mindspore_serving.server.distributed._distributed 源代码

# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ============================================================================
"""Startup serving server with distributed servable"""

from ._servable_distributed import DistributedStartConfig

[文档]def start_servable(servable_directory, servable_name, rank_table_json_file, version_number=1, distributed_address="", wait_agents_time_in_seconds=0): r""" Start up the servable named 'servable_name' defined in 'servable_directory'. Args: servable_directory (str): The directory where the servable is located in. There expects to has a directory named `servable_name`. For more detail: `How to config Servable <https://www.mindspore.cn/serving/docs/zh-CN/master/serving_model.html>`_ . servable_name (str): The servable name. version_number (int, optional): Servable version number to be loaded. The version number should be a positive integer, starting from 1. Default: 1. rank_table_json_file (str): The rank table json file name. distributed_address (str, optional): The distributed worker address the worker agents linked to. Default: "". wait_agents_time_in_seconds(int, optional): The maximum time in seconds the worker waiting ready of all agents, 0 means unlimited time. Default: 0. Raises: RuntimeError: Failed to start the distributed servable. Examples: >>> import os >>> from mindspore_serving.server import distributed >>> >>> servable_dir = os.path.abspath(".") >>> distributed.start_servable(servable_dir, "matmul", startup_worker_agents="hccl_8p.json", \ ... distributed_address="") """ from mindspore_serving.server import start_servables config = DistributedStartConfig(servable_directory=servable_directory, servable_name=servable_name, rank_table_json_file=rank_table_json_file, version_number=version_number, distributed_address=distributed_address, wait_agents_time_in_seconds=wait_agents_time_in_seconds) start_servables(config)