Source code for mindspore.ops.composite.random_ops

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"""Operations for random number generators."""

from .. import operations as P
from .. import functional as F
from ..primitive import constexpr
from .multitype_ops import _constexpr_utils as const_utils
from ...common import dtype as mstype
from ..._checkparam import Validator as validator
from ..._checkparam import Rel

# set graph-level RNG seed

def set_seed(seed):
    Set the graph-level seed.
    Graph-level seed is used as a global variable, that can be used in different ops in case op-level seed is not set.
    If op-level seed is 0, use graph-level seed; if op-level seed is also 0, the system would generate a
    random seed.

        seed(Int): the graph-level seed value that to be set. Must be non-negative.

        >>> C.set_seed(10)
    const_utils.check_non_negative("seed", seed, "set_seed")
    global _GRAPH_SEED
    _GRAPH_SEED = seed

def get_seed():
    Get the graph-level seed.
    Graph-level seed is used as a global variable, that can be used in different ops in case op-level seed is not set.
    If op-level seed is 0, use graph-level seed; if op-level seed is also 0, the system would generate a
    random seed.

        Interger. The current graph-level seed.

        >>> C.get_seed()
    return _GRAPH_SEED

[docs]def normal(shape, mean, stddev, seed=0): """ Generates random numbers according to the Normal (or Gaussian) random number distribution. Args: shape (tuple): The shape of random tensor to be generated. mean (Tensor): The mean μ distribution parameter, which specifies the location of the peak. With float32 data type. stddev (Tensor): The deviation σ distribution parameter. With float32 data type. seed (int): Seed is used as entropy source for Random number engines generating pseudo-random numbers. Must be non-negative. Default: 0. Returns: Tensor. The shape should be the broadcasted shape of Input "shape" and shapes of mean and stddev. The dtype is float32. Examples: >>> shape = (4, 16) >>> mean = Tensor(1.0, mstype.float32) >>> stddev = Tensor(1.0, mstype.float32) >>> output = C.normal(shape, mean, stddev, seed=5) """ mean_dtype = F.dtype(mean) stddev_dtype = F.dtype(stddev) const_utils.check_tensors_dtype_same(mean_dtype, mstype.float32, "normal") const_utils.check_tensors_dtype_same(stddev_dtype, mstype.float32, "normal") const_utils.check_non_negative("seed", seed, "normal") seed1 = get_seed() seed2 = seed stdnormal = P.StandardNormal(seed1, seed2) random_normal = stdnormal(shape) value = random_normal * stddev + mean return value
[docs]def uniform(shape, minval, maxval, seed=0, dtype=mstype.float32): """ Generates random numbers according to the Uniform random number distribution. Note: The number in tensor minval should be strictly less than maxval at any position after broadcasting. Args: shape (tuple): The shape of random tensor to be generated. minval (Tensor): The a distribution parameter. It defines the minimum possibly generated value. With int32 or float32 data type. If dtype is int32, only one number is allowed. maxval (Tensor): The b distribution parameter. It defines the maximum possibly generated value. With int32 or float32 data type. If dtype is int32, only one number is allowed. seed (int): Seed is used as entropy source for Random number engines generating pseudo-random numbers. Must be non-negative. Default: 0. Returns: Tensor. The shape should be the broadcasted shape of Input "shape" and shapes of minval and maxval. The dtype is designated as the input `dtype`. Examples: >>> For discrete uniform distribution, only one number is allowed for both minval and maxval: >>> shape = (4, 2) >>> minval = Tensor(1, mstype.int32) >>> maxval = Tensor(2, mstype.int32) >>> output = C.uniform(shape, minval, maxval, seed=5) >>> >>> For continuous uniform distribution, minval and maxval can be multi-dimentional: >>> shape = (4, 2) >>> minval = Tensor([1.0, 2.0], mstype.float32) >>> maxval = Tensor([4.0, 5.0], mstype.float32) >>> output = C.uniform(shape, minval, maxval, seed=5) """ minval_dtype = F.dtype(minval) maxval_dtype = F.dtype(maxval) const_utils.check_tensors_dtype_same(minval_dtype, dtype, "uniform") const_utils.check_tensors_dtype_same(maxval_dtype, dtype, "uniform") const_utils.check_non_negative("seed", seed, "uniform") seed1 = get_seed() seed2 = seed if const_utils.is_same_type(dtype, mstype.int32): random_uniform = P.UniformInt(seed1, seed2) value = random_uniform(shape, minval, maxval) else: uniform_real = P.UniformReal(seed1, seed2) random_uniform = uniform_real(shape) value = random_uniform * (maxval - minval) + minval return value
[docs]def gamma(shape, alpha, beta, seed=0): """ Generates random numbers according to the Gamma random number distribution. Args: shape (tuple): The shape of random tensor to be generated. alpha (Tensor): The alpha α distribution parameter. With float32 data type. beta (Tensor): The beta β distribution parameter. With float32 data type. seed (int): Seed is used as entropy source for Random number engines generating pseudo-random numbers. Must be non-negative. Default: 0. Returns: Tensor. The shape should be the broadcasted shape of Input "shape" and shapes of alpha and beta. The dtype is float32. Examples: >>> shape = (4, 16) >>> alpha = Tensor(1.0, mstype.float32) >>> beta = Tensor(1.0, mstype.float32) >>> output = C.gamma(shape, alpha, beta, seed=5) """ const_utils.check_non_negative("seed", seed, "gamma") seed1 = get_seed() seed2 = seed random_gamma = P.Gamma(seed1, seed2) value = random_gamma(shape, alpha, beta) return value
[docs]def poisson(shape, mean, seed=0): """ Generates random numbers according to the Poisson random number distribution. Args: shape (tuple): The shape of random tensor to be generated. mean (Tensor): The mean μ distribution parameter. With float32 data type. seed (int): Seed is used as entropy source for Random number engines generating pseudo-random numbers. Must be non-negative. Default: 0. Returns: Tensor. The shape should be the broadcasted shape of Input "shape" and shapes of mean. The dtype is float32. Examples: >>> shape = (4, 16) >>> mean = Tensor(1.0, mstype.float32) >>> output = C.poisson(shape, mean, seed=5) """ const_utils.check_non_negative("seed", seed, "poisson") seed1 = get_seed() seed2 = seed random_poisson = P.Poisson(seed1, seed2) value = random_poisson(shape, mean) return value
[docs]def multinomial(inputs, num_sample, replacement=True, seed=0): r""" Returns a tensor sampled from the multinomial probability distribution located in the corresponding row of tensor input. Note: The rows of input do not need to sum to one (in which case we use the values as weights), but must be non-negative, finite and have a non-zero sum. Args: seed (int): Seed data is used as entropy source for Random number engines generating pseudo-random numbers. Default: 0. Inputs: - **input** (Tensor) - the input tensor containing probabilities, must be 1 or 2 dims. - **num_samples** (int) - number of samples to draw. - **replacement** (bool, optional) - whether to draw with replacement or not, default True. Outputs: Tensor. have the same rows with input, each row has num_samples sampled indices. Examples: >>> input = Tensor([0, 9, 4, 0], mstype.float32) >>> output = C.multinomial(input, 2, True) """ shape = P.Shape() reshape = P.Reshape() validator.check_value_type('replacement', replacement, (bool,), None) validator.check_value_type('num_sample', num_sample, (int,), None) validator.check_integer("num_sample", num_sample, 0, Rel.GT, None) if inputs.dim() != 1 and inputs.dim() != 2: raise ValueError("inputs dim must be 1d or 2d") if not replacement: if shape(inputs)[-1] < num_sample: raise ValueError("num_sample must be less than shape(input)[-1] without replacement") n_dist = 1 if len(shape(inputs)) > 1: n_dist = shape(inputs)[-2] random_uniform = P.UniformReal(seed=seed)((n_dist * num_sample,)) if n_dist != 1: random_uniform = reshape(random_uniform, (n_dist, num_sample)) vals = P.RealDiv()(P.Log()(random_uniform), inputs + 1e-6) _, indices = P.TopK()(vals, num_sample) return indices return P.Multinomial(seed=seed)(inputs, num_sample)