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[mindspore.nn](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/mindspore.nn.html) provides common neural network layer implementations, and the [Cell](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.Cell.html) class in MindSpore is the base class for building all networks and is the basic unit of the network. `Cell`, a neural network model, is composed of different sub-`Cells`. Using such a nested structure, the neural network structure can be constructed and managed simply by using object-oriented programming thinking. In the following we will construct a neural network model for the Mnist dataset classification. ```python import mindspore from mindspore import nn, ops ``` ## Defining a Model Class When define a neural network, we can inherit the `nn.Cell` class, instantiate and manage the state of the sub-Cell in the `__init__` method, and implement the Tensor operation in the `construct` method. > `construct` means neural network (computational graph) construction. For more details, see [Accelerating with Static Graphs](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorials/en/master/beginner/accelerate_with_static_graph.html). ```python class Network(nn.Cell): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.flatten = nn.Flatten() self.dense_relu_sequential = nn.SequentialCell( nn.Dense(28*28, 512, weight_init="normal", bias_init="zeros"), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dense(512, 512, weight_init="normal", bias_init="zeros"), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dense(512, 10, weight_init="normal", bias_init="zeros") ) def construct(self, x): x = self.flatten(x) logits = self.dense_relu_sequential(x) return logits ``` After completing construction, instantiate the `Network` object and look at its structure. ```python model = Network() print(model) ``` ```text Network< (flatten): Flatten<> (dense_relu_sequential): SequentialCell< (0): Dense (1): ReLU<> (2): Dense (3): ReLU<> (4): Dense > > ``` We construct an input data and call the model directly to obtain a 10-dimensional Tensor output that contains the original predicted values for each category. > The `model.construct()` method cannot be called directly. ```python X = ops.ones((1, 28, 28), mindspore.float32) logits = model(X) # print logits logits ``` ```text Tensor(shape=[1, 10], dtype=Float32, value= [[-5.08734025e-04, 3.39190010e-04, 4.62840870e-03 ... -1.20305456e-03, -5.05689112e-03, 3.99264274e-03]]) ``` On this basis, we obtain the prediction probabilities by an `nn.Softmax` layer instance. ```python pred_probab = nn.Softmax(axis=1)(logits) y_pred = pred_probab.argmax(1) print(f"Predicted class: {y_pred}") ``` ```text Predicted class: [4] ``` ## Model Layers In this section, we decompose each layer of the neural network model constructed in the previous section. First we construct a random data (3 images of 28x28) with shape (3, 28, 28) and pass through each neural network layer in turn to observe its effect. ```python input_image = ops.ones((3, 28, 28), mindspore.float32) print(input_image.shape) ``` ```text (3, 28, 28) ``` ### nn.Flatten Initialize the [nn.Flatten](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.Flatten.html) layer and convert a 28x28 2D tensor into a contiguous array of size 784. ```python flatten = nn.Flatten() flat_image = flatten(input_image) print(flat_image.shape) ``` ```text (3, 784) ``` ### nn.Dense [nn.Dense](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.Dense.html) is the fully connected layer, which linearly transforms the input by using weights and deviations. ```python layer1 = nn.Dense(in_channels=28*28, out_channels=20) hidden1 = layer1(flat_image) print(hidden1.shape) ``` ```text (3, 20) ``` ### nn.ReLU [nn.ReLU](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.ReLU.html) layer adds a nonlinear activation function to the network, to help the neural network learn various complex features. ```python print(f"Before ReLU: {hidden1}\n\n") hidden1 = nn.ReLU()(hidden1) print(f"After ReLU: {hidden1}") ``` ```text Before ReLU: [[-0.04736331 0.2939465 -0.02713677 -0.30988005 -0.11504349 -0.11661264 0.18007928 0.43213072 0.12091967 -0.17465964 0.53133243 0.12605792 0.01825903 0.01287796 0.17238477 -0.1621131 -0.0080034 -0.24523425 -0.10083733 0.05171938] [-0.04736331 0.2939465 -0.02713677 -0.30988005 -0.11504349 -0.11661264 0.18007928 0.43213072 0.12091967 -0.17465964 0.53133243 0.12605792 0.01825903 0.01287796 0.17238477 -0.1621131 -0.0080034 -0.24523425 -0.10083733 0.05171938] [-0.04736331 0.2939465 -0.02713677 -0.30988005 -0.11504349 -0.11661264 0.18007928 0.43213072 0.12091967 -0.17465964 0.53133243 0.12605792 0.01825903 0.01287796 0.17238477 -0.1621131 -0.0080034 -0.24523425 -0.10083733 0.05171938]] After ReLU: [[0. 0.2939465 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.18007928 0.43213072 0.12091967 0. 0.53133243 0.12605792 0.01825903 0.01287796 0.17238477 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.05171938] [0. 0.2939465 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.18007928 0.43213072 0.12091967 0. 0.53133243 0.12605792 0.01825903 0.01287796 0.17238477 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.05171938] [0. 0.2939465 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.18007928 0.43213072 0.12091967 0. 0.53133243 0.12605792 0.01825903 0.01287796 0.17238477 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.05171938]] ``` ### nn.SequentialCell [nn.SequentialCell](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.SequentialCell.html) is an ordered Cell container. The input Tensor will pass through all the Cells in the defined order, and we can use `SequentialCell` to construct a neural network model quickly. ```python seq_modules = nn.SequentialCell( flatten, layer1, nn.ReLU(), nn.Dense(20, 10) ) logits = seq_modules(input_image) print(logits.shape) ``` ```text (3, 10) ``` ### nn.Softmax Finally, the value of logits returned by the last fully-connected layer of the neural network is scaled to \[0, 1\] by using [nn.Softmax](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.Softmax.html), indicating the predicted probability of each category. The dimensional values specified by `axis` sum to 1. ```python softmax = nn.Softmax(axis=1) pred_probab = softmax(logits) ``` ## Model Parameters The internal neural network layer of the network has weight parameters and bias parameters (e.g. `nn.Dense`), which are continuously optimized during the training process, and the parameter names and corresponding parameter details can be obtained through `model.parameters_and_names()`. ```python print(f"Model structure: {model}\n\n") for name, param in model.parameters_and_names(): print(f"Layer: {name}\nSize: {param.shape}\nValues : {param[:2]} \n") ``` ```text Model structure: Network< (flatten): Flatten<> (dense_relu_sequential): SequentialCell< (0): Dense (1): ReLU<> (2): Dense (3): ReLU<> (4): Dense > > Layer: dense_relu_sequential.0.weight Size: (512, 784) Values : [[-0.01491369 0.00353318 -0.00694948 ... 0.01226766 -0.00014423 0.00544263] [ 0.00212971 0.0019974 -0.00624789 ... -0.01214037 0.00118004 -0.01594325]] Layer: dense_relu_sequential.0.bias Size: (512,) Values : [0. 0.] Layer: dense_relu_sequential.2.weight Size: (512, 512) Values : [[ 0.00565423 0.00354313 0.00637383 ... -0.00352688 0.00262949 0.01157355] [-0.01284141 0.00657666 -0.01217057 ... 0.00318963 0.00319115 -0.00186801]] Layer: dense_relu_sequential.2.bias Size: (512,) Values : [0. 0.] Layer: dense_relu_sequential.4.weight Size: (10, 512) Values : [[ 0.0087168 -0.00381866 -0.00865665 ... -0.00273731 -0.00391623 0.00612853] [-0.00593031 0.0008721 -0.0060081 ... -0.00271535 -0.00850481 -0.00820513]] Layer: dense_relu_sequential.4.bias Size: (10,) Values : [0. 0.] ``` For more built-in neural network layers, see [mindspore.nn API](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/mindspore.nn.html).