# Copyright 2017 The OpenFermion Developers.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Module to create and manipulate unitary coupled cluster operators."""
import itertools
import numpy
from mindquantum.core.parameterresolver import ParameterResolver
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs]def uccsd_singlet_get_packed_amplitudes(single_amplitudes, double_amplitudes, n_qubits, n_electrons):
Convert amplitudes for use with singlet UCCSD.
The output list contains only those amplitudes that are relevant to
singlet UCCSD, in an order suitable for use with the function
single_amplitudes(numpy.ndarray): :math:`N\times N` array storing single excitation
amplitudes corresponding to :math:`t_{i,j} * (a_i^\dagger a_j - \text{H.C.})`.
double_amplitudes(numpy.ndarray): :math:`N\times N\times N\times N` array storing double
excitation amplitudes corresponding to
:math:`t_{i,j,k,l} * (a_i^\dagger a_j a_k^\dagger a_l - \text{H.C.})`.
n_qubits(int): Number of spin-orbitals used to represent the system,
which also corresponds to number of qubits in a non-compact map.
n_electrons(int): Number of electrons in the physical system.
ParameterResolver, List storing the unique single
and double excitation amplitudes for a singlet UCCSD operator.
The ordering lists unique single excitations before double
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.chem import uccsd_singlet_get_packed_amplitudes
>>> n_qubits, n_electrons = 4, 2
>>> np.random.seed(42)
>>> ccsd_single_amps = np.random.random((4, 4))
>>> ccsd_double_amps = np.random.random((4, 4, 4, 4))
>>> uccsd_singlet_get_packed_amplitudes(ccsd_single_amps, ccsd_double_amps,
... n_qubits, n_electrons)
{'d1_0': 0.76162, 's_0': 0.601115}, const: 0
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from mindquantum.core.operators.utils import down_index, up_index
n_spatial_orbitals = n_qubits // 2
n_occupied = int(numpy.ceil(n_electrons / 2))
n_virtual = n_spatial_orbitals - n_occupied
singles = ParameterResolver()
doubles_1 = ParameterResolver()
doubles_2 = ParameterResolver()
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# Get singles and doubles amplitudes associated with one spatial occupied-virtual pair
for p, q in itertools.product(range(n_virtual), range(n_occupied)):
# Get indices of spatial orbitals
virtual_spatial = n_occupied + p
occupied_spatial = q
# Get indices of spin orbitals
virtual_up = up_index(virtual_spatial)
virtual_down = down_index(virtual_spatial)
occupied_up = up_index(occupied_spatial)
occupied_down = down_index(occupied_spatial)
# Get singles amplitude
# Just get up amplitude, since down should be the same
singles[f's_{len(singles)}'] = single_amplitudes[virtual_up, occupied_up]
# Get doubles amplitude
doubles_1[f'd1_{len(doubles_1)}'] = double_amplitudes[virtual_up, occupied_up, virtual_down, occupied_down]
# Get doubles amplitudes associated with two spatial occupied-virtual pairs
for (p, q), (r, s) in itertools.combinations(itertools.product(range(n_virtual), range(n_occupied)), 2):
# Get indices of spatial orbitals
virtual_spatial_1 = n_occupied + p
occupied_spatial_1 = q
virtual_spatial_2 = n_occupied + r
occupied_spatial_2 = s
# Get indices of spin orbitals
# Just get up amplitudes, since down and cross terms should be the same
virtual_1_up = up_index(virtual_spatial_1)
occupied_1_up = up_index(occupied_spatial_1)
virtual_2_up = up_index(virtual_spatial_2)
occupied_2_up = up_index(occupied_spatial_2)
# Get amplitude
doubles_2[f'd2_{len(doubles_2)}'] = double_amplitudes[virtual_1_up, occupied_1_up, virtual_2_up, occupied_2_up]
return singles + doubles_1 + doubles_2
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs]def uccsd_singlet_generator(n_qubits, n_electrons, anti_hermitian=True):
Create a singlet UCCSD generator for a system with n_electrons.
This function generates a FermionOperator for a UCCSD generator designed
to act on a single reference state consisting of n_qubits spin orbitals
and n_electrons electrons, that is a spin singlet operator, meaning it
conserves spin.
n_qubits(int): Number of spin-orbitals used to represent the system,
which also corresponds to number of qubits in a non-compact map.
n_electrons(int): Number of electrons in the physical system.
anti_hermitian(bool): Flag to generate only normal CCSD operator
rather than unitary variant, primarily for testing
FermionOperator, Generator of the UCCSD operator that
builds the UCCSD wavefunction.
>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.chem import uccsd_singlet_generator
>>> uccsd_singlet_generator(4, 2)
-s_0 [0^ 2] +
-d1_0 [0^ 2 1^ 3] +
-s_0 [1^ 3] +
-d1_0 [1^ 3 0^ 2] +
s_0 [2^ 0] +
d1_0 [2^ 0 3^ 1] +
s_0 [3^ 1] +
d1_0 [3^ 1 2^ 0]
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from mindquantum.core.operators import ( # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from mindquantum.core.operators.utils import down_index, up_index
if n_qubits % 2 != 0:
raise ValueError('The total number of spin-orbitals should be even.')
n_spatial_orbitals = n_qubits // 2
n_occupied = int(numpy.ceil(n_electrons / 2))
n_virtual = n_spatial_orbitals - n_occupied
# Initialize operator
generator = FermionOperator()
# Generate excitations
spin_index_functions = [up_index, down_index]
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# Generate all spin-conserving single and double excitations derived from one spatial occupied-virtual pair
for i, (p, q) in enumerate(itertools.product(range(n_virtual), range(n_occupied))):
# Get indices of spatial orbitals
virtual_spatial = n_occupied + p
occupied_spatial = q
for spin in range(2):
# Get the functions which map a spatial orbital index to a
# spin orbital index
this_index = spin_index_functions[spin]
other_index = spin_index_functions[1 - spin]
# Get indices of spin orbitals
virtual_this = this_index(virtual_spatial)
virtual_other = other_index(virtual_spatial)
occupied_this = this_index(occupied_spatial)
occupied_other = other_index(occupied_spatial)
# Generate single excitations
coeff = ParameterResolver({f's_{i}': 1})
generator += FermionOperator(((virtual_this, 1), (occupied_this, 0)), coeff)
if anti_hermitian:
generator += FermionOperator(((occupied_this, 1), (virtual_this, 0)), -1 * coeff)
# Generate double excitation
coeff = ParameterResolver({f'd1_{i}': 1})
generator += FermionOperator(
((virtual_this, 1), (occupied_this, 0), (virtual_other, 1), (occupied_other, 0)), coeff
if anti_hermitian:
generator += FermionOperator(
((occupied_other, 1), (virtual_other, 0), (occupied_this, 1), (virtual_this, 0)), -1 * coeff
# Generate all spin-conserving double excitations derived from two spatial occupied-virtual pairs
for i, ((p, q), (r, s)) in enumerate(
itertools.combinations(itertools.product(range(n_virtual), range(n_occupied)), 2)
# Get indices of spatial orbitals
virtual_spatial_1 = n_occupied + p
occupied_spatial_1 = q
virtual_spatial_2 = n_occupied + r
occupied_spatial_2 = s
# Generate double excitations
coeff = ParameterResolver({f'd2_{i}': 1})
for (spin_a, spin_b) in itertools.product(range(2), repeat=2):
# Get the functions which map a spatial orbital index to a
# spin orbital index
index_a = spin_index_functions[spin_a]
index_b = spin_index_functions[spin_b]
# Get indices of spin orbitals
virtual_1_a = index_a(virtual_spatial_1)
occupied_1_a = index_a(occupied_spatial_1)
virtual_2_b = index_b(virtual_spatial_2)
occupied_2_b = index_b(occupied_spatial_2)
if virtual_1_a == virtual_2_b or occupied_1_a == occupied_2_b:
generator += FermionOperator(
((virtual_1_a, 1), (occupied_1_a, 0), (virtual_2_b, 1), (occupied_2_b, 0)), coeff
if anti_hermitian:
generator += FermionOperator(
((occupied_2_b, 1), (virtual_2_b, 0), (occupied_1_a, 1), (virtual_1_a, 0)), -1 * coeff
return generator