mindspore_gl.dataset.reddit 源代码

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# ============================================================================
"""Reddit Dataset"""
#pylint: disable=W0702
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from mindspore_gl.graph import MindHomoGraph, CsrAdj
from .base_dataset import BaseDataSet

#pylint: disable=W0223
[文档]class Reddit(BaseDataSet): """ Reddit Dataset, a source dataset for reading and parsing Reddit dataset. About Reddit dataset: The node label is the community, or “subreddit”, that a post belongs to. The authors sampled 50 large communities and built a post-to-post graph, connecting posts if the same user comments on both. In total this dataset contains 232,965 posts with an average degree of 492. We use the first 20 days for training and the remaining days for testing (with 30% used for validation). Statistics: - Nodes: 232,965 - Edges: 114,615,892 - Number of classes: 41 Dataset can be download here: `Reddit <https://data.dgl.ai/dataset/reddit.zip>`_ . You can organize the dataset files into the following directory structure and read. .. code-block:: . ├── reddit_data.npz └── reddit_graph.npz Args: root(str): path to the root directory that contains reddit_with_mask.npz Raises: TypeError: if `root` is not a str. RuntimeError: if `root` does not contain data files. Examples: >>> from mindspore_gl.dataset import Reddit >>> root = "path/to/reddit" >>> dataset = Reddit(root) """ def __init__(self, root): if not isinstance(root, str): raise TypeError(f"For '{self.cls_name}', the 'root' should be a str, " f"but got {type(root)}.") self._root = Path(root) self._path = self._root / 'reddit_with_mask.npz' self._csr_row = None self._csr_col = None self._nodes = None self._node_feat = None self._node_label = None self._train_mask = None self._val_mask = None self._test_mask = None self._npz_file = None if self._path.is_file(): self._load() elif self._root.is_dir(): self._preprocess() self._load() else: raise Exception('data file does not exist') def _preprocess(self): """process data""" coo_adj = sp.load_npz(self._root / "reddit_graph.npz") csr = coo_adj.tocsr() indices = csr.indices indptr = csr.indptr reddit_data = np.load(self._root / "reddit_data.npz") features = np.array(reddit_data["feature"], np.float32) labels = reddit_data["label"] node_types = reddit_data["node_types"] train_mask = (node_types == 1) val_mask = (node_types == 2) test_mask = (node_types == 3) np.savez(self._path, adj_csr_indptr=indptr, adj_csr_indices=indices, feat=features, label=labels, train_mask=train_mask, val_mask=val_mask, test_mask=test_mask) def _load(self): """Load the saved npz dataset from files.""" self._npz_file = np.load(self._path) self._csr_row = self._npz_file['adj_csr_indptr'].astype(np.int32) self._csr_col = self._npz_file['adj_csr_indices'].astype(np.int32) self._nodes = np.array(list(range(len(self._csr_row) - 1))) @property def node_feat_size(self): """ Feature size of each node. Returns: - int, the number of feature size. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_feat_size = dataset.node_feat_size """ return self.node_feat.shape[1] @property def num_classes(self): """ Number of label classes. Returns: - int, the number of classes. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> num_classes = dataset.num_classes """ return len(np.unique(self.node_label)) @property def train_mask(self): """ Mask of training nodes. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of mask. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> train_mask = dataset.train_mask """ if self._train_mask is None: self._train_mask = self._npz_file['train_mask'] return self._train_mask @property def test_mask(self): """ Mask of test nodes. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of mask. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> test_mask = dataset.test_mask """ if self._test_mask is None: self._test_mask = self._npz_file['test_mask'] return self._test_mask @property def val_mask(self): """ Mask of validation nodes. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of mask. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> val_mask = dataset.val_mask """ if self._val_mask is None: self._val_mask = self._npz_file['val_mask'] return self._val_mask @property def train_nodes(self): """ Training nodes indexes. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of training nodes. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> train_nodes = dataset.train_nodes """ return (np.nonzero(self.train_mask)[0]).astype(np.int32) @property def val_nodes(self): """ Val nodes indexes. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of val nodes. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> val_nodes = dataset.val_nodes """ return np.nonzero(self.val_mask)[0].astype(np.int32) @property def test_nodes(self): """ Test nodes indexes. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of test nodes. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> test_nodes = dataset.test_nodes """ return np.nonzero(self.test_mask)[0].astype(np.int32) @property def node_count(self): """ Number of nodes, length of CSR row. Returns: - int, the number of nodes. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_count = dataset.node_count """ return len(self._csr_row) - 1 @property def edge_count(self): """ Number of edges, length of CSR col. Returns: - int, the number of edges. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> edge_count = dataset.edge_count """ return len(self._csr_col) @property def node_feat(self): """ Node features. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of node feature. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_feat = dataset.node_feat """ if self._node_feat is None: self._node_feat = self._npz_file["feat"] return self._node_feat @property def node_label(self): """ Ground truth labels of each node. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of node label. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_label = dataset.node_label """ if self._node_label is None: self._node_label = self._npz_file["label"] return self._node_label.astype(np.int32) @property def adj_coo(self): """ Return the adjacency matrix of COO representation Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of COO matrix. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_label = dataset.adj_coo """ return csr_matrix((np.ones(self._csr_col.shape), self._csr_col, self._csr_row)).tocoo(copy=False) @property def adj_csr(self): """ Return the adjacency matrix of CSR representation. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of CSR matrix. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_label = dataset.adj_csr """ return csr_matrix((np.ones(self._csr_col.shape), self._csr_col, self._csr_row)) def __getitem__(self, idx): if idx != 0: raise ValueError("reddit only has one graph") graph = MindHomoGraph() node_dict = {idx: idx for idx in range(self.node_count)} edge_ids = np.array(list(range(self.edge_count))).astype(np.int32) graph.set_topo(CsrAdj(self._csr_row, self._csr_col), node_dict=node_dict, edge_ids=edge_ids) return graph