mindflow.loss.losses 源代码

# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# ==============================================================================
add metric function

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np

from mindspore import dtype as mstype
from mindspore import nn, ops, Parameter, Tensor
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.ops import functional as F

from ..cell.utils import unpatchify
from ..utils.check_func import check_param_type, check_param_type_value

_loss_metric = {
    'l1_loss': nn.L1Loss,
    'l1': nn.L1Loss,
    'l2_loss': nn.MSELoss,
    'l2': nn.MSELoss,
    'mse_loss': nn.MSELoss,
    'mse': nn.MSELoss,
    'rmse_loss': nn.RMSELoss,
    'rmse': nn.RMSELoss,
    'mae_loss': nn.MAELoss,
    'mae': nn.MAELoss,
    'smooth_l1_loss': nn.SmoothL1Loss,
    'smooth_l1': nn.SmoothL1Loss,

[文档]def get_loss_metric(name): """ Gets the loss function. Args: name (str): The name of the loss function. Returns: Function, the loss function. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindflow.loss import get_loss_metric >>> import mindspore >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> l1_loss = get_loss_metric('l1_loss') >>> logits = Tensor(np.array([1, 2, 3]), mindspore.float32) >>> labels = Tensor(np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 2]]), mindspore.float32) >>> output = l1_loss(logits, labels) >>> print(output) 0.6666667 """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("the type of name should be str but got {}".format(type(name))) if name not in _loss_metric: raise ValueError("Unknown loss function type: {}".format(name)) return _loss_metric.get(name)()
class RegularizedLossCell(nn.Cell): r""" L1/L2 regularized loss. Args: reg_params (Parameter): Parameter type tensor used for regularization. reg_mode (str): type to compute the regularized loss function. Only ["l1", "l2"] are supported. Default: "l2". Inputs: None. Outputs: Tensor. a scalar tensor with shape :math:`()`. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindflow.loss import RegularizedLossCell >>> from mindspore import Parameter, Tensor >>> import mindspore.common.dtype as ms_type >>> latent_init = np.ones((2, 3)) >>> latent_vector = Parameter(Tensor(latent_init, ms_type.float32), requires_grad=True) >>> net = RegularizedLossCell(latent_vector) >>> output = net() >>> print(output) 1.0 """ def __init__(self, reg_params, reg_factor=0.01, reg_mode="l2"): super(RegularizedLossCell, self).__init__() check_param_type(reg_params, "reg_params", data_type=Parameter) check_param_type_value(reg_mode, "reg_mode", data_type=str, valid_value=["l1", "l2"]) check_param_type(reg_factor, "reg_factor", data_type=float) if reg_factor < 0.0: raise ValueError("The reg_factor must be a non-negtive value, but got {}".format(reg_factor)) self.reg_params = reg_params self.reg_mode = reg_mode self.reg_factor = reg_factor self.reduce_mean = ops.ReduceMean() self.pow = ops.Pow() self.abs = ops.Abs() def construct(self): """get regularized loss""" loss = 0.0 if self.reg_mode == "l1": loss = self.reduce_mean(self.abs(self.reg_params)) elif self.reg_mode == "l2": loss = self.reduce_mean(self.pow(self.reg_params, 2)) loss = self.reg_factor * loss return loss class WeightedLossCell(nn.Cell): r""" Base class of weighting multi-task losses automatically based on the multitasks learning strategy . """ def __init__(self): super(WeightedLossCell, self).__init__() self.type = type(self).__name__ self.use_grads = False def construct(self, losses): """ Defines the computation to be performed. This method must be overridden by all subclasses. Returns: Tensor, returns the computed result. """ return losses
[文档]class MTLWeightedLossCell(WeightedLossCell): r""" Compute the MTL strategy weighted multi-task losses automatically. For more information, please refer to `MTL weighted losses <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.06334.pdf>`_ . Args: num_losses (int): The number of multi-task losses, should be positive integer. bound_param (float): The square addition to weight and regularization when the mere bound is higher than certain constant given. Inputs: - **input** - tuple of Tensors. Outputs: Tensor. losses for MTL weighted strategy. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindflow.loss import MTLWeightedLossCell >>> import mindspore >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> net = MTLWeightedLossCell(num_losses=2) >>> input1 = Tensor(1.0, mindspore.float32) >>> input2 = Tensor(0.8, mindspore.float32) >>> output = net((input1, input2)) >>> print(output) 2.2862945 """ def __init__(self, num_losses, bound_param=0.0): super(MTLWeightedLossCell, self).__init__() check_param_type(num_losses, "num_losses", data_type=int, exclude_type=bool) if num_losses <= 0: raise ValueError("the value of num_losses should be positive, but got {}".format(num_losses)) self.num_losses = num_losses check_param_type(bound_param, "bound_param", data_type=float) self.bounded = bound_param > 1.0e-6 self.bound_param = bound_param ** 2 self.params = Parameter(Tensor(np.ones(num_losses), mstype.float32), requires_grad=True) self.concat = ops.Concat(axis=0) self.pow = ops.Pow() self.log = ops.Log() self.div = ops.RealDiv() def construct(self, losses): loss_sum = 0 params = self.pow(self.params, 2) for i in range(self.num_losses): if self.bounded: weight = params[i] + self.bound_param reg = params[i] + self.bound_param else: weight = params[i] reg = params[i] + 1.0 weighted_loss = 0.5 * self.div(losses[i], weight) + self.log(reg) loss_sum = loss_sum + weighted_loss return loss_sum
[文档]class WaveletTransformLoss(nn.LossBase): r""" The multi-level wavelet transformation losses. Args: wave_level (int): The number of the wavelet transformation levels, should be positive integer. regroup (bool): The regroup error combination form of the wavelet transformation losses. Default: "False". Inputs: - **input** - tuple of Tensors. Tensor of shape :math:`(B H*W/(P*P) P*P*C)`, where B denotes the batch size. H, W denotes the height and the width of the image, respectively. P denotes the patch size. C denots the feature channels. Outputs: Tensor. Raises: TypeError: if `wave_level` is not an int. TypeError: if `regroup` is not a bool. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindflow.loss import WaveletTransformLoss >>> import mindspore >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> net = WaveletTransformLoss(wave_level=2) >>> input1 = Tensor(np.ones((32, 288, 768)), mstype.float32) >>> input2 = Tensor(np.ones((32, 288, 768)), mstype.float32) >>> output = net((input1, input2)) >>> print(output) 2.0794415 """ def __init__(self, wave_level=2, regroup=False): check_param_type(param=wave_level, param_name="wave_level", data_type=int) check_param_type(param=regroup, param_name="regroup", data_type=bool) super(WaveletTransformLoss, self).__init__() self.abs = P.Abs() self.wave_level = wave_level self.regroup = regroup self.print = P.Print() if self.regroup: self.mtl = MTLWeightedLossCell(num_losses=3) else: if self.wave_level == 1: self.mtl = MTLWeightedLossCell(num_losses=4) else: self.mtl = MTLWeightedLossCell(num_losses=self.wave_level + 1) def construct(self, logit, label): l1_loss = P.ReduceMean()(self.abs(logit - label)) logit = unpatchify(logit) label = unpatchify(label) if self.wave_level == 1: _, x_hl, x_lh, x_hh = self.dwt_split(logit) _, y_hl, y_lh, y_hh = self.dwt_split(label) hl_loss = P.ReduceMean()(self.abs(x_hl - y_hl)) lh_loss = P.ReduceMean()(self.abs(x_lh - y_lh)) hh_loss = P.ReduceMean()(self.abs(x_hh - y_hh)) l_total = self.mtl((l1_loss, hl_loss, lh_loss, hh_loss)) else: wave_losses = [] for _ in range(self.wave_level): _, x_hl, x_lh, x_hh = self.dwt_split(logit) _, y_hl, y_lh, y_hh = self.dwt_split(label) hl_loss = P.ReduceMean()(self.abs(x_hl - y_hl)) lh_loss = P.ReduceMean()(self.abs(x_lh - y_lh)) hh_loss = P.ReduceMean()(self.abs(x_hh - y_hh)) wave_loss_cur = hl_loss + lh_loss + hh_loss wave_losses.append(wave_loss_cur) wave_losses.append(l1_loss) l_total = self.mtl(wave_losses) return l_total @staticmethod def _split_data(data, axis=1): data_shape = data.shape data_re = [] if axis == 1: data_re = P.Reshape()(data, (data_shape[0], data_shape[1] // 2, 2, data_shape[2], data_shape[3])) data_re = P.Transpose()(data_re, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4)) if axis == 2: data_re = P.Reshape()(data, (data_shape[0], data_shape[1], data_shape[2] // 2, 2, data_shape[3])) data_re = P.Transpose()(data_re, (0, 1, 3, 2, 4)) split_op = P.Split(axis, 2) data_split = split_op(data_re) data_01 = P.Squeeze()(data_split[0]) data_02 = P.Squeeze()(data_split[1]) return data_01, data_02 def dwt_split(self, data): x01, x02 = self._split_data(data, axis=1) x1, x3 = self._split_data(x01 / 2, axis=2) x2, x4 = self._split_data(x02 / 2, axis=2) x_ll = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 x_hl = -x1 - x2 + x3 + x4 x_lh = -x1 + x2 - x3 + x4 x_hh = x1 - x2 - x3 + x4 return x_ll, x_hl, x_lh, x_hh
[文档]class RelativeRMSELoss(nn.LossBase): r""" Relative Root Mean Square Error (RRMSE) is the root mean squared error normalized by the root-mean-square value where each residual is scaled against the actual value. Relative RMSELoss creates a criterion to measure the root-mean-square error between :math:`x` and :math:`y` element-wise, where :math:`x` is the prediction and :math:`y` is the labels. For simplicity, let :math:`x` and :math:`y` be 1-dimensional Tensor with length :math:`N`, the loss of :math:`x` and :math:`y` is given as: .. math:: loss = \sqrt{\frac{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}{(x_i-y_i)^2}}{sum_{i=1}^{N}{(y_i)^2}}} Args: reduction (str): Type of reduction to be applied to loss. The optional values are "mean", "sum", and "none". Default: "sum". Inputs: - **prediction** (Tensor) - The prediction value of the network. Tensor of shape :math:`(N, *)` where :math:`*` means, any number of additional dimensions. - **labels** (Tensor) - True value of the samples. Tensor of shape :math:`(N, *)`, where :math:`*` means, any number of additional dimensions, same shape as the `prediction` in common cases. However, it supports the shape of `labels` is different from the shape of `prediction` and they should be broadcasted to each other. Outputs: Tensor, weighted loss. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import mindspore >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> from mindflow import RelativeRMSELoss >>> # Case: prediction.shape = labels.shape = (3, 3) >>> prediction = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2, 3],[1, 2, 3],[1, 2, 3]]), mindspore.float32) >>> labels = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2, 2],[1, 2, 3],[1, 2, 3]]), mindspore.float32) >>> loss_fn = RelativeRMSELoss() >>> loss = loss_fn(prediction, labels) >>> print(loss) 0.33333334 """ def __init__(self, reduction="sum"): super(RelativeRMSELoss, self).__init__(reduction=reduction) def construct(self, prediction, labels): prediction = P.Cast()(prediction, mstype.float32) batch_size = prediction.shape[0] diff_norms = F.square(prediction.reshape(batch_size, -1) - labels.reshape(batch_size, -1)).sum(axis=1) label_norms = F.square(labels.reshape(batch_size, -1)).sum(axis=1) rel_error = ops.div(F.sqrt(diff_norms), F.sqrt(label_norms)) return self.get_loss(rel_error)