# Release Notes ## Serving 1.7.0 Release Notes ### Major Features and Improvements - [DEMO] Ascend 310P can be used as the inference device, for more detail see [MindSpore Serving backend](https://www.mindspore.cn/serving/docs/en/master/serving_install.html#installation). - [DEMO] Support models of MindIR format when MindSpore Lite is used as the MindSpore Serving inference backend, for more detail see [MindSpore Serving backend](https://www.mindspore.cn/serving/docs/en/master/serving_install.html#installation). #### Deprecations ##### Python API - `AclOptions` and `GpuOptions` are removed from version 1.7.0, and use `AscendDeviceInfo` and `GPUDeviceInfo` instead. - `register.declare_sevable` and `register.call_servable` are removed from version 1.7.0, and use `register.declare_model` and `register.add_stage` instead. - `register.call_preprocess`, `register.call_preprocess_pipeline`, `register.call_postprocess` and `register.call_postprocess_pipeline` are removed from version 1.7.0, and use `register.add_stage` instead. ### Contributors Thanks goes to these wonderful people: qinzheng, xuyongfei, zhangyinxia, zhoufeng. Contributions of any kind are welcome!