mindspore_rl.environment.dmc_environment 源代码

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"""DeepMind Control Suite"""

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import os
import numpy as np

import mindspore as ms
from mindspore.ops import operations as P

from mindspore_rl.environment.environment import Environment
from mindspore_rl.environment.space import Space

os.environ['MUJOCO_GL'] = 'egl'

[文档]class DeepMindControlEnvironment(Environment): """ DeepMindControlEnvironment is a wrapper which encapsulates the DeepMind Control Suite(DMC) It stack for physics-based simulation and Reinforcement Learning environments, using MUJOCO physics. Args: params (dict): A dictionary contains all the parameters which are used in this class. +------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Configuration Parameters | Notices | +==============================+============================+ | env_name | the name of game in DMC | +------------------------------+----------------------------+ | seed | seed used in Gym | +------------------------------+----------------------------+ | camera | The camera pos used in | | | render | +------------------------------+----------------------------+ | action_repeat | How many times an action | | | interacts with env | +------------------------------+----------------------------+ | normalize_action | Whether needs to normalize| | | the input action | +------------------------------+----------------------------+ | img_size | The rendered img size | +------------------------------+----------------------------+ env_id (int): A integer which is used to set the seed of this environment. Default: 0. """ def __init__(self, params, env_id=0): super().__init__() env_name = params['env_name'] camera = params.get('camera', None) self._size = params['img_size'] seed = params['seed'] + env_id * 1000 self._action_repeat = params['action_repeat'] self._normalize_action = params['normalize_action'] domain, task = env_name.split('_', 1) if domain == 'cup': domain = 'ball_in_cup' if isinstance(domain, str): from dm_control import suite self._env = suite.load(domain, task, task_kwargs={'random': seed}) else: self._env = domain() if camera is None: camera = dict(quadruped=2).get(domain, 0) self._camera = camera action_spec = self._env.action_spec() low = action_spec.minimum high = action_spec.maximum self._mask = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(low), np.isfinite(high)) if self._normalize_action: low = np.where(self._mask, low, -1) high = np.where(self._mask, high, 1) self._action_space = Space(action_spec.shape, self._dtype_adaptor(action_spec.dtype), low=low, high=high) self.pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) # get img demo_future = self.pool.submit(self._render, self._env) demo = demo_future.result() self._observation_space = Space(demo.shape, np.float32, low=0, high=255) self._reward_space = Space((1,), np.float32) self._done_space = Space((1,), np.bool_) # reset op reset_input_type = [] reset_input_shape = [] reset_output_type = [self._observation_space.ms_dtype,] reset_output_shape = [self._observation_space.shape,] self._reset_op = P.PyFunc(self._reset, reset_input_type, reset_input_shape, reset_output_type, reset_output_shape) # step op step_input_type = (self._action_space.ms_dtype,) step_input_shape = (self._action_space.shape,) step_output_type = (self.observation_space.ms_dtype, self._reward_space.ms_dtype, self._done_space.ms_dtype, ms.float32) step_output_shape = (self._observation_space.shape, self._reward_space.shape, self._done_space.shape, self._done_space.shape) self._step_op = P.PyFunc( self._step, step_input_type, step_input_shape, step_output_type, step_output_shape) @property def action_space(self): """ Get the action space of the environment. Returns: The action space of environment. """ return self._action_space @property def config(self): """ Get the config of environment. Returns: A dictionary which contains environment's info. """ return {} @property def done_space(self): """ Get the done space of the environment. Returns: The done space of environment. """ return self._done_space @property def reward_space(self): """ Get the reward space of the environment. Returns: The reward space of environment. """ return self._reward_space @property def observation_space(self): """ Get the state space of the environment. Returns: The state space of environment. """ return self._observation_space
[文档] def close(self): r""" Close the environment to release the resource. Returns: Success(np.bool\_), Whether shutdown the process or threading successfully. """ self._env.close() self.pool.shutdown() return True
[文档] def reset(self): """ Reset the environment to the initial state. It is always used at the beginning of each episode. It will return the value of initial state. Returns: A tensor which states for the initial state of environment. """ return self._reset_op()[0]
[文档] def step(self, action): r""" Execute the environment step, which means that interact with environment once. Args: action (Tensor): A tensor that contains the action information. Returns: - state (Tensor), the environment state after performing the action. - reward (Tensor), the reward after performing the action. - done (Tensor), whether the simulation finishes or not. - discount (Tensor), the discount value of env. """ return self._step_op(action)
def _step(self, action): """Python implementation of step""" low, high = self.action_space.boundary action = np.where(self._mask, (action + 1) / 2 * (high - low) + low, action) if self._normalize_action else action done = False total_reward = 0 i = 0 # do action repeat while i < self._action_repeat and not done: time_step = self._env.step(action) total_reward += time_step.reward done = time_step.last() i += 1 obs_future = self.pool.submit(self._render, self._env) obs = obs_future.result() return obs, total_reward.astype(np.float32), np.array(done), np.array(time_step.discount, np.float32) def _reset(self): """Python implementation of reset""" self._env.reset() img_future = self.pool.submit(self._render, self._env) img = img_future.result() return img def _render(self, env): """Render function""" rendered_img = env.physics.render(*self._size, camera_id=self._camera) norm_img = rendered_img.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 - 0.5 return norm_img def _dtype_adaptor(self, np_dtype): """dtype adaptor""" out_dtype = np_dtype if np_dtype == np.float64: out_dtype = np.float32 elif np_dtype == np.int64: out_dtype = np.int32 return out_dtype