MindSpore RL Configuration Instruction

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Recent years, deep reinforcement learning is developing by leaps and bounds, new algorithms come out every year. To offer high scalability and reuable reinforcement framework, MindSpore RL separates an algorithm into several parts, such as Actor, Learner, Policy, Environment, ReplayBuffer, etc. Moreover, due to the complexity of deep reinforcement learning algorithm, its performance is largely influenced by different hyper-parameters. MindSpore RL provides centeral configuration API, which decouples the algorithm from deployment and execution considerations to help users adjust model and algorithm conveniently.

This instruction uses DQN algorithm as an example to introduce how to use this configuration API, and help users customize their algorithms.

You can obtain the code of DQN algorithm from https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindrl/tree/master/example/dqn.

Configuration Details

MindSpore RL uses algorithm_config to define each algorithm component and corresponding hyper-parameters. algorithm_config is a Python dictionary, which describes actor, learner, policy, collect_environment, eval_environment and replay buffer respectively. Framework can arrange the execution and deployment, which means that user only needs to focus on the algorithm design.

The following code defines a set of algorithm configurations and uses algorithm_config to create a Session. Session is responsible for allocating resources and executing computational graph compilation and execution.

from mindspore_rl.mindspore_rl import Session
algorithm_config = {
    'actor': {...},
    'learner': {...},
    'policy_and_network': {...},
    'collect_environment': {...},
    'eval_environment': {...},
    'replay_buffer': {...}

session = Session(algorithm_config)

Each parameter and their instruction in algorithm_config will be described below.

Policy Configuration

Policy is usually used to determine the behaviour (or action) that agent will execute in the next step, it takes type and params as the subitems.

  • type : specify the name of Policy, Actor determines the action through Policy. In deep reinforcement learning, Policy usually uses deep neural network to extract the feature of environment, and outputs the action in the next step.

  • params : specify the parameter that used during creating the instance of Policy. One thing should be noticed is that type and params need to be matched.

from dqn.src.dqn import DQNPolicy

policy_params = {
    'epsi_high': 0.1,        # epsi_high/epsi_low/decay control the proportion of exploitation and exploration
    'epsi_low': 0.1,         # epsi_high:the highest probability of exploration,epsi_low:the lowest probability of exploration,
    'decay': 200,            # decay:the step decay
    'state_space_dim': 0,    # the dimension of state space,0 means that it will read from the environment automatically
    'action_space_dim': 0,   # the dimension of action space,0 means that it will read from the environment automatically
    'hidden_size': 100,      # the dimension of hidden layer

algorithm_config = {
    'policy_and_network': {
        'type': DQNPolicy,
        'params': policy_params,







The user-defined class

This type is the same name as user-defined class



Any value with key value format or None

Customized parameter, user can input any value with key value format

Environment Configuration

collect_environment and eval_environment are used to collect experience during interaction with environment and evaluate model after training respectively. number, type and params need to be provided to create their instances.

  • number: number of environment used in the algorithm.

  • type : specify the name of environment, which could be either environment from MindSpore RL, such as GymEnvironment or user defined environment.

  • params : specify the parameter that used during creating the instance of environment. One thing should be noticed is that type and params need to be matched.

The following example defines the configuration of environment. Framework will create a CartPole-v0 environment like Environment(name='CartPole-v0') . The configuration of collect_environment and eval_environment are the same.

from mindspore_rl.environment import GymEnvironment
collect_env_params = {'name': 'CartPole-v0'}
eval_env_params = {'name': 'CartPole-v0'}
algorithm_config = {
    'collect_environment': {
        'number': 1,
        'type': GymEnvironment,            # the class name of environment
        'params': collect_env_params       # parameter of environment
    'eval_environment': {
        'number': 1,
        'type': GymEnvironment,            # the class name of environment
        'params': eval_env_params          # parameter of environment





number (optional)


[1, +∞)

When user fills the number of environment, number must be larger than 0. When user does not fill it, framework will not wrap environment by MultiEnvironmentWrapper



[1, number]

If user does not fill it, the environment will run in parallel by default. User can fill num_parallel: 1 to turn off the parallel environment, or enter their own parallel configuration



The subclass of environment that is user-defined and implemented

The class name of environment



Any value with key value format or None

Customized parameter, user can input any value with key value format

Actor Configuration

Actor is charge of interacting with environment. Generally, Actor interacts with Env through Policy. Some algorithms will store the experience which obtained during the interaction into ReplayBuffer. Therefore, Actor will hold the Policy and Environment and create the ReplayBuffer as needed. In Actor configuration, policies and networks need to specify the name of member variable in Policy.

The following code defines the configuration of DQNActor . Framework will create the instance of Actor like DQNActor(algorithm_config['actor']).

algorithm_config = {
    'actor': {
        'number': 1,                                                        # the number of Actor
        'type': DQNActor,                                                   # the class name of Actor
        'policies': ['init_policy', 'collect_policy', 'eval_policy'],       # Take the policies that called init_policy, collect_policy and eval_policy in Policy class as input to create the instance of actor
        'share_env': True                                                   # Whether the environment is shared by each actor







[1, +∞)

Number of Actor, currently only support 1



The subclass of actor that is user-defined and implemented

This type is the same name as the subclass of actor that is user-defined and implemented



Any value with key value format or None

Customized parameter, user can input any value with key value format


List of String

Same variable name as the user-defined policies

Every string in list must correspond one-to-one with the name of the policies initialized in the user-defined policy class


List of String

Same variable name as the user-defined networks

Every string in list must correspond one-to-one with the name of the networks initialized in the user-defined policy class



True or False

Default: True, means every actor will share one collect_environment. Else, we will create an instance of collect_environment for each actor.

ReplayBuffer Configuration

For part of algorithms, ReplayBuffer is used to store experience which is obtained by interaction between actor and environment. Then experience will be used to train the network.

from mindspore_rl.core.replay_buffer import ReplayBuffer
algorithm_config = {
    'replay_buffer': {'number': 1,
                      'type': ReplayBuffer,
                      'capacity': 100000,                                            # the capacity of ReplayBuffer
                      'sample_size': 64,                                             # sample Batch Size
                      'data_shape': [(4,), (1,), (1,), (4,)],                        # the dimension info of ReplayBuffer
                      'data_type': [ms.float32, ms.int32, ms.float32, ms.float32]},  # the data type of ReplayBuffer







[1, +∞)

Number of replaybuffer created



User-defined or provided ReplayBuffer class

This type is the same name as the user-defined or provided ReplayBuffer class



[0, +∞)

The capacity of ReplayBuffer


List of Integer Tuple

[0, +∞)

The first number of tuple must equal to number of environment


List of mindspore data type

Belongs to MindSpore data type

The length of this list must equal to the length of data_shape



[0, capacity]

The maximum value is the capacity of replay buffer. Default 1

Learner Configuration

Learner is used to update the weights of neural network according to experience. Learner holds the DNN which is defined in Policy (the name of member variable in Policy match with the contains in networks), which is used to calculate the loss and update the weights of neural network.

The following code defines the configuration of DQNLearner . Framework will create the instance of Learner like DQNLearner(algorithm_config['learner']).

from dqn.src.dqn import DQNLearner
learner_params = {'gamma': 0.99,
                  'lr': 0.001,                          # learning rate
algorithm_config = {
    'learner': {
        'number': 1,                                      # the number of Learner
        'type': DQNLearner,                               # the class name of Learner
        'params': learner_params,                         # the decay rate
        'networks': ['policy_network', 'target_network']  # Learner takes the policy_network and target_network from DQNPolicy as input argument to update the network







[1, +∞)

Number of Actor, currently only support 1



The user-defined and implement subclass of learner

This type is the same name as the subclass of learner that is user-defined and implemented



Any value with key value format or None

Customized parameter, user can input any value with key value format.


List of String

Same variable name as the user-defined network

Every string in list must match with networks’ name which is user initialized in defined policy class