
mindspore.ops.random_gamma(shape, alpha, seed=0, seed2=0)[source]

Outputs random values from the Gamma distribution(s) described by alpha.

  • shape (Tensor) – The shape of random tensor to be generated. Must be one of the following types: int32, int64. 1-D integer tensor.

  • alpha (Tensor) – The alpha α distribution parameter. A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: half, float32, float64.

  • seed (int) – Seed is used as entropy source for the random number engines to generate pseudo-random numbers, must be non-negative. Default: None, which will be treated as 0.

  • seed2 (int) – Seed2 is used as entropy source for the random number engines to generate pseudo-random numbers, must be non-negative. Default: None, which will be treated as 0.


Tensor. The shape should be equal to the concat shape between the input shape and the broadcast of alpha. The dtype is the same type as alpha.

  • TypeError – If shape is not a Tensor.

  • TypeError – If alpha is not a Tensor.

  • TypeError – If seed is not an int.

  • TypeError – If dtype of alpha is not half, float32 or float64.

Supported Platforms:



>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import ops
>>> shape = Tensor(np.array([7, 5]), mindspore.int32)
>>> alpha = Tensor(np.array([0.5, 1.5]), mindspore.float32)
>>> output = ops.random_gamma(shape, alpha, seed=5)
>>> result = output.shape
>>> print(result)
(7, 5, 2)