# RESTful-based MindSpore Serving Access [![View Source On Gitee](https://mindspore-website.obs.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/website-images/r1.8/resource/_static/logo_source_en.png)](https://gitee.com/mindspore/docs/blob/r1.8/docs/serving/docs/source_en/serving_restful.md) ## Overview MindSpore Serving supports both `gPRC` and `RESTful` request modes. The following describes the `RESTful` request. `RESTful` is an API designed and developed based on `HTTP`. It manages and accesses resources through `URI` and features high scalability and clear structure. The lightweight `RESTful` can directly transmit data through `HTTP`, and has become the most popular `Web` service access mode. Users can directly interact with services in `RESTful` mode. For details about how to deploy `Serving`, see [MindSpore Serving-based Inference Service Deployment](https://www.mindspore.cn/serving/docs/en/r1.8/serving_example.html). We can use the `mindspore_serving.server.start_restful_server` API to start the `RESTful` service. ## Request Method Currently, only RESTful request of the `POST` type is supported. The request format is as follows: ```text POST http://${HOST}:${PORT}/model/${MODLE_NAME}[/version/${VERSION}]:${METHOD_NAME} ``` In the preceding information: - `${HOST}`: specifies the IP address to be accessed. - `${PORT}`: specifies the port number to be accessed. - `${MODLE_NAME}`: specifies the name of a model in the request. - `${VERSION}`: specifies the version number. The version number is optional. If it is not specified, the latest model version is used by default. - `${METHOD_NAME}`: specifies the method name of the request model. If the `curl` tool is used, the RESTful request method is as follows: ```text curl -X POST -d '${REQ_JSON_MESSAGE}' http://${HOST}:${PORT}/model/${MODLE_NAME}[/version/${VERSION}]:${METHOD_NAME} ``` For example, request for the `predict` method of the `LeNet` model to perform digital image inference: ```text curl -X POST -d '{"instances":{"image":{"b64":"babe64-encoded-string"}}}' ``` In the preceding information, `babe64-encoded-string` indicates the character string generated after the digital image is encoded using `base64`. The character string is long and is not listed explicitly. ## Request Format RESTful supports the `Json` request format. `key` is fixed at `instances`, and `value` indicates multiple instances. Each instance is represented by a `Json` object in `key-value` format. In the preceding information: - `key`: specifies the input name, which must be the same as the input parameter name of the method provided by the request model. If they are different, the request fails. - `value`: a specific value. Currently supported `value` types: - Scalar: `str`, `bytes`, `int`, `float` and `bool` `bytes` is supported after `base64` encoding. - Tensor: a one-level or multi-level array consisting of `int`, `float`, and `bool` A tensor uses the array format to indicate data and dimension information. The `int` type supported in `Json` is `int32`, indicating the range, and the supported `float` type is `float32`, indicating the range. Request format: ```text { "instances":[ { "input_name1":||, "input_name2":||, ... }, { "input_name1":||, "input_name2":||, ... } ... ] } ``` Example: ```text { "instances":[ { "tag":"one", "box":[[1,1],[2,3],[3,4]], "image":{"b64":"iVBOR...ggg==="} }, { "tag":"two", "box":[[2,2],[5,5],[6,6]], "image":{"b64":"iVBOR...QmCC", "type":"bytes"} } ] } ``` In the preceding information, `iVBOR...ggg===` is the omitted character string of the image number `0` after `base64` encoding. `iVBOR...QmCC` is the omitted character string of the image number `1` after `base64` encoding. The character strings encoded in different images may be different. The preceding description is for reference only. ### Base64 Data Encoding The `bytes` type needs to be encoded using `base64`. `base64` can indicate the `bytes` type as well as other scalar and tensor data. In this case, the binary data of scalar and tensor is encoded using `base64`, the data type is specified using `type`, and the dimension information is specified using `shape`. - `type`: This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, the default value is `bytes`. The value can be `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`, `uint16`, `uint32`, `uint64`, `float16`(or `fp16`), `float32`(or `fp32`), `float64`(or `fp64`), `bool`, `str`, or `bytes`. - `shape`: This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, the default value is `[1]`. Example: If the `base64` encoding is used to indicate a tensor of `int16` type, with `shape` 3*2 and the value `[[1,1],[2,3],[3,4]]`, the expression is as follows: ```json { "instances":[ { "box":{"b64":"AQACAAIAAwADAAQA", "type":"int16", "shape":[3,2]} } ] } ``` `AQACAAIAAwADAAQA` is a character string obtained after the binary data format of `[[1,1],[2,3],[3,4]]` is encoded using `base64`. **The supported types in request are as follows:** | Supported Type | Example | Remarks | | ------ | -------- | ---------------- | | `int` | 1, [1, 2, 3, 4] | The default value is `int32`, indicating the range. | | `float` | 1.0, [[1.2, 2.3], [3.0, 4.5]] | The default value is `float32`, indicating the range. | | `bool` | true, false, [[true], [false]] | `bool` type | | `string` | "hello" or
{"b64":"aGVsbG8=", "type":"str"} | Direct representation or representation specified by `type`. | | `bytes` | {"b64":"AQACAAIAAwADAAQA"} or
{"b64":"AQACAAIAAwADAAQA", "type":"bytes"} | If `type` is not specified, the default value `bytes` is used. | | `int8`,`int16`,`int32`,`int64`,
`float16`,`float32`,`float64`,`bool` | {"b64":"AQACAAIAAwADAAQA", "type":"int16", "shape":[3,2]} | The base64 encoding is used to indicate the data specified by `type`. | ## Response Format The response format is the same as the request format. The information in the `Json` format is returned. The response format is as follows: ```text { "instances":[ { "output_name1":||, "output_name2":||, ... }, { "output_name1":||, "output_name2":||, ... } ... ] } ``` 1. If all instances in a request are successfully processed, the response format is as follows: Example: `LeNet` requests to recognize numbers `0` and `1`. ```json { "instances":[ { "result":0 }, { "result":1 } ] } ``` 2. If certain instances are faulty, the response format is as follows: Example: `LeNet` requests to recognize the digit `0` and an incorrect digit image. ```json { "instances":[ { "result":0 }, { "error_msg":"Preprocess Failed" } ] } ``` 3. If all instances in a request fail, the response format is as follows: Example: `LeNet` requests to recognize two incorrect digital images. ```json { "instances":[ { "error_msg":"Preprocess Failed" }, { "error_msg":"Time out" } ] } ``` 4. If a system error or other parsing error occurs, the return value is in the following format: For example, the value of `LeNet` is an invalid JSON character string. ```json { "error_msg":"Parse request failed" } ``` **The response data is represented as follows:** | Serving Output Type | RESTful json Data Type | Description | Example | | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | | `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`, `uint16`, `uint32`, `uint64` | json integer | All types of integer data are represented as JSON integer | 1,[1,2,3,4] | | `float16`, `float32`, `float64` | json float | All types of float data are represented as JSON float | 1.0,[[1.2, 2.3], [3.0, 4.5]] | | `bool` | json bool | Bool data is represented as json bool | true,false,[[true],[false]] | | `string` | json str | String data is represented as json string | "news_car" | | `bytes` | base64 object | Bytes data is represented as a base64 object | {"b64":"AQACAAIAAwADAAQA"} | ## Accessing SSL or TLS enabled Serving RESTful service MindSpore Serving supports `SSL/TLS` enabled `RESTful` service. Here's an example of starting and accessing `RESTful` service with one-way authentication. Setting `verify_client` to `False` indicates one-way authentication, in order to enable `SSL/TLS`, pass `mindspore_serving.server.SSLConfig` object to`ssl_config`. You can refer to [Accessing SSL or TLS enabled Serving Service](https://www.mindspore.cn/serving/docs/en/r1.8/serving_grpc.html#accessing-ssl-or-tls-enabled-serving-service) for other details. ```python import os import sys from mindspore_serving import server def start(): servable_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) servable_config = server.ServableStartConfig(servable_directory=servable_dir, servable_name="add", device_ids=(0, 1)) server.start_servables(servable_configs=servable_config) ssl_config = server.SSLConfig(certificate="server.crt", private_key="server.key", custom_ca=None, verify_client=False) server.start_restful_server(address="", ssl_config=ssl_config) if __name__ == "__main__": start() ``` We can use `curl` command line or `requests` library accessing `SSL/TLS` enabled `RESTful` service. If you use `curl`, you could try the following command: ```text curl -X POST -d '${REQ_JSON_MESSAGE}' --cacert '${PATH_TO_CA_CERT_FILE}' https://${HOST}:${PORT}/model/${MODLE_NAME}/version/${VERSION}]:${METHOD_NAME} ``` The example of accessing the `add_common` method of the `add` model is as follows: ```text curl -X POST -d '{"instances":[{"x1":[[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]], "x2":[[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]}]}' --cacert ca.crt https://localhost:5500/model/add/version/1:add_common ``` The protocol needs to be set to `https`, and set value of the option `--cacert` to the path of `ca.crt`. By the way, we can set `--insecure` option representing not verifying the server's certificate due to using self-signed server's certificate in this case. And here's an example: ```text curl -X POST -d '{"instances":[{"x1":[[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]], "x2":[[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]}]}' --insecure https://localhost:5500/model/add/version/1:add_common ```