# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Serving, distributed worker agent startup"""
import os
import time
import sys
import traceback
import signal
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
import threading
import psutil
from mindspore_serving._mindspore_serving import ExitSignalHandle_
from mindspore_serving._mindspore_serving import WorkerAgent_, AgentStartUpConfig_
from mindspore_serving._mindspore_serving import DistributedServableConfig_, OneRankConfig_
from mindspore_serving import log as logger
from mindspore_serving.server.common import check_type
from mindspore_serving.server.worker.distributed import worker_agent
def _get_local_ip(rank_list, port):
"""Get the local ip from the rank table config"""
import socket
ip_list = set()
for item in rank_list:
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
for ip in ip_list:
s.bind((ip, port))
logger.info(f"Get local machine ip success, ip {ip}")
return ip
# pylint: disable=bare-except
raise RuntimeError(f"Get local machine ip failed, rank table ips: {ip_list}, bind port {port}")
def _check_local_ip(agent_ip, port):
"""Check the local ip"""
import socket
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
for i in range(8):
s.bind((agent_ip, port + i))
logger.info(f"Check local machine ip success, ip {agent_ip}")
return True
# pylint: disable=bare-except
return False
def _check_model_files(num, files, model_files, group_config_files):
"""Check the number of model files or group config files"""
if isinstance(files, tuple):
for item in files:
if isinstance(item, list):
if num == -1:
num = len(item)
if num != len(item):
raise RuntimeError(f"please check the number of model files and group config files, "
f"model files: {model_files}, group config files: {group_config_files}")
if num not in (-1, 1):
raise RuntimeError(f"please check the number of model files and group config files, "
f"model files: {model_files}, group config files: {group_config_files}")
num = 1
return num
def _check_model_num(model_files, group_config_files):
"""Check the number of model files or group config files"""
num = _check_model_files(-1, model_files, model_files, group_config_files)
if group_config_files is not None:
num = _check_model_files(-1, group_config_files, model_files, group_config_files)
if num != 1:
raise RuntimeError(f"please check the number of group config files, currently only support one at most")
def _update_model_files_path(model_files, group_config_files):
"""Check and return model files or group config files"""
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
logger.info(f"input model files: {model_files}")
logger.info(f"input group config files: {group_config_files}")
model_files_temp = []
for item in model_files:
if isinstance(item, list):
inner_files = []
for inner in item:
file_name = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(script_dir, inner))
if not os.access(file_name, os.R_OK):
raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot access model file '{file_name}'")
file_name = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(script_dir, item))
if not os.access(file_name, os.R_OK):
raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot access model file '{file_name}'")
if group_config_files is not None:
group_files_temp = []
for item in group_config_files:
if isinstance(item, list):
inner_files = []
for inner in item:
file_name = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(script_dir, inner))
if not os.access(file_name, os.R_OK):
raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot access group config file '{file_name}'")
file_name = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(script_dir, item))
if not os.access(file_name, os.R_OK):
raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot access group config file '{file_name}'")
group_files_temp = None
logger.info(f"absolute model files: {model_files_temp}")
logger.info(f"absolute group config files: {group_files_temp}")
return model_files_temp, group_files_temp
def _make_json_table_file(distributed_config):
"""Make rank table json file"""
rank_size = len(distributed_config.rank_list)
runtime_dir = os.path.abspath(".")
time_stamp = str(time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.localtime(time.time())))
rank_table_dir = os.path.join(runtime_dir, "temp_rank_table")
except FileExistsError:
rank_table_file_name = os.path.join(rank_table_dir, f"hccl_rank_table_{time_stamp}_{rank_size}p.json")
with open(rank_table_file_name, "w") as fp:
return rank_table_file_name
signal_success = "Success"
signal_exit = "Exit"
def _recv_parent(parent_process, index, recv_pipe, handle_stop_signal=True):
"""Receive message from Start up process.
Return False on Ctrl+C(and worker Stop message) Exit Signal, heartbeat failed, and signal_exit.
Return True on receiving signal_success.
while True:
while not recv_pipe.poll(0.1):
if handle_stop_signal and ExitSignalHandle_.has_stopped():
logger.warning(f"Child {index}: Exit on Ctrl+C or stop message from worker")
return False
if not parent_process.is_running(): # 3s
logger.warning(f"Child {index}: Exit on failure of exit of parent process")
return False
parent_signal = recv_pipe.recv()
if parent_signal == signal_success:
logger.info(f"Child {index}: Receive success")
return True
if parent_signal == signal_exit:
logger.warning(f"Child {index}: Exit on receiving exit message")
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Child {index}: Exit on exception: {e}")
return False
def _agent_process(send_pipe, recv_pipe, index, start_config, dec_key, dec_mode):
"""Agent process"""
parent_process = psutil.Process(os.getppid())
# listening success or failed message from parent process
worker_agent.start_worker_agent(start_config=start_config, dec_key=dec_key, dec_mode=dec_mode)
send_pipe.send((index, signal_success))
success_msg = _recv_parent(parent_process, index, recv_pipe)
if not success_msg:
while not ExitSignalHandle_.has_stopped():
if not parent_process.is_running():
logger.warning(f"Child {index}, detect parent pid={parent_process.pid} has exited, child begin to exit")
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Child {index}: Catch exception and notify exit of others")
exception = RuntimeError(f"Child {index} exception happen: {e}")
send_pipe.send((index, exception))
_recv_parent(parent_process, index, recv_pipe, False)
logger.error(f"Child {index}: end send message to parent")
def _send_pipe_msg(send_pipe, msg):
"""Send pipe message"""
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Send pipe message exception happen: {e}")
def _send_exit_signal_to_children(subprocess_list):
"""Send exit signal to all child processes, and terminate all child processes when they are still alive
in some seconds later"""
def wait_exit(wait_seconds, msg):
for i in range(wait_seconds):
all_exit = True
for process in subprocess_list:
if process.is_alive():
logger.warning(f"There are still child processes that have not exited and {msg} in "
f"{wait_seconds - i} seconds.")
all_exit = False
if all_exit:
logger.info(f"All Child process exited")
return True
return False
if wait_exit(3, "SIGINT will be sent"):
# Send signal SIGINT
for index, process in enumerate(subprocess_list):
if process.is_alive():
logger.warning(f"Send signal SIGINT to {index}")
child_process = psutil.Process(process.pid)
children_of_child = child_process.children(recursive=True)
for item in children_of_child:
os.kill(item.pid, signal.SIGINT)
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Get exception when send signal SIGINT to children of child {index}, exception: {e}")
os.kill(process.pid, signal.SIGINT)
if wait_exit(10, "will be forcibly killed"):
for index, process in enumerate(subprocess_list):
if process.is_alive():
logger.warning(f"Kill Child process {index}")
child_process = psutil.Process(process.pid)
children_of_child = child_process.children(recursive=True)
for item in children_of_child:
os.kill(item.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Get exception when send signal SIGKILL to children of child {index}, exception: {e}")
os.kill(process.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
def _send_exit_msg_to_children(send_pipe_list, subprocess_list):
"""Send exit msg to all child processes, and terminate all child processes when they are still alive
in some seconds later.
index = 0
for send_pipe, process in zip(send_pipe_list, subprocess_list):
if process.is_alive():
logger.warning(f"Send exit message to Child {index}")
_send_pipe_msg(send_pipe, signal_exit)
logger.warning(f"End send exit message to Child {index}")
logger.warning(f"Child {index} is not alive")
index += 1
def _listening_agents_when_startup(p_recv_pipe, send_pipe_list, subprocess_list):
"""Listening child process"""
count = len(send_pipe_list)
for _ in range(count):
while True:
if p_recv_pipe.poll(0.1):
if ExitSignalHandle_.has_stopped():
logger.warning("Fail to start agents because of Ctrl+C")
_send_exit_msg_to_children(send_pipe_list, subprocess_list)
raise RuntimeError("Fail to start agents because of Ctrl+C")
for send_pipe, process in zip(send_pipe_list, subprocess_list):
if process.is_alive():
logger.warning("Fail to start agents because of death of one agent")
_send_exit_msg_to_children(send_pipe_list, subprocess_list)
raise RuntimeError("Fail to start agents because of death of one agent")
index, msg = p_recv_pipe.recv()
logger.info(f"Receive msg from Child {index}: {msg}")
if isinstance(msg, Exception):
logger.warning("Fail to start agents because of exception raise by one agent")
_send_exit_msg_to_children(send_pipe_list, subprocess_list)
raise msg
for send_pipe in send_pipe_list:
_send_pipe_msg(send_pipe, signal_success)
def _listening_agents_after_startup(subprocess_list, distributed_address, agent_ip):
"""Listening agent status after success start up of agents"""
def wait_child_exit():
while not ExitSignalHandle_.has_stopped():
for index, process in enumerate(subprocess_list):
if not process.is_alive():
logger.warning(f"Child {index}, pid={process.pid} has exited")
def listening_thread_fun():
WorkerAgent_.startup_notify_exit(distributed_address, agent_ip)
thread = threading.Thread(target=listening_thread_fun)
def _startup_agents(common_meta, distributed_address,
agent_ip, agent_start_port, device_id_list, rank_id_list,
model_files, group_config_files, rank_table_file,
dec_key, dec_mode):
"""Start up all agents in one machine"""
servable_name = common_meta.model_key
send_pipe_list = []
subprocess_list = []
c_send_pipe, p_recv_pipe = Pipe()
group_file = ""
agents_count = len(device_id_list)
for index in range(agents_count):
device_id, rank_id, model_file = device_id_list[index], rank_id_list[index], model_files[index]
if group_config_files is not None:
group_file = group_config_files[index]
p_send_pipe, c_recv_pipe = Pipe()
agent_port = agent_start_port + index
start_config = AgentStartUpConfig_()
start_config.rank_id = rank_id
start_config.device_id = device_id
start_config.model_file_names = model_file
if group_config_files is not None:
start_config.group_file_names = group_file
start_config.rank_table_json_file_name = rank_table_file
start_config.agent_address = agent_ip + ":" + str(agent_port)
start_config.distributed_address = distributed_address
start_config.common_meta = common_meta
process = Process(target=_agent_process,
args=(c_send_pipe, c_recv_pipe, index, start_config, dec_key, dec_mode),
msg = f"distributed worker_address: {distributed_address}, agent_ip: {agent_ip}, " \
f"agent_start_port: {agent_start_port}, device ids: {device_id_list}, rank ids: {rank_id_list}, " \
f"rank table file: {rank_table_file}, model files: {model_files}, group config files: {group_config_files}"
_listening_agents_when_startup(p_recv_pipe, send_pipe_list, subprocess_list)
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to start agents, {msg}")
print(f"Failed to start agents, {msg}")
raise e
logger.info(f"Success to start agents, {msg}")
print(f"Success to start agents, {msg}")
_listening_agents_after_startup(subprocess_list, distributed_address, agent_ip)
class DistributedServableConfig:
"""Python DistributedServableConfig"""
def __init__(self):
self.rank_table_content = ""
self.rank_list = None
self.common_meta = None
self.distributed_meta = None
def set(self, config):
"""Set from C++ DistributedServableConfig_ obj"""
self.rank_table_content = config.rank_table_content
self.rank_list = []
for item in config.rank_list:
new_item = {"device_id": item.device_id, "ip": item.ip}
self.common_meta = {"model_key": config.common_meta.model_key,
"with_batch_dim": config.common_meta.with_batch_dim,
"without_batch_dim_inputs": config.common_meta.without_batch_dim_inputs,
"inputs_count": config.common_meta.inputs_count,
"outputs_count": config.common_meta.outputs_count}
self.distributed_meta = {"rank_size": config.distributed_meta.rank_size,
"stage_size": config.distributed_meta.stage_size}
def get(self):
"""Get as C++ DistributedServableConfig_ obj"""
config = DistributedServableConfig_()
config.rank_table_content = self.rank_table_content
rank_list = []
for item in self.rank_list:
new_item = OneRankConfig_()
new_item.device_id = item["device_id"]
new_item.ip = item["ip"]
config.rank_list = rank_list
config.common_meta.model_key = self.common_meta["model_key"]
config.common_meta.with_batch_dim = self.common_meta["with_batch_dim"]
config.common_meta.without_batch_dim_inputs = self.common_meta["without_batch_dim_inputs"]
config.common_meta.inputs_count = self.common_meta["inputs_count"]
config.common_meta.outputs_count = self.common_meta["outputs_count"]
config.distributed_meta.rank_size = self.distributed_meta["rank_size"]
config.distributed_meta.stage_size = self.distributed_meta["stage_size"]
return config
def _get_worker_distributed_config(distributed_address):
"""Get worker distributed config from worker through sub process"""
c_send_pipe, p_recv_pipe = Pipe()
def process_fun(c_send_pipe):
distributed_config = WorkerAgent_.get_agents_config_from_worker(distributed_address)
config = DistributedServableConfig()
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception as e:
process = Process(target=process_fun, args=(c_send_pipe,),
assert not process.is_alive()
if p_recv_pipe.poll(0.1):
config = p_recv_pipe.recv()
if isinstance(config, Exception):
raise config
distributed_config = config.get()
return distributed_config
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to get agents config from worker")
[docs]def startup_agents(distributed_address, model_files, group_config_files=None,
agent_start_port=7000, agent_ip=None, rank_start=None,
dec_key=None, dec_mode='AES-GCM'):
Start up all needed agents on current machine.
distributed_address (str): The distributed worker address the agents linked to.
model_files (Union[list[str], tuple[str]]): All model files need in current machine, absolute path or path
relative to this startup python script.
group_config_files (Union[list[str], tuple[str]], optional): All group config files need in current machine,
absolute path or path relative to this startup python script, default None, which means there are no
configuration files. Default: None.
agent_start_port (int, optional): The starting agent port of the agents link to worker. Default: 7000.
agent_ip (str, optional): The local agent ip, if it's None, the agent ip will be obtained from rank table file.
Default None. Parameter agent_ip and parameter rank_start must have values at the same time,
or both None at the same time. Default: None.
rank_start (int, optional): The starting rank id of this machine, if it's None, the rank ip will be obtained
from rank table file. Default None. Parameter agent_ip and parameter rank_start must have values at the same
time, or both None at the same time. Default: None.
dec_key (bytes, optional): Byte type key used for decryption. The valid length is 16, 24, or 32. Default: None.
dec_mode (str, optional): Specifies the decryption mode, take effect when dec_key is set.
Option: 'AES-GCM' or 'AES-CBC'. Default: 'AES-GCM'.
RuntimeError: Failed to start agents.
>>> import os
>>> from mindspore_serving.server import distributed
>>> model_files = []
>>> for i in range(8):
>>> model_files.append(f"models/device{i}/matmul.mindir")
>>> distributed.startup_agents(distributed_address="", model_files=model_files)
check_type.check_str("distributed_address", distributed_address)
check_type.check_int("agent_start_port", agent_start_port, 1, 65535 - 7)
model_files = check_type.check_and_as_tuple_with_str_list("model_files", model_files)
if group_config_files is not None:
group_config_files = check_type.check_and_as_tuple_with_str_list("group_config_files", group_config_files)
# check dec_key and dec_mode
if dec_key is not None:
if not isinstance(dec_key, bytes):
raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter 'dec_key' should be bytes, but actually {type(dec_key)}")
if not dec_key:
raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter 'dec_key' should not be empty bytes")
if len(dec_key) not in (16, 24, 32):
raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter 'dec_key' length {len(dec_key)} expected to be 16, 24 or 32")
check_type.check_str("dec_mode", dec_mode)
if dec_mode not in ('AES-GCM', 'AES-CBC'):
raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter 'dec_mode' expected to be 'AES-GCM' or 'AES-CBC'")
distributed_config = _get_worker_distributed_config(distributed_address)
# get machine ip
rank_list = distributed_config.rank_list
local_device_id_list = []
local_rank_id_list = []
if agent_ip is None:
if rank_start is not None:
raise RuntimeError("Parameter 'agent_ip' and parameter 'rank_start' must have values at the same time, "
"or both None at the same time.")
local_ip = _get_local_ip(rank_list, agent_start_port)
# get all device_id and rank_id
for rank_id, item in enumerate(rank_list):
if item.ip == local_ip:
if rank_start is None:
raise RuntimeError("Parameter 'agent_ip' and parameter 'rank_start' must have values at the same time, "
"or both None at the same time.")
check_type.check_str("agent_ip", agent_ip)
check_type.check_int("rank_start", rank_start, 0)
if rank_start >= len(rank_list):
raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter 'rank_start' cannot equal or larger than rank size {len(rank_list)}.")
if not _check_local_ip(agent_ip, agent_start_port):
raise RuntimeError(f"Check ip 'agent_ip' valid failed, agent_ip: {agent_ip}")
local_ip = agent_ip
rank_table_ip = rank_list[rank_start].ip
for rank_id, item in enumerate(rank_list):
if item.ip == rank_table_ip:
# handle model files and group config files
if len(local_device_id_list) != len(model_files):
raise RuntimeError(f"Card count {local_device_id_list} described rank table does not equal to model files size "
f"{len(model_files)}, model files: {model_files}")
if group_config_files is not None and len(model_files) != len(group_config_files):
raise RuntimeError(f"Model files count {len(model_files)} does not equal to group config files "
f"count {len(group_config_files)} when group_config_files is not None, "
f"model files: {model_files}, group config files: {group_config_files}")
_check_model_num(model_files, group_config_files)
model_files, group_config_files = _update_model_files_path(model_files, group_config_files)
# make json table file and export env
rank_table_file = _make_json_table_file(distributed_config)
_startup_agents(distributed_config.common_meta, distributed_address, local_ip, agent_start_port,
local_device_id_list, local_rank_id_list,
model_files, group_config_files, rank_table_file, dec_key, dec_mode)