mindsponge.metrics.metrics 源代码

# Copyright 2021-2022 @ Shenzhen Bay Laboratory &
#                       Peking University &
#                       Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# This code is a part of MindSPONGE:
# MindSpore Simulation Package tOwards Next Generation molecular modelling.
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# ============================================================================
Metrics for collective variables
import numpy as np
import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
import mindspore.communication.management as D
import mindspore.nn as nn
import mindspore.numpy as mnp

from mindspore import Parameter, Tensor
from mindspore.ops import functional as F
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.nn import Metric

from ..colvar import Colvar

class CV(Metric):
    """Metric to output collective variables"""
    def __init__(self,
                 colvar: Colvar,
                 indexes: tuple = (2, 3),

        self._indexes = indexes
        self.colvar = colvar
        self._cv_value = None

    def clear(self):
        self._cv_value = 0

    def update(self, *inputs):
        coordinate = inputs[self._indexes[0]]
        pbc_box = inputs[self._indexes[1]]
        self._cv_value = self.colvar(coordinate, pbc_box)

    def eval(self):
        return self._cv_value

[文档]class BalancedMSE(nn.Cell): r""" Balanced MSE error Compute Balanced MSE error between the prediction and the ground truth to solve unbalanced labels in regression task. Reference: `Ren, Jiawei, et al. 'Balanced MSE for Imbalanced Visual Regression' <https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16427>`_ . .. math:: L =-\log \mathcal{N}\left(\boldsymbol{y} ; \boldsymbol{y}_{\text {pred }}, \sigma_{\text {noise }}^{2} \mathrm{I}\right) +\log \sum_{i=1}^{N} p_{\text {train }}\left(\boldsymbol{y}_{(i)}\right) \cdot \mathcal{N}\left(\boldsymbol{y}_{(i)} ; \boldsymbol{y}_{\text {pred }}, \sigma_{\text {noise }}^{2} \mathrm{I}\right) Args: first_break (float): The begin value of bin. last_break (float): The end value of bin. num_bins (int): The bin numbers. beta (float): The moving average coefficient, default: 0.99. reducer_flag (bool): Whether to aggregate the label values of multiple devices, default: "False". Inputs: - **prediction** (Tensor) - Predict values, shape is :math:`(batch\_size, ndim)`. - **target** (Tensor) - Label values, shape is :math:`(batch\_size, ndim)`. Outputs: Tensor, shape is :math:`(batch\_size, ndim)`. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindsponge.metrics import BalancedMSE >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> net = BalancedMSE(0, 1, 20) >>> prediction = Tensor(np.random.randn(32, 10).astype(np.float32)) >>> target = Tensor(np.random.randn(32, 10).astype(np.float32)) >>> out = net(prediction, target) >>> print(out.shape) (32, 10) """ def __init__(self, first_break, last_break, num_bins, beta=0.99, reducer_flag=False): super(BalancedMSE, self).__init__() self.beta = beta self.first_break = first_break self.last_break = last_break self.num_bins = num_bins self.breaks = mnp.linspace(self.first_break, self.last_break, self.num_bins) self.width = self.breaks[1] - self.breaks[0] bin_width = 2 start_n = 1 stop = self.num_bins * 2 centers = mnp.divide(mnp.arange(start=start_n, stop=stop, step=bin_width), num_bins * 2.0) self.centers = centers/(self.last_break-self.first_break) + self.first_break self.log_noise_scale = Parameter(Tensor([0.], mstype.float32)) self.p_bins = Parameter(Tensor(np.ones((self.num_bins)) / self.num_bins, dtype=mstype.float32), \ name='p_bins', requires_grad=False) self.softmax = nn.Softmax(-1) self.zero = Tensor([0.]) self.onehot = nn.OneHot(depth=self.num_bins) self.reducer_flag = reducer_flag if self.reducer_flag: self.allreduce = P.AllReduce() self.device_num = D.get_group_size() def construct(self, prediction, target): """construct""" p_bins = self._compute_p_bins(prediction) log_sigma2 = self.log_noise_scale * 1. log_sigma2 = 5. * P.Tanh()(log_sigma2 / 5.) sigma2 = mnp.exp(log_sigma2) + 0.25 * self.width tau = 2. * sigma2 a = - F.square(prediction - target) / tau ndim = prediction.ndim y_bins = mnp.reshape(self.centers * 1., ndim * (1,) + (-1,)) b_term = - F.square(mnp.expand_dims(prediction, -1) - y_bins) / tau p_clip = mnp.clip(p_bins, 1e-8, 1 - 1e-8) log_p = mnp.log(p_clip) log_p = mnp.reshape(log_p, ndim * (1,) + (-1,)) b_term += log_p b = nn.ReduceLogSumExp(-1, False)(b_term) err = -a + b return err def _compute_p_bins(self, y_gt): """compute bins""" ndim = y_gt.ndim breaks = mnp.reshape(self.breaks, (1,) * ndim + (-1,)) y_gt = mnp.expand_dims(y_gt, -1) y_bins = (y_gt > breaks).astype(mstype.float32) y_bins = P.ReduceSum()(y_bins, -1).astype(mstype.int32) p_gt = self.onehot(y_bins) p_gt = P.Reshape()(p_gt, (-1, self.num_bins)) p_bins = P.ReduceMean()(p_gt, 0) if self.reducer_flag: p_bins = self.allreduce(p_bins) / self.device_num p_bins = self.beta * self.p_bins + (1 - self.beta) * p_bins P.Assign()(self.p_bins, p_bins) return p_bins
[文档]class MultiClassFocal(nn.Cell): r"""Focal error for multi-class classifications. Compute the multiple classes focal error between `prediction` and the ground truth `target`. Reference: `Lin, Tsung-Yi, et al. 'Focal loss for dense object detection' <https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.02002>`_ . Args: num_class (int): The class numbers. beta (float): The moving average coefficient, default: 0.99. gamma (float): The hyperparameters, default: 2.0. e (float): The proportion of focal loss, default: 0.1. neighbors(int): The neighbors to be mask in the target, default 2. not_focal (bool): Whether focal loss, default: "False". reducer_flag (bool): Whether to aggregate the label values of multiple devices, default: "False". Inputs: - **prediction** (Tensor) - Predict values, shape is :math:`(batch\_size, ndim)`. - **target** (Tensor) - Label values, shape is :math:`(batch\_size, ndim)`. Outputs: Tensor, shape is :math:`(batch\_size,)`. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> from mindsponge.metrics import MultiClassFocal >>> net = MultiClassFocal(10) >>> prediction = Tensor(np.random.randn(32, 10).astype(np.float32)) >>> target = Tensor(np.random.randn(32, 10).astype(np.float32)) >>> out = net(prediction, target) >>> print(out.shape) (32,) """ def __init__(self, num_class, beta=0.99, gamma=2., e=0.1, neighbors=2, not_focal=False, reducer_flag=False): super(MultiClassFocal, self).__init__() self.num_class = num_class self.beta = beta self.gamma = gamma self.e = e self.neighbors = neighbors self.not_focal = not_focal neighbor_mask = np.ones((self.num_class, self.num_class)) neighbor_mask = neighbor_mask - np.triu(neighbor_mask, neighbors) - np.tril(neighbor_mask, -neighbors) neighbor_mask = neighbor_mask / (np.sum(neighbor_mask, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-10) self.neighbor_mask = Tensor(neighbor_mask, mstype.float32) self.class_weights = Parameter(Tensor(np.ones((self.num_class)) / self.num_class, dtype=mstype.float32), \ name='class_weights', requires_grad=False) self.softmax = nn.Softmax(-1) self.cross_entropy = P.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits() self.zero = Tensor([0.]) self.reducer_flag = reducer_flag if self.reducer_flag: self.allreduce = P.AllReduce() def construct(self, prediction, target): """construct""" prediction_tensor = self.softmax(prediction) zeros = mnp.zeros_like(prediction_tensor) one_minus_p = mnp.where(target > 1e-5, target - prediction_tensor, zeros) ft = -1 * mnp.power(one_minus_p, self.gamma) * mnp.log(mnp.clip(prediction_tensor, 1e-8, 1.0)) classes_num = self._compute_classes_num(target) total_num = mnp.sum(classes_num) classes_w_t1 = total_num / classes_num sum_ = mnp.sum(classes_w_t1) classes_w_t2 = classes_w_t1 / sum_ classes_w_tensor = F.cast(classes_w_t2, mstype.float32) weights = self.beta * self.class_weights + (1 - self.beta) * classes_w_tensor P.Assign()(self.class_weights, weights) classes_weight = mnp.broadcast_to(mnp.expand_dims(weights, 0), target.shape) alpha = mnp.where(target > zeros, classes_weight, zeros) balanced_fl = alpha * ft balanced_fl = mnp.sum(balanced_fl, -1) labels = P.MatMul()(target, self.neighbor_mask) xent, _ = self.cross_entropy(prediction, target) final_loss = (1 - self.e) * balanced_fl + self.e * xent if self.not_focal: softmax_xent, _ = self.cross_entropy(prediction, labels) final_loss = (1 - self.e) * softmax_xent + self.e * xent return final_loss def _compute_classes_num(self, target): "get global classes number" classes_num = mnp.sum(target, 0) if self.reducer_flag: classes_num = self.allreduce(classes_num) classes_num = F.cast(classes_num, mstype.float32) classes_num += 1. return classes_num
[文档]class BinaryFocal(nn.Cell): r""" Focal error for Binary classifications. Compute the binary classes focal error between `prediction` and the ground truth `target`. Reference: `Lin, Tsung-Yi, et al. 'Focal loss for dense object detection' <https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.02002>`_ . .. math:: \mathrm{FL}\left(p_{\mathrm{t}}\right)=-\alpha_{\mathrm{t}}\left(1-p_{\mathrm{t}}\right)^{\gamma} \log \left(p_{\mathrm{t}}\right) Args: alpha (float): The weight of cross entropy, default: 0.25. gamma (float): The hyperparameters, modulating loss from hard to easy, default: 2.0. feed_in (bool): Whether to covert prediction, default: "False". not_focal (bool): Whether focal loss, default: "False". Inputs: - **prediction** (Tensor) - Predict values, shape is :math:`(batch\_size, ndim)`. - **target** (Tensor) - Label values, shape is :math:`(batch\_size, ndim)`. Outputs: Tensor, shape is :math:`(batch\_size,)`. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> from mindsponge.metrics import BinaryFocal >>> net = BinaryFocal() >>> prediction = Tensor(np.random.randn(32, 10).astype(np.float32)) >>> target = Tensor(np.random.randn(32, 10).astype(np.float32)) >>> out = net(prediction, target) >>> print(out.shape) (32,) """ def __init__(self, alpha=0.25, gamma=2., feed_in=False, not_focal=False): super(BinaryFocal, self).__init__() self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = gamma self.feed_in = feed_in self.not_focal = not_focal self.cross_entropy = P.BinaryCrossEntropy(reduction='none') self.sigmoid = P.Sigmoid() self.epsilon = 1e-8 def construct(self, prediction, target): """construct""" epsilon = self.epsilon target = F.cast(target, mstype.float32) probs = F.cast(prediction, mstype.float32) if self.feed_in: probs = self.sigmoid(prediction) else: prediction = self._convert(prediction) ones_tensor = mnp.ones_like(target) positive_pt = mnp.where(target > 1e-5, probs, ones_tensor) negative_pt = mnp.where(target < 1e-5, 1 - probs, ones_tensor) focal_loss = -self.alpha * mnp.power(1 - positive_pt, self.gamma) * \ mnp.log(mnp.clip(positive_pt, epsilon, 1.)) - (1 - self.alpha) * \ mnp.power(1 - negative_pt, self.gamma) * mnp.log(mnp.clip(negative_pt, epsilon, 1.)) focal_loss *= 2. if self.not_focal: focal_loss = self.cross_entropy(prediction, target, ones_tensor) return focal_loss def _convert(self, probs): """convert function""" probs = mnp.clip(probs, 1e-5, 1. - 1e-5) prediction = mnp.log(probs / (1 - probs)) return prediction