Source code for mindarmour.privacy.evaluation.membership_inference

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Membership Inference

from multiprocessing import cpu_count
import numpy as np

import mindspore as ms
from mindspore.train import Model
from mindspore.dataset.engine import Dataset
from mindspore import Tensor
from mindarmour.utils.logger import LogUtil
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_param_type, check_param_multi_types, \
    check_model, check_numpy_param
from .attacker import _get_attack_model
from ._check_config import verify_config_params

LOGGER = LogUtil.get_instance()
TAG = "MembershipInference"

def _eval_info(pred, truth, option):
    Calculate the performance according to pred and truth.

        pred (numpy.ndarray): Predictions for each sample.
        truth (numpy.ndarray): Ground truth for each sample.
        option (str): Type of evaluation indicators; Possible
            values are 'precision', 'accuracy' and 'recall'.

        float32, calculated evaluation results.

        ValueError, size of parameter pred or truth is 0.
        ValueError, value of parameter option must be in ["precision", "accuracy", "recall"].
    check_numpy_param("pred", pred)
    check_numpy_param("truth", truth)

    if option == "accuracy":
        count = np.sum(pred == truth)
        return count / len(pred)
    if option == "precision":
        if np.sum(pred) == 0:
            return -1
        count = np.sum(pred & truth)
        return count / np.sum(pred)
    if option == "recall":
        if np.sum(truth) == 0:
            return -1
        count = np.sum(pred & truth)
        return count / np.sum(truth)

    msg = "The metric value {} is undefined.".format(option)
    LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
    raise ValueError(msg)

def _softmax_cross_entropy(logits, labels, epsilon=1e-12):
    Calculate the SoftmaxCrossEntropy result between logits and labels.

        logits (numpy.ndarray): Numpy array of shape(N, C).
        labels (numpy.ndarray): Numpy array of shape(N, ).
        epsilon (float): The calculated value of softmax will be clipped into [epsilon, 1 - epsilon]. Default: 1e-12.

        numpy.ndarray: numpy array of shape(N, ), containing loss value for each vector in logits.
    labels = np.eye(logits.shape[1])[labels].astype(np.int32)

    exp_logits = np.exp(logits - np.max(logits, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
    predictions = exp_logits / np.sum(exp_logits, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    predictions = np.clip(predictions, epsilon, 1.0 - epsilon)
    loss = -1 * np.sum(labels*np.log(predictions), axis=-1)
    return loss

[docs]class MembershipInference: """ Proposed by Shokri, Stronati, Song and Shmatikov, membership inference is a grey-box attack for inferring user's privacy data. It requires loss or logits results of the training samples. (Privacy refers to some sensitive attributes of a single user). For details, please refer to the `Tutorial <>`_. References: `Reza Shokri, Marco Stronati, Congzheng Song, Vitaly Shmatikov. Membership Inference Attacks against Machine Learning Models. 2017. <>`_ Args: model (Model): Target model. n_jobs (int): Number of jobs run in parallel. -1 means using all processors, otherwise the value of n_jobs must be a positive integer. Raises: TypeError: If type of model is not mindspore.train.Model. TypeError: If type of n_jobs is not int. ValueError: The value of n_jobs is neither -1 nor a positive integer. Examples: >>> import mindspore.ops.operations as P >>> from mindspore.nn import Cell >>> from mindspore import Model >>> from mindarmour.privacy.evaluation import MembershipInference >>> def dataset_generator(): ... batch_size = 16 ... batches = 1 ... data = np.random.randn(batches * batch_size,1,10).astype(np.float32) ... label = np.random.randint(0,10, batches * batch_size).astype(np.int32) ... for i in range(batches): ... yield data[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size], label[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size] >>> class Net(Cell): ... def __init__(self): ... super(Net, self).__init__() ... self._softmax = P.Softmax() ... self._Dense = nn.Dense(10,10) ... self._squeeze = P.Squeeze(1) ... def construct(self, inputs): ... out = self._softmax(inputs) ... out = self._Dense(out) ... return self._squeeze(out) >>> net = Net() >>> loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True) >>> opt = nn.Momentum(params=net.trainable_params(), learning_rate=0.1, momentum=0.9) >>> model = Model(network=net, loss_fn=loss, optimizer=opt) >>> inference_model = MembershipInference(model, 2) >>> config = [{ ... "method": "KNN", ... "params": {"n_neighbors": [3, 5, 7],} ... }] >>> ds_train = ds.GeneratorDataset(dataset_generator, ["image", "label"]) >>> ds_test = ds.GeneratorDataset(dataset_generator, ["image", "label"]) >>> inference_model.train(ds_train, ds_test, config) >>> metrics = ["precision", "accuracy", "recall"] >>> eval_train = ds.GeneratorDataset(dataset_generator, ["image", "label"]) >>> eval_test = ds.GeneratorDataset(dataset_generator, ["image", "label"]) >>> result = inference_model.eval(eval_train. eval_test, metrics) >>> print(result) """ def __init__(self, model, n_jobs=-1): check_param_type("n_jobs", n_jobs, int) if not (n_jobs == -1 or n_jobs > 0): msg = "Value of n_jobs must be either -1 or positive integer, but got {}.".format(n_jobs) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) self._model = check_model("model", model, Model) self._n_jobs = min(n_jobs, cpu_count()) self._attack_list = []
[docs] def train(self, dataset_train, dataset_test, attack_config): """ Depending on the configuration, use the input dataset to train the attack model. Save the attack model to self._attack_list. Args: dataset_train (mindspore.dataset): The training dataset for the target model. dataset_test (mindspore.dataset): The test set for the target model. attack_config (Union[list, tuple]): Parameter setting for the attack model. The format is [{"method": "knn", "params": {"n_neighbors": [3, 5, 7]}}, {"method": "lr", "params": {"C": np.logspace(-4, 2, 10)}}]. The support methods are knn, lr, mlp and rf, and the params of each method must within the range of changeable parameters. Tips of params implement can be found below: `KNN <>`_, `LR <>`_, `RF <>`_, `MLP <>`_. Raises: KeyError: If any config in attack_config doesn't have keys {"method", "params"}. NameError: If the method(case insensitive) in attack_config is not in ["lr", "knn", "rf", "mlp"]. """ check_param_type("dataset_train", dataset_train, Dataset) check_param_type("dataset_test", dataset_test, Dataset) check_param_multi_types("attack_config", attack_config, (list, tuple)) verify_config_params(attack_config) features, labels = self._transform(dataset_train, dataset_test) for config in attack_config: self._attack_list.append(_get_attack_model(features, labels, config, n_jobs=self._n_jobs))
[docs] def eval(self, dataset_train, dataset_test, metrics): """ Evaluate the different privacy of the target model. Evaluation indicators shall be specified by metrics. Args: dataset_train (mindspore.dataset): The training dataset for the target model. dataset_test (mindspore.dataset): The test dataset for the target model. metrics (Union[list, tuple]): Evaluation indicators. The value of metrics must be in ["precision", "accuracy", "recall"]. Default: ["precision"]. Returns: list, each element contains an evaluation indicator for the attack model. """ check_param_type("dataset_train", dataset_train, Dataset) check_param_type("dataset_test", dataset_test, Dataset) check_param_multi_types("metrics", metrics, (list, tuple)) metrics = set(metrics) metrics_list = {"precision", "accuracy", "recall"} if not metrics <= metrics_list: msg = "Element in 'metrics' must be in {}, but got {}.".format(metrics_list, metrics) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) result = [] features, labels = self._transform(dataset_train, dataset_test) for attacker in self._attack_list: pred = attacker.predict(features) item = {} for option in metrics: item[option] = _eval_info(pred, labels, option) result.append(item) return result
def _transform(self, dataset_train, dataset_test): """ Generate corresponding loss_logits features and new label, and return after shuffle. Args: dataset_train (mindspore.dataset): The train set for the target model. dataset_test (mindspore.dataset): The test set for the target model. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, loss_logits features for each sample. Shape is (N, C). N is the number of sample. C = 1 + dim(logits). - numpy.ndarray, labels for each sample, Shape is (N,). """ features_train, labels_train = self._generate(dataset_train, 1) features_test, labels_test = self._generate(dataset_test, 0) features = np.vstack((features_train, features_test)) labels = np.hstack((labels_train, labels_test)) shuffle_index = np.array(range(len(labels))) np.random.shuffle(shuffle_index) features = features[shuffle_index] labels = labels[shuffle_index] return features, labels def _generate(self, input_dataset, label): """ Return a loss_logits features and labels for training attack model. Args: input_dataset (mindspore.dataset): The dataset to be generated. label (int): Whether input_dataset belongs to the target model. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, loss_logits features for each sample. Shape is (N, C). N is the number of sample. C = 1 + dim(logits). - numpy.ndarray, labels for each sample, Shape is (N,). """ loss_logits = np.array([]) for batch in input_dataset.create_tuple_iterator(output_numpy=True): batch_data = Tensor(batch[0], ms.float32) batch_labels = batch[1].astype(np.int32) batch_logits = self._model.predict(batch_data).asnumpy() batch_loss = _softmax_cross_entropy(batch_logits, batch_labels) batch_feature = np.hstack((batch_loss.reshape(-1, 1), batch_logits)) if loss_logits.size == 0: loss_logits = batch_feature else: loss_logits = np.vstack((loss_logits, batch_feature)) if label == 1: labels = np.ones(len(loss_logits), np.int32) elif label == 0: labels = np.zeros(len(loss_logits), np.int32) else: msg = "The value of label must be 0 or 1, but got {}.".format(label) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) return loss_logits, labels