Using Dump in the Graph Mode

Linux Ascend GPU CPU Model Optimization Intermediate Expert

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The input and output of the operator can be saved for debugging through the data dump when the training result deviates from the expectation.

  • For the dynamic graph mode, MindSpore provides native Python execution capabilities. Users can view and record the corresponding input and output during the running of the network script. For details, see Use PyNative Mode to Debug.

  • For the static graph mode, MindSpore provides the Dump function to save the graph and the input and output data of the operator during model training to a disk file.

Aiming at the static graph mode, this tutorial introduces how to analyze and compare network data based on the Dump function.

Debugging Process

Using dump to help debugging is divided into two steps: 1. Data preparation; 2. Data analysis.

Data preparation

The data preparation phase uses synchronous dump or asynchronous dump to generate dump data. See Synchronous Dump Step and Asynchronous Dump Step for details.

Data analysis

If you have installed MindInsight, you can use offline debugger of MindInsight to analyze it. See Using the Offline Debugger for the usage of offline debugger.

If MindInsight is not installed, you need to analyze the data through the following steps.

  1. Find the corresponding operator from the script.

    The Dump function needs to use the IR file of the final execution graph. The IR file can be viewed with the vi command. The IR file contains the full name of the operator, and the dependency of the operator on the input and output of the computational graph, and also contains the trace information from the operator to the corresponding script code. For the configuration of the Dump function, see Synchronous Dump Step and Asynchronous Dump Step. For the final implementation of the image IR file naming and directory structure, see Synchronous Dump Data Object Directory and Asynchronous Dump Data Object Directory. Then find the operator corresponding to the code in the script through the graph file, refer to Synchronous Dump Data Analysis Sample and Asynchronous Dump Data Analysis Sample.

  2. From operator to dump data.

    After understanding the mapping relationship between the script and the operator, you can determine the name of the operator you want to analyze and find the dump file corresponding to the operator. Please refer to Synchronous Dump Data Object Directory and Asynchronous Dump Data Object Directory.

  3. Analyze Dump data.

    By analyzing Dump data, it can be compared with other third-party frameworks. For the synchronous dump data format, please refer to Introduction to Synchronous Dump Data File. For the asynchronous Dump data format, please refer to Introduction to Asynchronous Dump Data File.

Applicable Scene

  1. Analysis of static graph operator results.

    Through the IR diagram obtained by the Dump function, you can understand the mapping relationship between the script code and the execution operator (for details, see MindSpore IR Introduction). Combining the input and output data of the execution operator, it is possible to analyze possible overflow, gradient explosion and disappearance during the training process, and backtrack to the code that may have problems in the script.

  2. Analysis of the feature map.

    Analyze the information of the feature map by obtaining the output data of the layer.

  3. Model migration.

    In the scenario of migrating a model from a third-party framework (TensorFlow, PyTorch) to MindSpore, by comparing the output data of the same position operator, analyzing whether the training results of the third-party framework and MindSpore for the same model are close enough to locate the model Precision issues.

Dump Introduction

MindSpore provides two modes: synchronous dump and asynchronous dump:

  • The mechanism of synchronous dump is that after the execution of each step in the network training process, the host side initiates a dump action, copies the data in the operator address from the device to the host, and saves the file. Synchronous Dump will turn off memory reuse between operators by default to avoid reading dirty data.

  • Asynchronous Dump is a function developed specifically for the sinking of the entire Ascend image. It can dump data while executing the operator. The data will be dumped immediately after the execution of an operator. Therefore, the correct data can be generated by turning on the memory reuse, but the corresponding network training speed will be slower.

The configuration files required for different modes and the data format of dump are different:

  • When Dump is enabled on Ascend, the operator to Dump will automatically close memory reuse.

  • Synchronous Dump supports the graphics mode both on Ascend, GPU and CPU, and currently does not support PyNative mode.

  • Asynchronous Dump only supports graph mode on Ascend, not PyNative mode. Memory reuse will not be turned off when asynchronous dump is enabled.

  • Default is Asynchronous mode. If synchronous mode is needed, “e2e_dump_settings” should be set in configure file.

Synchronous Dump

Synchronous Dump Step

  1. Create dump json file:data_dump.json, the name and location of the JSON file can be customized.

        "common_dump_settings": {
            "dump_mode": 0,
            "path": "/absolute_path",
            "net_name": "ResNet50",
            "iteration": "0|5-8|100-120",
            "input_output": 0,
            "kernels": ["Default/Conv-op12"],
            "support_device": [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
        "e2e_dump_settings": {
            "enable": true,
            "trans_flag": true
    • dump_mode: 0: dump all kernels in graph, 1: dump kernels in kernels list.

    • path: The absolute path to save dump data.

    • net_name: The net name eg:ResNet50.

    • iteration: Specify the iterations to dump, type is string. Use “|” to separate the step data of different intervals to be saved. For example, “0 | 5-8 | 100-120” represents the initial value of the dump parameter, the data of the 1st, 6th to 9th, and 101st to 121st steps. If iteration set to “all”, data of every iteration will be dumped.

    • input_output: 0: dump input and output of kernel, 1:dump input of kernel, 2:dump output of kernel. This configuration parameter only supports Ascend and CPU, and GPU can only dump the output of operator.

    • kernels: List of operator names. Turn on the IR save switch context.set_context(save_graphs=True) and execute the network to obtain the operator name from the generated trace_code_graph_{graph_id}IR file. For details, please refer to Saving IR.

    • support_device: Supported devices, default setting is [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. You can specify specific device ids to dump specific device data. This configuration parameter is invalid on the CPU, because there is no concept of device on the CPU, but it is still need to reserve this parameter in the json file.

    • enable: Enable Asynchronous Dump.

    • trans_flag: Enable trans flag. Transform the device data format into NCHW. If it is True, the data will be saved in the 4D format (NCHW) format on the Host side; if it is False, the data format on the Device side will be retained. This configuration parameter is invalid on the CPU, because there is no format conversion on the CPU, but it is still need to reserve this parameter in the json file.

  2. Specify the json configuration file of Dump.

    export MINDSPORE_DUMP_CONFIG=${xxx}

    “xxx” represents the absolute path of data_dump.json

    export MINDSPORE_DUMP_CONFIG=/path/to/data_dump.json
    • Set the environment variables before executing the training script. Setting environment variables during training will not take effect.

    • Dump environment variables need to be configured before calling

  3. Execute the training script to dump data.

    After the training is started, if the MINDSPORE_DUMP_CONFIG environment variable is correctly configured, the content of the configuration file will be read and the operator data will be saved according to the data storage path specified in the Dump configuration. In synchronous mode, if you want to dump data in GPU environment, you must use the non-data sink mode (set the dataset_sink_mode parameter in model.train or DatasetHelper to False) to ensure that you can get the dump data of each step. If model.train or DatasetHelper is not called in the script, the default is non-data sinking mode. Using the Dump function will automatically generate the IR file of the final execution graph.

    You can set context.set_context(reserve_class_name_in_scope=False) in your training script to avoid dump failure because of file name is too long.

  4. Read and parse synchronous dump data through numpy.load, refer to Introduction to Synchronous Dump Data File.

Synchronous Dump Data Object Directory

After starting the training, the data objects saved by the synchronous Dump include the final execution graph (ms_output_trace_code_graph_{graph_id}.ir file) and the input and output data of the operators in the graph. The data directory structure is as follows:

    - rank_{rank_id}/
        - .dump_metadata/
        - {net_name}/
            - {graph_id}/
                - {iteration_id}/
        - graphs/
        - execution_order/
  • path: the absolute path set in the data_dump.json configuration file.

  • rank_id: the id of the logic device.

  • net_name: the network name set in the data_dump.json configuration file.

  • graph_id: the id of the training graph.

  • iteration_id: the iteration of the training.

  • op_type: the type of the operator.

  • op_name: the name of the operator.

  • task_id: the id of the task.

  • stream_id: the id of the stream.

  • timestamp: the time stamp.

  • input_output_index : the index of input or output. For example, output_0 means that the file is the data of the first output Tensor of the operator.

  • slot: the id of the slot.

  • format: the format of the data.

For multi graph networks, due to the control flow, some subgraphs may not be executed, but Dump only saves the executed nodes, so the {graph_id} in the .pb file name under the ‘graphs’ directory may not always have a corresponding {graph_id} directory in {net_name} directory.

Introduction to Synchronous Dump Data File

The data file generated by the synchronous Dump is a binary file with the suffix .npy, and the file naming format is:


User can use Numpy interface numpy.load to read the data.

The suffixes of the final execution graph files generated by synchronous Dump are .pb and .ir respectively, and the file naming format is:


The files with the suffix .ir can be opened and viewed by the vi command.

The suffix of the node execution sequence file generated by the synchronous Dump is .csv, and the file naming format is:


.dump_metadata records the original training information, and data_dump.json saves the dump configuration set by the user.

Synchronous Dump Data Analysis Sample

For the Ascend scene, after the graph corresponding to the script is saved to the disk through the Dump function, the final execution graph file ms_output_trace_code_graph_{graph_id}.ir will be generated. This file saves the stack information of each operator in the corresponding graph, and records the generation script corresponding to the operator.

Take AlexNet script as an example:

import mindspore.nn as nn
import mindspore.ops as ops

def conv(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, pad_mode="valid", has_bias=True):
    return nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding,
                     has_bias=has_bias, pad_mode=pad_mode)

def fc_with_initialize(input_channels, out_channels, has_bias=True):
    return nn.Dense(input_channels, out_channels, has_bias=has_bias)

class AlexNet(nn.Cell):
    def __init__(self, num_classes=10, channel=3, phase='train', include_top=True):
        super(AlexNet, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = conv(channel, 64, 11, stride=4, pad_mode="same", has_bias=True)
        self.conv2 = conv(64, 128, 5, pad_mode="same", has_bias=True)
        self.conv3 = conv(128, 192, 3, pad_mode="same", has_bias=True)
        self.conv4 = conv(192, 256, 3, pad_mode="same", has_bias=True)
        self.conv5 = conv(256, 256, 3, pad_mode="same", has_bias=True)
        self.relu = ops.ReLU()
        self.max_pool2d = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, pad_mode="valid")
        self.include_top = include_top
        if self.include_top:
            dropout_ratio = 0.65
            if phase == 'test':
                dropout_ratio = 1.0
            self.flatten = nn.Flatten()
            self.fc1 = fc_with_initialize(6 * 6 * 256, 4096)
            self.fc2 = fc_with_initialize(4096, 4096)
            self.fc3 = fc_with_initialize(4096, num_classes)
            self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout_ratio)

    def construct(self, x):
        """define network"""
        x = self.conv1(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x = self.max_pool2d(x)
        x = self.conv2(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x = self.max_pool2d(x)
        x = self.conv3(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x = self.conv4(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x = self.conv5(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x = self.max_pool2d(x)
        if not self.include_top:
            return x
        x = self.flatten(x)
        x = self.fc1(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x = self.dropout(x)
        x = self.fc2(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x = self.dropout(x)
        x = self.fc3(x)
        return x

If the user wants to view the code at line 58 in the script:

x = self.conv3(x)

After executing the network training, you can find multiple operator information corresponding to the line of code from the final execution graph (ms_output_trace_code_graph_{graph_id}.ir file). The content of the file is as follows:

  %24(equivoutput) = Conv2D(%23, %21) {instance name: conv2d} primitive_attrs: {compile_info: , pri_format: NC1HWC0, stride: (1, 1, 1, 1), pad: (0, 0, 0, 0), pad_mod: same, out_channel:
192, mode: 1, dilation: (1, 1, 1, 1), output_names: [output], group: 1, format: NCHW, offset_a: 0, kernel_size: (3, 3), groups: 1, input_names: [x, w], pad_list: (1, 1, 1, 1),
IsFeatureMapOutput: true, IsFeatureMapInputList: (0)}
       : (<Tensor[Float32]x[const vector][32, 128, 13, 13]>, <Tensor[Float16]x[const vector][192, 128, 3, 3]>) -> (<Tensor[Float16]x[const vector][32, 192, 13, 13]>)
       : (<Float16xNC1HWC0[const vector][32, 8, 13, 13, 16]>, <Float16xFracZ[const vector][72, 12, 16, 16]>) -> (<Float16xNC1HWC0[const vector][32, 12, 13, 13, 16]>)
       : (Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-AlexNet/conv3-Conv2d/Conv2D-op107)
       # In file {Absolute path of model_zoo}/official/cv/alexnet/src/        x = self.conv3(x)/
  %25(equivoutput) = BiasAdd(%24, %22) {instance name: bias_add} primitive_attrs: {output_used_num: (1), input_names: [x, b], format: NCHW, compile_info: , output_names: [output],
IsFeatureMapOutput: true, IsFeatureMapInputList: (0), pri_format: NC1HWC0}
       : (<Tensor[Float16]x[const vector][32, 192, 13, 13]>) -> (<Tensor[Float16]x[const vector][192]>) -> (<Tensor[Float16]x[const vector][32, 192, 13, 13]>)
       : (<Float16xNC1HWC0[const vector][32, 12, 13, 13, 16]>) -> (<Float16xDefaultFormat[const vector][192]>) -> (<Float16xNC1HWC0[const vector][32, 12, 13, 13, 16]>)
       : (Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-AlexNet/conv3-Conv2d/BiasAdd-op105)
       # In file {Absolute path of model_zoo}/official/cv/alexnet/src/        x = self.conv3(x)/

The meanings of the lines in the file content shown above are as follows:

  • The input and output of the operator on the Host side (the first line) and the Device side (the second line, some operators may not exist). It can be seen from the execution graph that the operator has two inputs (left side of the arrow) and one output (right side of the arrow).

    : (<Tensor[Float32]x[const vector][32, 128, 13, 13]>, <Tensor[Float16]x[const vector][192, 128, 3, 3]>) -> (<Tensor[Float16]x[const vector][32, 192, 13, 13]>)
    : (<Float16xNC1HWC0[const vector][32, 8, 13, 13, 16]>, <Float16xFracZ[const vector][72, 12, 16, 16]>) -> (<Float16xNC1HWC0[const vector][32, 12, 13, 13, 16]>)
  • Operator name. It can be seen from the execution graph that the full name of the operator in the final execution graph is Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-AlexNet/conv3-Conv2d/Conv2D-op107.

    : (Default/network-WithLossCell/_backbone-AlexNet/conv3-Conv2d/Conv2D-op107)
  • The training script code corresponding to the operator. By searching the training script code to be queried, multiple matching operators can be found.

    # In file {Absolute path of model_zoo}/official/cv/alexnet/src/        x = self.conv3(x)/

Through the operator name and input and output information, you can find the only corresponding Tensor data file. For example, if you want to view the dump file corresponding to the first output data of the Conv2D-op107 operator, you can obtain the following information:

  • operator_name: Conv2D-op107.

  • input_output_index: output.0 indicates that the file is the data of the first output Tensor of the operator.

  • slot: 0, this tensor only has one slot.

Search for the corresponding file name in the data object file directory saved by Dump: Conv2d.Conv2D-op107.2.2.1623124369613540.output.0.DefaultFormat.npy.

When restoring data, execute:

import numpy

Restore the data as `numpy.array’ format.

Asynchronous Dump

Large networks (such as Bert Large) will cause memory overflow when using synchronous dumps. MindSpore provides debugging capabilities for large networks through asynchronous dumps.

Asynchronous Dump Step

  1. Create dump json file:data_dump.json.

    The name and location of the JSON file can be customized.

        "common_dump_settings": {
            "dump_mode": 0,
            "path": "/absolute_path",
            "net_name": "ResNet50",
            "iteration": "0|5-8|100-120",
            "input_output": 0,
            "kernels": ["Default/Conv-op12"],
            "support_device": [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
            "op_debug_mode": 0
    • dump_mode: 0: dump all kernels in graph, 1: dump kernels in kernels list.

    • path: The absolute path to save dump data.

    • net_name: The net name eg:ResNet50.

    • iteration: Specify the iterations to dump, type is string. Use “|” to separate the step data of different intervals to be saved. For example, “0 | 5-8 | 100-120” represents the initial value of the dump parameter, the data of the 1st, 6th to 9th, and 101st to 121st steps. If iteration set to “all”, data of every iteration will be dumped.

    • input_output: When set to 0, it means to Dump the operator’s input and output; setting it to 1 means to Dump the operator’s input; setting it to 2 means to Dump the output of the operator.

    • kernels: List of operator names. Turn on the IR save switch context.set_context(save_graphs=True) and execute the network to obtain the operator name from the generated trace_code_graph_{graph_id}IR file. kernels only supports TBE operator, AiCPU operator and communication operator. The data of communication operation input operator will be dumped if kernels is set to the name of communication operator. For details, please refer to Saving IR.

    • support_device: Supported devices, default setting is [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. You can specify specific device ids to dump specific device data.

    • enable: Enable Asynchronous Dump. If synchronous dump and asynchronous dump are enabled at the same time, only synchronous dump will take effect.

    • op_debug_mode: 0: disable overflow check function; 1: enable AiCore overflow check; 2: enable Atomic overflow check; 3: enable all overflow check function. If it is not set to 0, only the data of the overflow operator will be dumped.

  2. Specify the json configuration file of Dump.

    export MINDSPORE_DUMP_CONFIG={Absolute path of data_dump.json}
    • Set the environment variables before executing the training script. Setting environment variables during training will not take effect.

    • Dump environment variables need to be configured before calling

  3. Execute the training script to dump data.

    You can set context.set_context(reserve_class_name_in_scope=False) in your training script to avoid dump failure because of file name is too long.

  4. Refer to Asynchronous Dump Data Analysis Sample to analyze the Dump data file.

  • If you need to dump all or part of the operator, you can modify the dump_mode option in the json configuration file to 0 or 1.

  • Using the Dump function will automatically generate the IR file of the final execution graph.

Asynchronous Dump Data Object Directory

The data objects saved by asynchronous Dump include the final execution graph (ms_output_trace_code_graph_{graph_id}.ir file) and the input and output data of the operators in the graph. The directory structure is as follows:

    - rank_{rank_id}/
        - .dump_metadata/
        - {net_name}/
            - {graph_id}/
                - {iteration_id}/
        - graphs/
        - execution_order/
  • path: the absolute path set in the data_dump.json configuration file.

  • rank_id: the id of the logic device.

  • net_name: the network name set in the data_dump.json configuration file.

  • graph_id: the id of the training graph.

  • iteration_id: the iteration of the training.

  • op_type: the type of the operator.

  • op_name: the name of the operator.

  • task_id: the id of the task.

  • stream_id: the id of the stream.

  • timestamp: the time stamp.

For multi graph networks, due to the control flow, some subgraphs may not be executed, but Dump only saves the executed nodes, so the {graph_id} in the .pb file name under the ‘graphs’ directory may not always have a corresponding {graph_id} directory in {net_name} directory.

Introduction to Asynchronous Dump Data File

After the training is started, the original data file generated by asynchronous Dump is in protobuf format. It needs to be parsed using the data analysis tool that comes with the HiSilicon Run package. For details, please refer to How to view dump data files.

The data format on the Device side may be different from the definition in the calculation diagram on the Host side. The data format of the asynchronous dump is the Device side format. If you want to convert to the Host side format, you can refer to How to convert dump data file format.

The naming rules for data files generated by asynchronous Dump are as follows:

  • The naming rule of the dump path is: {path}/{device_id}/{net_name}_graph_{graph_id}/{graph_id}/{iteration}.

  • The naming rule of Dump file is: {op_type}.{op_name}.{task_id}.{timestamp}.

Take the Dump result of a simple network as an example: Add.Default_Add-op1.2.161243956333802, where Add is {op_type}, Default_Add-op1 is {op_name}, and 2 is {task_id' }, 161243956333802 is {timestamp}.

If “.”, “/”, “”, and spaces appear in op_type and op_name, they will be converted to underscores.

The original data file generated by dump can also be parsed by using the data parsing tool DumpParser of MindInsight. Please refer to DumpParser Introduction for the usage of DumpParser. The data format parsed by MindInsight is exactly the same as that of synchronous dump.

The final execution graph file and node execution sequence file naming rules generated by asynchronous Dump are the same as that of synchronous Dump. You can refer to Introduction to Synchronous Dump Data File.

Asynchronous Dump Data Analysis Sample

Through the asynchronous Dump function, the data files generated by the operator asynchronous Dump can be obtained.

  1. Parse the dumped file using provied in the run package, the path where the file is located may be different on different environments You can find it through the find command:

    find ${run_path} -name ""
    • run_path: The installation path of the run package.

  2. Change directory to /absolute_path after training, execute the following commands to parse Dump data file:

    python ${The  absolute path of} convert -d {file path of dump} -out {file path of output}

    Or you can use to convert the format of dump file. Please see

    For example, the data file generated by Dump is:


    Then execute:

    python3.7.5 convert -d BNTrainingUpdate.Default_network-YoloWithLossCell_yolo_network-YOLOV3DarkNet53_feature_map-YOLOv3_backblock0-YoloBlock_conv3-SequentialCell_1-BatchNorm2d_BNTrainingUpdate-op5489.137.1608983934774491 -out ./output -f NCHW -t npy

    Then all input and output data of the operator can be generated under ./output. Each data is saved as a file with the suffix of .npy, and the data format is NCHW.

    The generated results are as follows:


    At the end of the file name, you can see which input or output the file is the operator, and the dimensional information of the data. For example, by the first .npy file name


    It can be seen that the file is the 0th input of the operator, and the dimension information of the data is 30x1024x17x17.

  3. The corresponding data can be read through numpy.load("file_name"). For example:

    import numpy