Source code for mindarmour.adv_robustness.attacks.jsma

# Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import numpy as np

from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore.nn import Cell

from mindarmour.utils.util import GradWrap, jacobian_matrix
from mindarmour.utils.logger import LogUtil
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_pair_numpy_param, check_model, \
    check_param_type, check_int_positive, check_value_positive, \
from .attack import Attack

LOGGER = LogUtil.get_instance()

[docs]class JSMAAttack(Attack): """ Jacobian-based Saliency Map Attack is a targeted and iterative attack based on saliency map of the input features. It uses the gradient of loss with each class labels with respect to every component of the input. Then a saliency map is used to select the dimension which produces the maximum error. Reference: `The limitations of deep learning in adversarial settings <>`_ Args: network (Cell): Target model. num_classes (int): Number of labels of model output, which should be greater than zero. box_min (float): Lower bound of input of the target model. Default: 0. box_max (float): Upper bound of input of the target model. Default: 1.0. theta (float): Change ratio of one pixel (relative to input data range). Default: 1.0. max_iteration (int): Maximum round of iteration. Default: 1000. max_count (int): Maximum times to change each pixel. Default: 3. increase (bool): If True, increase perturbation. If False, decrease perturbation. Default: True. sparse (bool): If True, input labels are sparse-coded. If False, input labels are onehot-coded. Default: True. Examples: >>> from mindspore.nn import Cell >>> from mindarmour.adv_robustness.attacks import JSMAAttack >>> class Net(Cell): ... def __init__(self): ... super(Net, self).__init__() ... self._relu = nn.ReLU() ... def construct(self, inputs): ... out = self._relu(inputs) ... return out >>> net = Net() >>> input_shape = (1, 5) >>> batch_size, classes = input_shape >>> input_np = np.random.random(input_shape).astype(np.float32) >>> label_np = np.random.randint(classes, size=batch_size) >>> attack = JSMAAttack(net, classes, max_iteration=5) >>> advs = attack.generate(input_np, label_np) """ def __init__(self, network, num_classes, box_min=0.0, box_max=1.0, theta=1.0, max_iteration=1000, max_count=3, increase=True, sparse=True): super(JSMAAttack).__init__() LOGGER.debug(TAG, "init jsma class.") self._network = check_model('network', network, Cell) self._network.set_grad(True) self._min = check_value_non_negative('box_min', box_min) self._max = check_value_non_negative('box_max', box_max) self._num_classes = check_int_positive('num_classes', num_classes) self._theta = check_value_positive('theta', theta) self._max_iter = check_int_positive('max_iteration', max_iteration) self._max_count = check_int_positive('max_count', max_count) self._increase = check_param_type('increase', increase, bool) self._net_grad = GradWrap(self._network) self._bit_map = None self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool) def _saliency_map(self, data, bit_map, target): """ Compute the saliency map of all pixels. Args: data (numpy.ndarray): Input sample. bit_map (numpy.ndarray): Bit map to control modify frequency of each pixel. target (int): Target class. Returns: tuple, indices of selected pixel to modify. Examples: >>> p1_ind, p2_ind = self._saliency_map([0.2, 0.3, 0.5], >>> [1, 0, 1], 1) """ jaco_grad = jacobian_matrix(self._net_grad, data, self._num_classes) jaco_grad = jaco_grad.reshape(self._num_classes, -1) alpha = jaco_grad[target]*bit_map alpha_trans = np.reshape(alpha, (alpha.shape[0], 1)) alpha_two_dim = alpha + alpha_trans # pixel influence on other classes except target class other_grads = [jaco_grad[class_ind] for class_ind in range( self._num_classes)] beta = np.sum(other_grads, axis=0)*bit_map - alpha beta_trans = np.reshape(beta, (beta.shape[0], 1)) beta_two_dim = beta + beta_trans if self._increase: alpha_two_dim = (alpha_two_dim > 0)*alpha_two_dim beta_two_dim = (beta_two_dim < 0)*beta_two_dim else: alpha_two_dim = (alpha_two_dim < 0)*alpha_two_dim beta_two_dim = (beta_two_dim > 0)*beta_two_dim sal_map = (-1*alpha_two_dim*beta_two_dim) two_dim_index = np.argmax(sal_map) p1_ind = two_dim_index % len(data.flatten()) p2_ind = two_dim_index // len(data.flatten()) return p1_ind, p2_ind def _generate_one(self, data, target): """ Generate one adversarial example. Args: data (numpy.ndarray): Input sample (only one). target (int): Target label. Returns: numpy.ndarray, adversarial example or zeros (if failed). Examples: >>> adv = self._generate_one([0.2, 0.3 ,0.4], 1) """ ori_shape = data.shape temp = data.flatten() bit_map = np.ones_like(temp) fake_res = np.zeros_like(data) counter = np.zeros_like(temp) perturbed = np.copy(temp) for _ in range(self._max_iter): pre_logits = self._network(Tensor(np.expand_dims( perturbed.reshape(ori_shape), axis=0))) per_pred = np.argmax(pre_logits.asnumpy()) if per_pred == target: LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'find one adversarial sample successfully.') return perturbed.reshape(ori_shape) if np.all(bit_map == 0): LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'fail to find adversarial sample') return perturbed.reshape(ori_shape) p1_ind, p2_ind = self._saliency_map(perturbed.reshape( ori_shape)[np.newaxis, :], bit_map, target) if self._increase: perturbed[p1_ind] += self._theta*(self._max - self._min) perturbed[p2_ind] += self._theta*(self._max - self._min) else: perturbed[p1_ind] -= self._theta*(self._max - self._min) perturbed[p2_ind] -= self._theta*(self._max - self._min) counter[p1_ind] += 1 counter[p2_ind] += 1 if (perturbed[p1_ind] >= self._max) or ( perturbed[p1_ind] <= self._min) \ or (counter[p1_ind] > self._max_count): bit_map[p1_ind] = 0 if (perturbed[p2_ind] >= self._max) or ( perturbed[p2_ind] <= self._min) \ or (counter[p2_ind] > self._max_count): bit_map[p2_ind] = 0 perturbed = np.clip(perturbed, self._min, self._max) LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'fail to find adversarial sample.') return fake_res
[docs] def generate(self, inputs, labels): """ Generate adversarial examples in batch. Args: inputs (numpy.ndarray): Input samples. labels (numpy.ndarray): Target labels. Returns: numpy.ndarray, adversarial samples. """ inputs, labels = check_pair_numpy_param('inputs', inputs, 'labels', labels) if not self._sparse: labels = np.argmax(labels, axis=1) LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'start to generate adversarial samples.') res = [] for i in range(inputs.shape[0]): res.append(self._generate_one(inputs[i], labels[i])) LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'finished.') return np.asarray(res)