mindsponge.metrics.structure_violations 源代码

# Copyright 2021 The AIMM Group at Shenzhen Bay Laboratory & Peking University & Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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"""Modules and utilities for the structure module."""
import numpy as np
import mindspore as ms
import mindspore.numpy as mnp
from mindspore import nn, Tensor
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindsponge.common.geometry import quaternion_from_tensor
from mindsponge.common.utils import find_optimal_renaming
from ..common import residue_constants


# one hot encoding for C and N atoms (using atom14 representation)
C_ONE_HOT = Tensor(np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), ms.int32)
N_ONE_HOT = Tensor(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), ms.int32)

# Van der Waals radii for each atom
    np.array([residue_constants.van_der_waals_radius.get(name[0]) for name in residue_constants.atom_types])
DISTS_MASK_I = Tensor(np.eye(14, 14), ms.int32)

# lower bound and upper bound between each atoms used for clashes calculation
LOWER_BOUND = Tensor(LOWER_BOUND, ms.float32)
UPPER_BOUND = Tensor(UPPER_BOUND, ms.float32)

CYS_SG_IDX = Tensor(5, ms.int32)

[文档]def between_residue_bond( pred_atom_positions, pred_atom_mask, residue_index, aatype, tolerance_factor_soft=12.0, tolerance_factor_hard=12.0 ): """ Flat-bottom loss to penalize structural violations between residues. This is a loss penalizing any violation of the geometry around the peptide bond between consecutive amino acids. Args: pred_atom_positions (Tensor): Atom positions in atom37/14 representation, shape :math:`(N_{res}, 37, 3)`. or shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)` . pred_atom_mask (Tensor): Atom mask in atom37/14 representation. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 37)` or shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . residue_index (Tensor): Residue index for given amino acid, this is assumed to be monotonically increasing. shape :math:`(N_{res}, )` . aatype (Tensor): amino acid types. shape :math:`(N_{res}, )` . tolerance_factor_soft (float): soft tolerance factor measured in standard deviations of pdb distributions. Default: 12.0 . tolerance_factor_hard (float): hard tolerance factor measured in standard deviations of pdb distributions. Default: 12.0 . Returns: - Tensor, c_n_loss_mean, loss for peptide bond length violations. shape is () . - Tensor, ca_c_n_loss_mean, loss for violations of bond angle around C spanned by CA, C, N. shape is () . - Tensor, c_n_ca_loss_mean, loss for violations of bond angle around N spanned by C, N, CA. shape is () . - Tensor, per_residue_loss_sum, sum of all losses of each residue. shape is :math:`(N_{res}, )` . - Tensor, per_residue_violation_mask, mask denoting all residues with violation present. shape is :math:`(N_{res}, )` . Symbol: :math:`N_{res}`, number of amino acids. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindsponge.metrics import between_residue_bond >>> np.random.seed(1) >>> pred_atom_positions = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50,37,3)), ms.float32) >>> pred_atom_mask = Tensor(np.random.randint(2,size=(50,37)), ms.int32) >>> residue_index = Tensor(np.array(range(50)), ms.int32) >>> aatype = Tensor(np.random.randint(20, size=(50,)), ms.int32) >>> tolerance_factor_soft = 12.0 >>> tolerance_factor_hard = 12.0 >>> result = between_residue_bond(pred_atom_positions, pred_atom_mask, residue_index, aatype, >>> tolerance_factor_soft, tolerance_factor_hard) >>> for x in result: >>> print(x) 0.52967054 0.6045412 0.39251995 [0.62809587 1.6770853 1.7221183 1.0325309 1.3417522 1.79882 1.7718308 1.5092779 1.5653987 1.9564128 1.6804926 1.6051245 1.5033073 1.5895741 2.1686926 2.126039 1.3837843 1.2554975 1.8135165 2.1593785 1.9408598 1.7281027 1.8666006 1.9623451 1.8177024 1.7543832 1.5969353 1.2150483 0.9833115 1.219868 1.7008476 1.6968286 1.7648234 1.5584714 1.370602 1.8525059 1.7938454 1.5313196 1.6940074 1.8512855 1.8222975 1.6600168 1.9163743 1.7201058 1.6288358 1.6055745 1.521946 1.6553445 1.6175683 0.894606 ] [1. 1. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 1. 1.] """ # Get the positions of the relevant backbone atoms. this_ca_pos = pred_atom_positions[:-1, 1, :] this_ca_mask = pred_atom_mask[:-1, 1] this_c_pos = pred_atom_positions[:-1, 2, :] this_c_mask = pred_atom_mask[:-1, 2] next_n_pos = pred_atom_positions[1:, 0, :] next_n_mask = pred_atom_mask[1:, 0] next_ca_pos = pred_atom_positions[1:, 1, :] next_ca_mask = pred_atom_mask[1:, 1] has_no_gap_mask = ((residue_index[1:] - residue_index[:-1]) == 1.0).astype(ms.float32) # Compute loss for the C--N bond. c_n_bond_length = mnp.sqrt(1e-6 + mnp.sum(mnp.square(this_c_pos - next_n_pos), axis=-1)) # The C-N bond to proline has slightly different length because of the ring. next_is_proline = (aatype[1:] == residue_constants.resname_to_idx['PRO']).astype(ms.float32) gt_length = ((1. - next_is_proline) * residue_constants.between_res_bond_length_c_n[0] + next_is_proline * residue_constants.between_res_bond_length_c_n[1]) gt_stddev = ((1. - next_is_proline) * residue_constants.between_res_bond_length_stddev_c_n[0] + next_is_proline * residue_constants.between_res_bond_length_stddev_c_n[1]) c_n_bond_length_error = mnp.sqrt(1e-6 + mnp.square(c_n_bond_length - gt_length)) c_n_loss_per_residue = nn.ReLU()(c_n_bond_length_error - tolerance_factor_soft * gt_stddev) mask = this_c_mask * next_n_mask * has_no_gap_mask c_n_loss_mean = mnp.sum(mask * c_n_loss_per_residue) / (mnp.sum(mask) + 1e-6) c_n_violation_mask = mask * (c_n_bond_length_error > (tolerance_factor_hard * gt_stddev)) # Compute loss for the angles. ca_c_bond_length = mnp.sqrt(1e-6 + mnp.sum(mnp.square(this_ca_pos - this_c_pos), axis=-1)) n_ca_bond_length = mnp.sqrt(1e-6 + mnp.sum(mnp.square(next_n_pos - next_ca_pos), axis=-1)) c_ca_unit_vec = (this_ca_pos - this_c_pos) / ca_c_bond_length[:, None] c_n_unit_vec = (next_n_pos - this_c_pos) / c_n_bond_length[:, None] n_ca_unit_vec = (next_ca_pos - next_n_pos) / n_ca_bond_length[:, None] ca_c_n_cos_angle = mnp.sum(c_ca_unit_vec * c_n_unit_vec, axis=-1) gt_angle = residue_constants.between_res_cos_angles_ca_c_n[0] gt_stddev = residue_constants.between_res_cos_angles_ca_c_n[1] ca_c_n_cos_angle_error = mnp.sqrt(1e-6 + mnp.square(ca_c_n_cos_angle - gt_angle)) ca_c_n_loss_per_residue = nn.ReLU()(ca_c_n_cos_angle_error - tolerance_factor_soft * gt_stddev) mask = this_ca_mask * this_c_mask * next_n_mask * has_no_gap_mask ca_c_n_loss_mean = mnp.sum(mask * ca_c_n_loss_per_residue) / (mnp.sum(mask) + 1e-6) ca_c_n_violation_mask = mask * (ca_c_n_cos_angle_error > (tolerance_factor_hard * gt_stddev)) c_n_ca_cos_angle = mnp.sum((-c_n_unit_vec) * n_ca_unit_vec, axis=-1) gt_angle = residue_constants.between_res_cos_angles_c_n_ca[0] gt_stddev = residue_constants.between_res_cos_angles_c_n_ca[1] c_n_ca_cos_angle_error = mnp.sqrt(1e-6 + mnp.square(c_n_ca_cos_angle - gt_angle)) c_n_ca_loss_per_residue = nn.ReLU()(c_n_ca_cos_angle_error - tolerance_factor_soft * gt_stddev) mask = this_c_mask * next_n_mask * next_ca_mask * has_no_gap_mask c_n_ca_loss_mean = mnp.sum(mask * c_n_ca_loss_per_residue) / (mnp.sum(mask) + 1e-6) c_n_ca_violation_mask = mask * (c_n_ca_cos_angle_error > (tolerance_factor_hard * gt_stddev)) # Compute a per residue loss (equally distribute the loss to both neighbouring residues). per_residue_loss_sum = c_n_loss_per_residue + ca_c_n_loss_per_residue + c_n_ca_loss_per_residue per_residue_loss_sum = 0.5 * (mnp.pad(per_residue_loss_sum, [[0, 1]]) + mnp.pad(per_residue_loss_sum, [[1, 0]])) # Compute hard violations. per_residue_violation_mask = mnp.max(mnp.stack([c_n_violation_mask, ca_c_n_violation_mask, c_n_ca_violation_mask]), axis=0) per_residue_violation_mask = mnp.maximum(mnp.pad(per_residue_violation_mask, [[0, 1]]), mnp.pad(per_residue_violation_mask, [[1, 0]])) return c_n_loss_mean, ca_c_n_loss_mean, c_n_ca_loss_mean, per_residue_loss_sum, per_residue_violation_mask
[文档]def between_residue_clash( atom14_pred_positions, atom14_atom_exists, atom14_atom_radius, residue_index, c_one_hot, n_one_hot, overlap_tolerance_soft, overlap_tolerance_hard, cys_sg_idx): """ This is a loss penalizing any steric clashes due to non bonded atoms in different peptides coming too close. Args: atom14_pred_positions (Tensor): predicted positions of atoms in global prediction frame. shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)` . atom14_atom_exists (Tensor): mask denoting whether atom at positions exists for given amino acid type. shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . atom14_atom_radius (Tensor): Van der Waals radius for each atom. shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . residue_index (Tensor): Residue index for given amino acid. shape is :math:`(N_{res}, )` . c_one_hot (Tensor): one hot encoding for C atoms (using atom14 representation). shape is (14, ) . n_one_hot (Tensor): one hot encoding for N atoms (using atom14 representation). shape is (14, ) . overlap_tolerance_soft (float): soft tolerance factor. in default: 12.0. overlap_tolerance_hard (float): hard tolerance factor. in default: 1.5. cys_sg_idx (Tensor): CYS amino acid index. Default: 5. see more at `mindsponge.common.residue_constants`. Returns: - Tensor, mean_loss, average clash loss. Shape is () . - Tensor, per_atom_loss_sum, sum of all clash losses per atom, shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . - Tensor, per_atom_clash_mask, mask whether atom clashes with any other atom, shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . Symbol: :math:`N_{res}`, number of amino acids. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindsponge.metrics import between_residue_clash >>> atom14_pred_positions = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14, 3)), ms.float32) >>> atom14_atom_exists = Tensor(np.random.randint(2, size=(50, 14))) >>> atom14_atom_radius = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14)), ms.float32) >>> residue_index = Tensor(np.array(range(50)), ms.int32) >>> c_one_hot = Tensor(np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), ms.int32) >>> n_one_hot = Tensor(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), ms.int32) >>> overlap_tolerance_soft = 12.0 >>> overlap_tolerance_hard = 1.5 >>> cys_sg_idx = Tensor(5, ms.int32) >>> mean_loss, per_atom_loss_sum, per_atom_clash_mask = between_residue_clash(atom14_pred_positions, ... atom14_atom_exists, ... atom14_atom_radius, ... residue_index, ... c_one_hot, ... n_one_hot, ... overlap_tolerance_soft, ... overlap_tolerance_hard, ... cys_sg_idx) >>> print(mean_loss.shape, per_atom_loss_sum.shape, per_atom_clash_mask.shape) () (50,14) (50,14) """ dists = mnp.sqrt(1e-10 + mnp.sum( mnp.square(atom14_pred_positions[:, None, :, None, :] - atom14_pred_positions[None, :, None, :, :]), axis=-1)) dists_mask = atom14_atom_exists[:, None, :, None] * atom14_atom_exists[None, :, None, :] dists_mask *= (residue_index[:, None, None, None] < residue_index[None, :, None, None]) # Backbone C--N bond between subsequent residues is no clash. neighbour_mask = ((residue_index[:, None, None, None] + 1) == residue_index[None, :, None, None]) c_n_bonds = neighbour_mask * c_one_hot[None, None, :, None] * n_one_hot[None, None, None, :] dists_mask *= (1. - c_n_bonds) # Disulfide bridge between two cysteines is no clash. cys_sg_one_hot = nn.OneHot(depth=14)(cys_sg_idx) disulfide_bonds = (cys_sg_one_hot[None, None, :, None] * cys_sg_one_hot[None, None, None, :]) dists_mask *= (1. - disulfide_bonds) dists_lower_bound = dists_mask * (atom14_atom_radius[:, None, :, None] + atom14_atom_radius[None, :, None, :]) dists_to_low_error = dists_mask * nn.ReLU()(dists_lower_bound - overlap_tolerance_soft - dists) mean_loss = mnp.sum(dists_to_low_error) / (1e-6 + mnp.sum(dists_mask)) per_atom_loss_sum = P.ReduceSum()(dists_to_low_error, (0, 2)) + P.ReduceSum()(dists_to_low_error, (1, 3)) clash_mask = dists_mask * (dists < (dists_lower_bound - overlap_tolerance_hard)) per_atom_clash_mask = mnp.maximum(mnp.max(clash_mask, axis=[0, 2]), mnp.max(clash_mask, axis=[1, 3])) return mean_loss, per_atom_loss_sum, per_atom_clash_mask
[文档]def within_residue_violations( atom14_pred_positions, atom14_atom_exists, atom14_dists_lower_bound, atom14_dists_upper_bound, tighten_bounds_for_loss, dists_mask_i ): """Loss to penalize steric clashes within residues. This is a loss penalizing any steric violations or clashes of non-bonded atoms in a given peptide. Args: atom14_pred_positions (Tensor): predicted positions of atoms in global prediction frame. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)` . atom14_atom_exists (Tensor): mask denoting whether atom at positions exists for given amino acid type. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . atom14_dists_lower_bound (Tensor): lower bond on allowed distances. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 14)` . atom14_dists_upper_bound (Tensor): upper bond on allowed distances. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 14)` . tighten_bounds_for_loss (float): Extra factor to tighten loss. Default: 0.0. dists_mask_i (Tensor): initial distants mask, shape: (14, 14) . Returns: - **per_atom_loss_sum** (Tensor) - sum of all clash losses per atom, shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . - **per_atom_violations** (Tensor) - violation per atom, shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . Symbol: :math:`N_{res}`, number of amino acids. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindsponge.metrics import within_residue_violations >>> atom14_pred_positions = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14, 3)), ms.float32) >>> atom14_atom_exists = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14)), ms.float32) >>> atom14_dists_lower_bound = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14, 14)), ms.float32) >>> atom14_dists_upper_bound = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14, 14)), ms.float32) >>> tighten_bounds_for_loss = 0.0 >>> dists_mask_i = Tensor(np.eye(14, 14), ms.int32) >>> per_atom_loss_sum, per_atom_violations = within_residue_violations(atom14_pred_positions, ... atom14_atom_exists, ... atom14_dists_lower_bound, ... atom14_dists_upper_bound, ... tighten_bounds_for_loss, ... dists_mask_i) >>> print(per_atom_loss_sum.shape, per_atom_violations.shape) (50, 14) (50, 14) """ dists_masks = (1. - dists_mask_i[None]) dists_masks *= (atom14_atom_exists[:, :, None] * atom14_atom_exists[:, None, :]) dists = mnp.sqrt(1e-10 + mnp.sum( mnp.square(atom14_pred_positions[:, :, None, :] - atom14_pred_positions[:, None, :, :]), axis=-1)) dists_to_low_error = nn.ReLU()(atom14_dists_lower_bound + tighten_bounds_for_loss - dists) dists_to_high_error = nn.ReLU()(dists - (atom14_dists_upper_bound - tighten_bounds_for_loss)) loss = dists_masks * (dists_to_low_error + dists_to_high_error) per_atom_loss_sum = mnp.sum(loss, axis=1) + mnp.sum(loss, axis=2) lower = (dists < atom14_dists_lower_bound).astype(ms.int32) high = (dists > atom14_dists_upper_bound).astype(ms.int32) violations = dists_masks * ((lower + high).astype(bool)) per_atom_violations = mnp.maximum(mnp.max(violations, axis=1), mnp.max(violations, axis=2)) return per_atom_loss_sum, per_atom_violations
[文档]def get_structural_violations(atom14_atom_exists, residue_index, aatype, residx_atom14_to_atom37, atom14_pred_positions, violation_tolerance_factor=VIOLATION_TOLERANCE_ACTOR, clash_overlap_tolerance=CLASH_OVERLAP_TOLERANCE, lower_bound=LOWER_BOUND, upper_bound=UPPER_BOUND, atomtype_radius=ATOMTYPE_RADIUS, c_one_hot=C_ONE_HOT, n_one_hot=N_ONE_HOT, dists_mask_i=DISTS_MASK_I, cys_sg_idx=CYS_SG_IDX): """Computes several checks for structural violations. Args: atom14_atom_exists (Tensor): mask denoting whether atom at positions exists for given amino acid type. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . residue_index (Tensor): Residue index for given amino acid. shape :math:`(N_{res}, )` . aatype (Tensor): amino acid types. shape :math:`(N_{res}, )` . residx_atom14_to_atom37 (Tensor): mapping for (residx, atom14) --> atom37. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . atom14_pred_positions (Tensor): predicted positions of atoms in global prediction frame. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)` . violation_tolerance_factor (float): violation between amino acid tolerance factor. Default: 12.0 . clash_overlap_tolerance (float): clash overlap tolerance factor. Default: 1.5 . lower_bound (Tensor): lower bond on allowed distances. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 14)` . upper_bound (Tensor): upper bond on allowed distances. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 14)` . atomtype_radius (Tensor): Van der Waals radius for each amino acid. shape: (37, ) . c_one_hot (Tensor): one hot encoding for C atoms (using atom14 representation). shape: (14, ) . n_one_hot (Tensor): one hot encoding for N atoms (using atom14 representation). shape: (14, ) . dists_mask_i (Tensor): initial distants mask, shape: (14, 14) . cys_sg_idx (Tensor): CYS amino acid index. Default: 5 . see more at `mindsponge.common.residue_constants`. Returns: - bonds_c_n_loss_mean (Tensor), loss for peptide bond length violations. shape is () . - angles_ca_c_n_loss_mean (Tensor), loss for violations of bond angle around C spanned by CA, C, N. shape is (). - angles_c_n_ca_loss_mean (Tensor), loss for violations of bond angle around N spanned by C, N, CA. shape is (). - connections_per_residue_loss_sum (Tensor), sum of all losses of each residue. shape is :math:`(N_{res}, )` . - connections_per_residue_violation_mask (Tensor), mask denoting all residues with violation present. shape is :math:`(N_{res}, )` . - clashes_mean_loss (Tensor), average clash loss. shape: () . - clashes_per_atom_loss_sum (Tensor), sum of all clash losses per atom, shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . - clashes_per_atom_clash_mask (Tensor), mask whether atom clashes with any other atom. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . - per_atom_loss_sum (Tensor), sum of all clash losses per atom, shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . - per_atom_violations (Tensor), violation per atom, shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . - total_per_residue_violations_mask (Tensor), violation masks for all residues, shape :math:`(N_{res}, )` . - structure_violation_loss (Tensor), total violations for all amino acids. shape is () . Symbol: :math:`N_{res}`, number of amino acids. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindsponge.metrics import get_structural_violations >>> atom14_atom_exists = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14)), ms.float32) >>> residue_index = Tensor(np.array(range(50)), ms.int32) >>> aatype = Tensor(np.random.randint(20, size=(50,)), ms.int32) >>> residx_atom14_to_atom37 = Tensor(np.random.randint(2, size=(50, 14)), ms.int32) >>> atom14_pred_positions = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14, 3)), ms.float32) >>> violation_tolerance_factor = 12.0 >>> clash_overlap_tolerance = 1.5 >>> lower_bound = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14, 14)), ms.float32) >>> upper_bound = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14, 14)), ms.float32) >>> atomtype_radius =Tensor([1.55, 1.7, 1.7, 1.7, 1.52, 1.7, 1.7, 1.7, 1.52, 1.52, 1.8, ... 1.7, 1.7, 1.7, 1.55, 1.55, 1.52, 1.52, 1.8, 1.7, 1.7, 1.7, ... 1.7, 1.55, 1.55, 1.55, 1.52, 1.52, 1.7, 1.55, 1.55, 1.52, 1.7, ... 1.7, 1.7, 1.55, 1.52], ms.float32) >>> c_one_hot = Tensor(np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), ms.int32) >>> n_one_hot = Tensor(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), ms.int32) >>> dists_mask_i = Tensor(np.eye(14, 14), ms.int32) >>> cys_sg_idx = Tensor(5, ms.int32) >>> result = get_structural_violations(atom14_atom_exists, residue_index, aatype, residx_atom14_to_atom37, ... atom14_pred_positions, violation_tolerance_factor, ... clash_overlap_tolerance, lower_bound, upper_bound, atomtype_radius, ... c_one_hot, n_one_hot, dists_mask_i,cys_sg_idx) >>> for r in result: >>> print(r.shape) () () () (50,) (50,) () (50, 14) (50, 14) (50, 14) (50, 14) (50,) () """ # Compute between residue backbone violations of bonds and angles. c_n_loss_mean, ca_c_n_loss_mean, c_n_ca_loss_mean, per_residue_loss_sum, per_residue_violation_mask = \ between_residue_bond( pred_atom_positions=atom14_pred_positions, pred_atom_mask=atom14_atom_exists.astype(mnp.float32), residue_index=residue_index.astype(mnp.float32), aatype=aatype, tolerance_factor_soft=violation_tolerance_factor, tolerance_factor_hard=violation_tolerance_factor) # Compute the Van der Waals radius for every atom (the first letter of the atom name is the element type). # Shape: (N, 14). atom14_atom_radius = atom14_atom_exists * P.Gather()(atomtype_radius, residx_atom14_to_atom37, 0) # Compute the between residue clash loss. mean_loss, clashes_per_atom_loss_sum, per_atom_clash_mask = between_residue_clash( atom14_pred_positions=atom14_pred_positions, atom14_atom_exists=atom14_atom_exists, atom14_atom_radius=atom14_atom_radius, residue_index=residue_index, c_one_hot=c_one_hot, n_one_hot=n_one_hot, overlap_tolerance_soft=clash_overlap_tolerance, overlap_tolerance_hard=clash_overlap_tolerance, cys_sg_idx=cys_sg_idx ) # Compute all within-residue violations (clashes, # bond length and angle violations). atom14_dists_lower_bound = P.Gather()(lower_bound, aatype, 0) atom14_dists_upper_bound = P.Gather()(upper_bound, aatype, 0) per_atom_loss_sum, per_atom_violations = within_residue_violations( atom14_pred_positions=atom14_pred_positions, atom14_atom_exists=atom14_atom_exists, atom14_dists_lower_bound=atom14_dists_lower_bound, atom14_dists_upper_bound=atom14_dists_upper_bound, tighten_bounds_for_loss=0.0, dists_mask_i=dists_mask_i) # Combine them to a single per-residue violation mask (used later for LDDT). per_residue_violations_mask = mnp.max(mnp.stack([per_residue_violation_mask, mnp.max(per_atom_clash_mask, axis=-1), mnp.max(per_atom_violations, axis=-1)]), axis=0) bonds_c_n_loss_mean = c_n_loss_mean angles_ca_c_n_loss_mean = ca_c_n_loss_mean angles_c_n_ca_loss_mean = c_n_ca_loss_mean connections_per_residue_loss_sum = per_residue_loss_sum connections_per_residue_violation_mask = per_residue_violation_mask clashes_mean_loss = mean_loss clashes_per_atom_loss_sum = clashes_per_atom_loss_sum clashes_per_atom_clash_mask = per_atom_clash_mask per_atom_loss_sum = per_atom_loss_sum per_atom_violations = per_atom_violations total_per_residue_violations_mask = per_residue_violations_mask num_atoms = P.ReduceSum()(atom14_atom_exists.astype(ms.float32)) structure_violation_loss = bonds_c_n_loss_mean + angles_ca_c_n_loss_mean + angles_c_n_ca_loss_mean +\ P.ReduceSum()(clashes_per_atom_loss_sum + per_atom_loss_sum) / (1e-6 + num_atoms) return (bonds_c_n_loss_mean, angles_ca_c_n_loss_mean, angles_c_n_ca_loss_mean, connections_per_residue_loss_sum, connections_per_residue_violation_mask, clashes_mean_loss, clashes_per_atom_loss_sum, clashes_per_atom_clash_mask, per_atom_loss_sum, per_atom_violations, total_per_residue_violations_mask, structure_violation_loss)
[文档]def compute_renamed_ground_truth(atom14_gt_positions, atom14_alt_gt_positions, atom14_atom_is_ambiguous, atom14_gt_exists, atom14_pred_positions, atom14_alt_gt_exists): """ Find optimal renaming of ground truth based on the predicted positions. Jumper et al. (2021) Suppl. Alg. 26 "renameSymmetricGroundTruthAtoms" This renamed ground truth is then used for all losses, such that each loss moves the atoms in the same direction. Shape (N). Args: atom14_gt_positions (Tensor): Ground truth positions. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)` . atom14_alt_gt_positions (Tensor): Ground truth positions with renaming swaps. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)` . atom14_atom_is_ambiguous (Tensor): 1.0 for atoms that are affected by renaming swaps. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . atom14_gt_exists (Tensor): Mask for which atoms exist in ground truth. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . atom14_pred_positions (Tensor): Array of atom positions in global frame with shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)` . atom14_alt_gt_exists (Tensor): Mask for which atoms exist in ground truth after renaming. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . Returns: - **alt_naming_is_better** (Tensor) - Array with 1.0 where alternative swap is better. shape :math:`(N_{res}, )` . - **renamed_atom14_gt_positions** (Tensor) - Array of optimal ground truth positions after renaming swaps are performed. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14, 3)` . - **renamed_atom14_gt_exists** (Tensor) - Mask after renaming swap is performed. shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` . Symbol: :math:`N_{res}`, number of amino acids. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindsponge.metrics import compute_renamed_ground_truth >>> atom14_gt_positions = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14, 3)), ms.float32) >>> atom14_alt_gt_positions = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14, 3)), ms.float32) >>> atom14_atom_is_ambiguous = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14)), ms.float32) >>> atom14_gt_exists = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14)), ms.float32) >>> atom14_pred_positions = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14, 3)), ms.float32) >>> atom14_alt_gt_exists = Tensor(np.random.random(size=(50, 14)), ms.float32) >>> alt_naming_is_better, renamed_atom14_gt_positions, renamed_atom14_gt_exists = \ ... compute_renamed_ground_truth(atom14_gt_positions, atom14_alt_gt_positions, atom14_atom_is_ambiguous, ... atom14_gt_exists, atom14_pred_positions, atom14_alt_gt_exists) >>> print(alt_naming_is_better.shape, renamed_atom14_gt_positions.shape, renamed_atom14_gt_exists.shape) (50,) (50, 14, 3) (50, 14) """ alt_naming_is_better = find_optimal_renaming(atom14_gt_positions, atom14_alt_gt_positions, atom14_atom_is_ambiguous, atom14_gt_exists, atom14_pred_positions) renamed_atom14_gt_positions = ((1. - alt_naming_is_better[:, None, None]) * atom14_gt_positions + alt_naming_is_better[:, None, None] * atom14_alt_gt_positions) renamed_atom14_gt_mask = ((1. - alt_naming_is_better[:, None]) * atom14_gt_exists + alt_naming_is_better[:, None] * atom14_alt_gt_exists) return alt_naming_is_better, renamed_atom14_gt_positions, renamed_atom14_gt_mask
[文档]def frame_aligned_point_error_map(pred_frames, target_frames, frames_mask, pred_positions, target_positions, positions_mask, length_scale, l1_clamp_distance): r"""Measure point error under different alignments which computes error between two structures with B points under A alignments derived from the given pairs of frames. Similar with the `frame_aligned_point_error` function. The difference is this is a batched version which return batch error for each group of local frames individually, this version considers only backbone frames. Args: pred_frames (list): The predicted backbone frames which is a 2-dimensional list, the first element of pred_frames is a list of 9 tensors which are the 9 components of rotation matrix; the second element of pred_frames is a list of 3 tensors are the 3 component of translation matrix. All tensors are of shape :math:`(N_{recycle}, N_{res})`. with :math:`N_{recycle}` the recycle number of FoldIteration in Structure module, :math:`N_{res}` the number of residues in protein. target_frames (list): The ground truth backbone frames which is also a 2-dimensional list, the same as pred_frames except that the shape of tensors is :math:`(N_{res},)`. frames_mask (Tensor): The binary mask for frames of shape :math:`(N_{res},)`. pred_positions (list): The predicted Ca atom positions which is a list of 3 tensors of shape :math:`(N_{recycle}, N_{res},)`. target_positions (list): The ground truth Ca atom positions which is a list of 3 tensors of shape :math:`(N_{res},)`. positions_mask (Tensor): The binary mask for Ca atom positions of shape :math:`(N_{res},)`. length_scale (float): The unit distance which is used to scale distances. l1_clamp_distance (float): Distance cutoff on error beyond which gradients will be zero. Returns: - **error_clamp** (Tensor) - Backbone FAPE loss clamped with shape :math:`(N_{recycle},)`. - **error_no_clamp** (Tensor) - Backbone FAPE loss (not clamped) with shape :math:`(N_{recycle},)`. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindsponge.metrics import frame_aligned_point_error_map >>> from mindspore import dtype as mstype >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> rot_matrix = [[Tensor(np.random.rand(8, 256)).astype(mstype.float32) for _ in range(9)]] >>> trans_matrix = [[Tensor(np.random.rand(8, 256)).astype(mstype.float32) for _ in range(3)]] >>> pred_frames = rot_matrix + trans_matrix >>> rot_matrix = [[Tensor(np.random.rand(256,)).astype(mstype.float32) for _ in range(9)]] >>> trans_matrix = [[Tensor(np.random.rand(256,)).astype(mstype.float32) for _ in range(3)]] >>> target_frames = rot_matrix + trans_matrix >>> frames_mask = Tensor(np.random.rand(256,)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> positions_mask = Tensor(np.random.rand(256,)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> pred_positions = [Tensor(np.random.rand(8, 256)).astype(mstype.float32) for _ in range(3)] >>> target_positions = [Tensor(np.random.rand(256,)).astype(mstype.float32) for _ in range(3)] >>> length_scale = 10.0 >>> l1_clamp_distance = 10.0 >>> error, error_noclamp = frame_aligned_point_error_map(pred_frames, target_frames, frames_mask, ... pred_positions, target_positions, positions_mask, ... length_scale, l1_clamp_distance) >>> print(error, error_noclamp) [0.0827449 0.08608595 0.09045469 0.08518302 0.08452212 0.08624027 0.08426301 0.08154671] [0.0827449 0.08608595 0.09045469 0.08518302 0.08452212 0.08624027 0.08426301 0.08154671] """ # Compute array of predicted positions in the predicted frames. xx = pred_frames[0][0] xy = pred_frames[0][1] xz = pred_frames[0][2] yx = pred_frames[0][3] yy = pred_frames[0][4] yz = pred_frames[0][5] zx = pred_frames[0][6] zy = pred_frames[0][7] zz = pred_frames[0][8] t0_p = pred_frames[1][0] t1_p = pred_frames[1][1] t2_p = pred_frames[1][2] t0 = pred_positions[0] t1 = pred_positions[1] t2 = pred_positions[2] v1 = -(xx * t0_p + yx * t1_p + zx * t2_p) v2 = -(xy * t0_p + yy * t1_p + zy * t2_p) v3 = -(xz * t0_p + yz * t1_p + zz * t2_p) local_pred_pos = [ xx[..., None] * t0[:, None, ...] + yx[..., None] * t1[:, None, ...] + zx[..., None] * t2[:, None, ...] + v1[ ..., None], xy[..., None] * t0[:, None, ...] + yy[..., None] * t1[:, None, ...] + zy[..., None] * t2[:, None, ...] + v2[ ..., None], xz[..., None] * t0[:, None, ...] + yz[..., None] * t1[:, None, ...] + zz[..., None] * t2[:, None, ...] + v3[ ..., None] ] xx_gt = target_frames[0][0] xy_gt = target_frames[0][1] xz_gt = target_frames[0][2] yx_gt = target_frames[0][3] yy_gt = target_frames[0][4] yz_gt = target_frames[0][5] zx_gt = target_frames[0][6] zy_gt = target_frames[0][7] zz_gt = target_frames[0][8] t0_t = target_frames[1][0] t1_t = target_frames[1][1] t2_t = target_frames[1][2] t0_gt = target_positions[0] t1_gt = target_positions[1] t2_gt = target_positions[2] v1_gt = -(xx_gt * t0_t + yx_gt * t1_t + zx_gt * t2_t) v2_gt = -(xy_gt * t0_t + yy_gt * t1_t + zy_gt * t2_t) v3_gt = -(xz_gt * t0_t + yz_gt * t1_t + zz_gt * t2_t) epsilon = 1e-4 local_target_pos = [xx_gt[:, None] * t0_gt[None, :] + yx_gt[:, None] * t1_gt[None, :] + zx_gt[:, None] * t2_gt[None, :] + v1_gt[:, None], xy_gt[:, None] * t0_gt[None, :] + yy_gt[:, None] * t1_gt[None, :] + zy_gt[:, None] * t2_gt[None, :] + v2_gt[:, None], xz_gt[:, None] * t0_gt[None, :] + yz_gt[:, None] * t1_gt[None, :] + zz_gt[:, None] * t2_gt[None, :] + v3_gt[:, None]] error_dist = mnp.sqrt(mnp.square(local_pred_pos[0] - local_target_pos[0]) + mnp.square(local_pred_pos[1] - local_target_pos[1]) + mnp.square(local_pred_pos[2] - local_target_pos[2]) + epsilon) normalization_factor = (mnp.sum(frames_mask.astype(ms.float32), axis=-1) * mnp.sum(positions_mask.astype(ms.float32), axis=-1)) # fape with clamp error_dist_clamp = mnp.clip(error_dist, 0, l1_clamp_distance) normed_error_clamp = error_dist_clamp / length_scale normed_error_clamp *= mnp.expand_dims(frames_mask, axis=-1) normed_error_clamp *= mnp.expand_dims(positions_mask, axis=-2) error_clamp = P.ReduceSum()(normed_error_clamp, (-2, -1)) / (epsilon + normalization_factor) # fape with no clamp normed_error_no_clamp = error_dist / length_scale normed_error_no_clamp *= mnp.expand_dims(frames_mask, axis=-1) normed_error_no_clamp *= mnp.expand_dims(positions_mask, axis=-2) error_no_clamp = P.ReduceSum()(normed_error_no_clamp, (-2, -1)) / (epsilon + normalization_factor) return error_clamp, error_no_clamp
[文档]def backbone(traj, backbone_affine_tensor, backbone_affine_mask, fape_clamp_distance, fape_loss_unit_distance, use_clamped_fape): r""" Backbone FAPE Loss using `frame_aligned_point_error_map` function. `Jumper et al. (2021) Suppl. Alg. 20 "StructureModule" line 17 <https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41586-021-03819-2/ MediaObjects/41586_2021_3819_MOESM1_ESM.pdf>`_. Args: traj (Tensor): The series of backbone frames(trajectory) generated by Structure module, the shape is :math:`(N_{recycle}, N_{res}, 7)` with :math:`(N_{recycle},)` the recycle number of recycle in Structure module, :math:`(N_{res},)` the number of residues in protein, for the last dimension, the first 4 elements are the affine tensor which contains the rotation information, the last 3 elements are the translations in space. backbone_affine_tensor (Tensor): The ground truth backbone frames of shape :math:`(N_{res}, 7)`. backbone_affine_mask (Tensor): The binary mask for backbone frames of shape :math:`(N_{res},)`. fape_clamp_distance (float): Distance cutoff on error beyond which gradients will be zero. fape_loss_unit_distance (float): The unit distance of backbone FAPE loss, used to scale distances. use_clamped_fape (float): The indicator that if backbone FAPE loss is clamped, 0 or 1, 1 means clamping. Returns: - **fape** (Tensor) - Backbone FAPE loss (clamped if use_clamped_fape is 1) of last recycle of Structure module with shape (). - **loss** (Tensor) - Averaged Backbone FAPE loss (clamped if use_clamped_fape is 1) of all recycle of Structure module with shape (). - **no_clamp** (Tensor) - Backbone FAPE loss of last recycle of Structure module with shape (). Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> from mindsponge.metrics import backbone >>> from mindspore import dtype as mstype >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> traj = Tensor(np.random.rand(8, 256, 7)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> backbone_affine_tensor = Tensor(np.random.rand(256, 7)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> backbone_affine_mask = Tensor(np.random.rand(256,)).astype(mstype.float16) >>> fape_clamp_distance = 10.0 >>> fape_loss_unit_distance = 10.0 >>> use_clamped_fape = 1 >>> fape, loss, noclamp = backbone(traj, backbone_affine_tensor, backbone_affine_mask, ... fape_clamp_distance, fape_loss_unit_distance, use_clamped_fape) >>> print(fape, loss, noclamp) 0.12813742 0.12904957 0.12813742 """ _, rotation, translation = quaternion_from_tensor(traj) pred_frames = ((rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2], rotation[3], rotation[4], rotation[5], rotation[6], rotation[7], rotation[8]), (translation[0], translation[1], translation[2])) pred_positions = [translation[0], translation[1], translation[2]] _, rotation_gt, translation_gt = quaternion_from_tensor(backbone_affine_tensor) target_frames = ((rotation_gt[0], rotation_gt[1], rotation_gt[2], rotation_gt[3], rotation_gt[4], rotation_gt[5], rotation_gt[6], rotation_gt[7], rotation_gt[8]), (translation_gt[0], translation_gt[1], translation_gt[2])) target_positions = [translation_gt[0], translation_gt[1], translation_gt[2]] frames_mask = backbone_affine_mask positions_mask = backbone_affine_mask fape_loss_clamp, fape_loss_no_clamp = frame_aligned_point_error_map(pred_frames, target_frames, frames_mask, pred_positions, target_positions, positions_mask, fape_clamp_distance, fape_loss_unit_distance) fape_loss = (fape_loss_clamp * use_clamped_fape + fape_loss_no_clamp * (1 - use_clamped_fape)) no_clamp = fape_loss_no_clamp[-1] fape = fape_loss[-1] loss = mnp.mean(fape_loss) return fape, loss, no_clamp
[文档]def frame_aligned_point_error(pred_frames, target_frames, frames_mask, pred_positions, target_positions, positions_mask, length_scale, l1_clamp_distance): r""" Measure point error under different alignments which computes error between two structures with B points under A alignments derived from the given pairs of frames. `Jumper et al. (2021) Suppl. Alg. 28 "computeFAPE" <https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41586-021-03819-2/ MediaObjects/41586_2021_3819_MOESM1_ESM.pdf>`_. This function considers all frames. First transform the predicted atom positions to different predicted local frames, :math:`\vec{x_{j\_pred}^{i}} = \mathcal{T}_{i\_{pred}} \circ \vec{x_{j\_pred}}` Then transform the true atom positions to different true local frames, :math:`\vec{x_{j\_gt}^{i}} = \mathcal{T}_{i\_{gt}} \circ \vec{x_{j\_gt}}` Then compute the L2 error of all atoms positions in all local frames. :math:`\sum_{i }^{N_{frames}}\sum_{j}^{N_{atoms}}(\parallel \vec{x_{j\_pred}^{i}} - \vec{x_{j\_gt}^{i}} \parallel )` Args: pred_frames (Tensor): The predicted frames of shape :math:`(12, N_{frames})` with :math:`N_{frames}` the number of pairs of frames. For the first dimension, the first 9 elements are the 9 components of rotation matrix; the last 3 elements are the 3 component of translation matrix. target_frames (Tensor): The ground truth frames of same shape as pred_frames. frames_mask (Tensor): The binary mask for frames of shape :math:`(N_{frames},)`. pred_positions (Tensor): The predicted atom positions tensor of shape :math:`(3, N_{atoms})` with :math:`N_{atoms}` the number of atoms. target_positions (Tensor): The ground truth atom positions of same shape as pred_positions. positions_mask (Tensor): The binary mask for atom positions of shape :math:`(N_{atoms},)`. length_scale (float): The unit distance which is used to scale distances. l1_clamp_distance (float): Distance cutoff on error beyond which gradients will be zero. Returns: - **error_clamp** (Tensor) - Backbone FAPE loss clamped with shape :math:`(N_{recycle},)`. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> from mindsponge.metrics import frame_aligned_point_error >>> from mindspore import dtype as mstype >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> pred_frames = Tensor(np.random.rand(12, 256)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> target_frames = Tensor(np.random.rand(12, 256)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> frames_mask = Tensor(np.random.rand(256,)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> pred_positions = Tensor(np.random.rand(3, 1024)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> target_positions = Tensor(np.random.rand(3, 1024)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> positions_mask = Tensor(np.random.rand(1024,)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> length_scale = 10.0 >>> l1_clamp_distance = 10.0 >>> fape = frame_aligned_point_error(pred_frames, target_frames, frames_mask, >>> pred_positions, target_positions, positions_mask, >>> length_scale, l1_clamp_distance) >>> print(fape) 0.08747593 """ # Compute array of predicted positions in the predicted frames. xx = pred_frames[0] xy = pred_frames[1] xz = pred_frames[2] yx = pred_frames[3] yy = pred_frames[4] yz = pred_frames[5] zx = pred_frames[6] zy = pred_frames[7] zz = pred_frames[8] t0_p = pred_frames[9] t1_p = pred_frames[10] t2_p = pred_frames[11] t0 = pred_positions[0] t1 = pred_positions[1] t2 = pred_positions[2] v1 = -(xx * t0_p + yx * t1_p + zx * t2_p) v2 = -(xy * t0_p + yy * t1_p + zy * t2_p) v3 = -(xz * t0_p + yz * t1_p + zz * t2_p) local_pred_pos = [ xx[..., None] * t0[None, ...] + yx[..., None] * t1[None, ...] + zx[..., None] * t2[None, ...] + v1[..., None], xy[..., None] * t0[None, ...] + yy[..., None] * t1[None, ...] + zy[..., None] * t2[None, ...] + v2[..., None], xz[..., None] * t0[None, ...] + yz[..., None] * t1[None, ...] + zz[..., None] * t2[None, ...] + v3[..., None] ] xx_gt = target_frames[0] xy_gt = target_frames[1] xz_gt = target_frames[2] yx_gt = target_frames[3] yy_gt = target_frames[4] yz_gt = target_frames[5] zx_gt = target_frames[6] zy_gt = target_frames[7] zz_gt = target_frames[8] t0_t = target_frames[9] t1_t = target_frames[10] t2_t = target_frames[11] t0_gt = target_positions[0] t1_gt = target_positions[1] t2_gt = target_positions[2] v1_gt = -(xx_gt * t0_t + yx_gt * t1_t + zx_gt * t2_t) v2_gt = -(xy_gt * t0_t + yy_gt * t1_t + zy_gt * t2_t) v3_gt = -(xz_gt * t0_t + yz_gt * t1_t + zz_gt * t2_t) epsilon = 1e-4 local_target_pos = [xx_gt[:, None] * t0_gt[None, :] + yx_gt[:, None] * t1_gt[None, :] + zx_gt[:, None] * t2_gt[None, :] + v1_gt[:, None], xy_gt[:, None] * t0_gt[None, :] + yy_gt[:, None] * t1_gt[None, :] + zy_gt[:, None] * t2_gt[None, :] + v2_gt[:, None], xz_gt[:, None] * t0_gt[None, :] + yz_gt[:, None] * t1_gt[None, :] + zz_gt[:, None] * t2_gt[None, :] + v3_gt[:, None]] error_dist = mnp.sqrt(mnp.square(local_pred_pos[0] - local_target_pos[0]) + mnp.square(local_pred_pos[1] - local_target_pos[1]) + mnp.square(local_pred_pos[2] - local_target_pos[2]) + epsilon) if l1_clamp_distance: error_dist = mnp.clip(error_dist, 0, l1_clamp_distance) normed_error = error_dist / length_scale normed_error *= mnp.expand_dims(frames_mask, axis=-1) normed_error *= mnp.expand_dims(positions_mask, axis=-2) normalization_factor = mnp.sum(frames_mask, axis=-1) * mnp.sum(positions_mask, axis=-1) return mnp.sum(normed_error, axis=(-2, -1)) / (epsilon + normalization_factor)
[文档]def sidechain(alt_naming_is_better, rigidgroups_gt_frames, rigidgroups_alt_gt_frames, rigidgroups_gt_exists, renamed_atom14_gt_positions, renamed_atom14_gt_exists, sidechain_atom_clamp_distance, sidechain_length_scale, pred_frames, pred_positions): r""" sidechain FAPE Loss which take all local frames (side-chain, backbone) into consideration. `Jumper et al. (2021) Suppl. Alg. 20 "StructureModule" line 17 <https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41586-021-03819-2/ MediaObjects/41586_2021_3819_MOESM1_ESM.pdf>`_. Args: alt_naming_is_better (Tensor): Tensor of shape :math:`(N_{res},)`, with value 1.0 where alternative swap is better. rigidgroups_gt_frames (Tensor): The ground truth locals frames of shape :math:`(N_{res}, 8, 12)`, with :math:`(N_{res},)` the number of residues in protein. For each residue, there are 1 backbone frame and 7 side-chain frames, 8 frames in total. For the last dimension, the first 9 elements are the 9 components of rotation matrix; the last 3 elements are the 3 component of translation matrix. rigidgroups_alt_gt_frames (Tensor): The alternative ground truth locals frames due to symmetry of amino acids. This tensor has the same shape as rigidgroups_gt_frames rigidgroups_gt_exists (Tensor): The binary mask for gt frames of shape :math:`(N_{res}, 8)`. renamed_atom14_gt_positions (Tensor): The mask for ground truth positions after renaming swaps are performed(swaps are needed for some amino acids due to symmetry `compute_renamed_ground_truth`), its shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)`.It takes the 14-types atoms encoding. renamed_atom14_gt_exists (Tensor): The mask for ground truth positions after renaming swap is performed after renaming swaps are performed, its shape is :math:`(N_{res}, 14)`. sidechain_atom_clamp_distance (float): Distance cutoff on error beyond which gradients will be zero. sidechain_length_scale (float): The unit distance of sidechain FAPE loss, used to scale distances. pred_frames (Tensor): The predicted locals frames of shape :math:`(12, N_{recycle}, N_{res}, 8)`. :math:`(N_{recycle},)` is the recycle number of FoldIteration in Structure module. Only the frames of last recycle is used in side-chain FAPE loss. 12 has the same meaning as the third dimension of rigidgroups_gt_frames. pred_positions (Tensor): The predicted positions of shape :math:`(3, N_{recycle}, N_{res}, 14)`. Only the positions of last recycle is used in side-chain FAPE loss, encoded atom-14 encoding. Returns: Tensor, fape. Clamped side-chian FAPE loss with shape (). Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> from mindsponge.metrics import sidechain >>> from mindspore import dtype as mstype >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> alt_naming_is_better = Tensor(np.zeros((256,))).astype(mstype.float32) >>> rigidgroups_gt_frames = Tensor(np.random.rand(256, 8, 12)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> rigidgroups_alt_gt_frames = Tensor(np.random.rand(256, 8, 12)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> rigidgroups_gt_exists = Tensor(np.random.rand(256, 8)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> renamed_atom14_gt_positions = Tensor(np.random.rand(256, 14, 3)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> renamed_atom14_gt_exists = Tensor(np.random.rand(256, 14)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> sidechain_atom_clamp_distance = 10.0 >>> sidechain_length_scale = 10.0 >>> pred_frames = Tensor(np.random.rand(12, 8, 256, 8)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> pred_positions = Tensor(np.random.rand(3, 8, 256, 14)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> sidechain_loss = sidechain(alt_naming_is_better, rigidgroups_gt_frames, rigidgroups_alt_gt_frames, ... rigidgroups_gt_exists, renamed_atom14_gt_positions, ... renamed_atom14_gt_exists, sidechain_atom_clamp_distance,sidechain_length_scale, ... pred_frames, pred_positions) >>> print(sidechain_loss) 0.08569459 """ # Rename Frames # Jumper et al. (2021) Suppl. Alg. 26 "renameSymmetricGroundTruthAtoms" line 7 renamed_gt_frames = ((1. - alt_naming_is_better[:, None, None]) * rigidgroups_gt_frames + alt_naming_is_better[:, None, None] * rigidgroups_alt_gt_frames) flat_gt_frames = mnp.moveaxis(mnp.reshape(renamed_gt_frames, [-1, 12]), -1, 0) flat_frames_mask = mnp.reshape(rigidgroups_gt_exists, [-1]) flat_gt_positions_t = mnp.moveaxis(mnp.reshape(renamed_atom14_gt_positions, [-1, 3]), -1, 0) flat_positions_mask = mnp.reshape(renamed_atom14_gt_exists, [-1]) # Compute frame_aligned_point_error score for the final layer. flat_pred_frames = mnp.reshape(pred_frames[:, -1, ...], [12, -1]) flat_pred_positions = mnp.reshape(pred_positions[:, -1, ...], [3, -1]) # FAPE Loss on sidechains fape = frame_aligned_point_error( pred_frames=flat_pred_frames, target_frames=flat_gt_frames, frames_mask=flat_frames_mask, pred_positions=flat_pred_positions, target_positions=flat_gt_positions_t, positions_mask=flat_positions_mask, l1_clamp_distance=sidechain_atom_clamp_distance, length_scale=sidechain_length_scale) return fape
[文档]def supervised_chi(sequence_mask, aatype, sin_cos_true_chi, torsion_angle_mask, sin_cos_pred_chi, sin_cos_unnormalized_pred, chi_weight, angle_norm_weight, chi_pi_periodic): r"""Computes loss for direct chi angle supervision. The torsion angles are represented by the sine and cosine value of the angle. This loss is composed of 2 items, the error of normalized predicted sine and cosine value, called chi angle difference loss; the other term is the difference between L2 norm of sine cosine value and 1, called angle norm loss. `Jumper et al. (2021) Suppl. Alg. 27 "torsionAngleLoss" <https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41586-021-03819-2/ MediaObjects/41586_2021_3819_MOESM1_ESM.pdf>`_. Args: sequence_mask (Tensor): The mask tensor for sequence of shape :math:`(N_{res},)` with :math:`N_{res}` the number of residues in protein. aatype (Tensor): The amino acid type tensor of shape :math:`(N_{res},)`. sin_cos_true_chi (Tensor): Tensor of shape :math:`(N_{res}, 14)` which is the sine and cosine value of torsion angles. There are 7 torsion angles per residue, 3 for backbone and 4 for sidechain. torsion_angle_mask (Tensor): The binary mask for sidechain torsion angles of shape :math:`(N_{res}, 4)` sin_cos_pred_chi (Tensor): The predicted sine and cosine value (normalized) of torsion angles of shape :math:`(N_{res}, 4, 2)`. sin_cos_unnormalized_pred (Tensor): The predicted sine and cosine value (unnormalized) of torsion angles of shape :math:`(N_{recycle}, N_{res}, 7, 2)` with :math:`N_{recycle}` is the recycle number of FoldIteration in Structure module. chi_weight (float): The weight of chi angle difference loss term, constant. angle_norm_weight (float): The weight of angle norm loss term, constant. chi_pi_periodic (Tensor): Chi angles that are pi periodic: they can be rotated by a multiple of pi without affecting the structure. Constants of residues of shape :math:`(21, 4)`, 20 types of amino acids + unknown. Returns: - **loss** (Tensor) - Supervised chi angle loss with shape (). Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> from mindsponge.metrics import supervised_chi >>> from mindsponge.common import residue_constants >>> from mindspore import dtype as mstype >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> sequence_mask = Tensor(np.random.rand(256, )).astype(mstype.float32) >>> aatype = Tensor(np.random.randint(0, 21, (256,) )).astype(mstype.int32) >>> sin_cos_true_chi = Tensor(np.random.rand(256, 4, 2)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> torsion_angle_mask = Tensor(np.random.rand(256, 4)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> sin_cos_pred_chi = Tensor(np.random.rand(256, 14)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> sin_cos_unnormalized_pred = Tensor(np.random.rand(8, 256, 7, 2)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> chi_weight = 0.1 >>> angle_norm_weight = 0.2 >>> chi_pi_periodic = Tensor(residue_constants.chi_pi_periodic).astype(mstype.float32) >>> chi_loss = supervised_chi(sequence_mask, aatype, sin_cos_true_chi, torsion_angle_mask, sin_cos_pred_chi, ... sin_cos_unnormalized_pred, chi_weight, angle_norm_weight, chi_pi_periodic) >>> print(chi_loss) 0.061829045 """ eps = 1e-6 num_res = sequence_mask.shape[0] chi_mask = torsion_angle_mask pred_angles = mnp.reshape(sin_cos_pred_chi, [-1, num_res, 7, 2]) pred_angles = pred_angles[:, :, 3:] residue_type_one_hot = nn.OneHot(depth=21)(aatype)[None] chi_pi_periodic = mnp.matmul(residue_type_one_hot, chi_pi_periodic) # This is -1 if chi is pi-periodic and +1 if it's 2pi-periodic shifted_mask = (1 - 2 * chi_pi_periodic)[..., None] sin_cos_true_chi_shifted = shifted_mask * sin_cos_true_chi sq_chi_error = mnp.sum(mnp.square(sin_cos_true_chi - pred_angles), -1) sq_chi_error_shifted = mnp.sum(mnp.square(sin_cos_true_chi_shifted - pred_angles), -1) sq_chi_error = mnp.minimum(sq_chi_error, sq_chi_error_shifted) sq_chi_loss = P.ReduceSum()(chi_mask[None] * sq_chi_error, (0, 1, 2)) / \ (P.ReduceSum()(chi_mask[None], (0, 1, 2)) * 8 + 1e-10) loss = chi_weight * sq_chi_loss unnormed_angles = mnp.reshape(sin_cos_unnormalized_pred[-1], [-1, num_res, 7, 2]) angle_norm = mnp.sqrt(mnp.sum(mnp.square(unnormed_angles), axis=-1) + eps) norm_error = mnp.abs(angle_norm - 1.) angle_norm_loss = P.ReduceSum()(sequence_mask[None, :, None] * norm_error, (0, 1, 2)) / \ (P.ReduceSum()(sequence_mask[None, :, None].astype(ms.float32), (0, 1, 2)) * 7 + 1e-10) loss += angle_norm_weight * angle_norm_loss return loss
[文档]def local_distance_difference_test(predicted_points, true_points, true_points_mask, cutoff=15, per_residue=False): r""" Compute true and predicted distance matrices for :math:`C\alpha`. First calculate the distance matrix of true and predicted :math:`C\alpha` atoms :math:`D = (((x[None,:] - x[:,None])^2).sum(-1))^{0.5}` then compute the rate that difference is smaller than fixed value: :math:`lddt = (rate(abs(D_{true} - D_{pred}) < 0.5) + rate(abs(D_{true} - D_{pred}) < 1.0) + rate(abs(D_{true} - D_{pred}) < 2.0) + rate(abs(D_{true} - D_{pred}) < 4.0))/4` `Jumper et al. (2021) Suppl. Alg. 29 "predictPerResidueLDDT_Ca" <https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41586-021-03819-2/ MediaObjects/41586_2021_3819_MOESM1_ESM.pdf>`_. Args: predicted_points (Tensor): The prediction Ca atoms position tensor of shape :math:`(1, N_{res}, 3)` with :math:`N_{res}` the number of residues in protein. true_points (Tensor): The ground truth Ca atoms position tensor of shape :math:`(1, N_{res}, 3)` true_points_mask (Tensor): The binary mask for predicted_points of shape :math:`(1, N_{res}, 1)` cutoff (float): The cutoff value for lddt to stop gradient, Default: 15. per_residue (bool): The indicator if local distance difference is averaged, set True to return local distance difference per residue. Default: False. Returns: - **score** (Tensor) - Local distance difference score, the shape is :math:`(1,)` if per_residue set False, :math:`(1, N_{res})` otherwise. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> from mindsponge.metrics import local_distance_difference_test >>> from mindspore import dtype as mstype >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> predicted_points = Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 256, 3)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> true_points = Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 256, 3)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> true_points_mask = Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 256, 1)).astype(mstype.float32) >>> lddt = local_distance_difference_test(predicted_points, true_points, true_points_mask, ... cutoff=15, per_residue=False) >>> print(lddt) [0.9554313] """ dmat_true = mnp.sqrt(1e-10 + mnp.sum((true_points[:, :, None] - true_points[:, None, :]) ** 2, axis=-1)) dmat_predicted = mnp.sqrt(1e-10 + mnp.sum((predicted_points[:, :, None] - predicted_points[:, None, :]) ** 2, axis=-1)) dists_to_score = ((dmat_true < cutoff).astype(mnp.float32) * true_points_mask * mnp.transpose(true_points_mask, [0, 2, 1]) * (1. - mnp.eye(dmat_true.shape[1])) # Exclude self-interaction. ) # Shift unscored distances to be far away. dist_l1 = mnp.abs(dmat_true - dmat_predicted) # True lDDT uses a number of fixed bins. # We ignore the physical plausibility correction to lDDT, though. score = 0.25 * ((dist_l1 < 0.5).astype(mnp.float32) + (dist_l1 < 1.0).astype(mnp.float32) + (dist_l1 < 2.0).astype(mnp.float32) + (dist_l1 < 4.0).astype(mnp.float32)) # Normalize over the appropriate axes. reduce_axes = (-1,) if per_residue else (-2, -1) norm = 1. / (1e-10 + mnp.sum(dists_to_score, axis=reduce_axes)) score = norm * (1e-10 + mnp.sum(dists_to_score * score, axis=reduce_axes)) return score