Quick Start Distributed Parallel Training


This tutorial shows how to perform MindSpore distributed parallel training in a single 8-card GPU environment via OpenMPI with a simple example of a single hidden layer fully connected neural network.

A tutorial on distributed parallel training of ResNet networks on a GPU platform is available at Sample Distributed Parallel Training Basics (GPU). In contrast: (1) the example uses a more complex ResNet network; (2) in addition to pull-up training by using OpenMPI, the example also introduces pull-up training by using a scripted approach.

The directory structure is as follows:

        ├── net.py
        ├── run_with_mpi.sh

where net.py is the network definition script and run_with_mpi.sh is the execution script.

In addition, tutorials for distributed parallel training on Ascend 910 platform are available in Distributed Parallel Training Example (Ascend) and Distributed Parallel Training of Transformer Models.



This sample example constructs a random set of input data and labels, with the following code:

import numpy as np

def get_dataset(batch_size, in_dim, out_dim, step_per_epoch):
    input_data = np.random.rand(batch_size, in_dim).astype(np.float32)
    label_data = np.random.rand(batch_size, out_dim).astype(np.float32)
    def generate():
        for _ in range(step_per_epoch):
            yield (input_data, label_data)
    return generate

where step_per_epoch is the number of steps performed per epoch for training, batch_size is the batch size, in_dim is the input vector length, and out_dim is the output vector length.

Network Structure

The network code used in this sample is as follows:

class Net(Cell):
    """define net"""
    def __init__(self, in_dim, hidden_dim, out_dim):
        self.in_dim = in_dim
        self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
        self.out_dim = out_dim
        self.weight = Parameter(initializer("normal", [self.in_dim, self.hidden_dim]), "w")
        self.weight2 = Parameter(initializer("normal", [self.hidden_dim, self.out_dim]), "w2")
        self.matmul = ops.MatMul()
        self.relu = ops.ReLU()
        self.matmul2 = ops.MatMul()

    def construct(self, x):
        out = self.matmul(x, self.weight)
        out = self.relu(out)
        out = self.matmul2(out, self.weight2)
        return out

where in_dim is the network input dimension, out_dim is the output dimension, which needs to match the data dimension, and hidden_dim is the number of nodes in the hidden layer of the network.

Semi-automatic Parallel Distributed Training via OpenMPI

OpenMPI Environment Configuration

OpenMPI is a high-performance messaging library, a multi-process communication library adopted by MindSpore. For the related environment configuration, see Running the Script through OpenMPI.

In addition, MindSpore also supports distributed training without relying on OpenMPI. For the details, see Training without Relying on OpenMPI.

Semi-automatic Parallelism

Currently MindSpore supports four parallel modes, and see Distributed Parallel Training Modes for details.

This example demonstrates fully automatic parallelism, which is achieved by configuring parallel_mode=ms.ParallelMode.AUTO_PARALLEL through the set_auto_parallel_context() interface. There are three configurable parallel strategy search algorithms under fully automatic parallelism, see: Fully automatic parallelism for details. In this example, the sharding strategy propagation algorithm is selected, which is implemented by configuring search_mode="sharding_propagation" through the set_auto_parallel_context() interface, and manually setting the matmul operator sharding strategy. The sharding strategy of other operators is given by the parallel strategy search algorithm automatically. The code is as follows:

class Net(Cell):
    """define net"""
    def __init__(self, in_dim, hidden_dim, out_dim):
        self.in_dim = in_dim
        self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
        self.out_dim = out_dim
        self.weight = Parameter(initializer("normal", [self.in_dim, self.hidden_dim]), "w")
        self.weight2 = Parameter(initializer("normal", [self.hidden_dim, self.out_dim]), "w2")

        # Set the sharding strategy manually for the matmul operator
        # where (2, 4) means that the input data of matmul operator is sliced into two parts in batch dimension and four parts in width dimension
        # (4, 1) indicates that the weights of the matmul operator are sliced into four parts in the HEIGHT dimension
        self.matmul = ops.MatMul().shard(((2, 4), (4, 1)))

        self.relu = ops.ReLU()
        self.matmul2 = ops.MatMul()

    def construct(self, x):
        out = self.matmul(x, self.weight)
        out = self.relu(out)
        out = self.matmul2(out, self.weight2)
        return out

where the shard() method is described in detail in Principles of Automatic Parallelism. The inference introduction is in functional operator sharding

For the parallel sharding strategy set in the above example, the matmul operator computation process for the forward propagation process in a single-machine 8-card environment is schematically shown as follows:


The top half of the diagram shows the data sharding, and the bottom half shows the calculation and communication process performed by each GPU card at logical number (rank) 0-7.

Code Running

In this example, the loss function, optimizer and training procedure are defined similarly to single card training, with the following code:

var_step_per_epoch = 4
var_single_batch_size = 2
var_in_dim = 32
var_hidden_dim = 16
var_out_dim = 16

ms.set_context(mode=ms.GRAPH_MODE, device_target="GPU", save_graphs=True, save_graphs_path="../saved_graph")

# Single-machine 8-card environment. Parallel mode is fully automatic parallelism, and strategy search is set to strategy propagation algorithm
ms.set_auto_parallel_context(parallel_mode=ms.ParallelMode.AUTO_PARALLEL, search_mode="sharding_propagation", dataset_strategy="data_parallel")

# Initialize the communication environment and get the logical serial number of the current card, i.e. rank_id
rank_id = get_rank()

# Randomly constructed datasets
fake_dataset = get_dataset(var_single_batch_size, var_step_per_epoch, var_in_dim, var_out_dim)
dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(fake_dataset, ["input", "label"])

# Define the network structure
net = Net(var_in_dim, var_hidden_dim, var_out_dim)

# Define the loss function and callback
loss = MSELoss()
callback = [LossMonitor(), ModelCheckpoint(directory="{}".format(rank_id))]

# Define the optimizer
learning_rate = 0.2
momentum = 0.1
epoch_size = 5
opt = Momentum(net.trainable_params(), learning_rate, momentum)

# Model training
model = Model(net, loss_fn=loss, optimizer=opt)
model.train(epoch_size, dataset, callbacks=callback, dataset_sink_mode=False)

Training can be performed with mpirun command of OpenMPI, as specified in the script run_with_mpi.sh.

After running, the script is performed in the background and the training log is saved in the . /device directory, and the model of the card with the logical number rank_id is saved in the . /device/{rank_id} directory.

In addition, save_graphs=True is configured via the ms.set_context() interface to save the model intermediate representation MindIR, and the MindIR of the card with the logical number rank_id is saved in the . /saved_graph/{rank_id} directory. MindSpore IR (MindIR) is a program representation between the source language and the target language during the compilation of MindSpore framework programs to facilitate program analysis and optimization by the compiler, see MindIR.


After running the run_with_mpi.sh script, the recorded loss should decrease, e.g.

# ./device/train.log: #
epoch: 3 step: 2, loss is 0.367389976978302
epoch: 3 step: 2, loss is 0.367389976978302
epoch: 3 step: 2, loss is 0.367389976978302
epoch: 3 step: 2, loss is 0.367389976978302
epoch: 3 step: 2, loss is 0.367389976978302
epoch: 3 step: 2, loss is 0.367389976978302
epoch: 3 step: 2, loss is 0.367389976978302
epoch: 3 step: 2, loss is 0.367389976978302
epoch: 3 step: 3, loss is 0.35383114218711853
epoch: 3 step: 3, loss is 0.35383114218711853
epoch: 3 step: 3, loss is 0.35383114218711853
epoch: 3 step: 3, loss is 0.35383114218711853
epoch: 3 step: 3, loss is 0.35383114218711853
epoch: 3 step: 3, loss is 0.35383114218711853
epoch: 3 step: 3, loss is 0.35383114218711853
epoch: 3 step: 3, loss is 0.35383114218711853
epoch: 3 step: 4, loss is 0.3312329947948456
epoch: 3 step: 4, loss is 0.3312329947948456
epoch: 3 step: 4, loss is 0.3312329947948456
epoch: 3 step: 4, loss is 0.3312329947948456
epoch: 3 step: 4, loss is 0.3312329947948456
epoch: 3 step: 4, loss is 0.3312329947948456
epoch: 3 step: 4, loss is 0.3312329947948456
epoch: 3 step: 4, loss is 0.3312329947948456
epoch: 4 step: 1, loss is 0.295515775680542
epoch: 4 step: 1, loss is 0.295515775680542
epoch: 4 step: 1, loss is 0.295515775680542
epoch: 4 step: 1, loss is 0.295515775680542
epoch: 4 step: 1, loss is 0.295515775680542
epoch: 4 step: 1, loss is 0.295515775680542
epoch: 4 step: 1, loss is 0.295515775680542
epoch: 4 step: 1, loss is 0.295515775680542
epoch: 4 step: 2, loss is 0.2440134435892105
epoch: 4 step: 2, loss is 0.2440134435892105
epoch: 4 step: 2, loss is 0.2440134435892105
epoch: 4 step: 2, loss is 0.2440134435892105
epoch: 4 step: 2, loss is 0.2440134435892105
epoch: 4 step: 2, loss is 0.2440134435892105
epoch: 4 step: 2, loss is 0.2440134435892105
epoch: 4 step: 2, loss is 0.2440134435892105

You can check the configuration of the sharding strategy for each operator in . /saved_graph/rank_x/step_parallel_begin_xxxx.ir to see the configuration of the sharding strategy for each operator, e.g.

# ./saved_graph/rank_0/step_parallel_begin_0041.ir: #
%3(out) = MatMul(%1, %2) {instance name: matmul} primitive_attrs: {input_names: [x1, x2], out_strategy: None, transpose_x2: false, transpose_b: false, in_strategy: ((2, 4), (4, 1)), output_names: [output], transpose_a: false, transpose_x1: false} {in_strategy: ((2, 4), (4, 1))}
    : (<Tensor[Float32], (16, 32)>, <Tensor[Float32], (32, 16)>) -> (<Tensor[Float32], (16, 16)>)
    # scope: (Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-Net)
%4(out) = ReLU(%3) {instance name: relu} primitive_attrs: {output_names: [output], input_names: [x]} {in_strategy: ((2, 4))}
    : (<Tensor[Float32], (16, 16)>) -> (<Tensor[Float32], (16, 16)>)
    # scope: (Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-Net)
%5([CNode]472) = Load($(@1_construct_wrapper.337:para4_w2), %para12_u)
    : (<Ref[Tensor(F32)], (16, 16), ref_key=:w2>, <UMonad>) -> (<Tensor[Float32], (16, 16)>)
    # scope: (Default/network-WithLossCell)
%6(out) = MatMul(%4, %5) {instance name: matmul2} primitive_attrs: {output_names: [output], transpose_a: false, input_names: [x1, x2], transpose_x2: false, transpose_x1: false, transpose_b: false} {in_strategy: ((2, 4), (4, 1))}
    : (<Tensor[Float32], (16, 16)>, <Tensor[Float32], (16, 16)>) -> (<Tensor[Float32], (16, 16)>)
    # scope: (Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-Net)

It can be seen that the relu operator corresponding to the %4(out) line and the matmul2 operator corresponding to the %6(out) line are automatically configured with a sharding strategy.

Further, you can view . /saved_graph/rank_x/18_execute_xxxx.ir to see the actual execution of the slice operator dimension for each card, e.g.

# ./saved_graph/rank_0/18_execute_0185.ir: #
%12(equivout) = MatMul(%10, %11) {instance name: matmul} primitive_attrs: {input_names: [x1, x2], out_strategy: None, transpose_x2: false, transpose_b: false, in_strategy: ((2, 4), (4, 1)), output_names: [output], transpose_a: false, transpose_x1: false} {in_strategy: ((2, 4), (4, 1))}
    : (<Tensor[Float32], (8, 8)>, <Tensor[Float32], (8, 16)>) -> (<Tensor[Float32], (8, 16)>)
    # scope: (Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-Net)
    # In file /home/jenkins/my_dir/parallel_training_quick_start/device/./matmul.py(45)/        out = self.matmul(x, self.weight)/
    # In file /home/miniconda3/envs/my_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mindspore/nn/wrap/cell_wrapper.py(114)/        out = self._backbone(data)/
    # In file /home/miniconda3/envs/my_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mindspore/nn/wrap/cell_wrapper.py(376)/        loss = self.network(*inputs)/
%13(equiv[CNode]520) = AllReduce(%12) {instance name: forward_op_11795743325248501408} primitive_attrs: {group: 4-6301172352641561019, fusion: 0, op: sum, rank_list: (0, 1, 2, 3), group_ranks: 0-1-2-3, index: 0, group_rank_ids: (0, 1, 2, 3), no_eliminate: true} cnode_attrs: {comm_reuse: true}
    : (<Tensor[Float32], (8, 16)>) -> (<Tensor[Float32], (8, 16)>)
    # scope: (Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-Net)
%14(equiv[CNode]519) = StridedSlice(%13, (0, 0), (8, 4), (1, 1)) {instance name: redistribution_op_16390315056374637535StridedSlice} primitive_attrs: {new_axis_mask: 0, shrink_axis_mask: 0, end_mask: 0, input_names: [x, begin, end, strides], output_names: [output], keep_value_node_input: true, begin_mask: 0, ellipsis_mask: 0}
    : (<Tensor[Float32], (8, 16)>, <Tuple[Int64*2], sequence_nodes={node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (0, 0), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8fef5fa0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (0, 0), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8fef5fa0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={<freed node>}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (0, 0), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8fef5fa0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (0, 0), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8fef5fa0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (0, 0), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8fef5fa0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (0, 0), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8fef5fa0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (0, 0), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8fef5fa0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={<freed node>}}>, <Tuple[Int64*2], sequence_nodes={node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (8, 4), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8fed50d0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (8, 4), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8fed50d0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={<freed node>}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (8, 4), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8fed50d0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (8, 4), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8fed50d0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (8, 4), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8fed50d0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (8, 4), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8fed50d0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (8, 4), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8fed50d0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={<freed node>}}>, <Tuple[Int64*2], sequence_nodes={node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (1, 1), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8ffb4ff0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (1, 1), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8ffb4ff0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={<freed node>}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (1, 1), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8ffb4ff0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (1, 1), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8ffb4ff0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (1, 1), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8ffb4ff0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (1, 1), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8ffb4ff0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={ValueNode<ValueTuple> (1, 1), elements_use_flags: {ptr: 0x560e8ffb4ff0, value: [const vector][1, 1]}}, node={<freed node>}}>) -> (<Tensor[Float32], (8, 4)>)
    # scope: (Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-Net)
%15(equivout) = ReLU(%14) {instance name: relu} primitive_attrs: {output_names: [output], input_names: [x]} {in_strategy: ((2, 4))}
    : (<Tensor[Float32], (8, 4)>) -> (<Tensor[Float32], (8, 4)>)
    # scope: (Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-Net)
    # In file /home/jenkins/my_dir/parallel_training_quick_start/device/./matmul.py(46)/        out = self.relu(out)/
    # In file /home/miniconda3/envs/my_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mindspore/nn/wrap/cell_wrapper.py(114)/        out = self._backbone(data)/
    # In file /home/miniconda3/envs/my_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mindspore/nn/wrap/cell_wrapper.py(376)/        loss = self.network(*inputs)/
%16(equiv[CNode]472) = Load(%para4_w2, U)
    : (<Ref[Tensor(F32)], (4, 16), ref_key=:w2>, <UMonad>) -> (<Tensor[Float32], (4, 16)>)
    # scope: (Default/network-WithLossCell)
%17(equivout) = MatMul(%15, %16) {instance name: matmul2} primitive_attrs: {output_names: [output], transpose_a: false, input_names: [x1, x2], transpose_x2: false, transpose_x1: false, transpose_b: false} {in_strategy: ((2, 4), (4, 1))}
    : (<Tensor[Float32], (8, 4)>, <Tensor[Float32], (4, 16)>) -> (<Tensor[Float32], (8, 16)>)
    # scope: (Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-Net)
    # In file /home/jenkins/my_dir/parallel_training_quick_start/device/./matmul.py(47)/        out = self.matmul2(out, self.weight2)/
    # In file /home/miniconda3/envs/my_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mindspore/nn/wrap/cell_wrapper.py(114)/        out = self._backbone(data)/
    # In file /home/miniconda3/envs/my_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mindspore/nn/wrap/cell_wrapper.py(376)/        loss = self.network(*inputs)/

It can be seen that the dimension of the matmul operator corresponding to the %12(equivout) line is the same as that shown in the figure.