Source code for mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.qaoa.max_cut_ansatz

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"""MaxCut ansatz."""

from mindquantum.core.gates import H, RX, ZZ
from mindquantum.core.circuit import Circuit, UN
from mindquantum.core.operators import QubitOperator
from mindquantum.core.circuit.utils import CPN
from .._ansatz import Ansatz

def _get_graph_act_qubits_num(graph):
    """Get qubits number."""
    return len(_get_graph_act_qubits(graph))

def _get_graph_act_qubits(graph):
    """Get all acted qubits."""
    nodes = set({})
    for node in graph:
        nodes |= set({i for i in node})
    nodes = list(nodes)
    return sorted(nodes)

def _check_graph(graph):
    """check graph"""
    if not isinstance(graph, list):
        raise TypeError(f"graph requires a list, but get {type(graph)}")
    for edge in graph:
        if not isinstance(edge, tuple):
            raise TypeError(f"edge requires a tuple, but get {type(edge)}")
        for node in edge:
            if not isinstance(node, int):
                raise TypeError(f"node requires a int, but get {type(node)}")
            if node < 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"node requires a positive number, but get {node}")

[docs]class MaxCutAnsatz(Ansatz): r""" The MaxCut ansatz. For more detail, please refers to .. math:: U(\beta, \gamma) = e^{-\beta_pH_b}e^{-\gamma_pH_c} \cdots e^{-\beta_0H_b}e^{-\gamma_0H_c}H^{\otimes n} Where, .. math:: H_b = \sum_{i\in n}X_{i}, H_c = \sum_{(i,j)\in C}Z_iZ_j Here :math:`n` is the set of nodes and :math:`C` is the set of edges of the graph. Args: graph (list[tuple[int]]): The graph structure. Every element of graph is a edge that constructed by two nodes. depth (int): The depth of max cut ansatz. Default: 1. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.qaoa import MaxCutAnsatz >>> graph = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2)] >>> maxcut = MaxCutAnsatz(graph, 1) >>> maxcut.circuit q0: ──H────ZZ(beta_0)──────────────────ZZ(beta_0)────RX(alpha_0)── │ │ q1: ──H────ZZ(beta_0)────ZZ(beta_0)────────┼─────────RX(alpha_0)── │ │ q2: ──H──────────────────ZZ(beta_0)────ZZ(beta_0)────RX(alpha_0)── >>> maxcut.hamiltonian 1.5 [] + -0.5 [Z0 Z1] + -0.5 [Z0 Z2] + -0.5 [Z1 Z2] """ def __init__(self, graph, depth=1): if not isinstance(depth, int): raise TypeError(f"depth requires a int, but get {type(depth)}") if depth <= 0: raise ValueError(f"depth must be greater than 0, but get {depth}.") _check_graph(graph) super(MaxCutAnsatz, self).__init__('MaxCut', _get_graph_act_qubits_num(graph), graph, depth) self.graph = graph self.depth = depth def _build_hc(self, graph): """Build hc circuit.""" circ = Circuit() for node in graph: circ += ZZ('beta').on(node) return circ def _build_hb(self, graph): """Build hb circuit.""" circ = Circuit( [RX('alpha').on(i) for i in _get_graph_act_qubits(graph)]) return circ @property def hamiltonian(self): """ Get the hamiltonian of this max cut problem. Returns: QubitOperator, hamiltonian of this max cut problem. """ qo = QubitOperator('', 0) for node in self.graph: qo += (QubitOperator('') - QubitOperator(f'Z{node[0]} Z{node[1]}')) / 2 return qo def _implement(self, graph, depth): """Implement of max cut ansatz.""" self._circuit = UN(H, _get_graph_act_qubits(graph)) for d in range(depth): self._circuit += CPN(self._build_hc(graph), {'beta': f'beta_{d}'}) self._circuit += CPN(self._build_hb(graph), {'alpha': f'alpha_{d}'})