Source code for sponge.function.quaternion

# Copyright 2021-2023 @ Shenzhen Bay Laboratory &
#                       Peking University &
#                       Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# This code is a part of MindSPONGE:
# MindSpore Simulation Package tOwards Next Generation molecular modelling.
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from mindspore import numpy as msnp
from mindspore import ops

[docs]def hamiltonian_product(quaternion_1, tensor_2): """ Get the Hamiltonian-product of the given quaternion and tensor. Args: quaternion_1 (Tensor): A tensor to calculate. tensor_2 (Tensor): A tensor to calculate. Returns: The hamiltonian product result. """ if quaternion_1.ndim == 1: quaternion_1 = quaternion_1[None, :] if tensor_2.ndim == 1: tensor_2 = tensor_2[None, :] inverse_quaternion = quaternion_inverse(quaternion_1) op1 = quaternion_multiply(tensor_2, inverse_quaternion) res = quaternion_multiply(quaternion_1, op1) return res
[docs]def quaternion_multiply(tensor_1, tensor_2): """ Get the quaternion multiplication of the given tensor. Args: tensor_1 (Tensor): A tensor to calculate. tensor_2 (Tensor): The other tensor to calculate. Returns: The multiplication result. """ if tensor_1.ndim == 1: tensor_1 = tensor_1[None, :] if tensor_2.ndim == 1: tensor_2 = tensor_2[None, :] if tensor_1.shape[-1] == 1 and tensor_2.shape[-1] == 4: return _constant_multiply(tensor_2, tensor_1) if tensor_2.shape[-1] == 1 and tensor_1.shape[-1] == 4: return _constant_multiply(tensor_1, tensor_2) if tensor_1.shape[-1] == 3: tensor_1 = msnp.pad(tensor_1, ((0, 0), (1, 0)), mode='constant', constant_value=0) return quaternion_multiply(tensor_1, tensor_2) if tensor_2.shape[-1] == 3: tensor_2 = msnp.pad(tensor_2, ((0, 0), (1, 0)), mode='constant', constant_value=0) return quaternion_multiply(tensor_1, tensor_2) return _quaternion_multiply(tensor_1, tensor_2)
[docs]def quaternion_inverse(tensor_1): """ Get the quaternion conjugate of the given tensor. Args: tensor_1 (Tensor): A tensor to calculate. Returns: tensor_2(Tensor), The multiplication result with shape (B, 4). """ if tensor_1.ndim == 1: tensor_1 = tensor_1[None, :] if tensor_1.shape[-1] == 1: return msnp.pad(tensor_1, ((0, 0), (0, 3)), mode='constant', constant_value=0) if tensor_1.shape[-1] == 3: return -msnp.pad(tensor_1, ((0, 0), (0, 3)), mode='constant', constant_value=0) / (msnp.norm( tensor_1, axis=-1 )[:, None] ** 2) return msnp.hstack((tensor_1[:, 0][:, None], -tensor_1[:, 1:])) / (msnp.norm( tensor_1, axis=-1 )[:, None] ** 2)
def _quaternion_multiply(tensor_1, tensor_2): """ Get the quaternion multiplication of the given tensor. Args: tensor_1 (Tensor): A tensor with shape (B, 4). tensor_2 (Tensor): A tensor with shape (B, 4). Returns: q(Tensor), A tensor with shape (B, 4). """ if tensor_1.shape[-1] != 4 or tensor_2.shape[-1] != 4: raise ValueError('The input tensor shape for quaternion_multiply should be like (B, 4) or (4, ).') s_1 = tensor_1[:, 0] s_2 = tensor_2[:, 0] v_1 = tensor_1[:, 1:] v_2 = tensor_2[:, 1:] s = s_1 * s_2 d = ops.batch_dot(v_1, v_2, axes=-1) s -= d v = msnp.zeros_like(v_1) v += s_1 * v_2 v += v_1 * s_2 v += msnp.cross(v_1, v_2, axisc=-1) q = msnp.hstack((s, v)) return q def _constant_multiply(tensor_1, constant): """ Get the quaternion multiplication of the given tensor and constant. Args: tensor_1 (Tensor): A tensor with shape (B, 4). constant (Tensor): A tensor with shape (B, 1). Returns: A tensor with shape (B, 4). """ return tensor_1 * constant