Source code for mindspore_xai.explainer.backprop.modified_relu

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# ============================================================================
"""Explainer with modified ReLU."""

import mindspore.nn as nn
import mindspore.ops.operations as op
from mindspore import get_context, PYNATIVE_MODE

from mindspore_xai.common.utils import (
from .backprop_utils import GradNet
from .gradient import Gradient

class ModifiedReLU(Gradient):
    """Basic class for modified ReLU explanation."""

    def __init__(self, network, use_relu_backprop=False):
        super(ModifiedReLU, self).__init__(network)
        self.use_relu_backprop = use_relu_backprop
        self._grad_net = GradNet(self._backward_model)

    def __call__(self, inputs, targets, ret='tensor', show=None):
        Call function for `ModifiedReLU`, inherited by "Deconvolution" and "GuidedBackprop".

            inputs (Tensor): The input data to be explained, a 4D tensor of shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`.
            targets (Tensor, int): The label of interest. It should be a 1D or 0D tensor, or an integer.
                If it is a 1D tensor, its length should be the same as `inputs`.
            ret (str): The return object type. ``'tensor'`` means returns a Tensor object, ``'image'`` means return a
                PIL.Image object. Default: 'tensor'.
            show (bool, optional): Show the saliency images, `None` means auto. Default: ``None``.

            Tensor, a 4D tensor of shape :math:`(N, 1, H, W)`. Or list[PIL.Image.Image], the normalized saliency images
            if `ret` was set to ``'image'``.

            TypeError: Be raised for any argument type problem.
            ValueError: Be raised for any argument value problem.

        Supported Platforms:
            ``Ascend`` ``GPU``

        self._verify_data(inputs, targets)
        inputs = unify_inputs(inputs)
        targets = unify_targets(inputs[0].shape[0], targets)

        weights = self._get_bp_weights(inputs, targets)
        gradients = self._grad_net(*inputs, weights)
        saliency = self._aggregation_fn(gradients)

        return self._postproc_saliency(saliency, ret, show)

    def _hook_relu_backward(self):
        """Set backward hook for ReLU layers."""
        if get_context("mode") != PYNATIVE_MODE:
            raise TypeError(f"Hook is not supported in graph mode currently, you can use"
                            f"'set_context(mode=PYNATIVE_MODE)'to set pynative mode.")
        for _, cell in self._backward_model.cells_and_names():
            if isinstance(cell, nn.ReLU):

    def _backward_hook(self, _, grad_inputs, grad_outputs):
        """Hook function for ReLU layers."""
        inputs = grad_inputs if self.use_relu_backprop else grad_outputs
        relu = op.ReLU()
        if isinstance(inputs, tuple):
            return (relu(*inputs),)
        return (relu(inputs),)

[docs]class Deconvolution(ModifiedReLU): """ Provides Deconvolution explanation method. Deconvolution method is a modified version of Gradient method. For the original ReLU operation in the network to be explained, Deconvolution modifies the propagation rule from directly backpropagating gradients to backpropagating positive gradients. Note: The parsed `network` will be set to eval mode through `network.set_grad(False)` and `network.set_train(False)`. If you want to train the `network` afterwards, please reset it back to training mode through the opposite operations. To use `Deconvolution`, the `ReLU` operations in the network must be implemented with `mindspore.nn.Cell` object rather than `mindspore.ops.Operations.ReLU`. Otherwise, the results will not be correct. Args: network (Cell): The black-box model to be explained. Inputs: - **inputs** (Tensor) - The input data to be explained, a 4D tensor of shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. - **targets** (Tensor, int, tuple, list) - The label of interest. It should be a 1D or scalar tensor, or an integer, or a tuple/list of integers. If it is a 1D tensor, tuple or list, its length should be the same as `inputs`. - **ret** (str, optional): The return object type. ``'tensor'`` means returns a Tensor object, ``'image'`` means return a PIL.Image.Image list. Default: ``'tensor'``. - **show** (bool, optional): Show the saliency images, ``None`` means automatically show the saliency images if it is running on JupyterLab. Default: ``None``. Outputs: Tensor, a 4D tensor of shape :math:`(N, 1, H, W)`. Or list[list[PIL.Image.Image]], the normalized saliency images if `ret` was set to ``'image'``. Raises: TypeError: Be raised for any argument or input type problem. ValueError: Be raised for any input value problem. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import mindspore as ms >>> from mindspore import set_context, PYNATIVE_MODE >>> from mindspore_xai.explainer import Deconvolution >>> >>> # only PYNATIVE_MODE is supported >>> set_context(mode=PYNATIVE_MODE) >>> # The detail of LeNet5 is shown in >>> net = LeNet5(10, num_channel=3) >>> deconvolution = Deconvolution(net) >>> # parse data and the target label to be explained and get the saliency map >>> inputs = ms.Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 3, 32, 32), ms.float32) >>> label = 5 >>> saliency = deconvolution(inputs, label) >>> print(saliency.shape) (1, 1, 32, 32) """ def __init__(self, network): super(Deconvolution, self).__init__(network, use_relu_backprop=True)
[docs]class GuidedBackprop(ModifiedReLU): """ Provides Guided-Backpropagation explanation method. Guided-Backpropagation method is an extension of Gradient method. On top of the original ReLU operation in the network to be explained, Guided-Backpropagation introduces another ReLU operation to filter out the negative gradients during backpropagation. Note: The parsed `network` will be set to eval mode through `network.set_grad(False)` and `network.set_train(False)`. If you want to train the `network` afterwards, please reset it back to training mode through the opposite operations. To use `GuidedBackprop`, the `ReLU` operations in the network must be implemented with `mindspore.nn.Cell` object rather than `mindspore.ops.Operations.ReLU`. Otherwise, the results will not be correct. Args: network (Cell): The black-box model to be explained. Inputs: - **inputs** (Tensor) - The input data to be explained, a 4D tensor of shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. - **targets** (Tensor, int, tuple, list) - The label of interest. It should be a 1D or scalar tensor, or an integer, or an tuple/list of integers. If it is a 1D tensor, tuple or list, its length should be :math:`N`. - **ret** (str, optional): The return object type. ``'tensor'`` means returns a Tensor object, ``'image'`` means return a PIL.Image.Image list. Default: ``'tensor'``. - **show** (bool, optional): Show the saliency images, ``None`` means automatically show the saliency images if it is running on JupyterLab. Default: ``None``. Outputs: Tensor, a 4D tensor of shape :math:`(N, 1, H, W)`, saliency maps. Or list[list[PIL.Image.Image]], the normalized saliency images if `ret` was set to ``'image'``. Raises: TypeError: Be raised for any argument or input type problem. ValueError: Be raised for any input value problem. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import mindspore as ms >>> from mindspore_xai.explainer import GuidedBackprop >>> from mindspore import set_context, PYNATIVE_MODE >>> >>> # only PYNATIVE_MODE is supported >>> set_context(mode=PYNATIVE_MODE) >>> # The detail of LeNet5 is shown in >>> net = LeNet5(10, num_channel=3) >>> gbp = GuidedBackprop(net) >>> # feed data and the target label to be explained and get the saliency map >>> inputs = ms.Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 3, 32, 32), ms.float32) >>> label = 5 >>> saliency = gbp(inputs, label) >>> print(saliency.shape) (1, 1, 32, 32) """ def __init__(self, network): super(GuidedBackprop, self).__init__(network, use_relu_backprop=False)