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The class define action space and observation class.

import numpy as np
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype

np_types = (np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64,
            np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, np.float16,
            np.float32, np.float64, np.bool_)

[docs]class Space: """ The class for environment action/observation space. Args: - **feature_shape** (Union[list(int), tuple(int), int]): The action/observation shape before batching. - **dtype** (np.dtype): The action/observation space dtype. - **low** (int, float, optional): The action/observation space lower boundary. - **high** (int, float, optional): The action/observation space upper boundary. - **batch_shape** (Union[list(int), tuple(int), int], optional): The batch shape for vectorization. It usually be used in multi-environment and multi-agent cases. Examples: >>> action_space = Space(feature_shape=(6,), dtype=np.int32) >>> print(action_space.ms_dtype) Int32 """ def __init__(self, feature_shape, dtype, low=None, high=None, batch_shape=None): if not issubclass(dtype, np_types): raise ValueError("Dtype {} not supported!".format(dtype)) self._feature_shape = tuple(feature_shape) self._dtype = dtype self._batch_shape = tuple(batch_shape) if batch_shape is not None else tuple() self._low, self._high = self._range(low, high)
[docs] def sample(self): '''Take a sample from the space''' if self.is_discrete: return np.random.randint(low=self._low, high=self._high, size=self.shape).astype(self._dtype) return np.random.uniform(low=self._low, high=self._high, size=self.shape).astype(self._dtype)
@property def shape(self): '''Space shape after batching''' return self._batch_shape + self._feature_shape @property def np_dtype(self): '''Numpy data type''' return self._dtype @property def ms_dtype(self): '''MindSpore data type''' return mstype.pytype_to_dtype(self._dtype) @property def is_discrete(self): '''Is discrete space''' return issubclass(self._dtype, np.integer) or self._dtype == np.bool_ @property def num_values(self): '''The number of optional enumeration values''' if not self.is_discrete: return self.shape[-1] enums_range = self._high - self._low if enums_range.shape == (): return enums_range.item(0) num = 1 for i in enums_range: num *= i.item(0) return num @property def boundary(self): '''The space boundary.''' return self._low, self._high def _range(self, low, high): '''Return the space range.''' if self.is_discrete: if self._dtype == np.bool_: dtype_low, dtype_high = 0, 2 else: dtype_low, dtype_high = np.iinfo(self._dtype).min, np.iinfo(self._dtype).max else: dtype_low, dtype_high = np.finfo(self._dtype).min, np.finfo(self._dtype).max low = dtype_low if low is None else low high = dtype_high if high is None else high return np.broadcast_to(low, self._feature_shape), np.broadcast_to(high, self._feature_shape) def __repr__(self): return "shape {}, dtype {}, range ({}, {})".format(self.shape, self.np_dtype, self._low, self._high) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()