Saving Models

Ascend GPU CPU Model Export

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During model training, you can add CheckPoints to save model parameters for inference and retraining after interruption. If you want to perform inference on different hardware platforms, you need to generate corresponding models based on the network and CheckPoint, such as MindIR, AIR and ONNX.

  • MindIR: A functional IR of MindSpore based on graph representation, which defines an extensible graph structure and IR representation of operators, which eliminates the model differences between different backends. The model trained on Ascend 910 can be used for reasoning on the upper side of Ascend 310, GPU and MindSpore Lite.

  • CheckPoint: A CheckPoint file of MindSpore is a binary file that stores the values of all training parameters. The Google Protocol Buffers mechanism with good scalability is adopted, which is independent of the development language and platform. The protocol format of CheckPoints is defined in mindspore/ccsrc/utils/checkpoint.proto.

  • AIR: Ascend Intermediate Representation (AIR) is an open file format defined by Huawei for machine learning and can better adapt to the Ascend AI processor. It is similar to ONNX.

  • ONNX: Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open file format designed for machine learning. It is used to store trained models.

The following uses examples to describe how to save MindSpore CheckPoint files, and how to export MindIR, AIR and ONNX files.

Saving CheckPoint files

Here are two ways to save checkpoint files

Using Callback Mechanism

During model training, use the callback mechanism to transfer the object of the callback function ModelCheckpoint to save model parameters and generate CheckPoint files.

You can use the CheckpointConfig object to set the CheckPoint saving policies. The saved parameters are classified into network parameters and optimizer parameters.

ModelCheckpoint provides default configuration policies for users to quickly get started. The following describes the usage:

from mindspore.train.callback import ModelCheckpoint
ckpoint_cb = ModelCheckpoint()
model.train(epoch_num, dataset, callbacks=ckpoint_cb)

You can configure the CheckPoint policies as required. The following describes the usage:

from mindspore.train.callback import ModelCheckpoint, CheckpointConfig
config_ck = CheckpointConfig(save_checkpoint_steps=32, keep_checkpoint_max=10)
ckpoint_cb = ModelCheckpoint(prefix='resnet50', directory=None, config=config_ck)
model.train(epoch_num, dataset, callbacks=ckpoint_cb)

In the preceding code, initialize a TrainConfig class object to set the saving policies.

  • save_checkpoint_steps indicates the saving frequency. That is, parameters are saved every specified number of steps.

  • keep_checkpoint_max indicates the maximum number of CheckPoint files that can be saved.

  • prefix indicates the prefix name of the generated CheckPoint file.

  • directory indicates the directory for storing the file.

Create a ModelCheckpoint object and transfer it to the model.train method. Then you can use the CheckPoint function during training.

Generated CheckPoint files are as follows:

resnet50-graph.meta # Generate compiled computation graph.
resnet50-1_32.ckpt  # The file name extension is .ckpt.
resnet50-2_32.ckpt  # The file name format contains the epoch and step correspond to the saved parameters.
resnet50-3_32.ckpt  # The file name indicates that the model parameters generated during the 32th step of the third epoch are saved.

If you use the same prefix and run the training script for multiple times, CheckPoint files with the same name may be generated. MindSpore adds underscores (_) and digits at the end of the user-defined prefix to distinguish CheckPoints with the same name. If you want to delete the .ckpt file, please delete the .meta file simultaneously.

For example, resnet50_3-2_32.ckpt indicates the CheckPoint file generated during the 32th step of the second epoch after the script is executed for the third time.

  • When performing distributed parallel training tasks, each process needs to set different directory parameters to save the CheckPoint file to a different directory to prevent files from being read or written incorrectly.

CheckPoint Configuration Policies

MindSpore provides two types of CheckPoint saving policies: iteration policy and time policy. You can create the CheckpointConfig object to set the corresponding policies. CheckpointConfig contains the following four parameters:

  • save_checkpoint_steps: indicates the step interval for saving a CheckPoint file. That is, parameters are saved every specified number of steps. The default value is 1.

  • save_checkpoint_seconds: indicates the interval for saving a CheckPoint file. That is, parameters are saved every specified number of seconds. The default value is 0.

  • keep_checkpoint_max: indicates the maximum number of CheckPoint files that can be saved. The default value is 5.

  • keep_checkpoint_per_n_minutes: indicates the interval for saving a CheckPoint file. That is, parameters are saved every specified number of minutes. The default value is 0.

save_checkpoint_steps and keep_checkpoint_max are iteration policies, which can be configured based on the number of training iterations. save_checkpoint_seconds and keep_checkpoint_per_n_minutes are time policies, which can be configured during training.

The two types of policies cannot be used together. Iteration policies have a higher priority than time policies. When the two types of policies are configured at the same time, only iteration policies take effect. If a parameter is set to None, the related policy is cancelled. After the training script is normally executed, the CheckPoint file generated during the last step is saved by default.

Resume Training At The Breakpoint

MindSpore provides the function of resuming training at the breakpoint. If an exception occurs during training, MindSpore will automatically save the CheckPoint file (the final CheckPoint) when the exception occurs. The exception_save parameter (bool type) in CheckpointConfig controls the function of resuming training at the breakpoint. If this parameter is set to True, this function is enabled, if this parameter is set to False, this function is disabled, and the default value is False. The final CheckPoint file does not affect the CheckPoint saved in the normal process, and the naming mechanism and save path are the same as those in the normal process. The only difference is that ‘_breakpoint’ is added to the end of the final CheckPoint file name.

The following describes the usage:

from mindspore.train.callback import ModelCheckpoint, CheckpointConfig
config_ck = CheckpointConfig(save_checkpoint_steps=32, keep_checkpoint_max=10, exception_save=True)
ckpoint_cb = ModelCheckpoint(prefix='resnet50', directory=None, config=config_ck)
model.train(epoch_num, dataset, callbacks=ckpoint_cb)

If an exception occurs during the training process, the final Checkpoint is automatically saved. If an exception occurs in the tenth step of the tenth epoch during the training, the final Checkpoint file is saved as follows:

resnet50-10_10_breakpoint.ckpt  # The '_breakpoint' is added to the end of the final CheckPoint file name.

Using Save_checkpoint Method

You can use the save_checkpoint function to save the custom information as a checkpoint file. The function declaration is as follows:

def save_checkpoint(save_obj, ckpt_file_name, integrated_save=True,
                    async_save=False, append_dict=None, enc_key=None, enc_mode="AES-GCM")

The required parameters are: save_obj, ckpt_file_name.

The following uses specific examples to illustrate how to use each parameter.

save_obj and ckpt_file_name parameters

save_obj: You can pass in a Cell class object or a list. ckpt_file_name: string type, representing the name of the saved checkpoint file.

from mindspore import save_checkpoint, Tensor
from mindspore import dtype as mstype
  1. Pass in the Cell object

    net = LeNet()
    save_checkpoint(net, "lenet.ckpt")

    ​After execution, you can save the parameters in net as a lenet.ckpt file.

  2. Pass in the list object

    The format of the list is as follows: [{“name”: param_name, “data”: param_data}], which consists of a set of dict objects.

    param_name is the name of the object that needs to be saved, and param_data is the data that needs to be saved, and it is of type Tensor.

    save_list = [{"name": "lr", "data": Tensor(0.01, mstype.float32)}, {"name": "train_epoch", "data": Tensor(20, mstype.int32)}]
    save_checkpoint(save_list, "hyper_param.ckpt")

    After execution, you can save save_list as a hyper_param.ckpt file.

integrated_save parameter

integrated_save: bool type, indicating whether the parameters are merged and saved, the default value is True. In the model parallel scenario, Tensor will be split into programs running on different cards. If integrated_save is set to True, these split Tensors will be merged and saved to each checkpoint file, so that the checkpoint file saves the complete training parameters.

save_checkpoint(net, "lenet.ckpt", integrated_save=True)

async_save parameter

async_save: bool type, indicating whether to enable the asynchronous save function, the default value is False. If set to True, multi-threaded execution of checkpoint file writing operations will be enabled, so that training and saving tasks can be executed in parallel, which will save the total time of script running when training large-scale networks.

save_checkpoint(net, "lenet.ckpt", async_save=True)

append_dict parameter

append_dict: dict type, indicating additional information that needs to be saved, for example:

save_dict = {"epoch_num": 2, "lr": 0.01}
save_checkpoint(net, "lenet.ckpt",append_dict=save_dict)

After execution, in addition to the parameters in net, the information of save_dict will also be saved in lenet.ckpt. Currently, only basic types of storage are supported, including int, float, bool, etc.

Export MindIR Model

If you want to perform inference across platforms or hardware (Ascend AI processor, MindSpore on-device, GPU, etc.), you can generate the corresponding MindIR format model file through the network definition and CheckPoint. MindIR format file can be applied to MindSpore Lite. Currently, it supports inference network based on static graph mode.

If you want to perform inference on the device, then you need to generate corresponding MindIR models based on the network and CheckPoint. Currently we support the export of MindIR models for inference based on the graph mode. Taking the export of MindIR model as an example to illustrate the implementation of model export, the code is as follows:

import numpy as np
from mindspore import Tensor, export, load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net
import numpy as np

resnet = ResNet50()
# load the parameter into net
load_checkpoint("resnet50-2_32.ckpt", net=resnet)
input = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=[32, 3, 224, 224]).astype(np.float32)
export(resnet, Tensor(input), file_name='resnet50-2_32', file_format='MINDIR')

If you wish to save the data preprocess operations into MindIR and use them to perform inference, you can pass the Dataset object into export method:

import mindspore.dataset as ds
import as C
from mindspore import export, load_checkpoint

def create_dataset_for_renset():
    data_set = ds.ImageFolderDataset(dataset_path)
    mean = [0.485 * 255, 0.456 * 255, 0.406 * 255]
    std = [0.229 * 255, 0.224 * 255, 0.225 * 255]
    data_set =[C.Decode(), C.Resize(256), C.CenterCrop(224),
                            C.Normalize(mean=mean,std=std), C.HWC2CHW()], input_columns="image")

# create Dataset with preprocess operations
de_dataset = create_dataset_for_renset()
# load the parameter into net
resnet = ResNet50()
load_checkpoint("resnet50-2_32.ckpt", net=resnet)
export(resnet, de_dataset, file_name='resnet50-2_32', file_format='MINDIR')
  • input is the input parameter of the export method, representing the input of the network. If the network has multiple inputs, they need to be passed into the export method together. eg: export(network, Tensor(input1), Tensor(input2), file_name='network', file_format='MINDIR').

  • When input is a Tensor, it represents the input of network, the shape of input need to be consistent with input of network. In case of network with multiple inputs, input should be a tuple of Tensor. When input is a Dataset, the input shape of network will be infer by Dataset object and the data preprocess operations will be also exported to file(Only MindIR).

  • If file_name does not contain the “.mindir” suffix, the system will automatically add the “.mindir” suffix to it.

  • Make sure that the Dataset object is using the preprocess operations of evaluation, otherwise you may can not get the expected preprocess results in inference.

In order to avoid the hardware limitation of protobuf, when the exported model parameter size exceeds 1G, the framework will save the network structure and parameters separately by default.

-The name of the network structure file ends with the user-specified prefix plus _graph.mindir. -In the same level directory, there will be a folder with user-specified prefix plus _variables, which stores network parameters. And when the parameter’s data size exceeds 1T, it will split to another file named data_1, data_2, etc.

Taking the above code as an example, if the parameter size with the model exceeds 1G, the generated directory structure is as follows:


Export AIR Model

If you want to perform inference on the Shengteng AI processor, you can also generate the corresponding AIR format model file through the network definition and CheckPoint. The code example of exporting this format file is as follows:

import numpy as np
from mindspore import Tensor, export, load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net

resnet = ResNet50()
# load the parameter into net
load_checkpoint("resnet50-2_32.ckpt", net=resnet)
input = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=[32, 3, 224, 224]).astype(np.float32)
export(resnet, Tensor(input), file_name='resnet50-2_32', file_format='AIR')

The input parameter is used to specify the input shape and the data type of the exported model.

  • input is the input parameter of the export method, representing the input of the network. If the network has multiple inputs, they need to be passed into the export method together. eg: export(network, Tensor(input1), Tensor(input2), file_name='network', file_format='AIR').

  • If file_name does not contain the “.air” suffix, the system will automatically add the “.air” suffix to it.

Export ONNX Model

When you have a CheckPoint file, if you want to do inference on Ascend AI processor, GPU, or CPU, you need to generate ONNX models based on the network and CheckPoint. ONNX format file is a general model file, which can be applied to many kinds of hardware, such as Ascend AI processor, GPU, CPU, etc. The code example of exporting this format file is as follows:

import numpy as np
from mindspore import Tensor, export, load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net

resnet = ResNet50()
# load the parameter into net
load_checkpoint("resnet50-2_32.ckpt", net=resnet)
input = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=[32, 3, 224, 224]).astype(np.float32)
export(resnet, Tensor(input), file_name='resnet50-2_32', file_format='ONNX')
  • input is the input parameter of the export method, representing the input of the network. If the network has multiple inputs, they need to be passed into the export method together. eg: export(network, Tensor(input1), Tensor(input2), file_name='network', file_format='ONNX').

  • If file_name does not contain the “.onnx” suffix, the system will automatically add the “.onnx” suffix to it.

  • Currently, only the ONNX format export of ResNet series networks, YOLOV3, YOLOV4 and BERT are supported.