mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.chem.uccsd0 源代码

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# pylint: disable=duplicate-code

"""Implement UCCSD0/UCCGSD0 ansatz using CCD0 excitation operators."""

import itertools
import warnings

import numpy

from mindquantum.core.operators import (
from mindquantum.core.parameterresolver import ParameterResolver

def _check_int_list(input_list, name):
    if not isinstance(input_list, list):
        raise ValueError(f"The input {str(name)} should be a list, but get {type(input_list)}.")
    for i in input_list:
        if not isinstance(i, int):
            raise ValueError(f"The indices of {str(name)} should be integer, but get {type(i)}.")

def _pij(i: int, j: int):
    CCD0 ansatz helper function.

    See :class: `mindquantum.third_party.unitary_cc.spin_adapted_t2`.
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    ia = i * 2 + 0
    ib = i * 2 + 1
    ja = j * 2 + 0
    jb = j * 2 + 1
    term1 = FermionOperator(((ja, TermValue.a), (ib, TermValue.a)), 1.0)
    term2 = FermionOperator(((ia, TermValue.a), (jb, TermValue.a)), 1.0)
    return numpy.sqrt(0.5) * (term1 + term2)

def _pij_dagger(i: int, j: int):
    CCD0 ansatz helper function.

    See :class: `mindquantum.third_party.unitary_cc.spin_adapted_t2`.
    return hermitian_conjugated(_pij(i, j))

def _qij_plus(i: int, j: int):
    CCD0 ansatz helper function.

    See :class: `mindquantum.third_party.unitary_cc.spin_adapted_t2`.
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    ia = i * 2 + 0
    ja = j * 2 + 0
    return FermionOperator(((ja, TermValue.a), (ia, TermValue.a)), 1.0)

def _qij_minus(i: int, j: int):
    CCD0 ansatz helper function.

    See :class: `mindquantum.third_party.unitary_cc.spin_adapted_t2`.
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    ib = i * 2 + 1
    jb = j * 2 + 1
    return FermionOperator(((jb, TermValue.a), (ib, TermValue.a)), 1.0)

def _qij_0(i: int, j: int):
    CCD0 ansatz helper function.

    See :class: `mindquantum.third_party.unitary_cc.spin_adapted_t2`.
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    ia = i * 2 + 0
    ib = i * 2 + 1
    ja = j * 2 + 0
    jb = j * 2 + 1
    term1 = FermionOperator(((ja, TermValue.a), (ib, TermValue.a)), 1.0)
    term2 = FermionOperator(((ia, TermValue.a), (jb, TermValue.a)), 1.0)
    return numpy.sqrt(0.5) * (term1 - term2)

def _qij_vec(i: int, j: int):
    CCD0 ansatz helper function.

    See :class: `mindquantum.third_party.unitary_cc.spin_adapted_t2`.
    return [_qij_plus(i, j), _qij_minus(i, j), _qij_0(i, j)]

def _qij_vec_dagger(i: int, j: int):
    CCD0 ansatz helper function.

    See :class: `mindquantum.third_party.unitary_cc.spin_adapted_t2`.
    return [hermitian_conjugated(i) for i in _qij_vec(i, j)]

def _qij_vec_inner(a: int, b: int, i: int, j: int):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    CCD0 ansatz helper function.

    See :class: `mindquantum.third_party.unitary_cc.spin_adapted_t2`.
    vec_dagger = _qij_vec_dagger(a, b)
    vec = _qij_vec(i, j)
    sum_result = FermionOperator()
    for idx, term in enumerate(vec):
        sum_result += term * vec_dagger[idx]
    return sum_result

def spin_adapted_t1(i, j):
    Spin-adapted single excitation operators.

        i(int): index of the spatial orbital which the
            creation operator will act on.
        j(int): index of the spatial orbital which the
            annihilation operator will act on.

        tpq_list (list): Spin-adapted single excitation operators.

        >>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.chem.uccsd0 import spin_adapted_t1
        >>> spin_adapted_t1(2, 3)
        [1.0 [4^ 6] +
        1.0 [5^ 7] ]
        >>> spin_adapted_t1(1, 1)
        [1.0 [2^ 2] +
        1.0 [3^ 3] ]

        For more information, please refer to:
            1. Scuseria, G. E. et al., J. Chem. Phys. 89, 7382 (1988)
    if not isinstance(i, int) or not isinstance(j, int):
        raise ValueError(f"Requires integers as orbital indices, but get {type(i)} and {type(j)}.")

    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    ia = i * 2 + 0
    ib = i * 2 + 1
    ja = j * 2 + 0
    jb = j * 2 + 1
    term1 = FermionOperator(((ia, 1), (ja, 0)), 1.0)
    term2 = FermionOperator(((ib, 1), (jb, 0)), 1.0)
    return [term1 + term2]

def spin_adapted_t2(creation_list, annihilation_list):
    Spin-adapted CCD0 double excitation operators.

        creation_list(list): list of spatial orbital indices which the
            creation operator will act on.
        annihilation_list(list): list of spatial orbital indices which the
            annihilation operator will act on.

        tpqrs_list(list): Spin-adapted double excitation operators.

        >>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.chem.uccsd0 import spin_adapted_t2
        >>> spin_adapted_t2([0, 1], [2, 3])
        [0.5000000000000001 [1^ 2^ 4 7] +
        0.5000000000000001 [1^ 2^ 6 5] +
        0.5000000000000001 [3^ 0^ 4 7] +
        0.5000000000000001 [3^ 0^ 6 5] , -0.5000000000000001 [4 7 1^ 2^] +
        0.5000000000000001 [4 7 3^ 0^] +
        1.0 [6 4 0^ 2^] +
        0.5000000000000001 [6 5 1^ 2^] +
        -0.5000000000000001 [6 5 3^ 0^] +
        1.0 [7 5 1^ 3^] ]
        >>> spin_adapted_t2([0, 0], [1, 1])
        [2.0000000000000004 [1^ 0^ 2 3] , 1.0 [2 2 0^ 0^] +
        1.0 [3 3 1^ 1^] ]

        For more information about CCD0, please refer to:
            1. Igor O. Sokolov et al. J. Chem. Phys. 152, 124107 (2020)
            2. Ireneusz W. Bulik et al. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 11, 3171 (2015)
            3. Scuseria, G. E. et al. J. Chem. Phys. 89, 7382 (1988)
    _check_int_list(creation_list, "creation operators")
    _check_int_list(annihilation_list, "annihilation operators")

    if len(creation_list) != 2 or len(annihilation_list) != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "T2 excitations take exactly 2 indices for both creation and annihilation operators, ",
            f"but get {len(creation_list)} and {len(annihilation_list)} indices.",

    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    p = creation_list[0]
    r = annihilation_list[0]
    q = creation_list[1]
    s = annihilation_list[1]
    tpqrs1 = _pij_dagger(p, q) * _pij(r, s)
    tpqrs2 = _qij_vec_inner(p, q, r, s)
    return [tpqrs1, tpqrs2]

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements
[文档]def uccsd0_singlet_generator( n_qubits=None, n_electrons=None, anti_hermitian=True, occ_orb=None, vir_orb=None, generalized=False ): r""" Generate UCCSD operators using CCD0 ansatz for molecular systems. Note: Manually assigned occ_orb or vir_orb are indices of spatial orbitals instead of spin-orbitals. They will override n_electrons and n_qubits. This is to some degree similar to the active space, therefore can reduce the number of variational parameters. However, it may not reduce the number of required qubits, since Fermion excitation operators are non-local, i.e., :math:`a_{7}^{\dagger} a_{0}` involves not only the 0th and 7th qubit, but also the 1st, 2nd, ... 6th qubit. Args: n_qubits (int): Number of qubits (spin-orbitals). Default: None. n_electrons (int): Number of electrons (occupied spin-orbitals). Default: None. anti_hermitian (bool): Whether to subtract the hermitian conjugate to form anti-Hermitian operators. Default: True. occ_orb (list): Indices of manually assigned occupied spatial orbitals. Default: None. vir_orb (list): Indices of manually assigned virtual spatial orbitals. Default: None. generalized (bool): Whether to use generalized excitations which do not distinguish occupied or virtual orbitals (UCCGSD). Default: False. Returns: FermionOperator, Generator of the UCCSD operators that uses CCD0 ansatz. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq import uccsd0_singlet_generator >>> uccsd0_singlet_generator(4, 2) -1.0*d0_s_0 [0^ 2] + 2.0*d0_d_0 [1^ 0^ 3 2] + -1.0*d0_s_0 [1^ 3] + 1.0*d0_s_0 [2^ 0] + 1.0*d0_s_0 [3^ 1] + -2.0*d0_d_0 [3^ 2^ 1 0] >>> uccsd0_singlet_generator(4, 2, generalized=True) 1.0*d0_s_0 - 1.0*d0_s_1 [0^ 2] + 1.0*d0_d_0 [1^ 0^ 2 1] + -1.0*d0_d_0 [1^ 0^ 3 0] + -2.0*d0_d_1 [1^ 0^ 3 2] + 1.0*d0_s_0 - 1.0*d0_s_1 [1^ 3] + -1.0*d0_s_0 + 1.0*d0_s_1 [2^ 0] + -1.0*d0_d_0 [2^ 1^ 1 0] + 1.0*d0_d_2 [2^ 1^ 3 2] + 1.0*d0_d_0 [3^ 0^ 1 0] + -1.0*d0_d_2 [3^ 0^ 3 2] + -1.0*d0_s_0 + 1.0*d0_s_1 [3^ 1] + 2.0*d0_d_1 [3^ 2^ 1 0] + -1.0*d0_d_2 [3^ 2^ 2 1] + 1.0*d0_d_2 [3^ 2^ 3 0] >>> uccsd0_singlet_generator(6, 2, occ_orb=[0], vir_orb=[1]) -1.0*d0_s_0 [0^ 2] + 2.0*d0_d_0 [1^ 0^ 3 2] + -1.0*d0_s_0 [1^ 3] + 1.0*d0_s_0 [2^ 0] + 1.0*d0_s_0 [3^ 1] + -2.0*d0_d_0 [3^ 2^ 1 0] """ if n_qubits is not None and not isinstance(n_qubits, int): raise ValueError(f"The number of qubits should be integer, but get {type(n_qubits)}.") if n_electrons is not None and not isinstance(n_electrons, int): raise ValueError(f"The number of electrons should be integer, but get {type(n_electrons)}.") if isinstance(n_electrons, int) and n_electrons > n_qubits: raise ValueError( "The number of electrons must be smaller than the number of qubits (spin-orbitals) in the ansatz!" ) if not isinstance(anti_hermitian, bool): raise ValueError(f"The parameter anti_hermitian should be bool, but get {type(anti_hermitian)}.") if occ_orb is not None: _check_int_list(occ_orb, "occupied orbitals") if vir_orb is not None: _check_int_list(vir_orb, "virtual orbitals") if not isinstance(generalized, bool): raise ValueError(f"The parameter generalized should be bool, but get {type(generalized)}.") occ_indices = [] vir_indices = [] n_orb = 0 n_orb_occ = 0 n_orb_vir = 0 if n_qubits is not None: if n_qubits % 2 != 0: raise ValueError('The total number of qubits (spin-orbitals) should be even.') n_orb = n_qubits // 2 if n_electrons is not None: n_orb_occ = int(numpy.ceil(n_electrons / 2)) n_orb_vir = n_orb - n_orb_occ occ_indices = list(range(n_orb_occ)) vir_indices = [i + n_orb_occ for i in range(n_orb_vir)] warn_flag = False if occ_orb is not None: if len(set(occ_orb)) != len(occ_orb): raise ValueError("Indices for occupied orbitals should be unique!") warn_flag = True n_orb_occ = len(occ_orb) occ_indices = occ_orb if vir_orb is not None: if len(set(vir_orb)) != len(vir_orb): raise ValueError("Indices for virtual orbitals should be unique!") warn_flag = True n_orb_vir = len(vir_orb) vir_indices = vir_orb if set(occ_indices).intersection(vir_indices): raise ValueError("Occupied and virtual orbitals should be different!") indices_tot = occ_indices + vir_indices max_idx = 0 if set(indices_tot): max_idx = max(set(indices_tot)) n_orb = max(n_orb, max_idx) if warn_flag: warnings.warn( "[Note] Override n_qubits and n_electrons with manually set occ_orb and vir_orb. Handle with caution!" ) if generalized: occ_indices = indices_tot vir_indices = indices_tot n_occ = len(occ_indices) if n_occ == 0: warnings.warn("The number of occupied orbitals is zero. Ansatz may contain no parameters.") n_vir = len(vir_indices) if n_vir == 0: warnings.warn("The number of virtual orbitals is zero. Ansatz may contain no parameters.") generator_uccsd0_singles = FermionOperator() generator_uccsd0_doubles = FermionOperator() singles_counter = 0 for pq_counter, (p_idx, q_idx) in enumerate(itertools.product(range(n_vir), range(n_occ))): # pylint: disable=invalid-name p = vir_indices[p_idx] q = occ_indices[q_idx] tpq_list = spin_adapted_t1(p, q) for tpq in tpq_list: coeff_s = ParameterResolver({f'd0_s_{singles_counter}': 1}) if anti_hermitian: tpq = tpq - hermitian_conjugated(tpq) tpq = normal_ordered(tpq) if list(tpq.terms): generator_uccsd0_singles += tpq * coeff_s singles_counter += 1 doubles_counter = 0 for pq_counter, (p_idx, q_idx) in enumerate(itertools.product(range(n_vir), range(n_vir))): # pylint: disable=invalid-name # Only take half of the loop to avoid repeated excitations if q_idx > p_idx: continue p = vir_indices[p_idx] q = vir_indices[q_idx] for rs_counter, (r_idx, s_idx) in enumerate(itertools.product(range(n_occ), range(n_occ))): # Only take half of the loop to avoid repeated excitations if s_idx > r_idx: continue r = occ_indices[r_idx] s = occ_indices[s_idx] if generalized and pq_counter > rs_counter: continue tpqrs_list = spin_adapted_t2([p, q], [r, s]) for tpqrs in tpqrs_list: coeff_d = ParameterResolver({f'd0_d_{doubles_counter}': 1}) if anti_hermitian: tpqrs = tpqrs - hermitian_conjugated(tpqrs) tpqrs = normal_ordered(tpqrs) if list(tpqrs.terms): generator_uccsd0_doubles += tpqrs * coeff_d doubles_counter += 1 return generator_uccsd0_singles + generator_uccsd0_doubles