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mindspore.numpy.dot(a, b)[source]

Returns the dot product of two arrays.

Specifically, If both a and b are 1-D arrays, it is inner product of vectors (without complex conjugation). If both a and b are 2-D arrays, it is matrix multiplication. If either a or b is 0-D (scalar), it is equivalent to multiply. If a is an N-D array and b is a 1-D array, it is a sum product over the last axis of a and b. If a is an N-D array and b is an M-D array (where M>=2), it is a sum product over the last axis of a and the second-to-last axis of b: dot(a, b)[i,j,k,m] = sum(a[i,j,:] * b[k,:,m])


Numpy argument out is not supported. On GPU, the supported dtypes are np.float16, and np.float32. On CPU, the supported dtypes are np.float16, np.float32, and np.float64.


Tensor or scalar, the dot product of a and b. If a and b are both scalars or both 1-D arrays then a scalar is returned; otherwise an array is returned


ValueError – If the last dimension of a is not the same size as the second-to-last dimension of b.

Supported Platforms:

Ascend GPU CPU


>>> import mindspore.numpy as np
>>> a = np.full((1, 3), 7).astype('float32')
>>> b = np.full((2, 3, 4), 5).astype('float32')
>>> output = np.dot(a, b)
>>> print(output)
[[[105. 105. 105. 105.]
[105. 105. 105. 105.]]]