mindquantum.io.display.topology_drawer 源代码

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# ============================================================================
"""Method to draw a qubit topology."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,too-many-arguments
from typing import Dict

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.patches import Circle as PltCircle
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle as PltRectangle

from ...core.circuit import Circuit
from ...device import QubitNode, QubitsTopology
from ._config import _topology_default_style
from .circuit_svg_drawer import Circle, Line, Rect, SVGContainer, Text, box, super_align

def _ext_edges(circ: Circuit):
    out = []
    for g in circ:
        all_qubits = g.obj_qubits + g.ctrl_qubits
        if len(all_qubits) == 2:
            out.append((all_qubits[0], all_qubits[1]))
        elif len(all_qubits) > 2:
            raise ValueError(f"gate {g} too big, need to do decomposition first.")
    return set(out)

class SVGQNode(SVGContainer):
    """Qubit node on topology svg graph."""

    def __init__(self, qnode: QubitNode, svg_config):
        """Initialize a svg qubit node."""
        q_circle = Circle(0, 0, svg_config['r']).fill(qnode.color)
        q_id = Text(0, 0, str(qnode.qubit_id)).fill(svg_config['id_color']).font_size(svg_config['id_fs'])
        self.shift(qnode.poi_x * svg_config['f'], qnode.poi_y * svg_config['f'])

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[文档]def draw_topology( topo: QubitsTopology, circuit: Circuit = None, style: Dict = None, ): """ Draw a qubit topology as a svg picture. Args: topo (:class:`.device.QubitsTopology`): The qubit topology. circuit (:class:`~.core.circuit.Circuit`): The given quantum circuit you want to execute on given qubit topology. Default: ``None``. style (Dict): The picture style configuration. Default: ``None``. """ if style is None: style = _topology_default_style f = style['f'] if circuit is None: selected = [] else: selected = _ext_edges(circ=circuit) for q1, q2 in selected: if not topo.is_coupled_with(q1, q2): raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to execute circuit: qubit {q1} is not coupled with {q2}.") qubits_view = SVGContainer() for q_id in topo.all_qubit_id(): qubits_view.add(SVGQNode(topo[q_id], style)) edges_view = SVGContainer() edge_color = {} for edge in topo.edges_with_id(): color = topo.get_edge_color(*edge) edge_color[edge] = style['couple_color'] if color is None else color for id1, id2 in topo.edges_with_id(): q1, q2 = topo[id1], topo[id2] x1, y1 = q1.poi_x, q1.poi_y x2, y2 = q2.poi_x, q2.poi_y line = Line(x1 * f, x2 * f, y1 * f, y2 * f) color = edge_color.get((id1, id2), style['couple_color']) if (id1, id2) in selected or (id2, id1) in selected: color = style['selected_edge_c'] line.stroke(color).stroke_width(style['couple_w']) edges_view.add(line) qubits_box = box(qubits_view) background = Rect(0, 0, qubits_box['width'], qubits_box['height']) background.fill("#ffffff") super_align(background, qubits_view, 'middle', 'middle', 'h') super_align(background, qubits_view, 'middle', 'middle', 'v') new_q_box = box(qubits_view) edges_view.shift(new_q_box['left'] - qubits_box['left'], new_q_box['top'] - qubits_box['top']) view = SVGContainer() view.add(background) view.add(edges_view) view.add(qubits_view) return view
class PltQNode: """QNode in matplotlib.""" def __init__(self, qnode: QubitNode, ax, svg_config): """Construct a qnode.""" x = qnode.poi_x * svg_config['f'] y = -qnode.poi_y * svg_config['f'] c = PltCircle((x, y), svg_config['r'], facecolor=qnode.color) ax.add_patch(c) ax.text( x, y, str(qnode.qubit_id), ha='center', va='center', color=svg_config['id_color'], fontsize=svg_config['id_fs'], ) class PltLine: """Line object in matplotlib.""" def __init__(self, x1, x2, y1, y2, color, w, ax): """Construct a line object.""" y1, y2 = -y1, -y2 c = (x2 - x1) + 1j * (y2 - y1) ang = np.angle(c) h = w w = np.abs(c) v = h / 2 * np.exp(1j * (ang - np.pi / 2)) corner = x1 + 1j * y1 + v real_x = corner.real real_y = corner.imag rect = PltRectangle((real_x, real_y), w, h, facecolor=color, angle=ang / np.pi * 180) ax.add_patch(rect) # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[文档]def draw_topology_plt( topo: QubitsTopology, circuit: Circuit = None, style: Dict = None, ): """ Draw a qubit topology with matplotlib. Args: topo (:class:`.device.QubitsTopology`): The qubit topology. circuit (:class:`~.core.circuit.Circuit`): The given quantum circuit you want to execute on given qubit topology. Default: ``None``. style (Dict): The picture style configuration. Default: ``None``. """ if style is None: style = _topology_default_style f = style['f'] if circuit is None: selected = [] else: selected = _ext_edges(circ=circuit) for q1, q2 in selected: if not topo.is_coupled_with(q1, q2): raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to execute circuit: qubit {q1} is not coupled with {q2}.") _, ax = plt.subplots() edge_color = {} for edge in topo.edges_with_id(): color = topo.get_edge_color(*edge) edge_color[edge] = style['couple_color'] if color is None else color for id1, id2 in topo.edges_with_id(): q1, q2 = topo[id1], topo[id2] x1, y1 = q1.poi_x, q1.poi_y x2, y2 = q2.poi_x, q2.poi_y color = edge_color.get((id1, id2), style['couple_color']) if (id1, id2) in selected or (id2, id1) in selected: color = style['selected_edge_c'] PltLine(x1 * f, x2 * f, y1 * f, y2 * f, color, style['couple_w'], ax) for q_id in topo.all_qubit_id(): PltQNode(topo[q_id], ax, style) ax.set_axis_off() ax.axis('equal') plt.show()