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The module audio.transforms is inherited from _c_dataengine and is
implemented based on C++. It's a high performance module to process
audio. Users can apply suitable augmentations on audio data to improve
their training models.

import numpy as np

import mindspore._c_dataengine as cde
from ..transforms.c_transforms import TensorOperation
from .utils import BorderType, DensityFunction, FadeShape, GainType, Interpolation, Modulation, ScaleType, WindowType
from .validators import check_allpass_biquad, check_amplitude_to_db, check_band_biquad, check_bandpass_biquad, \
    check_bandreject_biquad, check_bass_biquad, check_biquad, check_complex_norm, check_compute_deltas, \
    check_contrast, check_db_to_amplitude, check_dc_shift, check_deemph_biquad, check_detect_pitch_frequency, \
    check_dither, check_equalizer_biquad, check_fade, check_flanger, check_gain, check_highpass_biquad, \
    check_lfilter, check_lowpass_biquad, check_magphase, check_masking, check_mu_law_coding, check_overdrive, \
    check_phaser, check_riaa_biquad, check_sliding_window_cmn, check_spectral_centroid, check_spectrogram, \
    check_time_stretch, check_treble_biquad, check_vol

class AudioTensorOperation(TensorOperation):
    Base class of Audio Tensor Ops.

    def __call__(self, *input_tensor_list):
        for tensor in input_tensor_list:
            if not isinstance(tensor, (np.ndarray,)):
                raise TypeError("Input should be NumPy audio, got {}.".format(type(tensor)))
        return super().__call__(*input_tensor_list)

    def parse(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("AudioTensorOperation has to implement parse() method.")

[docs]class AllpassBiquad(AudioTensorOperation): """ Design two-pole all-pass filter for audio waveform of dimension of (..., time). Args: sample_rate (int): Sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz), the value can't be zero. central_freq (float): Central frequency (in Hz). Q (float, optional): Quality factor,, range: (0, 1] (default=0.707). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03], [9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.AllpassBiquad(44100, 200.0)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_allpass_biquad def __init__(self, sample_rate, central_freq, Q=0.707): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.central_freq = central_freq self.Q = Q def parse(self): return cde.AllpassBiquadOperation(self.sample_rate, self.central_freq, self.Q)
[docs]class AmplitudeToDB(AudioTensorOperation): """ Converts the input tensor from amplitude/power scale to decibel scale. Args: stype (ScaleType, optional): Scale of the input tensor (default=ScaleType.POWER). It can be one of ScaleType.MAGNITUDE or ScaleType.POWER. ref_value (float, optional): Param for generate db_multiplier (default=1.0). amin (float, optional): Lower bound to clamp the input waveform. It must be greater than zero (default=1e-10). top_db (float, optional): Minimum cut-off decibels. The range of values is non-negative. Commonly set at 80 (default=80.0). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from import ScaleType >>> >>> waveform = np.random.random([1, 400 // 2 + 1, 30]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.AmplitudeToDB(stype=ScaleType.POWER)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_amplitude_to_db def __init__(self, stype=ScaleType.POWER, ref_value=1.0, amin=1e-10, top_db=80.0): self.stype = stype self.ref_value = ref_value self.amin = amin self.top_db = top_db def parse(self): return cde.AmplitudeToDBOperation(DE_C_SCALETYPE_TYPE[self.stype], self.ref_value, self.amin, self.top_db)
[docs]class Angle(AudioTensorOperation): """ Calculate the angle of the complex number sequence of shape (..., 2). The first dimension represents the real part while the second represents the imaginary. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[1.43, 5.434], [23.54, 89.38]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.Angle()] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ def parse(self): return cde.AngleOperation()
[docs]class BandBiquad(AudioTensorOperation): """ Design two-pole band filter for audio waveform of dimension of (..., time). Args: sample_rate (int): Sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz), the value can't be zero. central_freq (float): Central frequency (in Hz). Q(float, optional): Quality factor,, range: (0, 1] (default=0.707). noise (bool, optional) : If True, uses the alternate mode for un-pitched audio (e.g. percussion). If False, uses mode oriented to pitched audio, i.e. voice, singing, or instrumental music (default=False). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03], [9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.BandBiquad(44100, 200.0)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_band_biquad def __init__(self, sample_rate, central_freq, Q=0.707, noise=False): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.central_freq = central_freq self.Q = Q self.noise = noise def parse(self): return cde.BandBiquadOperation(self.sample_rate, self.central_freq, self.Q, self.noise)
[docs]class BandpassBiquad(AudioTensorOperation): """ Design two-pole band-pass filter. Similar to SoX implementation. Args: sample_rate (int): Sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz), the value can't be zero. central_freq (float): Central frequency (in Hz). Q (float, optional): Quality factor,, range: (0,1] (default=0.707). const_skirt_gain (bool, optional) : If True, uses a constant skirt gain (peak gain = Q). If False, uses a constant 0dB peak gain (default=False). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03], [9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.BandpassBiquad(44100, 200.0)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_bandpass_biquad def __init__(self, sample_rate, central_freq, Q=0.707, const_skirt_gain=False): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.central_freq = central_freq self.Q = Q self.const_skirt_gain = const_skirt_gain def parse(self): return cde.BandpassBiquadOperation(self.sample_rate, self.central_freq, self.Q, self.const_skirt_gain)
[docs]class BandrejectBiquad(AudioTensorOperation): """ Design two-pole band-reject filter for audio waveform of dimension of (..., time). Args: sample_rate (int): Sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz), the value can't be zero. central_freq (float): Central frequency (in Hz). Q (float, optional): Quality factor,, range: (0, 1] (default=0.707). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03],[9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.BandrejectBiquad(44100, 200.0)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_bandreject_biquad def __init__(self, sample_rate, central_freq, Q=0.707): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.central_freq = central_freq self.Q = Q def parse(self): return cde.BandrejectBiquadOperation(self.sample_rate, self.central_freq, self.Q)
[docs]class BassBiquad(AudioTensorOperation): """ Design a bass tone-control effect for audio waveform of dimension of (..., time). Args: sample_rate (int): Sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz), the value can't be zero. gain (float): Desired gain at the boost (or attenuation) in dB. central_freq (float, optional): Central frequency (in Hz) (default=100.0). Q (float, optional): Quality factor,, range: (0, 1] (default=0.707). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03], [9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.BassBiquad(44100, 100.0)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_bass_biquad def __init__(self, sample_rate, gain, central_freq=100.0, Q=0.707): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.gain = gain self.central_freq = central_freq self.Q = Q def parse(self): return cde.BassBiquadOperation(self.sample_rate, self.gain, self.central_freq, self.Q)
class Biquad(TensorOperation): """ Perform a biquad filter of input audio. Args: b0 (float): Numerator coefficient of current input, x[n]. b1 (float): Numerator coefficient of input one time step ago x[n-1]. b2 (float): Numerator coefficient of input two time steps ago x[n-2]. a0 (float): Denominator coefficient of current output y[n], the value can't be zero, typically 1. a1 (float): Denominator coefficient of current output y[n-1]. a2 (float): Denominator coefficient of current output y[n-2]. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03], [9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> biquad_op = audio.Biquad(0.01, 0.02, 0.13, 1, 0.12, 0.3) >>> waveform_filtered = biquad_op(waveform) """ @check_biquad def __init__(self, b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2): self.b0 = b0 self.b1 = b1 self.b2 = b2 self.a0 = a0 self.a1 = a1 self.a2 = a2 def parse(self): return cde.BiquadOperation(self.b0, self.b1, self.b2, self.a0, self.a1, self.a2)
[docs]class ComplexNorm(AudioTensorOperation): """ Compute the norm of complex tensor input. Args: power (float, optional): Power of the norm, which must be non-negative (default=1.0). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.random.random([2, 4, 2]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.ComplexNorm()] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_complex_norm def __init__(self, power=1.0): self.power = power def parse(self): return cde.ComplexNormOperation(self.power)
DE_C_BORDER_TYPE = { BorderType.CONSTANT: cde.BorderType.DE_BORDER_CONSTANT, BorderType.EDGE: cde.BorderType.DE_BORDER_EDGE, BorderType.REFLECT: cde.BorderType.DE_BORDER_REFLECT, BorderType.SYMMETRIC: cde.BorderType.DE_BORDER_SYMMETRIC, } class ComputeDeltas(AudioTensorOperation): """ Compute delta coefficients of a spectrogram. Args: win_length (int): The window length used for computing delta, must be no less than 3 (default=5). pad_mode (BorderType): Mode parameter passed to padding (default=BorderType.EDGE).It can be any of [BorderType.CONSTANT, BorderType.EDGE, BorderType.REFLECT, BordBorderTypeer.SYMMETRIC]. - BorderType.CONSTANT, means it fills the border with constant values. - BorderType.EDGE, means it pads with the last value on the edge. - BorderType.REFLECT, means it reflects the values on the edge omitting the last value of edge. - BorderType.SYMMETRIC, means it reflects the values on the edge repeating the last value of edge. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from import BorderType >>> >>> waveform = np.random.random([1, 400//2+1, 30]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.ComputeDeltas(win_length=7, pad_mode = BorderType.EDGE)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_compute_deltas def __init__(self, win_length=5, pad_mode=BorderType.EDGE): self.win_len = win_length self.pad_mode = pad_mode def parse(self): return cde.ComputeDeltasOperation(self.win_len, DE_C_BORDER_TYPE[self.pad_mode])
[docs]class Contrast(AudioTensorOperation): """ Apply contrast effect. Similar to SoX implementation. Comparable with compression, this effect modifies an audio signal to make it sound louder. Args: enhancement_amount (float, optional): Controls the amount of the enhancement. Allowed range is [0, 100] (default=75.0). Note that enhancement_amount equal to 0 still gives a significant contrast enhancement. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03], [9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.Contrast()] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_contrast def __init__(self, enhancement_amount=75.0): self.enhancement_amount = enhancement_amount def parse(self): return cde.ContrastOperation(self.enhancement_amount)
class DBToAmplitude(AudioTensorOperation): """ Turn a waveform from the decibel scale to the power/amplitude scale. Args: ref (float): Reference which the output will be scaled by. power (float): If power equals 1, will compute DB to power. If 0.5, will compute DB to amplitude. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03], [9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.DBToAmplitude(0.5, 0.5)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_db_to_amplitude def __init__(self, ref, power): self.ref = ref self.power = power def parse(self): return cde.DBToAmplitudeOperation(self.ref, self.power) class DCShift(AudioTensorOperation): """ Apply a DC shift to the audio. Args: shift (float): The amount to shift the audio, the value must be in the range [-2.0, 2.0]. limiter_gain (float, optional): Used only on peaks to prevent clipping, the value should be much less than 1, such as 0.05 or 0.02. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([0.60, 0.97, -1.04, -1.26, 0.97, 0.91, 0.48, 0.93]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.DCShift(0.5, 0.02)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_dc_shift def __init__(self, shift, limiter_gain=None): self.shift = shift self.limiter_gain = limiter_gain if limiter_gain else shift def parse(self): return cde.DCShiftOperation(self.shift, self.limiter_gain) class DeemphBiquad(AudioTensorOperation): """ Design two-pole deemph filter for audio waveform of dimension of (..., time). Args: sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz), the value must be 44100 or 48000. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03], [9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.DeemphBiquad(44100)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_deemph_biquad def __init__(self, sample_rate): self.sample_rate = sample_rate def parse(self): return cde.DeemphBiquadOperation(self.sample_rate) class DetectPitchFrequency(AudioTensorOperation): """ Detect pitch frequency. It is implemented using normalized cross-correlation function and median smoothing. Args: sample_rate (int): Sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz), the value can't be zero. frame_time (float, optional): Duration of a frame, the value must be greater than zero (default=0.01). win_length (int, optional): The window length for median smoothing (in number of frames), the value must be greater than zero (default=30). freq_low (int, optional): Lowest frequency that can be detected (Hz), the value must be greater than zero (default=85). freq_high (int, optional): Highest frequency that can be detected (Hz), the value must be greater than zero (default=3400). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[0.716064e-03, 5.347656e-03, 6.246826e-03, 2.089477e-02, 7.138305e-02], ... [4.156616e-02, 1.394653e-02, 3.550292e-02, 0.614379e-02, 3.840209e-02]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.DetectPitchFrequency(30, 0.1, 3, 5, 25)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_detect_pitch_frequency def __init__(self, sample_rate, frame_time=0.01, win_length=30, freq_low=85, freq_high=3400): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.frame_time = frame_time self.win_length = win_length self.freq_low = freq_low self.freq_high = freq_high def parse(self): return cde.DetectPitchFrequencyOperation(self.sample_rate, self.frame_time, self.win_length, self.freq_low, self.freq_high) DE_C_DENSITYFUNCTION_TYPE = {DensityFunction.TPDF: cde.DensityFunction.DE_DENSITYFUNCTION_TPDF, DensityFunction.RPDF: cde.DensityFunction.DE_DENSITYFUNCTION_RPDF, DensityFunction.GPDF: cde.DensityFunction.DE_DENSITYFUNCTION_GPDF} class Dither(AudioTensorOperation): """ Dither increases the perceived dynamic range of audio stored at a particular bit-depth by eliminating nonlinear truncation distortion. Args: density_function (DensityFunction, optional): The density function of a continuous random variable. Can be one of DensityFunction.TPDF (Triangular Probability Density Function), DensityFunction.RPDF (Rectangular Probability Density Function) or DensityFunction.GPDF (Gaussian Probability Density Function) (default=DensityFunction.TPDF). noise_shaping (bool, optional): A filtering process that shapes the spectral energy of quantisation error (default=False). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.Dither()] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_dither def __init__(self, density_function=DensityFunction.TPDF, noise_shaping=False): self.density_function = density_function self.noise_shaping = noise_shaping def parse(self): return cde.DitherOperation(DE_C_DENSITYFUNCTION_TYPE[self.density_function], self.noise_shaping) class EqualizerBiquad(AudioTensorOperation): """ Design biquad equalizer filter and perform filtering. Similar to SoX implementation. Args: sample_rate (int): Sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz), the value can't be zero. center_freq (float): Central frequency (in Hz). gain (float): Desired gain at the boost (or attenuation) in dB. Q (float, optional):, range: (0, 1] (default=0.707). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03], [9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.EqualizerBiquad(44100, 1500, 5.5, 0.7)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_equalizer_biquad def __init__(self, sample_rate, center_freq, gain, Q=0.707): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.center_freq = center_freq self.gain = gain self.Q = Q def parse(self): return cde.EqualizerBiquadOperation(self.sample_rate, self.center_freq, self.gain, self.Q) DE_C_FADESHAPE_TYPE = {FadeShape.LINEAR: cde.FadeShape.DE_FADESHAPE_LINEAR, FadeShape.EXPONENTIAL: cde.FadeShape.DE_FADESHAPE_EXPONENTIAL, FadeShape.LOGARITHMIC: cde.FadeShape.DE_FADESHAPE_LOGARITHMIC, FadeShape.QUARTERSINE: cde.FadeShape.DE_FADESHAPE_QUARTERSINE, FadeShape.HALFSINE: cde.FadeShape.DE_FADESHAPE_HALFSINE} class Fade(AudioTensorOperation): """ Add a fade in and/or fade out to an waveform. Args: fade_in_len (int, optional): Length of fade-in (time frames), which must be non-negative (default=0). fade_out_len (int, optional): Length of fade-out (time frames), which must be non-negative (default=0). fade_shape (FadeShape, optional): Shape of fade (default=FadeShape.LINEAR). Can be one of [FadeShape.LINEAR, FadeShape.EXPONENTIAL, FadeShape.LOGARITHMIC, FadeShape.QUARTERSINC, FadeShape.HALFSINC]. -FadeShape.LINEAR, means it linear to 0. -FadeShape.EXPONENTIAL, means it tend to 0 in an exponential function. -FadeShape.LOGARITHMIC, means it tend to 0 in an logrithmic function. -FadeShape.QUARTERSINE, means it tend to 0 in an quarter sin function. -FadeShape.HALFSINE, means it tend to 0 in an half sin function. Raises: RuntimeError: If fade_in_len exceeds waveform length. RuntimeError: If fade_out_len exceeds waveform length. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from import FadeShape >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03, 9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.Fade(fade_in_len=3, fade_out_len=2, fade_shape=FadeShape.LINEAR)] >>> dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_fade def __init__(self, fade_in_len=0, fade_out_len=0, fade_shape=FadeShape.LINEAR): self.fade_in_len = fade_in_len self.fade_out_len = fade_out_len self.fade_shape = fade_shape def parse(self): return cde.FadeOperation(self.fade_in_len, self.fade_out_len, DE_C_FADESHAPE_TYPE[self.fade_shape]) DE_C_MODULATION_TYPE = {Modulation.SINUSOIDAL: cde.Modulation.DE_MODULATION_SINUSOIDAL, Modulation.TRIANGULAR: cde.Modulation.DE_MODULATION_TRIANGULAR} DE_C_INTERPOLATION_TYPE = {Interpolation.LINEAR: cde.Interpolation.DE_INTERPOLATION_LINEAR, Interpolation.QUADRATIC: cde.Interpolation.DE_INTERPOLATION_QUADRATIC} class Flanger(AudioTensorOperation): """ Apply a flanger effect to the audio. Args: sample_rate (int): Sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz). delay (float, optional): Desired delay in milliseconds (ms), range: [0, 30] (default=0.0). depth (float, optional): Desired delay depth in milliseconds (ms), range: [0, 10] (default=2.0). regen (float, optional): Desired regen (feedback gain) in dB, range: [-95, 95] (default=0.0). width (float, optional): Desired width (delay gain) in dB, range: [0, 100] (default=71.0). speed (float, optional): Modulation speed in Hz, range: [0.1, 10] (default=0.5). phase (float, optional): Percentage phase-shift for multi-channel, range: [0, 100] (default=25.0). modulation (Modulation, optional): Modulation of the input tensor (default=Modulation.SINUSOIDAL). It can be one of Modulation.SINUSOIDAL or Modulation.TRIANGULAR. interpolation (Interpolation, optional): Interpolation of the input tensor (default=Interpolation.LINEAR). It can be one of Interpolation.LINEAR or Interpolation.QUADRATIC. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03], [9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.Flanger(44100)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_flanger def __init__(self, sample_rate, delay=0.0, depth=2.0, regen=0.0, width=71.0, speed=0.5, phase=25.0, modulation=Modulation.SINUSOIDAL, interpolation=Interpolation.LINEAR): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.delay = delay self.depth = depth self.regen = regen self.width = width self.speed = speed self.phase = phase self.modulation = modulation self.interpolation = interpolation def parse(self): return cde.FlangerOperation(self.sample_rate, self.delay, self.depth, self.regen, self.width, self.speed, self.phase, DE_C_MODULATION_TYPE[self.modulation], DE_C_INTERPOLATION_TYPE[self.interpolation])
[docs]class FrequencyMasking(AudioTensorOperation): """ Apply masking to a spectrogram in the frequency domain. Args: iid_masks (bool, optional): Whether to apply different masks to each example (default=false). frequency_mask_param (int, optional): Maximum possible length of the mask, range: [0, freq_length] (default=0). Indices uniformly sampled from [0, frequency_mask_param]. mask_start (int, optional): Mask start takes effect when iid_masks=true, range: [0, freq_length-frequency_mask_param] (default=0). mask_value (float, optional): Mask value (default=0.0). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.random.random([1, 3, 2]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.FrequencyMasking(frequency_mask_param=1)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_masking def __init__(self, iid_masks=False, frequency_mask_param=0, mask_start=0, mask_value=0.0): self.iid_masks = iid_masks self.frequency_mask_param = frequency_mask_param self.mask_start = mask_start self.mask_value = mask_value def parse(self): return cde.FrequencyMaskingOperation(self.iid_masks, self.frequency_mask_param, self.mask_start, self.mask_value)
class Gain(AudioTensorOperation): """ Apply amplification or attenuation to the whole waveform. Args: gain_db (float): Gain adjustment in decibels (dB) (default=1.0). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03], [9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.Gain(1.2)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_gain def __init__(self, gain_db=1.0): self.gain_db = gain_db def parse(self): return cde.GainOperation(self.gain_db) class HighpassBiquad(AudioTensorOperation): """ Design biquad highpass filter and perform filtering. Similar to SoX implementation. Args: sample_rate (int): Sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz), the value can't be zero. cutoff_freq (float): Filter cutoff frequency (in Hz). Q (float, optional): Quality factor,, range: (0, 1] (default=0.707). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03], [9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.HighpassBiquad(44100, 1500, 0.7)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_highpass_biquad def __init__(self, sample_rate, cutoff_freq, Q=0.707): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.cutoff_freq = cutoff_freq self.Q = Q def parse(self): return cde.HighpassBiquadOperation(self.sample_rate, self.cutoff_freq, self.Q) class LFilter(AudioTensorOperation): """ Design two-pole filter for audio waveform of dimension of (..., time). Args: a_coeffs (sequence): denominator coefficients of difference equation of dimension of (n_order + 1). Lower delays coefficients are first, e.g. [a0, a1, a2, ...]. Must be same size as b_coeffs (pad with 0's as necessary). b_coeffs (sequence): numerator coefficients of difference equation of dimension of (n_order + 1). Lower delays coefficients are first, e.g. [b0, b1, b2, ...]. Must be same size as a_coeffs (pad with 0's as necessary). clamp (bool, optional): If True, clamp the output signal to be in the range [-1, 1] (default=True). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[2.716064453125e-03, 6.34765625e-03], [9.246826171875e-03, 1.0894775390625e-02]]) >>> a_coeffs = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] >>> b_coeffs = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.LFilter(a_coeffs, b_coeffs)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_lfilter def __init__(self, a_coeffs, b_coeffs, clamp=True): self.a_coeffs = a_coeffs self.b_coeffs = b_coeffs self.clamp = clamp def parse(self): return cde.LFilterOperation(self.a_coeffs, self.b_coeffs, self.clamp)
[docs]class LowpassBiquad(AudioTensorOperation): """ Design biquad lowpass filter and perform filtering. Similar to SoX implementation. Args: sample_rate (int): Sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz), the value can't be zero. cutoff_freq (float): Filter cutoff frequency. Q(float, optional): Quality factor,, range: (0, 1] (default=0.707). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[0.8236, 0.2049, 0.3335], [0.5933, 0.9911, 0.2482], ... [0.3007, 0.9054, 0.7598], [0.5394, 0.2842, 0.5634], [0.6363, 0.2226, 0.2288]]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.LowpassBiquad(4000, 1500, 0.7)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_lowpass_biquad def __init__(self, sample_rate, cutoff_freq, Q=0.707): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.cutoff_freq = cutoff_freq self.Q = Q def parse(self): return cde.LowpassBiquadOperation(self.sample_rate, self.cutoff_freq, self.Q)
class Magphase(AudioTensorOperation): """ Separate a complex-valued spectrogram with shape (..., 2) into its magnitude and phase. Args: power (float): Power of the norm, which must be non-negative (default=1.0). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.random.random([2, 4, 2]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.Magphase()] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_magphase def __init__(self, power=1.0): self.power = power def parse(self): return cde.MagphaseOperation(self.power) class MuLawDecoding(AudioTensorOperation): """ Decode mu-law encoded signal. Args: quantization_channels (int): Number of channels, which must be positive (Default: 256). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.random.random([1, 3, 4]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.MuLawDecoding()] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_mu_law_coding def __init__(self, quantization_channels=256): self.quantization_channels = quantization_channels def parse(self): return cde.MuLawDecodingOperation(self.quantization_channels) class MuLawEncoding(AudioTensorOperation): """ Encode signal based on mu-law companding. Args: quantization_channels (int): Number of channels, which must be positive (Default: 256). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.random.random([1, 3, 4]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.MuLawEncoding()] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_mu_law_coding def __init__(self, quantization_channels=256): self.quantization_channels = quantization_channels def parse(self): return cde.MuLawEncodingOperation(self.quantization_channels) class Overdrive(AudioTensorOperation): """ Apply overdrive on input audio. Args: gain (float): Desired gain at the boost (or attenuation) in dB, in range of [0, 100] (default=20.0). color (float): Controls the amount of even harmonic content in the over-driven output, in range of [0, 100] (default=20.0). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=np.float32) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.Overdrive()] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_overdrive def __init__(self, gain=20.0, color=20.0): self.gain = gain self.color = color def parse(self): return cde.OverdriveOperation(self.gain, self.color) class Phaser(AudioTensorOperation): """ Apply a phasing effect to the audio. Args: sample_rate (int): Sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz). gain_in (float): Desired input gain at the boost (or attenuation) in dB. Allowed range of values is [0, 1] (default=0.4). gain_out (float): Desired output gain at the boost (or attenuation) in dB. Allowed range of values is [0, 1e9] (default=0.74). delay_ms (float): Desired delay in milli seconds. Allowed range of values is [0, 5] (default=3.0). decay (float): Desired decay relative to gain-in. Allowed range of values is [0, 0.99] (default=0.4). mod_speed (float): Modulation speed in Hz. Allowed range of values is [0.1, 2] (default=0.5). sinusoidal (bool): If True, use sinusoidal modulation (preferable for multiple instruments). If False, use triangular modulation (gives single instruments a sharper phasing effect) (default=True). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=np.float32) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.Phaser(44100)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_phaser def __init__(self, sample_rate, gain_in=0.4, gain_out=0.74, delay_ms=3.0, decay=0.4, mod_speed=0.5, sinusoidal=True): self.decay = decay self.delay_ms = delay_ms self.gain_in = gain_in self.gain_out = gain_out self.mod_speed = mod_speed self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.sinusoidal = sinusoidal def parse(self): return cde.PhaserOperation(self.sample_rate, self.gain_in, self.gain_out, self.delay_ms, self.decay, self.mod_speed, self.sinusoidal) class RiaaBiquad(AudioTensorOperation): """ Apply RIAA vinyl playback equalization. Similar to SoX implementation. Args: sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz), can only be one of 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=np.float64) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.RiaaBiquad(44100)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_riaa_biquad def __init__(self, sample_rate): self.sample_rate = sample_rate def parse(self): return cde.RiaaBiquadOperation(self.sample_rate) class SlidingWindowCmn(AudioTensorOperation): """ Apply sliding-window cepstral mean (and optionally variance) normalization per utterance. Args: cmn_window (int, optional): Window in frames for running average CMN computation (default=600). min_cmn_window (int, optional): Minimum CMN window used at start of decoding (adds latency only at start). Only applicable if center is False, ignored if center is True (default=100). center (bool, optional): If True, use a window centered on the current frame. If False, window is to the left. (default=False). norm_vars (bool, optional): If True, normalize variance to one. (default=False). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]], dtype=np.float64) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.SlidingWindowCmn()] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_sliding_window_cmn def __init__(self, cmn_window=600, min_cmn_window=100, center=False, norm_vars=False): self.cmn_window = cmn_window self.min_cmn_window = min_cmn_window = center self.norm_vars = norm_vars def parse(self): return cde.SlidingWindowCmnOperation(self.cmn_window, self.min_cmn_window,, self.norm_vars) DE_C_WINDOW_TYPE = {WindowType.BARTLETT: cde.WindowType.DE_BARTLETT, WindowType.BLACKMAN: cde.WindowType.DE_BLACKMAN, WindowType.HAMMING: cde.WindowType.DE_HAMMING, WindowType.HANN: cde.WindowType.DE_HANN, WindowType.KAISER: cde.WindowType.DE_KAISER} class SpectralCentroid(TensorOperation): """ Create a spectral centroid from an audio signal. Args: sample_rate (int): Sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz). n_fft (int, optional): Size of FFT, creates n_fft // 2 + 1 bins (default=400). win_length (int, optional): Window size (default=None, will use n_fft). hop_length (int, optional): Length of hop between STFT windows (default=None, will use win_length // 2). pad (int, optional): Two sided padding of signal (default=0). window (WindowType, optional): Window function that is applied/multiplied to each frame/window, which can be WindowType.BARTLETT, WindowType.BLACKMAN, WindowType.HAMMING, WindowType.HANN or WindowType.KAISER (default=WindowType.HANN). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.random.random([5, 10, 20]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.SpectralCentroid(44100)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_spectral_centroid def __init__(self, sample_rate, n_fft=400, win_length=None, hop_length=None, pad=0, window=WindowType.HANN): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.pad = pad self.window = window self.n_fft = n_fft self.win_length = win_length if win_length else n_fft self.hop_length = hop_length if hop_length else self.win_length // 2 def parse(self): return cde.SpectralCentroidOperation(self.sample_rate, self.n_fft, self.win_length, self.hop_length, self.pad, DE_C_WINDOW_TYPE[self.window]) class Spectrogram(TensorOperation): """ Create a spectrogram from an audio signal. Args: n_fft (int, optional): Size of FFT, creates n_fft // 2 + 1 bins (default=400). win_length (int, optional): Window size (default=None, will use n_fft). hop_length (int, optional): Length of hop between STFT windows (default=None, will use win_length // 2). pad (int): Two sided padding of signal (default=0). window (WindowType, optional): Window function that is applied/multiplied to each frame/window, which can be WindowType.BARTLETT, WindowType.BLACKMAN, WindowType.HAMMING, WindowType.HANN or WindowType.KAISER (default=WindowType.HANN). Currently kaiser window is not supported on macOS. power (float, optional): Exponent for the magnitude spectrogram, which must be greater than or equal to 0, e.g., 1 for energy, 2 for power, etc. (default=2.0). normalized (bool, optional): Whether to normalize by magnitude after stft (default=False). center (bool, optional): Whether to pad waveform on both sides (default=True). pad_mode (BorderType, optional): Controls the padding method used when center is True, which can be BorderType.REFLECT, BorderType.CONSTANT, BorderType.EDGE, BorderType.SYMMETRIC (default=BorderType.REFLECT). onesided (bool, optional): Controls whether to return half of results to avoid redundancy (default=True). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.random.random([5, 10, 20]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.Spectrogram()] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_spectrogram def __init__(self, n_fft=400, win_length=None, hop_length=None, pad=0, window=WindowType.HANN, power=2.0, normalized=False, center=True, pad_mode=BorderType.REFLECT, onesided=True): self.n_fft = n_fft self.win_length = win_length if win_length else n_fft self.hop_length = hop_length if hop_length else self.win_length // 2 self.pad = pad self.window = window self.power = power self.normalized = normalized = center self.pad_mode = pad_mode self.onesided = onesided def parse(self): return cde.SpectrogramOperation(self.n_fft, self.win_length, self.hop_length, self.pad, DE_C_WINDOW_TYPE[self.window], self.power, self.normalized,, DE_C_BORDER_TYPE[self.pad_mode], self.onesided)
[docs]class TimeMasking(AudioTensorOperation): """ Apply masking to a spectrogram in the time domain. Args: iid_masks (bool, optional): Whether to apply different masks to each example (default=false). time_mask_param (int, optional): Maximum possible length of the mask, range: [0, time_length] (default=0). Indices uniformly sampled from [0, time_mask_param]. mask_start (int, optional): Mask start takes effect when iid_masks=true, range: [0, time_length-time_mask_param] (default=0). mask_value (float, optional): Mask value (default=0.0). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.random.random([1, 3, 2]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.TimeMasking(time_mask_param=1)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_masking def __init__(self, iid_masks=False, time_mask_param=0, mask_start=0, mask_value=0.0): self.iid_masks = iid_masks self.time_mask_param = time_mask_param self.mask_start = mask_start self.mask_value = mask_value def parse(self): return cde.TimeMaskingOperation(self.iid_masks, self.time_mask_param, self.mask_start, self.mask_value)
[docs]class TimeStretch(AudioTensorOperation): """ Stretch STFT in time at a given rate, without changing the pitch. Args: hop_length (int, optional): Length of hop between STFT windows (default=None, will use ((n_freq - 1) * 2) // 2). n_freq (int, optional): Number of filter banks form STFT (default=201). fixed_rate (float, optional): Rate to speed up or slow down the input in time (default=None, will keep the original rate). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.random.random([1, 30]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.TimeStretch()] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_time_stretch def __init__(self, hop_length=None, n_freq=201, fixed_rate=None): self.n_freq = n_freq self.fixed_rate = fixed_rate n_fft = (n_freq - 1) * 2 self.hop_length = hop_length if hop_length is not None else n_fft // 2 self.fixed_rate = fixed_rate if fixed_rate is not None else 1 def parse(self): return cde.TimeStretchOperation(self.hop_length, self.n_freq, self.fixed_rate)
class TrebleBiquad(AudioTensorOperation): """ Design a treble tone-control effect. Similar to SoX implementation. Args: sample_rate (int): Sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz), the value can't be zero. gain (float): Desired gain at the boost (or attenuation) in dB. central_freq (float, optional): Central frequency (in Hz) (default=3000). Q(float, optional): Quality factor,, range: (0, 1] (default=0.707). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> waveform = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=np.float64) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.TrebleBiquad(44100, 200.0)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_treble_biquad def __init__(self, sample_rate, gain, central_freq=3000, Q=0.707): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.gain = gain self.central_freq = central_freq self.Q = Q def parse(self): return cde.TrebleBiquadOperation(self.sample_rate, self.gain, self.central_freq, self.Q) DE_C_GAINTYPE_TYPE = {GainType.AMPLITUDE: cde.GainType.DE_GAINTYPE_AMPLITUDE, GainType.POWER: cde.GainType.DE_GAINTYPE_POWER, GainType.DB: cde.GainType.DE_GAINTYPE_DB} class Vol(AudioTensorOperation): """ Apply amplification or attenuation to the whole waveform. Args: gain (float): Value of gain adjustment. If gain_type = amplitude, gain stands for nonnegative amplitude ratio. If gain_type = power, gain stands for power. If gain_type = db, gain stands for decibels. gain_type (GainType, optional): Type of gain, contains the following three enumeration values GainType.AMPLITUDE, GainType.POWER and GainType.DB (default=GainType.AMPLITUDE). Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from import GainType >>> >>> waveform = np.random.random([20, 30]) >>> numpy_slices_dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=waveform, column_names=["audio"]) >>> transforms = [audio.Vol(gain=10, gain_type=GainType.DB)] >>> numpy_slices_dataset =, input_columns=["audio"]) """ @check_vol def __init__(self, gain, gain_type=GainType.AMPLITUDE): self.gain = gain self.gain_type = gain_type def parse(self): return cde.VolOperation(self.gain, DE_C_GAINTYPE_TYPE[self.gain_type])