# MindSpore Data Format Conversion `Ascend` `GPU` `CPU` `Data Preparation` [![View Source On Gitee](https://gitee.com/mindspore/docs/raw/r1.5/resource/_static/logo_source_en.png)](https://gitee.com/mindspore/docs/blob/r1.5/docs/mindspore/programming_guide/source_en/dataset_conversion.md) ## Overview You can convert non-standard datasets and common datasets into the MindSpore data format (that is, MindRecord) to easily load the datasets to MindSpore for training. In addition, the performance of MindSpore is optimized in some scenarios. You can use MindRecord to achieve better performance. ## Converting Non-Standard Dataset to MindRecord The following describes how to convert CV and NLP data into MindRecord and read the MindRecord file through `MindDataset`. ### Converting CV Dataset This example describes how to convert a CV dataset into MindRecord and use `MindDataset` to load the dataset. Create a MindRecord file containing 100 records, whose samples include the `file_name` (string), `label` (integer), and `data` (binary) fields. Use `MindDataset` to read the MindRecord file. 1. Import related modules. ```python from io import BytesIO import os import mindspore.dataset as ds from mindspore.mindrecord import FileWriter import mindspore.dataset.vision.c_transforms as vision from PIL import Image ``` 2. Generate 100 images and convert them to MindRecord. ```python MINDRECORD_FILE = "test.mindrecord" if os.path.exists(MINDRECORD_FILE): os.remove(MINDRECORD_FILE) os.remove(MINDRECORD_FILE + ".db") writer = FileWriter(file_name=MINDRECORD_FILE, shard_num=1) cv_schema = {"file_name": {"type": "string"}, "label": {"type": "int32"}, "data": {"type": "bytes"}} writer.add_schema(cv_schema, "it is a cv dataset") writer.add_index(["file_name", "label"]) data = [] for i in range(100): i += 1 sample = {} white_io = BytesIO() Image.new('RGB', (i*10, i*10), (255, 255, 255)).save(white_io, 'JPEG') image_bytes = white_io.getvalue() sample['file_name'] = str(i) + ".jpg" sample['label'] = i sample['data'] = white_io.getvalue() data.append(sample) if i % 10 == 0: writer.write_raw_data(data) data = [] if data: writer.write_raw_data(data) writer.commit() ``` ```text MSRStatus.SUCCESS ``` **Parameter description:** - `MINDRECORD_FILE`: path of the output MindRecord file. 3. Read MindRecord using `MindDataset`. ```python data_set = ds.MindDataset(dataset_file=MINDRECORD_FILE) decode_op = vision.Decode() data_set = data_set.map(operations=decode_op, input_columns=["data"], num_parallel_workers=2) count = 0 for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator(output_numpy=True): count += 1 print("Got {} samples".format(count)) ``` ```text Got 100 samples ``` ### Converting NLP Dataset This example describes how to convert an NLP dataset into MindRecord and use `MindDataset` to load the dataset. The process of converting the text into the lexicographic order is omitted in this example. Create a MindRecord file containing 100 records, whose samples include eight fields of the integer type. Use `MindDataset` to read the MindRecord file. 1. Import related modules. ```python import os import numpy as np import mindspore.dataset as ds from mindspore.mindrecord import FileWriter ``` 2. Generate 100 text samples and convert them to MindRecord. ```python MINDRECORD_FILE = "test.mindrecord" if os.path.exists(MINDRECORD_FILE): os.remove(MINDRECORD_FILE) os.remove(MINDRECORD_FILE + ".db") writer = FileWriter(file_name=MINDRECORD_FILE, shard_num=1) nlp_schema = {"source_sos_ids": {"type": "int64", "shape": [-1]}, "source_sos_mask": {"type": "int64", "shape": [-1]}, "source_eos_ids": {"type": "int64", "shape": [-1]}, "source_eos_mask": {"type": "int64", "shape": [-1]}, "target_sos_ids": {"type": "int64", "shape": [-1]}, "target_sos_mask": {"type": "int64", "shape": [-1]}, "target_eos_ids": {"type": "int64", "shape": [-1]}, "target_eos_mask": {"type": "int64", "shape": [-1]}} writer.add_schema(nlp_schema, "it is a preprocessed nlp dataset") data = [] for i in range(100): i += 1 sample = {"source_sos_ids": np.array([i, i + 1, i + 2, i + 3, i + 4], dtype=np.int64), "source_sos_mask": np.array([i * 1, i * 2, i * 3, i * 4, i * 5, i * 6, i * 7], dtype=np.int64), "source_eos_ids": np.array([i + 5, i + 6, i + 7, i + 8, i + 9, i + 10], dtype=np.int64), "source_eos_mask": np.array([19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27], dtype=np.int64), "target_sos_ids": np.array([28, 29, 30, 31, 32], dtype=np.int64), "target_sos_mask": np.array([33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38], dtype=np.int64), "target_eos_ids": np.array([39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47], dtype=np.int64), "target_eos_mask": np.array([48, 49, 50, 51], dtype=np.int64)} data.append(sample) if i % 10 == 0: writer.write_raw_data(data) data = [] if data: writer.write_raw_data(data) writer.commit() ``` ```text MSRStatus.SUCCESS ``` **Parameter description:** - `MINDRECORD_FILE`: path of the output MindRecord file. 3. Read MindRecord using `MindDataset`. ```python data_set = ds.MindDataset(dataset_file=MINDRECORD_FILE) count = 0 for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator(): count += 1 print("Got {} samples".format(count)) ``` ```text Got 100 samples ``` ## Converting Common Dataset to MindRecord MindSpore provides tool classes for converting common datasets to MindRecord. The following table lists part of common datasets and their corresponding tool classes. | Dataset | Tool Class | | -------- | ------------ | | CIFAR-10 | Cifar10ToMR | | ImageNet | ImageNetToMR | | TFRecord | TFRecordToMR | | CSV File | CsvToMR | For details about dataset conversion, see [MindSpore API](https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/api/en/r1.5/api_python/mindspore.mindrecord.html). ### Converting the CIFAR-10 Dataset You can use the `Cifar10ToMR` class to convert the original CIFAR-10 data to MindRecord and use `MindDataset` to load the data. 1. Download and decompress the [CIFAR-10 dataset](https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar-10-python.tar.gz). Execute the following command in jupyter notebook: ```bash wget -N https://mindspore-website.obs.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/notebook/datasets/cifar-10-python.tar.gz --no-check-certificate mkdir -p datasets tar -xzf cifar-10-python.tar.gz -C datasets tree ./datasets/cifar-10-batches-py ``` ```text ./datasets/cifar-10-batches-py ├── batches.meta ├── data_batch_1 ├── data_batch_2 ├── data_batch_3 ├── data_batch_4 ├── data_batch_5 ├── readme.html └── test_batch 0 directories, 8 files ``` 2. Import related modules. ```python import os import mindspore.dataset as ds import mindspore.dataset.vision.c_transforms as vision from mindspore.mindrecord import Cifar10ToMR ``` 3. Create the `Cifar10ToMR` object and call the `transform` API to convert the CIFAR-10 dataset to MindRecord. ```python ds_target_path = "./datasets/mindspore_dataset_conversion/" # clean old run files os.system("rm -f {}*".format(ds_target_path)) os.system("mkdir -p {}".format(ds_target_path)) CIFAR10_DIR = "./datasets/cifar-10-batches-py" MINDRECORD_FILE = "./datasets/mindspore_dataset_conversion/cifar10.mindrecord" cifar10_transformer = Cifar10ToMR(CIFAR10_DIR, MINDRECORD_FILE) cifar10_transformer.transform(['label']) ``` ```text MSRStatus.SUCCESS ``` **Parameter description:** - `CIFAR10_DIR`: path of the CIFAR-10 dataset folder. - `MINDRECORD_FILE`: path of the output MindRecord file. 4. Read MindRecord using `MindDataset`. ```python data_set = ds.MindDataset(dataset_file=MINDRECORD_FILE) decode_op = vision.Decode() data_set = data_set.map(operations=decode_op, input_columns=["data"], num_parallel_workers=2) count = 0 for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator(output_numpy=True): count += 1 print("Got {} samples".format(count)) ``` ```text Got 50000 samples ``` ### Converting the ImageNet Dataset You can use the `ImageNetToMR` class to convert the original ImageNet data (images and annotations) to MindRecord and use `MindDataset` to load the data. 1. Download the [ImageNet dataset](http://image-net.org/download), save all images in the `images/` folder, and use a mapping file `labels_map.txt` to record the mapping between images and labels. The mapping file contains two columns, which are the directory and label ID of each type of images. The two columns are separated by spaces. The following is an example of the mapping file: ```text n01440760 0 n01443537 1 n01484850 2 n01491361 3 n01494475 4 n01496331 5 ``` The file directory structure is as follows: ```text ├─ labels_map.txt └─ images └─ ...... ``` 2. Import the dataset conversion tool class `ImageNetToMR`. ```python import mindspore.dataset as ds import mindspore.dataset.vision.c_transforms as vision from mindspore.mindrecord import ImageNetToMR ``` 3. Create the `ImageNetToMR` object and call the `transform` API to convert the dataset to MindRecord. ```python IMAGENET_MAP_FILE = "./labels_map.txt" IMAGENET_IMAGE_DIR = "./images" MINDRECORD_FILE = "./imagenet.mindrecord" imagenet_transformer = ImageNetToMR(IMAGENET_MAP_FILE, IMAGENET_IMAGE_DIR, MINDRECORD_FILE, partition_number=1) imagenet_transformer.transform() ``` **Parameter description:** - `IMAGENET_MAP_FILE`: path of the label mapping file of the ImageNet dataset. - `IMAGENET_IMAGE_DIR`: path of the folder where all ImageNet images are stored. - `MINDRECORD_FILE`: path of the output MindRecord file. 4. Read MindRecord using `MindDataset`. ```python data_set = ds.MindDataset(dataset_file=MINDRECORD_FILE) decode_op = vision.Decode() data_set = data_set.map(operations=decode_op, input_columns=["image"], num_parallel_workers=2) count = 0 for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator(output_numpy=True): count += 1 print("Got {} samples".format(count)) ``` ### Converting CSV Dataset Create a CSV file containing 5 records, convert the CSV file to MindRecord using the `CsvToMR` tool class, and then read the MindRecord file using `MindDataset`. 1. Import related modules. ```python import csv import os import mindspore.dataset as ds from mindspore.mindrecord import CsvToMR ``` 2. Generate a CSV file and convert it to MindRecord. ```python CSV_FILE = "test.csv" MINDRECORD_FILE = "test.mindrecord" def generate_csv(): headers = ["id", "name", "math", "english"] rows = [(1, "Lily", 78.5, 90), (2, "Lucy", 99, 85.2), (3, "Mike", 65, 71), (4, "Tom", 95, 99), (5, "Jeff", 85, 78.5)] with open(CSV_FILE, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(headers) writer.writerows(rows) generate_csv() if os.path.exists(MINDRECORD_FILE): os.remove(MINDRECORD_FILE) os.remove(MINDRECORD_FILE + ".db") csv_transformer = CsvToMR(CSV_FILE, MINDRECORD_FILE, partition_number=1) csv_transformer.transform() assert os.path.exists(MINDRECORD_FILE) assert os.path.exists(MINDRECORD_FILE + ".db") ``` **Parameter description:** - `CSV_FILE`: path of the CSV file. - `MINDRECORD_FILE`: path of the output MindRecord file. 3. Read MindRecord using `MindDataset`. ```python data_set = ds.MindDataset(dataset_file=MINDRECORD_FILE) count = 0 for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator(output_numpy=True): count += 1 print("Got {} samples".format(count)) ``` ```text Got 5 samples ``` ### Converting TFRecord Dataset > Currently, only TensorFlow 1.13.0-rc1 and later versions are supported. In this part of the example, TensorFlow needs to be installed in advance. If it is not installed, execute the following command to install it. For example, when this document is running as a Notebook, after the installation is complete, you need to restart the kernel to execute the subsequent code. ```python os.system('pip install tensorflow') if os.system('python -c "import tensorflow"') else print("TensorFlow installed") ``` ```text 0 ``` Use TensorFlow to create a TFRecord file and convert the file to MindRecord using the `TFRecordToMR` tool class. Read the file using `MindDataset` and decode the `image_bytes` field using the `Decode` operator. 1. Import related modules. ```python import collections from io import BytesIO import os import mindspore.dataset as ds from mindspore.mindrecord import TFRecordToMR import mindspore.dataset.vision.c_transforms as vision from PIL import Image import tensorflow as tf ``` 2. Generate a TFRecord file. ```python TFRECORD_FILE = "test.tfrecord" MINDRECORD_FILE = "test.mindrecord" def generate_tfrecord(): def create_int_feature(values): if isinstance(values, list): feature = tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=list(values))) else: feature = tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=[values])) return feature def create_float_feature(values): if isinstance(values, list): feature = tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=list(values))) else: feature = tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=[values])) return feature def create_bytes_feature(values): if isinstance(values, bytes): white_io = BytesIO() Image.new('RGB', (10, 10), (255, 255, 255)).save(white_io, 'JPEG') image_bytes = white_io.getvalue() feature = tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[image_bytes])) else: feature = tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[bytes(values, encoding='utf-8')])) return feature writer = tf.io.TFRecordWriter(TFRECORD_FILE) example_count = 0 for i in range(10): file_name = "000" + str(i) + ".jpg" image_bytes = bytes(str("aaaabbbbcccc" + str(i)), encoding="utf-8") int64_scalar = i float_scalar = float(i) int64_list = [i, i+1, i+2, i+3, i+4, i+1234567890] float_list = [float(i), float(i+1), float(i+2.8), float(i+3.2), float(i+4.4), float(i+123456.9), float(i+98765432.1)] features = collections.OrderedDict() features["file_name"] = create_bytes_feature(file_name) features["image_bytes"] = create_bytes_feature(image_bytes) features["int64_scalar"] = create_int_feature(int64_scalar) features["float_scalar"] = create_float_feature(float_scalar) features["int64_list"] = create_int_feature(int64_list) features["float_list"] = create_float_feature(float_list) tf_example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=features)) writer.write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) example_count += 1 writer.close() print("Write {} rows in tfrecord.".format(example_count)) generate_tfrecord() ``` ```text Write 10 rows in tfrecord. ``` **Parameter description:** - `TFRECORD_FILE`: path of the TFRecord file. - `MINDRECORD_FILE`: path of the output MindRecord file. 3. Convert the TFRecord to MindRecord. ```python feature_dict = {"file_name": tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string), "image_bytes": tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string), "int64_scalar": tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64), "float_scalar": tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.float32), "int64_list": tf.io.FixedLenFeature([6], tf.int64), "float_list": tf.io.FixedLenFeature([7], tf.float32), } if os.path.exists(MINDRECORD_FILE): os.remove(MINDRECORD_FILE) os.remove(MINDRECORD_FILE + ".db") tfrecord_transformer = TFRecordToMR(TFRECORD_FILE, MINDRECORD_FILE, feature_dict, ["image_bytes"]) tfrecord_transformer.transform() assert os.path.exists(MINDRECORD_FILE) assert os.path.exists(MINDRECORD_FILE + ".db") ``` 4. Read MindRecord using `MindDataset`. ```python data_set = ds.MindDataset(dataset_file=MINDRECORD_FILE) decode_op = vision.Decode() data_set = data_set.map(operations=decode_op, input_columns=["image_bytes"], num_parallel_workers=2) count = 0 for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator(output_numpy=True): count += 1 print("Got {} samples".format(count)) ``` ```text Got 10 samples ```