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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Similarity Detector.
import itertools
import numpy as np

from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore import Model

from mindarmour.utils.logger import LogUtil
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_model, check_numpy_param, \
    check_int_positive, check_value_positive, check_param_type, \
from ..detector import Detector

LOGGER = LogUtil.get_instance()
TAG = 'SimilarityDetector'

def _pairwise_distances(x_input, y_input):
    Compute the Euclidean Distance matrix from a vector array x_input and

        x_input (numpy.ndarray): input data, [n_samples_x, n_features]
        y_input (numpy.ndarray): input data, [n_samples_y, n_features]

        numpy.ndarray, distance matrix, [n_samples_a, n_samples_b]
    out = np.empty((x_input.shape[0], y_input.shape[0]), dtype='float')
    iterator = itertools.product(
        range(x_input.shape[0]), range(y_input.shape[0]))
    for i, j in iterator:
        out[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(x_input[i] - y_input[j])
    return out

[docs]class SimilarityDetector(Detector): """ The detector measures similarity among adjacent queries and rejects queries which are remarkably similar to previous queries. Reference: `Stateful Detection of Black-Box Adversarial Attacks by Steven Chen, Nicholas Carlini, and David Wagner. at arxiv 2019 <>`_ Args: trans_model (Model): A MindSpore model to encode input data into lower dimension vector. max_k_neighbor (int): The maximum number of the nearest neighbors. Default: ``1000``. chunk_size (int): Buffer size. Default: ``1000``. max_buffer_size (int): Maximum buffer size. Default: ``10000``. tuning (bool): Calculate the average distance for the nearest k neighbours, if `tuning` is ``True``, k=K. If ``False`` k=1,...,K. Default: ``False``. fpr (float): False positive ratio on legitimate query sequences. Default: ``0.001``. Examples: >>> from mindspore.ops.operations import Add >>> from mindspore.nn import Cell >>> from mindspore import Model >>> from mindarmour.adv_robustness.detectors import SimilarityDetector >>> class EncoderNet(Cell): ... def __init__(self, encode_dim): ... super(EncoderNet, self).__init__() ... self._encode_dim = encode_dim ... self.add = Add() ... def construct(self, inputs): ... return self.add(inputs, inputs) ... def get_encode_dim(self): ... return self._encode_dim >>> np.random.seed(5) >>> x_train = np.random.rand(10, 32, 32, 3).astype(np.float32) >>> perm = np.random.permutation(x_train.shape[0]) >>> benign_queries = x_train[perm[:10], :, :, :] >>> suspicious_queries = x_train[perm[-1], :, :, :] + np.random.normal(0, 0.05, (10,) + x_train.shape[1:]) >>> suspicious_queries = suspicious_queries.astype(np.float32) >>> encoder = Model(EncoderNet(encode_dim=256)) >>> detector = SimilarityDetector(max_k_neighbor=3, trans_model=encoder) >>> num_nearest_neighbors, thresholds = >>> detector.set_threshold(num_nearest_neighbors[-1], thresholds[-1]) >>> detector.detect(benign_queries) >>> detections = detector.get_detection_interval() >>> detected_queries = detector.get_detected_queries() """ def __init__(self, trans_model, max_k_neighbor=1000, chunk_size=1000, max_buffer_size=10000, tuning=False, fpr=0.001): super(SimilarityDetector, self).__init__() self._max_k_neighbor = check_int_positive('max_k_neighbor', max_k_neighbor) self._trans_model = check_model('trans_model', trans_model, Model) self._tuning = check_param_type('tuning', tuning, bool) self._chunk_size = check_int_positive('chunk_size', chunk_size) self._max_buffer_size = check_int_positive('max_buffer_size', max_buffer_size) self._fpr = check_param_in_range('fpr', fpr, 0, 1) self._num_of_neighbors = None self._threshold = None self._num_queries = 0 # Stores recently processed queries self._buffer = [] # Tracks indexes of detected queries self._detected_queries = []
[docs] def fit(self, inputs, labels=None): """ Process input training data to calculate the threshold. A proper threshold should make sure the false positive rate is under a given value. Args: inputs (numpy.ndarray): Training data to calculate the threshold. labels (numpy.ndarray): Labels of training data. Returns: - list[int], number of the nearest neighbors. - list[float], calculated thresholds for different K. Raises: ValueError: The number of training data is less than max_k_neighbor! """ data = check_numpy_param('inputs', inputs) data_len = data.shape[0] if data_len < self._max_k_neighbor: raise ValueError('The number of training data must be larger than ' 'max_k_neighbor!') data = self._trans_model.predict(Tensor(data)).asnumpy() data = data.reshape((data.shape[0], -1)) distances = [] for i in range(data.shape[0] // self._chunk_size): distance_mat = _pairwise_distances( x_input=data[i*self._chunk_size:(i + 1)*self._chunk_size, :], y_input=data) distance_mat = np.sort(distance_mat, axis=-1) distances.append(distance_mat[:, :self._max_k_neighbor]) # the rest distance_mat = _pairwise_distances(x_input=data[(data.shape[0] // self._chunk_size) * self._chunk_size:, :], y_input=data) distance_mat = np.sort(distance_mat, axis=-1) distances.append(distance_mat[:, :self._max_k_neighbor]) distance_matrix = np.concatenate(distances, axis=0) start = 1 if self._tuning else self._max_k_neighbor thresholds = [] num_nearest_neighbors = [] for k in range(start, self._max_k_neighbor + 1): avg_dist = distance_matrix[:, :k].mean(axis=-1) index = int(len(avg_dist)*self._fpr) threshold = np.sort(avg_dist, axis=None)[index] num_nearest_neighbors.append(k) thresholds.append(threshold) if thresholds: self._threshold = thresholds[-1] self._num_of_neighbors = num_nearest_neighbors[-1] return num_nearest_neighbors, thresholds
[docs] def detect(self, inputs): """ Process queries to detect black-box attack. Args: inputs (numpy.ndarray): Query sequence. Raises: ValueError: The parameters of threshold or num_of_neighbors is not available. """ if self._threshold is None or self._num_of_neighbors is None: msg = 'Explicit detection threshold and number of nearest ' \ 'neighbors must be provided using set_threshold(), ' \ 'or call fit() to calculate.' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) queries = check_numpy_param('inputs', inputs) queries = self._trans_model.predict(Tensor(queries)).asnumpy() queries = queries.reshape((queries.shape[0], -1)) for query in queries: self._process_query(query)
def _process_query(self, query): """ Process each query to detect black-box attack. Args: query (numpy.ndarray): Query input. """ if len(self._buffer) < self._num_of_neighbors: self._buffer.append(query) self._num_queries += 1 return k = self._num_of_neighbors if self._buffer: queries = np.stack(self._buffer, axis=0) dists = np.linalg.norm(queries - query, axis=-1) k_nearest_dists = np.partition(dists, k - 1)[:k, None] k_avg_dist = np.mean(k_nearest_dists) self._buffer.append(query) self._num_queries += 1 if len(self._buffer) >= self._max_buffer_size: self.clear_buffer() # an attack is detected if k_avg_dist < self._threshold: self._detected_queries.append(self._num_queries) self.clear_buffer()
[docs] def clear_buffer(self): """ Clear the buffer memory. """ while self._buffer: self._buffer.pop()
[docs] def set_threshold(self, num_of_neighbors, threshold): """ Set the parameters num_of_neighbors and threshold. Args: num_of_neighbors (int): Number of the nearest neighbors. threshold (float): Detection threshold. """ self._num_of_neighbors = check_int_positive('num_of_neighbors', num_of_neighbors) self._threshold = check_value_positive('threshold', threshold)
[docs] def get_detection_interval(self): """ Get the interval between adjacent detections. Returns: list[int], number of queries between adjacent detections. """ detected_queries = self._detected_queries interval = [] for i in range(len(detected_queries) - 1): interval.append(detected_queries[i + 1] - detected_queries[i]) return interval
[docs] def get_detected_queries(self): """ Get the indexes of detected queries. Returns: list[int], sequence number of detected malicious queries. """ detected_queries = self._detected_queries return detected_queries
[docs] def detect_diff(self, inputs): """ Detect adversarial samples from input samples, like the predict_proba function in common machine learning model. Args: inputs (Union[numpy.ndarray, list, tuple]): Data been used as references to create adversarial examples. Raises: NotImplementedError: This function is not available in class `SimilarityDetector`. """ msg = 'The function detect_diff() is not available in the class ' \ '`SimilarityDetector`.' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] def transform(self, inputs): """ Filter adversarial noises in input samples. Args: inputs (Union[numpy.ndarray, list, tuple]): Data been used as references to create adversarial examples. Raises: NotImplementedError: This function is not available in class `SimilarityDetector`. """ msg = 'The function transform() is not available in the class `SimilarityDetector`.' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg)