Source code for mindarmour.adv_robustness.attacks.carlini_wagner

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Carlini-wagner Attack.
import numpy as np

from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore.nn import Cell

from mindarmour.utils.logger import LogUtil
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_numpy_param, check_model, \
    check_pair_numpy_param, check_int_positive, check_param_type, \
    check_param_multi_types, check_value_positive, check_equal_shape
from mindarmour.utils.util import GradWrap, jacobian_matrix
from .attack import Attack

LOGGER = LogUtil.get_instance()
TAG = 'CW'

def _best_logits_of_other_class(logits, target_class, value=1):
    Choose the index of the largest logits exclude target class.

        logits (numpy.ndarray): Predict logits of samples.
        target_class (numpy.ndarray): Target labels.
        value (float): Maximum value of output logits. Default: 1.

        numpy.ndarray, the index of the largest logits exclude the target

        >>> other_class = _best_logits_of_other_class([[0.2, 0.3, 0.5],
        >>> [0.3, 0.4, 0.3]], [2, 1])
    LOGGER.debug(TAG, "enter the func _best_logits_of_other_class.")
    logits, target_class = check_pair_numpy_param('logits', logits,
                                                  'target_class', target_class)
    res = np.zeros_like(logits)
    for i in range(logits.shape[0]):
        res[i][target_class[i]] = value
    return np.argmax(logits - res, axis=1)

[docs]class CarliniWagnerL2Attack(Attack): """ The Carlini & Wagner attack using L2 norm generates the adversarial examples by utilizing two separate losses: an adversarial loss to make the generated example actually adversarial, and a distance loss to control the quality of the adversarial example. References: `Nicholas Carlini, David Wagner: "Towards Evaluating the Robustness of Neural Networks" <>`_ Args: network (Cell): Target model. num_classes (int): Number of labels of model output, which should be greater than zero. box_min (float): Lower bound of input of the target model. Default: 0. box_max (float): Upper bound of input of the target model. Default: 1.0. bin_search_steps (int): The number of steps for the binary search used to find the optimal trade-off constant between distance and confidence. Default: 5. max_iterations (int): The maximum number of iterations, which should be greater than zero. Default: 1000. confidence (float): Confidence of the output of adversarial examples. Default: 0. learning_rate (float): The learning rate for the attack algorithm. Default: 5e-3. initial_const (float): The initial trade-off constant to use to balance the relative importance of perturbation norm and confidence difference. Default: 1e-2. abort_early_check_ratio (float): Check loss progress every ratio of all iteration. Default: 5e-2. targeted (bool): If True, targeted attack. If False, untargeted attack. Default: False. fast (bool): If True, return the first found adversarial example. If False, return the adversarial samples with smaller perturbations. Default: True. abort_early (bool): If True, Adam will be aborted if the loss hasn't decreased for some time. If False, Adam will continue work until the max iterations is arrived. Default: True. sparse (bool): If True, input labels are sparse-coded. If False, input labels are onehot-coded. Default: True. Examples: >>> import mindspore.ops.operations as P >>> from mindarmour.adv_robustness.attacks import CarliniWagnerL2Attack >>> class Net(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self): ... super(Net, self).__init__() ... self._softmax = P.Softmax() ... def construct(self, inputs): ... out = self._softmax(inputs) ... return out >>> net = Net() >>> input_np = np.array([[0.1, 0.2, 0.7, 0.5, 0.4]]).astype(np.float32) >>> num_classes = input_np.shape[1] >>> label_np = np.array([3]).astype(np.int64) >>> attack = CarliniWagnerL2Attack(net, num_classes, targeted=False) >>> adv_data = attack.generate(input_np, label_np) """ def __init__(self, network, num_classes, box_min=0.0, box_max=1.0, bin_search_steps=5, max_iterations=1000, confidence=0, learning_rate=5e-3, initial_const=1e-2, abort_early_check_ratio=5e-2, targeted=False, fast=True, abort_early=True, sparse=True):, "init CW object.") super(CarliniWagnerL2Attack, self).__init__() self._network = check_model('network', network, Cell) self._network.set_grad(True) self._num_classes = check_int_positive('num_classes', num_classes) self._min = check_param_type('box_min', box_min, float) self._max = check_param_type('box_max', box_max, float) self._bin_search_steps = check_int_positive('search_steps', bin_search_steps) self._max_iterations = check_int_positive('max_iterations', max_iterations) self._confidence = check_param_multi_types('confidence', confidence, [int, float]) self._learning_rate = check_value_positive('learning_rate', learning_rate) self._initial_const = check_value_positive('initial_const', initial_const) self._abort_early = check_param_type('abort_early', abort_early, bool) self._fast = check_param_type('fast', fast, bool) self._abort_early_check_ratio = check_value_positive('abort_early_check_ratio', abort_early_check_ratio) self._targeted = check_param_type('targeted', targeted, bool) self._net_grad = GradWrap(self._network) self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool) self._dtype = None def _loss_function(self, logits, new_x, org_x, org_or_target_class, constant, confidence): """ Calculate the value of loss function and gradients of loss w.r.t inputs. Args: logits (numpy.ndarray): The output of network before softmax. new_x (numpy.ndarray): Adversarial examples. org_x (numpy.ndarray): Original benign input samples. org_or_target_class (numpy.ndarray): Original/target labels. constant (float): A trade-off constant to use to balance loss and perturbation norm. confidence (float): Confidence level of the output of adversarial examples. Returns: numpy.ndarray, norm of perturbation, sum of the loss and the norm, and gradients of the sum w.r.t inputs. Raises: ValueError: If loss is less than 0. Examples: >>> L2_loss, total_loss, dldx = self._loss_function([0.2 , 0.3, >>> 0.5], [0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4], [0.12, 0.2, 0.25, 0.4], [1], 2, 0) """ LOGGER.debug(TAG, "enter the func _loss_function.") logits = check_numpy_param('logits', logits) org_x = check_numpy_param('org_x', org_x) new_x, org_or_target_class = check_pair_numpy_param('new_x', new_x, 'org_or_target_class', org_or_target_class) new_x, org_x = check_equal_shape('new_x', new_x, 'org_x', org_x) other_class_index = _best_logits_of_other_class( logits, org_or_target_class, value=np.inf) loss1 = np.sum((new_x - org_x) ** 2, axis=tuple(range(len(new_x.shape))[1:])) loss2 = np.zeros_like(loss1, dtype=self._dtype) loss2_grade = np.zeros_like(new_x, dtype=self._dtype) jaco_grad = jacobian_matrix(self._net_grad, new_x, self._num_classes) if self._targeted: for i in range(org_or_target_class.shape[0]): loss2[i] = max(0, logits[i][other_class_index[i]] - logits[i][org_or_target_class[i]] + confidence) loss2_grade[i] = constant[i] * (jaco_grad[other_class_index[ i]][i] - jaco_grad[org_or_target_class[i]][i]) else: for i in range(org_or_target_class.shape[0]): loss2[i] = max(0, logits[i][org_or_target_class[i]] - logits[i][other_class_index[i]] + confidence) loss2_grade[i] = constant[i] * (jaco_grad[org_or_target_class[ i]][i] - jaco_grad[other_class_index[i]][i]) total_loss = loss1 + constant * loss2 loss1_grade = 2 * (new_x - org_x) for i in range(org_or_target_class.shape[0]): if loss2[i] < 0: msg = 'loss value should greater than or equal to 0, ' \ 'but got loss2 {}'.format(loss2[i]) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if loss2[i] == 0: loss2_grade[i, ...] = 0 total_loss_grade = loss1_grade + loss2_grade return loss1, total_loss, total_loss_grade def _to_attack_space(self, inputs): """ Transform input data into attack space. Args: inputs (numpy.ndarray): Input data. Returns: numpy.ndarray, transformed data which belongs to attack space. Examples: >>> x_att = self._to_attack_space([0.2, 0.3, 0.3]) """ LOGGER.debug(TAG, "enter the func _to_attack_space.") inputs = check_numpy_param('inputs', inputs) mean = (self._min + self._max) / 2 diff = (self._max - self._min) / 2 inputs = (inputs - mean) / diff inputs = inputs * 0.999999 return np.arctanh(inputs) def _to_model_space(self, inputs): """ Transform input data into model space. Args: inputs (numpy.ndarray): Input data. Returns: numpy.ndarray, transformed data which belongs to model space and the gradient of x_model w.r.t. x_att. Examples: >>> x_att = self._to_model_space([10, 21, 9]) """ LOGGER.debug(TAG, "enter the func _to_model_space.") inputs = check_numpy_param('inputs', inputs) inputs = np.tanh(inputs) the_grad = 1 - np.square(inputs) mean = (self._min + self._max) / 2 diff = (self._max - self._min) / 2 inputs = inputs * diff + mean the_grad = the_grad * diff return inputs, the_grad def _check_success(self, logits, labels): """ check if attack success (include all examples)""" if self._targeted: is_adv = (np.argmax(logits, axis=1) == labels) else: is_adv = (np.argmax(logits, axis=1) != labels) return is_adv
[docs] def generate(self, inputs, labels): """ Generate adversarial examples based on input data and targeted labels. Args: inputs (numpy.ndarray): Input samples. labels (numpy.ndarray): The ground truth label of input samples or target labels. Returns: numpy.ndarray, generated adversarial examples. """ LOGGER.debug(TAG, "enter the func generate.") inputs, labels = check_pair_numpy_param('inputs', inputs, 'labels', labels) if not self._sparse: labels = np.argmax(labels, axis=1) self._dtype = inputs.dtype att_original = self._to_attack_space(inputs) reconstructed_original, _ = self._to_model_space(att_original) # find an adversarial sample const = np.ones_like(labels, dtype=self._dtype) * self._initial_const lower_bound = np.zeros_like(labels, dtype=self._dtype) upper_bound = np.ones_like(labels, dtype=self._dtype) * np.inf adversarial_res = inputs.copy() adversarial_loss = np.ones_like(labels, dtype=self._dtype) * np.inf samples_num = labels.shape[0] adv_flag = np.zeros_like(labels) for binary_search_step in range(self._bin_search_steps): if (binary_search_step == self._bin_search_steps - 1) and (self._bin_search_steps >= 10): const = min(1e10, upper_bound) LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'starting optimization with const = %s', str(const)) att_perturbation = np.zeros_like(att_original, dtype=self._dtype) loss_at_previous_check = np.ones_like(labels, dtype=self._dtype) * np.inf # create a new optimizer to minimize the perturbation optimizer = _AdamOptimizer(att_perturbation.shape) for iteration in range(self._max_iterations): x_input, dxdp = self._to_model_space(att_original + att_perturbation) logits = self._network(Tensor(x_input)).asnumpy() current_l2_loss, current_loss, dldx = self._loss_function(logits, x_input, reconstructed_original, labels, const, self._confidence) is_adv = self._check_success(logits, labels) for i in range(samples_num): if is_adv[i]: adv_flag[i] = True if current_l2_loss[i] < adversarial_loss[i]: adversarial_res[i] = x_input[i] adversarial_loss[i] = current_l2_loss[i] if np.all(adv_flag): if self._fast: LOGGER.debug(TAG, "succeed find adversarial examples.") msg = 'iteration: {}, logits_att: {}, loss: {}, l2_dist: {}' \ .format(iteration, np.argmax(logits, axis=1), current_loss, current_l2_loss) LOGGER.debug(TAG, msg) return adversarial_res dldx, inputs = check_equal_shape('dldx', dldx, 'inputs', inputs) gradient = dldx * dxdp att_perturbation += optimizer(gradient, self._learning_rate) # check if should stop iteration early flag = True iter_check = iteration % (np.ceil( self._max_iterations * self._abort_early_check_ratio)) if self._abort_early and iter_check == 0: # check progress for i in range(inputs.shape[0]): if current_loss[i] <= .9999 * loss_at_previous_check[i]: flag = False # stop Adam if all samples has no progress if flag: LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'step:%d, no progress yet, stop iteration', binary_search_step) break loss_at_previous_check = current_loss upper_bound, lower_bound, const = self._update_bounds(samples_num, adv_flag, const, upper_bound, lower_bound) return adversarial_res
def _update_bounds(self, samples_num, adv_flag, const, upper_bound, lower_bound): """update bound based on search result""" for i in range(samples_num): if adv_flag[i]: LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'example %d, found adversarial with const=%f', i, const[i]) upper_bound[i] = const[i] else: LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'example %d, failed to find adversarial with const=%f', i, const[i]) lower_bound[i] = const[i] if upper_bound[i] == np.inf: const[i] *= 10 else: const[i] = (lower_bound[i] + upper_bound[i]) / 2 return upper_bound, lower_bound, const
class _AdamOptimizer: """ AdamOptimizer is used to calculate the optimum attack step. Args: shape (tuple): The shape of perturbations. Examples: >>> optimizer = _AdamOptimizer(att_perturbation.shape) """ def __init__(self, shape): self._m = np.zeros(shape) self._v = np.zeros(shape) self._t = 0 def __call__(self, gradient, learning_rate=0.001, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8): """ Calculate the optimum perturbation for each iteration. Args: gradient (numpy.ndarray): The gradient of the loss w.r.t. to the variable. learning_rate (float): The learning rate in the current iteration. Default: 0.001. beta1 (float): Decay rate for calculating the exponentially decaying average of past gradients. Default: 0.9. beta2 (float): Decay rate for calculating the exponentially decaying average of past squared gradients. Default: 0.999. epsilon (float): Small value to avoid division by zero. Default: 1e-8. Returns: numpy.ndarray, perturbations. Examples: >>> perturbs = optimizer([0.2, 0.1, 0.15], 0.005) """ gradient = check_numpy_param('gradient', gradient) self._t += 1 self._m = beta1 * self._m + (1 - beta1) * gradient self._v = beta2 * self._v + (1 - beta2) * gradient ** 2 alpha = learning_rate * np.sqrt(1 - beta2 ** self._t) / (1 - beta1 ** self._t) pertur = -alpha * self._m / (np.sqrt(self._v) + epsilon) return pertur