Number of qubits (spin-orbitals). Default: None.

  • n_electrons (int) – Number of electrons (occupied spin-orbitals). Default: None.

  • anti_hermitian (bool) – Whether to subtract the hermitian conjugate to form anti-Hermitian operators. Default: True.

  • occ_orb (list) – Indices of manually assigned occupied spatial orbitals. Default: None.

  • vir_orb (list) – Indices of manually assigned virtual spatial orbitals. Default: None.

  • generalized (bool) – Whether to use generalized excitations which do not distinguish occupied or virtual orbitals (UCCGSD). Default: False.


FermionOperator, Generator of the UCCSD operators that uses CCD0 ansatz.


>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq import uccsd0_singlet_generator
>>> uccsd0_singlet_generator(4, 2)
-1.0*d0_s_0 [0^ 2] +
2.0*d0_d_0 [1^ 0^ 3 2] +
-1.0*d0_s_0 [1^ 3] +
1.0*d0_s_0 [2^ 0] +
1.0*d0_s_0 [3^ 1] +
-2.0*d0_d_0 [3^ 2^ 1 0]
>>> uccsd0_singlet_generator(4, 2, generalized=True)
1.0*d0_s_0 - 1.0*d0_s_1 [0^ 2] +
1.0*d0_d_0 [1^ 0^ 2 1] +
-1.0*d0_d_0 [1^ 0^ 3 0] +
-2.0*d0_d_1 [1^ 0^ 3 2] +
1.0*d0_s_0 - 1.0*d0_s_1 [1^ 3] +
-1.0*d0_s_0 + 1.0*d0_s_1 [2^ 0] +
-1.0*d0_d_0 [2^ 1^ 1 0] +
1.0*d0_d_2 [2^ 1^ 3 2] +
1.0*d0_d_0 [3^ 0^ 1 0] +
-1.0*d0_d_2 [3^ 0^ 3 2] +
-1.0*d0_s_0 + 1.0*d0_s_1 [3^ 1] +
2.0*d0_d_1 [3^ 2^ 1 0] +
-1.0*d0_d_2 [3^ 2^ 2 1] +
1.0*d0_d_2 [3^ 2^ 3 0]
>>> uccsd0_singlet_generator(6, 2, occ_orb=[0], vir_orb=[1])
-1.0*d0_s_0 [0^ 2] +
2.0*d0_d_0 [1^ 0^ 3 2] +
-1.0*d0_s_0 [1^ 3] +
1.0*d0_s_0 [2^ 0] +
1.0*d0_s_0 [3^ 1] +
-2.0*d0_d_0 [3^ 2^ 1 0]
mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.uccsd_singlet_generator(n_qubits, n_electrons, anti_hermitian=True)[source]

Create a singlet UCCSD generator for a system with n_electrons.

This function generates a FermionOperator for a UCCSD generator designed to act on a single reference state consisting of n_qubits spin orbitals and n_electrons electrons, that is a spin singlet operator, meaning it conserves spin.

  • n_qubits (int) – Number of spin-orbitals used to represent the system, which also corresponds to number of qubits in a non-compact map.

  • n_electrons (int) – Number of electrons in the physical system.

  • anti_hermitian (bool) – Flag to generate only normal CCSD operator rather than unitary variant, primarily for testing


FermionOperator, Generator of the UCCSD operator that builds the UCCSD wavefunction.


>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.chem import uccsd_singlet_generator
>>> uccsd_singlet_generator(4, 2)
-s_0 [0^ 2] +
-d1_0 [0^ 2 1^ 3] +
-s_0 [1^ 3] +
-d1_0 [1^ 3 0^ 2] +
s_0 [2^ 0] +
d1_0 [2^ 0 3^ 1] +
s_0 [3^ 1] +
d1_0 [3^ 1 2^ 0]
mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.uccsd_singlet_get_packed_amplitudes(single_amplitudes, double_amplitudes, n_qubits, n_electrons)[source]

Convert amplitudes for use with singlet UCCSD.

The output list contains only those amplitudes that are relevant to singlet UCCSD, in an order suitable for use with the function uccsd_singlet_generator.

  • single_amplitudes (numpy.ndarray) – \(N\times N\) array storing single excitation amplitudes corresponding to \(t_{i,j} * (a_i^\dagger a_j - \text{H.C.})\).

  • double_amplitudes (numpy.ndarray) – \(N\times N\times N\times N\) array storing double excitation amplitudes corresponding to \(t_{i,j,k,l} * (a_i^\dagger a_j a_k^\dagger a_l - \text{H.C.})\).

  • n_qubits (int) – Number of spin-orbitals used to represent the system, which also corresponds to number of qubits in a non-compact map.

  • n_electrons (int) – Number of electrons in the physical system.


ParameterResolver, List storing the unique single and double excitation amplitudes for a singlet UCCSD operator. The ordering lists unique single excitations before double excitations.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.chem import uccsd_singlet_get_packed_amplitudes
>>> n_qubits, n_electrons = 4, 2
>>> np.random.seed(42)
>>> ccsd_single_amps = np.random.random((4, 4))
>>> ccsd_double_amps = np.random.random((4, 4, 4, 4))
>>> uccsd_singlet_get_packed_amplitudes(ccsd_single_amps, ccsd_double_amps,
...                                     n_qubits, n_electrons)
{'d1_0': 0.76162, 's_0': 0.601115}, const: 0