mindquantum.algorithm.mapping.mq_sabre 源代码

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"""MQSABRE algorithm to implement qubit mapping."""
import typing
from typing import List, Tuple

from ...core.circuit import Circuit
from ...core.gates import SWAP
from ...device import QubitsTopology
from ...mqbackend.device import MQ_SABRE as MQ_SABRE_  # pylint: disable=import-error

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[文档]class MQSABRE: """ MQSABRE algorithm to implement qubit mapping. This mapping alrogrthm considered the cnot error and executing time in quantum chip. Args: circuit (:class:`~.core.circuit.Circuit`): The quantum circuit you need to do qubit mapping. Currently we only support circuit constructed by one or two qubits gate, control qubit included. topology (:class:`~.device.QubitsTopology`): The hardware qubit topology. Currently we only support connected coupling graph. cnoterrorandlength (List[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], List[float]]]): The error and gate length of a cnot gate. The first two integers are qubit node id in topology. The list of float has two element, with first one be the error of cnot and second one be the gate length. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.algorithm.mapping import MQSABRE >>> cnot=[((5, 6), [8.136e-4, 248.88]), ((6, 10), [9.136e-4, 248.88]), ((8, 9), [9.136e-4, 248.88])] >>> topology = GridQubits(6,6) >>> mqsaber = MQSABRE(circuit, topology, cnot) >>> new_circ, init_mapping, final_mapping = masaber.solve(1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1) """ def __init__( self, circuit: Circuit, topology: QubitsTopology, cnoterrorandlength: List[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], List[float]]] ): """Initialize a sabre qubit mapping solver.""" self.circuit = circuit self.topology = topology self.cnoterrorandlength = cnoterrorandlength self.cpp_solver = MQ_SABRE_( self.circuit.get_cpp_obj(), self.topology.__get_cpp_obj__(), self.cnoterrorandlength ) def check_connected(topology: QubitsTopology) -> bool: """Check whether topology graph is connected.""" qids = topology.all_qubit_id() if not qids: return False edges = topology.edges_with_id() graph = {qid: [] for qid in qids} for (x, y) in edges: graph[x].append(y) graph[y].append(x) vis = {qid: False for qid in qids} def dfs(x: int): vis[x] = True for y in graph[x]: if not vis[y]: dfs(y) dfs(qids.pop()) return all(vis.values()) if not check_connected(topology): raise ValueError( 'The current mapping algorithm SABRE only supports connected graphs, ' 'please manually assign some lines to connected subgraphs.' )
[文档] def solve( self, w: float, alpha1: float, alpha2: float, alpha3: float ) -> typing.Union[Circuit, typing.List[int], typing.List[int]]: """ Solve qubit mapping problem with MQSABRE algorithm. Args: w (float): The w parameter. For more detail, please refers to the paper. alpha1 (float): The alpha1 parameter. For more detail, please refers to the paper. alpha2 (float): The alpha2 parameter. For more detail, please refers to the paper. alpha3 (float): The alpha3 parameter. For more detail, please refers to the paper. Returns: Tuple[:class:`~.core.circuit.Circuit`, List[int], List[int]], a quantum circuit that can execute on given device, the initial mapping order, and the final mapping order. """ gate_info, (init_map, final_map) = self.cpp_solver.solve(w, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3) new_circ = Circuit() for idx, p1, p2 in gate_info: if idx == -1: new_circ += SWAP.on([p1, p2]) else: ori_gate = self.circuit[idx] if p1 == p2: new_circ += ori_gate.on(p1) else: if len(ori_gate.obj_qubits) == 1: new_circ += ori_gate.on(p1, p2) else: new_circ += ori_gate.on([p1, p2]) return new_circ, init_map, final_map