Source code for mindarmour.natural_robustness.transform.image.luminance

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Image luminance.
import math
import numpy as np
import cv2

from mindarmour.natural_robustness.transform.image.natural_perturb import _NaturalPerturb
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_param_multi_types, check_param_in_range, check_param_type, \
from mindarmour.utils.logger import LogUtil

LOGGER = LogUtil.get_instance()
TAG = 'Image Luminance'

[docs]class Contrast(_NaturalPerturb): r""" Contrast of an image. Args: alpha (Union[float, int]): Control the contrast of an image. :math:`out\_image = in\_image \times alpha+beta`. Suggested value range in [0.2, 2]. Default: ``1``. beta (Union[float, int]): Delta added to alpha. Default: ``0``. auto_param (bool): Auto selected parameters. Selected parameters will preserve semantics of image. Default: ``False``. Examples: >>> import cv2 >>> img = cv2.imread('1.png') >>> img = np.array(img) >>> alpha = 0.1 >>> beta = 1 >>> trans = Contrast(alpha, beta) >>> dst = trans(img) """ def __init__(self, alpha=1, beta=0, auto_param=False): super(Contrast, self).__init__() self.alpha = check_param_multi_types('factor', alpha, [int, float]) self.beta = check_param_multi_types('factor', beta, [int, float]) auto_param = check_param_type('auto_param', auto_param, bool) if auto_param: self.alpha = np.random.uniform(0.2, 2) self.beta = np.random.uniform(-20, 20) def __call__(self, image): """ Transform the image. Args: image (numpy.ndarray): Original image to be transformed. Returns: numpy.ndarray, transformed image. """ ori_dtype = image.dtype _, chw, normalized, gray3dim, image = self._check(image) dst = cv2.convertScaleAbs(image, alpha=self.alpha, beta=self.beta) dst = self._original_format(dst, chw, normalized, gray3dim) return dst.astype(ori_dtype)
def _circle_gradient_mask(img_src, color_start, color_end, scope=0.5, point=None): """ Generate circle gradient mask. Args: img_src (numpy.ndarray): Source image. color_start (union([tuple, list])): Color of circle gradient center. color_end (union([tuple, list])): Color of circle gradient edge. scope (float): Range of the gradient. A larger value indicates a larger gradient range. point (union([tuple, list]): Gradient center point. Returns: numpy.ndarray, gradients mask. """ if not isinstance(img_src, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('`src` must be numpy.ndarray type, but got {0}.'.format(type(img_src))) shape = img_src.shape height, width = shape[:2] rgb = False if len(shape) == 3: rgb = True if point is None: point = (height // 2, width // 2) x, y = point # upper left bound_upper_left = math.ceil(math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)) # upper right bound_upper_right = math.ceil(math.sqrt(height ** 2 + (width - y) ** 2)) # lower left bound_lower_left = math.ceil(math.sqrt((height - x) ** 2 + y ** 2)) # lower right bound_lower_right = math.ceil(math.sqrt((height - x) ** 2 + (width - y) ** 2)) radius = max(bound_lower_left, bound_lower_right, bound_upper_left, bound_upper_right) * scope img_grad = np.ones_like(img_src, dtype=np.uint8) * max(color_end) # opencv use BGR format grad_b = float(color_end[0] - color_start[0]) / radius grad_g = float(color_end[1] - color_start[1]) / radius grad_r = float(color_end[2] - color_start[2]) / radius for i in range(height): for j in range(width): distance = math.ceil(math.sqrt((x - i) ** 2 + (y - j) ** 2)) if distance >= radius: continue if rgb: img_grad[i, j, 0] = color_start[0] + distance * grad_b img_grad[i, j, 1] = color_start[1] + distance * grad_g img_grad[i, j, 2] = color_start[2] + distance * grad_r else: img_grad[i, j] = color_start[0] + distance * grad_b return img_grad.astype(np.uint8) def _line_gradient_mask(image, start_pos=None, start_color=(0, 0, 0), end_color=(255, 255, 255), mode='horizontal'): """ Generate liner gradient mask. Args: image (numpy.ndarray): Original image. start_pos (union[tuple, list]): 2D coordinate of gradient center. start_color (union([tuple, list])): Color of circle gradient center. end_color (union([tuple, list])): Color of circle gradient edge. mode (str): Direction of gradient. Optional value is ``'vertical'`` or ``'horizontal'``. Returns: numpy.ndarray, gradients mask. """ shape = image.shape h, w = shape[:2] rgb = False if len(shape) == 3: rgb = True if start_pos is None: start_pos = 0.5 else: if mode == 'horizontal': if start_pos[0] > h: start_pos = 1 else: start_pos = start_pos[0] / h else: if start_pos[1] > w: start_pos = 1 else: start_pos = start_pos[1] / w start_color = np.array(start_color) end_color = np.array(end_color) if mode == 'horizontal': w_l = int(w * start_pos) w_r = w - w_l if w_l > w_r: r_end_color = (end_color - start_color) / start_pos * (1 - start_pos) + start_color left = np.linspace(end_color, start_color, w_l) right = np.linspace(start_color, r_end_color, w_r) else: l_end_color = (end_color - start_color) / (1 - start_pos) * start_pos + start_color left = np.linspace(l_end_color, start_color, w_l) right = np.linspace(start_color, end_color, w_r) line = np.concatenate((left, right), axis=0) mask = np.reshape(np.tile(line, (h, 1)), (h, w, 3)) else: # 'vertical' h_t = int(h * start_pos) h_b = h - h_t if h_t > h_b: b_end_color = (end_color - start_color) / start_pos * (1 - start_pos) + start_color top = np.linspace(end_color, start_color, h_t) bottom = np.linspace(start_color, b_end_color, h_b) else: t_end_color = (end_color - start_color) / (1 - start_pos) * start_pos + start_color top = np.linspace(t_end_color, start_color, h_t) bottom = np.linspace(start_color, end_color, h_b) line = np.concatenate((top, bottom), axis=0) mask = np.reshape(np.tile(line, (w, 1)), (w, h, 3)) mask = np.transpose(mask, [1, 0, 2]) if not rgb: mask = mask[:, :, 0] return mask.astype(np.uint8)
[docs]class GradientLuminance(_NaturalPerturb): """ Gradient adjusts the luminance of picture. Args: color_start (union[tuple, list]): Color of gradient center. Default: ``(0, 0, 0)``. color_end (union[tuple, list]): Color of gradient edge. Default: ``(255, 255, 255)``. start_point (union[tuple, list]): 2D coordinate of gradient center. scope (float): Range of the gradient. A larger value indicates a larger gradient range. Default: ``0.5``. pattern (str): Dark or light, this value must be ``'light'`` or ``'dark'``. Default: ``'light'``. bright_rate (float): Control brightness. A larger value indicates a larger gradient range. If parameter `pattern` is ``'light'``, Suggested value range in [0.1, 0.7], if parameter `pattern` is ``'dark'``, suggested value range in [0.1, 0.9]. Default: ``0.3``. mode (str): Gradient mode, value must be ``'circle'``, ``'horizontal'`` or ``'vertical'``. Default: ``'circle'``. auto_param (bool): Auto selected parameters. Selected parameters will preserve semantics of image. Default: ``False``. Examples: >>> import cv2 >>> img = cv2.imread('x.png') >>> height, width = img.shape[:2] >>> point = (height // 4, width // 2) >>> start = (255, 255, 255) >>> end = (0, 0, 0) >>> scope = 0.3 >>> pattern='light' >>> bright_rate = 0.3 >>> trans = GradientLuminance(start, end, point, scope, pattern, bright_rate, mode='circle') >>> img_new = trans(img) """ def __init__(self, color_start=(0, 0, 0), color_end=(255, 255, 255), start_point=(10, 10), scope=0.5, pattern='light', bright_rate=0.3, mode='circle', auto_param=False): super(GradientLuminance, self).__init__() self.color_start = check_param_multi_types('color_start', color_start, [list, tuple]) self.color_end = check_param_multi_types('color_end', color_end, [list, tuple]) self.start_point = check_param_multi_types('start_point', start_point, [list, tuple]) self.scope = check_value_non_negative('scope', scope) self.bright_rate = check_param_type('bright_rate', bright_rate, float) self.bright_rate = check_param_in_range('bright_rate', bright_rate, 0, 1) self.auto_param = check_param_type('auto_param', auto_param, bool) if pattern in ['light', 'dark']: self.pattern = pattern else: msg = "Value of param pattern must be in ['light', 'dark']" LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if mode in ['circle', 'horizontal', 'vertical']: self.mode = mode else: msg = "Value of param mode must be in ['circle', 'horizontal', 'vertical']" LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) def _set_auto_param(self, w, h): self.color_start = (np.random.uniform(0, 255),) * 3 self.color_end = (np.random.uniform(0, 255),) * 3 self.start_point = (np.random.uniform(0, w), np.random.uniform(0, h)) self.scope = np.random.uniform(0, 1) self.bright_rate = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.9) self.pattern = np.random.choice(['light', 'dark']) self.mode = np.random.choice(['circle', 'horizontal', 'vertical']) def __call__(self, image): """ Gradient adjusts the luminance of picture. Args: image (numpy.ndarray): Original image. Returns: numpy.ndarray, image with perlin noise. """ ori_dtype = image.dtype _, chw, normalized, gray3dim, image = self._check(image) w, h = image.shape[:2] if self.auto_param: self._set_auto_param(w, h) if self.mode == 'circle': mask = _circle_gradient_mask(image, self.color_start, self.color_end, self.scope, self.start_point) else: mask = _line_gradient_mask(image, self.start_point, self.color_start, self.color_end, mode=self.mode) if self.pattern == 'light': img_new = cv2.addWeighted(image, 1, mask, self.bright_rate, 0.0) else: img_new = cv2.addWeighted(image, self.bright_rate, mask, 1 - self.bright_rate, 0.0) img_new = self._original_format(img_new, chw, normalized, gray3dim) return img_new.astype(ori_dtype)