Source code for mindspore.ops.op_info_register

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"""Operators info register."""

import os
import json
import inspect
from mindspore._c_expression import Oplib
from mindspore._checkparam import Validator as validator

# path of built-in op info register.
BUILT_IN_OPS_REGISTER_PATH = "mindspore/ops/_op_impl"
BUILT_IN_CUSTOM_OPS_REGISTER_PATH = "mindspore/ops/_op_impl/_custom_op"

[docs]def op_info_register(op_info): """ A decorator which is used to register an operator. Note: 'op_info' should represent the operator information by string with json format. The 'op_info' will be added into oplib. Args: op_info (str or dict): operator information in json format. Returns: Function, returns a decorator for op info register. """ def register_decorator(func): if isinstance(op_info, dict): op_info_real = json.dumps(op_info) else: op_info_real = op_info validator.check_value_type("op_info", op_info_real, [str], None) op_lib = Oplib() file_path = os.path.realpath(inspect.getfile(func)) # keep the path custom ops implementation. if BUILT_IN_CUSTOM_OPS_REGISTER_PATH in file_path: imply_path = file_path else: imply_path = "" if BUILT_IN_OPS_REGISTER_PATH in file_path else file_path if not op_lib.reg_op(op_info_real, imply_path): raise ValueError('Invalid op info {}:\n{}\n'.format(file_path, op_info_real)) def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped_function return register_decorator
class RegOp: """ Base class for op info register. Args: op_name (str): Name of op. inputs (list): Inputs inoformation of the op. outputs (list): Outputs information of the op. attr_ (list): Attribute information of the op. dtype_format_ (list): Dtype and format information of the op. """ def __init__(self, op_name=""): if not isinstance(op_name, str): raise ValueError("op name value must be string") if not op_name.strip(): raise ValueError("op name is empty") self.op_name = op_name self.inputs = [] self.outputs = [] self.attr_ = [] self.fusion_type_ = '' self.dtype_format_ = [] def _is_string(self, value): """ Check if the value is a str type. Args: value: Parameter to be checked. Raises: TypeError: If the type of value is not a str. """ if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("%s value must be str" % str(value)) return True def _is_int(self, value): """ Check if the value is a int. Args: value: Parameter to be checked. Raises: TypeError: If the type of value is not a int. """ if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("%s value must be int" % str(value)) return True def _is_bool(self, value): """ Check if the value is a bool. Args: value: Parameter to be checked. Raises: TypeError: If the type of value is not a bool. """ if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("%s value must be bool" % str(value)) return True def _check_param(self, param_list, key_list, fn_list, kwargs): """ Check if the parameter type is correct. Args: param_list (list): Parameter list to be checked. key_list (list): The keys of output dict. fn_list (list): Function used for parameter checking. If the function list has only one element, all parameters will use the same function. kwargs (dict): Other parameter information. Raises: TypeError: If the type of value is not list. ValueError: If the size of param list is not equal to the size of key list, or the size of param list is not equal to the size of funtion list. """ for i in [param_list, key_list, fn_list]: if not isinstance(i, list): raise TypeError("%s value must be list type" % str(i)) if len(param_list) != len(key_list) or (len(fn_list) != 1 and len(param_list) != len(fn_list)): raise ValueError("param_list size {}, key_list size {}, must be equal.And fn_list size {}.". format(len(param_list), len(key_list), len(fn_list))) out_dict = {} for idx, element in enumerate(param_list): if element is not None: if len(fn_list) == 1: fn_list[0](element) else: fn_list[idx](element) out_dict[key_list[idx]] = element if kwargs: out_dict = dict(out_dict, **kwargs) return out_dict def fusion_type(self, fusion_type): """ Fusion type of the operator. Args: fusion_type (str): Value of fusion type. """ self._is_string(fusion_type) self.fusion_type_ = fusion_type return self def dtype_format(self, *args): """ A dtype and format supported by the operator. Args: args (tuple): Value of dtype and format. Raises: ValueError: If the size of args not equal to input size add output size. TypeError: If the type of args is not tuple. """ if len(self.inputs) + len(self.outputs) != len(args): raise ValueError("input size add output size must be equal to dtype format size") dtype_format = [] for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, tuple) or len(arg) != 2: raise ValueError("dtype and format value must be tuple of two elements") self._is_string(arg[0]) self._is_string(arg[1]) dtype_format.append(arg) self.dtype_format_.append(tuple(dtype_format)) return self def get_op_info(self): """ Return all registration information for this instance. The '_' character ending the key is removed here for compatibility with previous version. Key will be unified into an underlined form later. """ op_info = {} for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(key, str) and key.endswith('_'): op_info[key.rstrip('_')] = value else: op_info[key] = value return op_info class AkgRegOp(RegOp): """Class for Akg op info register.""" def __init__(self, op_name, processor): super(AkgRegOp, self).__init__(op_name) self.imply_type = "AKG" self.processor = processor def input(self, index=None, name=None, param_type=None, **kwargs): """ Register Akg op input information. Args: index (int): Order of the input. Default: None. name (str): Name of the input. Default: None. param_type (str): Param type of the input. Default: None. kwargs (dict): Other information of the input. """ param_list = [index, name, param_type] key_list = ["index", "name", "param_type"] fn_list = [self._is_int, self._is_string, self._is_string] input_dict = self._check_param(param_list, key_list, fn_list, kwargs) self.inputs.append(input_dict) return self def output(self, index=None, name=None, **kwargs): """ Register Akg op output information. Args: index (int): Order of the output. Default: None. name (str): Name of the output. Default: None. kwargs (dict): Other information of the output. """ param_list = [index, name] key_list = ["index", "name"] fn_list = [self._is_int, self._is_string] output_dict = self._check_param(param_list, key_list, fn_list, kwargs) self.outputs.append(output_dict) return self def attr(self, name=None, param_type=None, value_type=None, **kwargs): """ Register Akg op attribute information. Args: name (str): Name of the attribute. Default: None. param_type (str): Param type of the attribute. Default: None. value_type (str): Value type of the attribute. Default: None. kwargs (dict): Other information of the attribute. """ param_list = [name, param_type, value_type] key_list = ["name", "param_type", "type"] fn_list = [self._is_string] attr_dict = self._check_param(param_list, key_list, fn_list, kwargs) self.attr_.append(attr_dict) return self class AkgGpuRegOp(AkgRegOp): def __init__(self, op_name): super(AkgGpuRegOp, self).__init__(op_name, "CUDA") class AkgAscendRegOp(AkgRegOp): def __init__(self, op_name): super(AkgAscendRegOp, self).__init__(op_name, "AiCore")
[docs]class AiCPURegOp(RegOp): """Class for AiCPU op info register""" def __init__(self, op_name): super(AiCPURegOp, self).__init__(op_name) self.imply_type = "AiCPU"
[docs] def input(self, index=None, name=None, param_type=None, **kwargs): """ Register AiCPU op input information. Args: index (int): Order of the input. Default: None. name (str): Name of the input. Default: None. param_type (str): Param type of the input. Default: None. kwargs (dict): Other information of the input. """ param_list = [index, name, param_type] key_list = ["index", "name", "param_type"] fn_list = [self._is_int, self._is_string, self._is_string] input_dict = self._check_param(param_list, key_list, fn_list, kwargs) self.inputs.append(input_dict) return self
[docs] def output(self, index=None, name=None, param_type=None, **kwargs): """ Register AiCPU op output information. Args: index (int): Order of the output. Default: None. name (str): Name of the output. Default: None. param_type (str): Param type of the output. Default: None. kwargs (dict): Other information of the output. """ param_list = [index, name, param_type] key_list = ["index", "name", "param_type"] fn_list = [self._is_int, self._is_string, self._is_string] output_dict = self._check_param(param_list, key_list, fn_list, kwargs) self.outputs.append(output_dict) return self
[docs] def attr(self, name=None, value_type=None, value=None, **kwargs): """ Register AiCPU op attribute information. Args: name (str): Name of the attribute. Default: None. value_type (str): Value type of the attribute. Default: None. value (str): Value of the attribute. Default: None. kwargs (dict): Other information of the attribute. """ param_list = [name, value_type, value] key_list = ["name", "type", "value"] fn_list = [self._is_string] attr_dict = self._check_param(param_list, key_list, fn_list, kwargs) self.attr_.append(attr_dict) return self
[docs]class TBERegOp(RegOp): """Class for TBE op info register.""" def __init__(self, op_name): super(TBERegOp, self).__init__(op_name) self.imply_type = "TBE" self.async_flag_ = False self.binfile_name_ = '' self.compute_cost_ = 10 self.kernel_name_ = '' self.partial_flag_ = False self.reshape_type_ = '' self.dynamic_format_ = False self.op_pattern_ = ""
[docs] def async_flag(self, async_flag): """ Define the calculation efficiency of the operator, whether the asynchronous calculation is supported. Args: async_flag (bool): Value of async flag. Default: false. """ self._is_bool(async_flag) self.async_flag_ = async_flag return self
[docs] def binfile_name(self, binfile_name): """ Set the binary file name of the operator, it is optional. Args: binfile_name (str): The binary file name of the operator. """ self._is_string(binfile_name) self.binfile_name_ = binfile_name return self
[docs] def compute_cost(self, compute_cost): """ Define the calculation efficiency of operator, which refers to the value of the cost model in the tiling module. Args: compute_cost (int): Value of compute cost. Default: 10. """ self._is_int(compute_cost) self.compute_cost_ = compute_cost return self
[docs] def kernel_name(self, kernel_name): """ The name of operator kernel. Args: kernel_name (str): Name of operator kernel. """ self._is_string(kernel_name) self.kernel_name_ = kernel_name return self
[docs] def partial_flag(self, partial_flag): """ Define the calculation efficiency of operator, whether the partial calculation is supported. Args: partial_flag (bool): Value of partial flag. Default: true. """ self._is_bool(partial_flag) self.partial_flag_ = partial_flag return self
[docs] def reshape_type(self, reshape_type): """ Reshape type of operator. Args: reshape_type (str): Value of reshape type. """ self._is_string(reshape_type) self.reshape_type_ = reshape_type return self
[docs] def dynamic_format(self, dynamic_format): """ Whether the operator supports dynamic selection of format and dtype or not. Args: dynamic_format (bool): Value of dynamic format. Default: false. """ self._is_bool(dynamic_format) self.dynamic_format_ = dynamic_format return self
[docs] def op_pattern(self, pattern=None): """ The behavior type of opeator, such as broadcast, reduce and so on. Args: pattern (str): Value of op pattern. """ if pattern is not None and self._is_string(pattern): self.op_pattern_ = pattern return self
[docs] def attr(self, name=None, param_type=None, value_type=None, value=None, default_value=None, **kwargs): """ Register TBE op attribute information. Args: name (str): Name of the attribute. Default: None. param_type (str): Param type of the attribute. Default: None. value_type (str): Type of the attribute. Default: None. value (str): Value of the attribute. Default: None. default_value (str): Default value of attribute. Default: None. kwargs (dict): Other information of the attribute. """ param_list = [name, param_type, value_type, value, default_value] key_list = ["name", "param_type", "type", "value", "default_value"] fn_list = [self._is_string] attr_dict = self._check_param(param_list, key_list, fn_list, kwargs) self.attr_.append(attr_dict) return self
[docs] def input(self, index=None, name=None, need_compile=None, param_type=None, shape=None, **kwargs): """ Register TBE op input information. Args: index (int): Order of the input. Default: None. name (str): Name of the input. Default: None. need_compile (bool): Whether the input needs to be compiled or not. Default: None. param_type (str): Type of the input. Default: None. shape (str): Shape of the input. Default: None. kwargs (dict): Other information of the input. """ param_list = [index, name, need_compile, param_type, shape] key_list = ["index", "name", "need_compile", "param_type", "shape"] fn_list = [self._is_int, self._is_string, self._is_bool, self._is_string, self._is_string] input_dict = self._check_param(param_list, key_list, fn_list, kwargs) self.inputs.append(input_dict) return self
[docs] def output(self, index=None, name=None, need_compile=None, param_type=None, shape=None, **kwargs): """ Register TBE op output information. Args: index (int): Order of the output. Default: None. name (str): Name of the output. Default: None. need_compile (bool): Whether the output needs to be compiled or not. Default: None. param_type (str): Type of the output. Default: None. shape (str): Shape of the output. Default: None. kwargs (dict): Other information of the output. """ param_list = [index, name, need_compile, param_type, shape] key_list = ["index", "name", "need_compile", "param_type", "shape"] fn_list = [self._is_int, self._is_string, self._is_bool, self._is_string, self._is_string] output_dict = self._check_param(param_list, key_list, fn_list, kwargs) self.outputs.append(output_dict) return self
[docs]class DataType: """ Various combinations of dtype and format. The current list below may be incomplete. Please add it if necessary. """ None_None = ("", "") BOOL_None = ("bool", "") BOOL_Default = ("bool", "DefaultFormat") BOOL_5HD = ("bool", "NC1HWC0") BOOL_FracZ = ("bool", "FracZ") BOOL_FracNZ = ("bool", "FRACTAL_NZ") BOOL_C1HWNCoC0 = ("bool", "C1HWNCoC0") BOOL_NCHW = ("bool", "NCHW") BOOL_NHWC = ("bool", "NHWC") BOOL_HWCN = ("bool", "HWCN") BOOL_NDHWC = ("bool", "NDHWC") I8_None = ("int8", "") I8_Default = ("int8", "DefaultFormat") I8_5HD = ("int8", "NC1HWC0") I8_FracZ = ("int8", "FracZ") I8_FracNZ = ("int8", "FRACTAL_NZ") I8_C1HWNCoC0 = ("int8", "C1HWNCoC0") I8_NCHW = ("int8", "NCHW") I8_NHWC = ("int8", "NHWC") I8_HWCN = ("int8", "HWCN") I8_NDHWC = ("int8", "NDHWC") U8_None = ("uint8", "") U8_Default = ("uint8", "DefaultFormat") U8_5HD = ("uint8", "NC1HWC0") U8_FracZ = ("uint8", "FracZ") U8_FracNZ = ("uint8", "FRACTAL_NZ") U8_C1HWNCoC0 = ("uint8", "C1HWNCoC0") U8_NCHW = ("uint8", "NCHW") U8_NHWC = ("uint8", "NHWC") U8_HWCN = ("uint8", "HWCN") U8_NDHWC = ("uint8", "NDHWC") I16_None = ("int16", "") I16_Default = ("int16", "DefaultFormat") I16_5HD = ("int16", "NC1HWC0") I16_FracZ = ("int16", "FracZ") I16_FracNZ = ("int16", "FRACTAL_NZ") I16_C1HWNCoC0 = ("int16", "C1HWNCoC0") I16_NCHW = ("int16", "NCHW") I16_NHWC = ("int16", "NHWC") I16_HWCN = ("int16", "HWCN") I16_NDHWC = ("int16", "NDHWC") U16_None = ("uint16", "") U16_Default = ("uint16", "DefaultFormat") U16_5HD = ("uint16", "NC1HWC0") U16_FracZ = ("uint16", "FracZ") U16_FracNZ = ("uint16", "FRACTAL_NZ") U16_C1HWNCoC0 = ("uint16", "C1HWNCoC0") U16_NCHW = ("uint16", "NCHW") U16_NHWC = ("uint16", "NHWC") U16_HWCN = ("uint16", "HWCN") U16_NDHWC = ("uint16", "NDHWC") I32_None = ("int32", "") I32_Default = ("int32", "DefaultFormat") I32_5HD = ("int32", "NC1HWC0") I32_FracZ = ("int32", "FracZ") I32_FracNZ = ("int32", "FRACTAL_NZ") I32_C1HWNCoC0 = ("int32", "C1HWNCoC0") I32_NCHW = ("int32", "NCHW") I32_NHWC = ("int32", "NHWC") I32_HWCN = ("int32", "HWCN") I32_NDHWC = ("int32", "NDHWC") U32_None = ("uint32", "") U32_Default = ("uint32", "DefaultFormat") U32_5HD = ("uint32", "NC1HWC0") U32_FracZ = ("uint32", "FracZ") U32_FracNZ = ("uint32", "FRACTAL_NZ") U32_C1HWNCoC0 = ("uint32", "C1HWNCoC0") U32_NCHW = ("uint32", "NCHW") U32_NHWC = ("uint32", "NHWC") U32_HWCN = ("uint32", "HWCN") U32_NDHWC = ("uint32", "NDHWC") I64_None = ("int64", "") I64_Default = ("int64", "DefaultFormat") I64_5HD = ("int64", "NC1HWC0") I64_FracZ = ("int64", "FracZ") I64_FracNZ = ("int64", "FRACTAL_NZ") I64_C1HWNCoC0 = ("int64", "C1HWNCoC0") I64_NCHW = ("int64", "NCHW") I64_NHWC = ("int64", "NHWC") I64_HWCN = ("int64", "HWCN") I64_NDHWC = ("int64", "NDHWC") U64_None = ("uint64", "") U64_Default = ("uint64", "DefaultFormat") U64_5HD = ("uint64", "NC1HWC0") U64_FracZ = ("uint64", "FracZ") U64_FracNZ = ("uint64", "FRACTAL_NZ") U64_C1HWNCoC0 = ("uint64", "C1HWNCoC0") U64_NCHW = ("uint64", "NCHW") U64_NHWC = ("uint64", "NHWC") U64_HWCN = ("uint64", "HWCN") U64_NDHWC = ("uint64", "NDHWC") F16_None = ("float16", "") F16_Default = ("float16", "DefaultFormat") F16_5HD = ("float16", "NC1HWC0") F16_FracZ = ("float16", "FracZ") F16_FracNZ = ("float16", "FRACTAL_NZ") F16_C1HWNCoC0 = ("float16", "C1HWNCoC0") F16_NCHW = ("float16", "NCHW") F16_NHWC = ("float16", "NHWC") F16_HWCN = ("float16", "HWCN") F16_NDHWC = ("float16", "NDHWC") F32_None = ("float32", "") F32_Default = ("float32", "DefaultFormat") F32_5HD = ("float32", "NC1HWC0") F32_FracZ = ("float32", "FracZ") F32_FracNZ = ("float32", "FRACTAL_NZ") F32_C1HWNCoC0 = ("float32", "C1HWNCoC0") F32_NCHW = ("float32", "NCHW") F32_NHWC = ("float32", "NHWC") F32_HWCN = ("float32", "HWCN") F32_NDHWC = ("float32", "NDHWC") F64_None = ("float64", "") F64_Default = ("float64", "DefaultFormat") F64_5HD = ("float64", "NC1HWC0") F64_FracZ = ("float64", "FracZ") F64_FracNZ = ("float64", "FRACTAL_NZ") F64_C1HWNCoC0 = ("float64", "C1HWNCoC0") F64_NCHW = ("float64", "NCHW") F64_NHWC = ("float64", "NHWC") F64_HWCN = ("float64", "HWCN") F64_NDHWC = ("float64", "NDHWC")