mindflow.cell.neural_operators.pdenet 源代码

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"""pde net model"""
import mindspore.numpy as ms_np
import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
from mindspore import nn, ops, Parameter

from .m2k import _M2K
from ...utils.check_func import check_param_type

__all__ = ['PDENet']

def _count_num_filter(max_order):
    count = 0
    for i in range(max_order + 1):
        for j in range(max_order + 1):
            if i + j <= max_order:
                count += 1
    return count

[文档]class PDENet(nn.Cell): r""" The PDE-Net model. PDE-Net is a feed-forward deep network to fulfill two objectives at the same time: to accurately predict dynamics of complex systems and to uncover the underlying hidden PDE models. The basic idea is to learn differential operators by learning convolution kernels (filters), and apply neural networks or other machine learning methods to approximate the unknown nonlinear responses. A special feature of the proposed PDE-Net is that all filters are properly constrained, which enables us to easily identify the governing PDE models while still maintaining the expressive and predictive power of the network. These constrains are carefully designed by fully exploiting the relation between the orders of differential operators and the orders of sum rules of filters (an important concept originated from wavelet theory). For more details, please refers to the paper `PDE-Net: Learning PDEs from Data <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.09668.pdf>`_. Args: height (int): The height number of the input and output tensor of the PDE-Net. width (int): The width number of the input and output tensor of the PDE-Net. channels (int): The channel number of the input and output tensor of the PDE-Net. kernel_size (int): Specifies the height and width of the 2D convolution kernel. max_order (int): The max order of the PDE models. step (int): The number of the delta-T blocks used in PDE-Net. dx (float): The spatial resolution of x dimension. Default: 0.01. dy (float): The spatial resolution of y dimension. Default: 0.01. dt (float): The time step of the PDE-Net. Default: 0.01. periodic (bool): Specifies whether periodic pad is used with convolution kernels. Default: True. enable_moment (bool): Specifies whether the convolution kernels are constrained by moments. Default: True. if_fronzen (bool): Specifies whether the moment is frozen. Default: False. Inputs: - **input** (Tensor) - Tensor of shape :math:`(batch\_size, channels, height, width)`. Outputs: Tensor, has the same shape as `input` with data type of float32. Raises: TypeError: If `height`, `width`, `channels`, `kernel_size`, `max_order` or `step` is not an int. TypeError: If `periodic`, `enable_moment`, `if_fronzen` is not a bool. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype >>> from mindflow.cell.neural_operators import PDENet >>> input = Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 2, 16, 16), mstype.float32) >>> net = PDENet(16, 16, 2, 5, 3, 2) >>> output = net(input) >>> print(output.shape) (1, 2, 16, 16) """ def __init__(self, height, width, channels, kernel_size, max_order, step, dx=0.01, dy=0.01, dt=0.01, periodic=True, enable_moment=True, if_fronzen=False): """Initialize PDE-Net.""" super().__init__() check_param_type(height, "height", data_type=int) check_param_type(width, "width", data_type=int) check_param_type(channels, "channels", data_type=int) check_param_type(kernel_size, "kernel_size", data_type=int) check_param_type(max_order, "max_order", data_type=int) check_param_type(step, "step", data_type=int) check_param_type(periodic, "periodic", data_type=bool) check_param_type(enable_moment, "enable_moment", data_type=bool) check_param_type(if_fronzen, "if_fronzen", data_type=bool) self.in_c = channels self.out_c = channels self.periodic = periodic self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.max_order = max_order self.delta_t = dt self.h = height self.w = width self.dtype = mstype.float32 self.num_filter = _count_num_filter(max_order) self.dx = dx self.dy = dy self.enable_moment = enable_moment self.step = step self.if_fronzen = if_fronzen self.padding = int((self.kernel_size - 1) / 2) if self.enable_moment: self._init_moment() else: self.id_conv = nn.Conv2d(self.in_c, self.out_c, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, pad_mode='valid') self.fd_conv = nn.Conv2d(self.in_c, self.num_filter - 1, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, pad_mode='valid') self.m2k = _M2K((self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size)) self.idx2ij = {} if self.periodic: self.pad = [self.padding, self.padding, self.padding, self.padding] self.padding = 0 self.coe_param = Parameter(ops.UniformReal(seed=2)((self.num_filter - 1, self.h, self.w))) def construct(self, x): id_kernel = None fd_kernel = None if self.enable_moment: if self.if_fronzen: cur_moment = self.raw_moment else: cur_moment = self.moment * self.mask + self.raw_moment kernel = [] for idx in range(cur_moment.shape[0]): kernel.append(self.m2k(cur_moment[idx])) kernel = ops.Stack()(kernel).astype(self.dtype) kernel = self.scale * kernel id_kernel = kernel[0].reshape((1, 1, self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size)) fd_kernel = kernel[1:].reshape((self.num_filter - 1, 1, self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size)) for _ in range(self.step): x = self._one_step_forward(x, id_kernel, fd_kernel) return x @property def coe(self): return self.coe_param def _one_step_forward(self, x, id_kernel, fd_kernel): if self.periodic: x = self._periodicpad(x) cast = ops.Cast() x = cast(x, self.dtype) if self.enable_moment: id_conv2d = ops.Conv2D(out_channel=id_kernel.shape[0], kernel_size=self.kernel_size, pad=self.padding) fd_conv2d = ops.Conv2D(out_channel=fd_kernel.shape[0], kernel_size=self.kernel_size, pad=self.padding) id_out = id_conv2d(x, id_kernel) fd_out = fd_conv2d(x, fd_kernel) else: id_out = self.id_conv(x) fd_out = self.fd_conv(x) f = 0 for idx in range(fd_out.shape[1]): if idx == 0: f = self.coe[idx] * fd_out[:, 0:1, :, :] else: f = f + self.coe[idx] * fd_out[:, idx:(idx + 1), :, :] out = id_out + f * self.delta_t return out def _init_moment(self): raw_moment = ms_np.zeros((self.num_filter, self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size)) mask = ms_np.ones((self.num_filter, self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size)) scale = ms_np.ones((self.num_filter,)) self.idx2ij = {} idx = 0 for o1 in range(self.max_order + 1): for o2 in range(o1 + 1): i = o1 - o2 j = o2 self.idx2ij[str(idx)] = (i, j,) raw_moment[idx, i, j] = 1 scale[idx] = 1.0 / (self.dx ** i * self.dy ** j) for p in range(i + j + 1): for q in range(i + j + 1): if p + q <= (i + j): mask[idx, p, q] = 0 idx += 1 scale = scale.reshape([self.num_filter, 1, 1]) self.raw_moment = raw_moment self.mask = mask self.scale = scale self.moment = Parameter(raw_moment) def _periodicpad(self, x): cast = ops.Cast() x = cast(x, self.dtype) x_dim = len(x.shape) inputs = ops.Transpose()(x, tuple(range(x_dim - 1, -1, -1))) i = 0 periodic_pad = self.pad for _ in periodic_pad: if i + 2 >= len(periodic_pad): break pad_value = periodic_pad[i] pad_next_value = periodic_pad[i + 1] permute = list(range(x_dim)) permute[i] = 0 permute[0] = i permute_tuple = tuple(permute) inputs = ops.Transpose()(inputs, permute_tuple) inputlist = [inputs,] if pad_value > 0: inputlist = [inputs[-pad_value:, :, :, :], inputs] if pad_next_value > 0: inputlist = inputlist + [inputs[0:pad_next_value, :, :, :],] if pad_value + pad_next_value > 0: inputs = ops.Concat()(inputlist) inputs = ops.Transpose()(inputs, permute_tuple) i += 1 x = ops.Transpose()(inputs, tuple(range(x_dim - 1, -1, -1))) return x