Use Cropper Tool To Reduce Library File Size

Linux Environment Preparation Static Library Cropping Intermediate Expert

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MindSpore Lite provides the libmindspore-lite.a static library cropping tool for runtime, which can filter out the operators in the ms model, crop the static library files, and effectively reduce the size of the library files.

The operating environment of the library cutting tool is x86_64, and currently supports the cropping of CPU operators, the compilation command is bash -I arm64 -e cpu, bash -I arm32 -e cpu, and bash -I x86_64 -e cpu.

Environment Preparation

To use the Cropper tool, you need to prepare the environment as follows:

  • Compilation: The code of the Cropper tool is stored in the mindspore/lite/tools/cropper directory of the MindSpore source code. For details about the build operations, see the Environment Requirements and Compilation Example in the build document to compile version x86_64.

  • Run: Obtain the cropper tool and configure environment variables. For details, see Output Description in the build document.

Parameter Description

The command used for crop the static library based on Cropper is as follows:

./cropper [--packageFile=<PACKAGEFILE>] [--configFile=<CONFIGFILE>]
          [--modelFile=<MODELFILE>] [--modelFolderPath=<MODELFOLDERPATH>]
          [--outputFile=<MODELFILE>] [--help]

The following describes the parameters in detail.




Parameter Type

Default Value

Value Range



The path of the libmindspore-lite.a to be cropped.






The path of the configuration file of the cropper tool. The file path of cropper_mapping_cpu.cfg needs to be set to crop the CPU library.






The model folder path, according to all the ms models existing in the folder for library cropping. modelFile or modelFolderPath parameters must be selected.






The model file path is cut according to the specified ms model file. Multiple model files are divided by ,. modelFile or modelFolderPath parameters must be selected.






The saved path of the cut library libmindspore-lite.a, it overwrites the source file by default.






Displays the help information about the cropper command.




The configuration file cropper_mapping_cpu.cfg exists in the cropper directory in the mindspore-lite-{version}-inference-linux-x64 package.


The Cropper tool obtains the operator list by parsing the ms model, and crop the libmindspore-lite.a static library according to the mapping relationship in the configuration file configFile.

  • Pass in the ms model through the folder, and pass the folder path where the model file is located to the modelFolderPath parameter to crop the libmindspore-lite.a static library of arm64-cpu.

./cropper --packageFile=/mindspore-lite-{version}-inference-android-aarch64/lib/libmindspore-lite.a --configFile=./cropper_mapping_cpu.cfg --modelFolderPath=/model --outputFile=/mindspore-lite/lib/libmindspore-lite.a

This example will read all the ms models contained in the /model folder, crop the libmindspore-lite.a static library of arm64-cpu, and the cropped libmindspore-lite.a static library will be saved to /mindspore-lite/lib/ directory.

  • Pass in the ms model by file, pass the path where the model file is located to the modelFile parameter, and crop the libmindspore-lite.a static library of arm64-cpu.

./cropper --packageFile=/mindspore-lite-{version}-inference-android-aarch64/lib/libmindspore-lite.a --configFile=./cropper_mapping_cpu.cfg --modelFile=/model/,/model/  --outputFile=/mindspore-lite/lib/libmindspore-lite.a

In this example, the libmindspore-lite.a static library of arm64-cpu will be cropped according to the ms model passed by modelFile, and the cropped libmindspore-lite.a static library will be saved to /mindspore-lite/lib/ directory.