Source code for mindspore.ops.operations.sponge_ops

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"""Operators for sponge."""

import math

from ..primitive import PrimitiveWithInfer, prim_attr_register
from ..._checkparam import Rel
from ..._checkparam import Validator as validator
from ...common import dtype as mstype

[docs]class BondForce(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the force exerted by the simple harmonic bond on the corresponding atoms. Assume the number of harmonic bonds is m and the number of atoms is n. .. math:: dr = (x_1-x_2, y_1-y_2, z_1-z_2) .. math:: F = (F_x, F_y, F_z) = 2*k*(1 - r_0/|dr|)*dr Args: atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms n. bond_numbers(int32): the number of harmonic bonds m. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32 ) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **scaler_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the 3-D scale factor (x, y, z), between the real space float coordinates and the unsigned int coordinates. - **atom_a** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the first atom index of each bond. - **atom_b** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the second atom index of each bond. - **bond_k** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the force constant of each bond. - **bond_r0** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the equlibrium length of each bond. Outputs: - **frc_f** (float32 Tensor) - [n, 3], the force felt by each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, bond_numbers, atom_numbers): validator.check_value_type('bond_numbers', bond_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), self.bond_numbers = bond_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.add_prim_attr('bond_numbers', self.bond_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'scaler_f', 'atom_a', 'atom_b', 'bond_k', 'bond_r0'], outputs=['frc_f']) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, scaler_f_shape, atom_a_shape, atom_b_shape, bond_k_shape, bond_r0_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers m = self.bond_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_a_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(bond_k_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "bond_k_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(bond_r0_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "bond_r0_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_a_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_b_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(bond_k_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "bond_k_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(bond_r0_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "bond_r0_shape", cls_name) return uint_crd_f_shape def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, scaler_f_type, atom_a_type, atom_b_type, bond_k_type, bond_r0_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler_f', scaler_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_a', atom_a_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_b', atom_b_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('bond_k', bond_k_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('bond_r0', bond_r0_type, [mstype.float32], return bond_r0_type
[docs]class BondEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the harmonic potential energy between each bonded atom pair. Assume our system has n atoms and m harmonic bonds. .. math:: dr = (x_1-x_2, y_1-y_2, z_1-z_2) .. math:: E = k*(|dr| - r_0)^2 Args: atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms n. bond_numbers(int32): the number of harmonic bonds m. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32 ) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **scaler_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the 3-D scale factor (x, y, z), between the real space float coordinates and the unsigned int coordinates. - **atom_a** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the first atom index of each bond. - **atom_b** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the second atom index of each bond. - **bond_k** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the force constant of each bond. - **bond_r0** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the equlibrium length of each bond. Outputs: - **bond_ene** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the harmonic potential energy for each bond. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, bond_numbers, atom_numbers): validator.check_value_type('bond_numbers', bond_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), self.bond_numbers = bond_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.add_prim_attr('bond_numbers', self.bond_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'scaler_f', 'atom_a', 'atom_b', 'bond_k', 'bond_r0'], outputs=['bond_ene']) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, scaler_f_shape, atom_a_shape, atom_b_shape, bond_k_shape, bond_r0_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers m = self.bond_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_a_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(bond_k_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "bond_k_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(bond_r0_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "bond_r0_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_a_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_b_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(bond_k_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "bond_k_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(bond_r0_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "bond_r0_shape", cls_name) return bond_k_shape def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, scaler_f_type, atom_a_type, atom_b_type, bond_k_type, bond_r0_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler_f', scaler_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_a', atom_a_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_b', atom_b_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('bond_k', bond_k_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('bond_r0', bond_r0_type, [mstype.float32], return bond_r0_type
[docs]class BondAtomEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Add the potential energy caused by simple harmonic bonds to the total potential energy of each atom. The calculation formula is the same as operator BondEnergy(). Args: atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms n. bond_numbers(int32): the number of harmonic bonds m. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32 ) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **scaler_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the 3-D scale factor (x, y, z), between the real space float coordinates and the unsigned int coordinates. - **atom_a** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the first atom index of each bond. - **atom_b** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the second atom index of each bond. - **bond_k** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the force constant of each bond. - **bond_r0** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the equlibrium length of each bond. Outputs: - **atom_ene** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the accumulated potential energy for each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, bond_numbers, atom_numbers): validator.check_value_type('bond_numbers', bond_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), self.bond_numbers = bond_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.add_prim_attr('bond_numbers', self.bond_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'scaler_f', 'atom_a', 'atom_b', 'bond_k', 'bond_r0'], outputs=['atom_ene']) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, scaler_f_shape, atom_a_shape, atom_b_shape, bond_k_shape, bond_r0_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers m = self.bond_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_a_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(bond_k_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "bond_k_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(bond_r0_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "bond_r0_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_a_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_b_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(bond_k_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "bond_k_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(bond_r0_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "bond_r0_shape", cls_name) return [n,] def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, scaler_f_type, atom_a_type, atom_b_type, bond_k_type, bond_r0_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler_f', scaler_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_a', atom_a_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_b', atom_b_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('bond_k', bond_k_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('bond_r0', bond_r0_type, [mstype.float32], return bond_r0_type
[docs]class BondForceWithAtomEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate bond force and harmonic potential energy together. The calculation formula is the same as operator BondForce() and BondEnergy(). Args: atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms n. bond_numbers(int32): the number of harmonic bonds m. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32 ) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **scaler_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the 3-D scale factor (x, y, z), between the real space float coordinates and the unsigned int coordinates. - **atom_a** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the first atom index of each bond. - **atom_b** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the second atom index of each bond. - **bond_k** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the force constant of each bond. - **bond_r0** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the equlibrium length of each bond. Outputs: - **frc_f** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], same as operator BondForce(). - **atom_e** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], same as atom_ene in operator BondAtomEnergy(). Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, bond_numbers, atom_numbers): validator.check_value_type('bond_numbers', bond_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), self.bond_numbers = bond_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.add_prim_attr('bond_numbers', self.bond_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'scaler_f', 'atom_a', 'atom_b', 'bond_k', 'bond_r0'], outputs=['frc_f', 'atom_e']) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, scaler_f_shape, atom_a_shape, atom_b_shape, bond_k_shape, bond_r0_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers m = self.bond_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_a_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(bond_k_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "bond_k_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(bond_r0_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "bond_r0_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_a_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_b_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(bond_k_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "bond_k_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(bond_r0_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "bond_r0_shape", cls_name) return uint_crd_f_shape, [n,] def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, scaler_f_type, atom_a_type, atom_b_type, bond_k_type, bond_r0_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler_f', scaler_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_a', atom_a_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_b', atom_b_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('bond_k', bond_k_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('bond_r0', bond_r0_type, [mstype.float32], return bond_r0_type, bond_r0_type
[docs]class BondForceWithAtomVirial(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate bond force and the virial coefficient caused by simple harmonic bond for each atom together. The calculation formula of the force part is the same as operator BondForce(). The Virial part is as follows: .. math:: dr = (x_1-x_2, y_1-y_2, z_1-z_2) .. math:: virial = |dr|*(|dr| - r_0)*k Args: atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms n. bond_numbers(int32): the number of harmonic bonds m. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32 ) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **scaler_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the 3-D scale factor (x, y, z), between the real space float coordinates and the unsigned int coordinates. - **atom_a** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the first atom index of each bond. - **atom_b** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the second atom index of each bond. - **bond_k** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the force constant of each bond. - **bond_r0** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the equlibrium length of each bond. Outputs: - **frc_f** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], same as operator BondForce(). - **atom_v** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the accumulated virial coefficient for each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, bond_numbers, atom_numbers): validator.check_value_type('bond_numbers', bond_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), self.bond_numbers = bond_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.add_prim_attr('bond_numbers', self.bond_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'scaler_f', 'atom_a', 'atom_b', 'bond_k', 'bond_r0'], outputs=['frc_f', 'atom_v']) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, scaler_f_shape, atom_a_shape, atom_b_shape, bond_k_shape, bond_r0_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers m = self.bond_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_a_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(bond_k_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "bond_k_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(bond_r0_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "bond_r0_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_a_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_b_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(bond_k_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "bond_k_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(bond_r0_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "bond_r0_shape", cls_name) return uint_crd_f_shape, [n,] def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, scaler_f_type, atom_a_type, atom_b_type, bond_k_type, bond_r0_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler_f', scaler_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_a', atom_a_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_b', atom_b_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('bond_k', bond_k_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('bond_r0', bond_r0_type, [mstype.float32], return bond_r0_type, bond_r0_type
[docs]class DihedralForce(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the force exerted by the dihedral term which made of 4-atoms on the corresponding atoms. Assume the number of dihedral terms is m and the number of atoms is n. .. math:: dr_{ab} = (x_b-x_a, y_b-y_a, z_b-z_a) .. math:: dr_{cb} = (x_b-x_c, y_b-y_c, z_b-z_c) .. math:: dr_{cd} = (x_d-x_c, y_d-y_c, z_d-z_c) .. math:: r1 = dr_{ab}*dr_{cb} .. math:: r2 = dr_{cd}*dr_{cb} .. math:: phi = pi - sign(inner_product(r1*r2), dr_{cb}) * arccos(inner_product(r1, r2)/|r1|/|r2|) .. math:: dEdphi = n*phi*(k*cos(phi_0)*sin(n*phi) - k*sin(phi_0)*cos(n*phi))/sin(phi) .. math:: dphidr1 = r2/|r1|/|r2| + cos(phi)/|r1|^2*r1 .. math:: dphidr2 = r1/|r1|/|r2| + cos(phi)/|r2|^2*r2 .. math:: dEdra = dEdphi * dr_{cb} * dphidr1 .. math:: dEdrd = dEdphi * dphi_dr2 * dr_{cb} .. math:: dEdrjpart = dEdphi * ((dr_{ab} * dphidr1) + (dr_{cd} * dphidr2)) .. math:: F_a = dEdri .. math:: F_b = dEdrjpart - dEdri .. math:: F_c = - dEdrl - dEdrjpart .. math:: F_d = dEdrl Args: dihedral_numbers(int32): the number of dihedral terms m. Inputs: - **dihedral_numbers** (int32) - the number of dihedral terms m. - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinates value of each atom. - **scaler_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the 3-D scale factor between the real space float coordinates and the unsigned int coordinates. - **atom_a** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 1st atom index of each dihedral. - **atom_b** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 2nd atom index of each dihedral. - **atom_c** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 3rd atom index of each dihedral. - **atom_d** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 4th atom index of each dihedral. 4 atoms are connected in the form a-b-c-d. - **ipn** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the period of dihedral angle of each dihedral. - **pk** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the force constant of each dihedral. - **gamc** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], k*cos(phi_0) of each dihedral. - **gams** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], k*sin(phi_0) of each dihedral. - **pn** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the floating point form of ipn. Outputs: - **frc_f** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the force felt by each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, dihedral_numbers): validator.check_value_type('dihedral_numbers', dihedral_numbers, (int), self.dihedral_numbers = dihedral_numbers self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'scaler_f', 'atom_a', 'atom_b', 'atom_c', 'atom_d', 'ipn', 'pk', 'gamc', 'gams', 'pn'], outputs=['frc_f']) self.add_prim_attr('dihedral_numbers', self.dihedral_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, scaler_f_shape, atom_a_shape, atom_b_shape, atom_c_shape, atom_d_shape, ipn_shape, pk_shape, gamc_shape, gams_shape, pn_shape): cls_name = m = self.dihedral_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_a_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_c_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_d_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_d_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(ipn_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "ipn_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(pk_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "pk_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(gamc_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "gamc_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(gams_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "gams_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(pn_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "pn_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_a_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_b_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_c_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_d_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_d_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(ipn_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "ipn_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(pk_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "pk_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(gamc_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "gamc_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(gams_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "gams_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(pn_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "pn_shape", cls_name) return uint_crd_f_shape def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, scaler_f_type, atom_a_type, atom_b_type, atom_c_type, atom_d_type, ipn_type, pk_type, gamc_type, gams_type, pn_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler_f', scaler_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_a', atom_a_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_b', atom_b_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_c', atom_c_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_d', atom_d_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('ipn', ipn_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('pk', pk_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('gamc', gamc_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('gams', gams_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('pn', pn_type, [mstype.float32], return pn_type
[docs]class DihedralEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the potential energy caused by dihedral terms for each 4-atom pair. Assume our system has n atoms and m dihedral terms. .. math:: E = k(1 + cos(n*phi - phi_0)) Args: dihedral_numbers(int32): the number of dihedral terms m. Inputs: - **dihedral_numbers** (int32) - the number of dihedral terms m. - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinates value of each atom. - **scaler_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the 3-D scale factor between the real space float coordinates and the unsigned int coordinates. - **atom_a** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 1st atom index of each dihedral. - **atom_b** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 2nd atom index of each dihedral. - **atom_c** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 3rd atom index of each dihedral. - **atom_d** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 4th atom index of each dihedral. 4 atoms are connected in the form a-b-c-d. - **ipn** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the period of dihedral angle of each dihedral. - **pk** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the force constant of each dihedral. - **gamc** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], k*cos(phi_0) of each dihedral. - **gams** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], k*sin(phi_0) of each dihedral. - **pn** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the floating point form of ipn. Outputs: - **ene** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the potential energy for each dihedral term. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, dihedral_numbers): validator.check_value_type('dihedral_numbers', dihedral_numbers, (int), self.dihedral_numbers = dihedral_numbers self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'scaler_f', 'atom_a', 'atom_b', 'atom_c', 'atom_d', 'ipn', 'pk', 'gamc', 'gams', 'pn'], outputs=['ene']) self.add_prim_attr('dihedral_numbers', self.dihedral_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, scaler_f_shape, atom_a_shape, atom_b_shape, atom_c_shape, atom_d_shape, ipn_shape, pk_shape, gamc_shape, gams_shape, pn_shape): cls_name = m = self.dihedral_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_a_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_c_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_d_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_d_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(ipn_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "ipn_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(pk_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "pk_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(gamc_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "gamc_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(gams_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "gams_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(pn_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "pn_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_a_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_b_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_c_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_d_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_d_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(ipn_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "ipn_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(pk_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "pk_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(gamc_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "gamc_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(gams_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "gams_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(pn_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "pn_shape", cls_name) return [m,] def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, scaler_f_type, atom_a_type, atom_b_type, atom_c_type, atom_d_type, ipn_type, pk_type, gamc_type, gams_type, pn_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler_f', scaler_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_a', atom_a_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_b', atom_b_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_c', atom_c_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_d', atom_d_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('ipn', ipn_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('pk', pk_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('gamc', gamc_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('gams', gams_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('pn', pn_type, [mstype.float32], return pn_type
[docs]class DihedralAtomEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Add the potential energy caused by dihedral terms to the total potential energy of each atom. The calculation formula is the same as operator DihedralEnergy(). Args: dihedral_numbers(int32): the number of dihedral terms m. Inputs: - **dihedral_numbers** (int32) - the number of dihedral terms m. - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinates value of each atom. - **scaler_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the 3-D scale factor between the real space float coordinates and the unsigned int coordinates. - **atom_a** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 1st atom index of each dihedral. - **atom_b** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 2nd atom index of each dihedral. - **atom_c** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 3rd atom index of each dihedral. - **atom_d** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 4th atom index of each dihedral. 4 atoms are connected in the form a-b-c-d. - **ipn** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the period of dihedral angle of each dihedral. - **pk** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the force constant of each dihedral. - **gamc** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], k*cos(phi_0) of each dihedral. - **gams** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], k*sin(phi_0) of each dihedral. - **pn** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the floating point form of ipn. Outputs: - **ene** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the accumulated potential energy for each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, dihedral_numbers): validator.check_value_type('dihedral_numbers', dihedral_numbers, (int), self.dihedral_numbers = dihedral_numbers self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'scaler_f', 'atom_a', 'atom_b', 'atom_c', 'atom_d', 'ipn', 'pk', 'gamc', 'gams', 'pn'], outputs=['ene']) self.add_prim_attr('dihedral_numbers', self.dihedral_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, scaler_f_shape, atom_a_shape, atom_b_shape, atom_c_shape, atom_d_shape, ipn_shape, pk_shape, gamc_shape, gams_shape, pn_shape): cls_name = n = uint_crd_f_shape[0] m = self.dihedral_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_a_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_c_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_d_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_d_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(ipn_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "ipn_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(pk_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "pk_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(gamc_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "gamc_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(gams_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "gams_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(pn_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "pn_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_a_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_b_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_c_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_d_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_d_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(ipn_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "ipn_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(pk_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "pk_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(gamc_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "gamc_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(gams_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "gams_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(pn_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "pn_shape", cls_name) return [n,] def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, scaler_f_type, atom_a_type, atom_b_type, atom_c_type, atom_d_type, ipn_type, pk_type, gamc_type, gams_type, pn_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler_f', scaler_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_a', atom_a_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_b', atom_b_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_c', atom_c_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_d', atom_d_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('ipn', ipn_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('pk', pk_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('gamc', gamc_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('gams', gams_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('pn', pn_type, [mstype.float32], return pn_type
[docs]class DihedralForceWithAtomEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate dihedral force and potential energy together. The calculation formula is the same as operator DihedralForce() and DihedralEnergy(). Args: dihedral_numbers(int32): the number of dihedral terms m. Inputs: - **dihedral_numbers** (int32) - the number of dihedral terms m. - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinates value of each atom. - **scaler_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the 3-D scale factor between the real space float coordinates and the unsigned int coordinates. - **atom_a** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 1st atom index of each dihedral. - **atom_b** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 2nd atom index of each dihedral. - **atom_c** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 3rd atom index of each dihedral. - **atom_d** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 4th atom index of each dihedral. 4 atoms are connected in the form a-b-c-d. - **ipn** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the period of dihedral angle of each dihedral. - **pk** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the force constant of each dihedral. - **gamc** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], k*cos(phi_0) of each dihedral. - **gams** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], k*sin(phi_0) of each dihedral. - **pn** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the floating point form of ipn. Outputs: - **frc_f** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], same as operator DihedralForce(). - **ene** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], same as operator DihedralAtomEnergy(). Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, dihedral_numbers): validator.check_value_type('dihedral_numbers', dihedral_numbers, (int), self.dihedral_numbers = dihedral_numbers self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'scaler_f', 'atom_a', 'atom_b', 'atom_c', 'atom_d', 'ipn', 'pk', 'gamc', 'gams', 'pn'], outputs=['frc_f', 'ene']) self.add_prim_attr('dihedral_numbers', self.dihedral_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, scaler_f_shape, atom_a_shape, atom_b_shape, atom_c_shape, atom_d_shape, ipn_shape, pk_shape, gamc_shape, gams_shape, pn_shape): cls_name = n = uint_crd_f_shape[0] m = self.dihedral_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_a_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_c_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_d_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_d_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(ipn_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "ipn_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(pk_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "pk_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(gamc_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "gamc_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(gams_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "gams_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(pn_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "pn_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_a_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_b_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_c_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_d_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_d_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(ipn_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "ipn_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(pk_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "pk_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(gamc_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "gamc_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(gams_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "gams_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(pn_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "pn_shape", cls_name) return uint_crd_f_shape, [n,] def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, scaler_f_type, atom_a_type, atom_b_type, atom_c_type, atom_d_type, ipn_type, pk_type, gamc_type, gams_type, pn_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler_f', scaler_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_a', atom_a_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_b', atom_b_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_c', atom_c_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_d', atom_d_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('ipn', ipn_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('pk', pk_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('gamc', gamc_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('gams', gams_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('pn', pn_type, [mstype.float32], return pn_type, pn_type
[docs]class AngleForce(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the force exerted by angles made of 3 atoms on the corresponding atoms. Assume the number of angles is m and the number of atoms is n. .. math:: dr_{ab} = (x_b-x_a, y_b-y_a, z_b-z_a) .. math:: dr_{cb} = (x_b-x_c, y_b-y_c, z_b-z_c) .. math:: theta = arccos(inner_product(dr_{ab}, dr_{cb})/|dr_{ab}|/|dr_{cb}|) .. math:: F_a = -2*k*(theta-theta_0)/sin(theta)*[cos(theta)/|dr_{ab}|^2*dr_{ab} - 1/|dr_{ab}|/|dr_{cb}|*dr_{cb}] .. math:: F_c = -2*k*(theta-theta_0)/sin(theta)*[cos(theta)/|dr_{cb}|^2*dr_{cb} - 1/|dr_{cb}|/|dr_{ab}|*dr_{ab}] .. math:: F_b = -F_a - F_c Args: angle_numbers(int32): the number of angles m. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **scaler_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the 3-D scale factor between the real space float coordinates and the unsigned int coordinates. - **atom_a** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 1st atom index of each angle. - **atom_b** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 2nd and the central atom index of each angle. - **atom_c** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 3rd atom index of each angle. - **angle_k** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the force constant for each angle. - **angle_theta0** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the equilibrium position value for each angle. Outputs: - **frc_f** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the force felt by each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, angle_numbers): validator.check_value_type('angle_numbers', angle_numbers, (int), self.angle_numbers = angle_numbers self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'scaler_f', 'atom_a', 'atom_b', 'atom_c', 'angle_k', 'angle_theta0'], outputs=['frc_f']) self.add_prim_attr('angle_numbers', self.angle_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, scaler_f_shape, atom_a_shape, atom_b_shape, atom_c_shape, angle_k_shape, angle_theta0_shape): cls_name = m = self.angle_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_a_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_c_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(angle_k_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "angle_k_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(angle_theta0_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "angle_theta0_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_a_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_b_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_c_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(angle_k_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "angle_k_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(angle_theta0_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "angle_theta0_shape", cls_name) return uint_crd_f_shape def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, scaler_f_type, atom_a_type, atom_b_type, atom_c_type, angle_k_type, angle_theta0_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler_f', scaler_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_a', atom_a_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_b', atom_b_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_c', atom_c_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('angle_k', angle_k_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('angle_theta0', angle_theta0_type, [mstype.float32], return angle_k_type
[docs]class AngleEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the energy caused by 3-atoms angle term. Assume the number of angles is m and the number of atoms is n. .. math:: dr_{ab} = (x_b-x_a, y_b-y_a, z_b-z_a) .. math:: dr_{cb} = (x_b-x_c, y_b-y_c, z_b-z_c) .. math:: theta = arccos(inner_product(dr_{ab}, dr_{cb})/|dr_{ab}|/|dr_{cb}|) .. math:: E = k*(theta - theta_0)^2 Args: angle_numbers(int32): the number of angles m. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **scaler_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the 3-D scale factor between the real space float coordinates and the unsigned int coordinates. - **atom_a** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 1st atom index of each angle. - **atom_b** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 2nd and the central atom index of each angle. - **atom_c** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 3rd atom index of each angle. - **angle_k** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the force constant for each angle. - **angle_theta0** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the equilibrium position value for each angle. Outputs: - **ene** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the potential energy for each angle term. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, angle_numbers): validator.check_value_type('angle_numbers', angle_numbers, (int), self.angle_numbers = angle_numbers self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'scaler_f', 'atom_a', 'atom_b', 'atom_c', 'angle_k', 'angle_theta0'], outputs=['ene']) self.add_prim_attr('angle_numbers', self.angle_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, scaler_f_shape, atom_a_shape, atom_b_shape, atom_c_shape, angle_k_shape, angle_theta0_shape): cls_name = m = self.angle_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_a_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_c_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(angle_k_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "angle_k_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(angle_theta0_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "angle_theta0_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_a_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_b_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_c_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(angle_k_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "angle_k_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(angle_theta0_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "angle_theta0_shape", cls_name) return [m,] def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, scaler_f_type, atom_a_type, atom_b_type, atom_c_type, angle_k_type, angle_theta0_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler_f', scaler_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_a', atom_a_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_b', atom_b_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_c', atom_c_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('angle_k', angle_k_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('angle_theta0', angle_theta0_type, [mstype.float32], return angle_k_type
[docs]class AngleAtomEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Add the potential energy caused by angle terms to the total potential energy of each atom. Assume the number of angles is m and the number of atoms is n. The calculation formula is the same as operator AngleEnergy(). Args: angle_numbers(int32): the number of angles m. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **scaler_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the 3-D scale factor between the real space float coordinates and the unsigned int coordinates. - **atom_a** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 1st atom index of each angle. - **atom_b** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 2nd and the central atom index of each angle. - **atom_c** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 3rd atom index of each angle. - **angle_k** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the force constant for each angle. - **angle_theta0** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the equilibrium position value for each angle. Outputs: - **ene** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the accumulated potential energy for each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, angle_numbers): validator.check_value_type('angle_numbers', angle_numbers, (int), self.angle_numbers = angle_numbers self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'scaler_f', 'atom_a', 'atom_b', 'atom_c', 'angle_k', 'angle_theta0'], outputs=['ene']) self.add_prim_attr('angle_numbers', self.angle_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, scaler_f_shape, atom_a_shape, atom_b_shape, atom_c_shape, angle_k_shape, angle_theta0_shape): cls_name = n = uint_crd_f_shape[0] m = self.angle_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_a_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_c_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(angle_k_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "angle_k_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(angle_theta0_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "angle_theta0_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_a_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_b_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_c_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(angle_k_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "angle_k_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(angle_theta0_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "angle_theta0_shape", cls_name) return [n,] def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, scaler_f_type, atom_a_type, atom_b_type, atom_c_type, angle_k_type, angle_theta0_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler_f', scaler_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_a', atom_a_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_b', atom_b_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_c', atom_c_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('angle_k', angle_k_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('angle_theta0', angle_theta0_type, [mstype.float32], return angle_k_type
[docs]class AngleForceWithAtomEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate angle force and potential energy together. Assume the number of angles is m and the number of atoms is n. The calculation formula is the same as operator AngleForce() and AngleEnergy(). Args: angle_numbers(int32): the number of angles m. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **scaler_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the 3-D scale factor between the real space float coordinates and the unsigned int coordinates. - **atom_a** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 1st atom index of each angle. - **atom_b** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 2nd and the central atom index of each angle. - **atom_c** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the 3rd atom index of each angle. - **angle_k** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the force constant for each angle. - **angle_theta0** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the equilibrium position value for each angle. Outputs: - **frc_f** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], same as operator AngleForce(). - **ene** (Tensor, float) - [n,], same as operator AngleAtomEnergy(). Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, angle_numbers): validator.check_value_type('angle_numbers', angle_numbers, (int), self.angle_numbers = angle_numbers self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'scaler_f', 'atom_a', 'atom_b', 'atom_c', 'angle_k', 'angle_theta0'], outputs=['frc_f', 'ene']) self.add_prim_attr('angle_numbers', self.angle_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, scaler_f_shape, atom_a_shape, atom_b_shape, atom_c_shape, angle_k_shape, angle_theta0_shape): cls_name = n = uint_crd_f_shape[0] m = self.angle_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_a_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_c_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(angle_k_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "angle_k_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(angle_theta0_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "angle_theta0_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_a_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_a_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_b_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_b_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_c_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_c_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(angle_k_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "angle_k_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(angle_theta0_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "angle_theta0_shape", cls_name) return uint_crd_f_shape, [n,] def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, scaler_f_type, atom_a_type, atom_b_type, atom_c_type, angle_k_type, angle_theta0_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler_f', scaler_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_a', atom_a_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_b', atom_b_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_c', atom_c_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('angle_k', angle_k_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('angle_theta0', angle_theta0_type, [mstype.float32], return angle_k_type, angle_k_type
[docs]class Dihedral14LJForce(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the Lennard-Jones part of 1,4 dihedral force correction for each necessary dihedral terms on the corresponding atoms. Assume the number of necessary dihedral 1,4 terms is m, the number of atoms is n, and the number of Lennard-Jones types for all atoms is P, which means there will be q = P*(P+1)/2 types of possible Lennard-Jones interactions for all kinds of atom pairs. .. math:: dr = (x_a-x_b, y_a-y_b, z_a-z_b) .. math:: F = k*(-12*A/|dr|^{14} + 6*B/|dr|^{8})*dr Args: nb14_numbers (int32): the number of necessary dihedral 1,4 terms m. atom_numbers (int32): the number of atoms n. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **LJ_type** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the Lennard-Jones type of each atom. - **charge** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the charge of each atom. - **boxlength_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the length of molecular simulation box in 3 dimensions. - **a_14** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the first atom index of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **b_14** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the second atom index of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **lj_scale_factor** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the scale factor for the Lennard-Jones part of force correction of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **LJ_type_A** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the A parameter in Lennard-Jones scheme of each atom pair type. q is the number of atom pair. - **LJ_type_B** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the B parameter in Lennard-Jones shceme of each atom pair type. q is the number of atom pair. Outputs: - **frc_f** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the force felt by each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, nb14_numbers, atom_numbers): validator.check_value_type('nb14_numbers', nb14_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), self.dihedral_14_numbers = nb14_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'LJtype', 'charge', 'boxlength_f', 'a_14', 'b_14', 'lj_scale_factor', 'LJ_type_A', 'LJ_type_B'], outputs=['frc_f']) self.add_prim_attr('dihedral_14_numbers', self.dihedral_14_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, ljtype_shape, charge_shape, boxlength_f_shape, a_14_shape, b_14_shape, lj_scale_factor_shape, lj_type_a_shape, lj_type_b_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers m = self.dihedral_14_numbers q = lj_type_a_shape[0] validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(ljtype_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(charge_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "charge_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(boxlength_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "boxlength_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(a_14_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "a_14_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(b_14_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "b_14_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(lj_scale_factor_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "lj_scale_factor_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(lj_type_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJ_type_B_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(ljtype_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "LJtype", cls_name) validator.check_int(charge_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "charge", cls_name) validator.check_int(boxlength_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "boxlength_f", cls_name) validator.check_int(lj_type_b_shape[0], q, Rel.EQ, "LJ_type_B", cls_name) validator.check_int(a_14_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "a_14_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(b_14_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "b_14_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(lj_scale_factor_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "lj_scale_factor_shape", cls_name) return uint_crd_f_shape def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, ljtype_dtype, charge_dtype, boxlength_f_type, a_14_type, b_14_type, lj_scale_factor_type, lj_type_a_type, lj_type_b_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJtype', ljtype_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('charge', charge_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('boxlength_f', boxlength_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('a_14', a_14_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('b_14', b_14_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('lj_scale_factor', lj_scale_factor_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJ_type_A', lj_type_a_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJ_type_B', lj_type_b_type, [mstype.float32], return lj_type_b_type
[docs]class Dihedral14LJEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the Lennard-Jones part of 1,4 dihedral energy correction for each necessary dihedral terms on the corresponding atoms. .. math:: dr = (x_a-x_b, y_a-y_b, z_a-z-b) .. math:: E = k*(A/|dr|^{12} - B/|dr|^{6}) Args: nb14_numbers (int32): the number of necessary dihedral 1,4 terms m. atom_numbers (int32): the number of atoms n. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **LJ_type** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the Lennard-Jones type of each atom. - **charge** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the charge of each atom. - **boxlength_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the length of molecular simulation box in 3 dimensions. - **a_14** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the first atom index of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **b_14** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the second atom index of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **lj_scale_factor** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the scale factor for the Lennard-Jones part of force correction of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **LJ_type_A** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the A parameter in Lennard-Jones scheme of each atom pair type. q is the number of atom pair. - **LJ_type_B** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the B parameter in Lennard-Jones shceme of each atom pair type. q is the number of atom pair. Outputs: - **ene** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the Lennard-Jones potential energy correction for each necessary dihedral 1,4 term. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, nb14_numbers, atom_numbers): validator.check_value_type('nb14_numbers', nb14_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), self.dihedral_14_numbers = nb14_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'LJtype', 'charge', 'boxlength_f', 'a_14', 'b_14', 'lj_scale_factor', 'LJ_type_A', 'LJ_type_B'], outputs=['ene']) self.add_prim_attr('dihedral_14_numbers', self.dihedral_14_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, ljtype_shape, charge_shape, boxlength_f_shape, a_14_shape, b_14_shape, lj_scale_factor_shape, lj_type_a_shape, lj_type_b_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers m = self.dihedral_14_numbers q = lj_type_a_shape[0] validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(ljtype_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(charge_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "charge_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(boxlength_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "boxlength_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(a_14_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "a_14_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(b_14_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "b_14_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(lj_scale_factor_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "lj_scale_factor_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(lj_type_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJ_type_B_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(ljtype_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "LJtype", cls_name) validator.check_int(charge_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "charge", cls_name) validator.check_int(boxlength_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "boxlength_f", cls_name) validator.check_int(lj_type_b_shape[0], q, Rel.EQ, "LJ_type_B", cls_name) validator.check_int(a_14_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "a_14_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(b_14_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "b_14_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(lj_scale_factor_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "lj_scale_factor_shape", cls_name) return [self.dihedral_14_numbers,] def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, ljtype_dtype, charge_dtype, boxlength_f_type, a_14_type, b_14_type, lj_scale_factor_type, lj_type_a_type, lj_type_b_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJtype', ljtype_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('charge', charge_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('boxlength_f', boxlength_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('a_14', a_14_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('b_14', b_14_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('lj_scale_factor', lj_scale_factor_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJ_type_A', lj_type_a_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJ_type_B', lj_type_b_type, [mstype.float32], return lj_type_a_type
[docs]class Dihedral14LJForceWithDirectCF(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the Lennard-Jones part and the Coulomb part of force correction for each necessary dihedral 1,4 terms. The calculation formula of the Lennard-Jones part is the same as operator Dihedral14LJForce(), and the Coulomb part is as follows: .. math:: dr = (x_a-x_b, y_a-y_b, z_a-z_b) .. math:: F = -k*q_a*q_b/|r|^3*dr Args: nb14_numbers (int32): the number of necessary dihedral 1,4 terms m. atom_numbers (int32): the number of atoms n. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **LJ_type** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the Lennard-Jones type of each atom. - **charge** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the charge of each atom. - **boxlength_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the length of molecular simulation box in 3 dimensions. - **a_14** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the first atom index of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **b_14** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the second atom index of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **lj_scale_factor** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the scale factor for the Lennard-Jones part of force correction of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **cf_scale_factor** (Tensor, float) - [m,], the scale factor for the Coulomb part of force correction for each dihedral 1,4 terms. - **LJ_type_A** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the A parameter in Lennard-Jones scheme of each atom pair type. q is the number of atom pair. - **LJ_type_B** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the B parameter in Lennard-Jones shceme of each atom pair type. q is the number of atom pair. Outputs: - **frc_f** (Tensor, float) - [n, 3], the force felt by each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, nb14_numbers, atom_numbers): validator.check_value_type('nb14_numbers', nb14_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), self.dihedral_14_numbers = nb14_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'LJtype', 'charge', 'boxlength_f', 'a_14', 'b_14', 'lj_scale_factor', 'cf_scale_factor', 'LJ_type_A', 'LJ_type_B'], outputs=['frc_f']) self.add_prim_attr('dihedral_14_numbers', self.dihedral_14_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, ljtype_shape, charge_shape, boxlength_f_shape, a_14_shape, b_14_shape, lj_scale_factor_shape, cf_scale_factor_shape, lj_type_a_shape, lj_type_b_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers m = self.dihedral_14_numbers q = lj_type_a_shape[0] validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(ljtype_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(charge_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "charge_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(boxlength_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "boxlength_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(a_14_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "a_14_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(b_14_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "b_14_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(lj_scale_factor_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "lj_scale_factor_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(cf_scale_factor_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "cf_scale_factor_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(lj_type_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJ_type_B_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(ljtype_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(charge_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "charge_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(boxlength_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "boxlength_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(lj_type_b_shape[0], q, Rel.EQ, "LJ_type_B_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(a_14_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "a_14_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(b_14_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "b_14_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(lj_scale_factor_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "lj_scale_factor_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(cf_scale_factor_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "cf_scale_factor_shape", cls_name) return [self.atom_numbers, 3] def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, ljtype_dtype, charge_dtype, boxlength_f_type, a_14_type, b_14_type, lj_scale_factor_type, cf_scale_factor_type, lj_type_a_type, lj_type_b_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJtype', ljtype_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('charge', charge_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('boxlength_f', boxlength_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('a_14', a_14_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('b_14', b_14_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('lj_scale_factor', lj_scale_factor_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('cf_scale_factor', cf_scale_factor_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJ_type_A', lj_type_a_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJ_type_B', lj_type_b_type, [mstype.float32], return lj_type_a_type
[docs]class Dihedral14LJCFForceWithAtomEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the Lennard-Jones and Coulumb energy correction and force correction for each necessary dihedral 1,4 terms together and add them to the total force and potential energy for each atom. The calculation formula of force correction is the same as operator Dihedral14LJForceWithDirectCF(), and the energy correction part is the same as operator Dihedral14LJEnergy() and Dihedral14CFEnergy(). Args: nb14_numbers (int32): the number of necessary dihedral 1,4 terms m. atom_numbers (int32): the number of atoms n. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **LJ_type** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the Lennard-Jones type of each atom. - **charge** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the charge of each atom. - **boxlength_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the length of molecular simulation box in 3 dimensions. - **a_14** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the first atom index of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **b_14** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the second atom index of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **lj_scale_factor** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the scale factor for the Lennard-Jones part of force correction of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **cf_scale_factor** (Tensor, float) - [m,], the scale factor for the Coulomb part of force correction for each dihedral 1,4 terms. - **LJ_type_A** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the A parameter in Lennard-Jones scheme of each atom pair type. q is the number of atom pair. - **LJ_type_B** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the B parameter in Lennard-Jones shceme of each atom pair type. q is the number of atom pair. Outputs: - **frc_f** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the force felt by each atom. - **atom_energy** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the accumulated potential energy for each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, nb14_numbers, atom_numbers): validator.check_value_type('nb14_numbers', nb14_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), self.dihedral_14_numbers = nb14_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'LJtype', 'charge', 'boxlength_f', 'a_14', 'b_14', 'lj_scale_factor', 'cf_scale_factor', 'LJ_type_A', 'LJ_type_B'], outputs=['frc_f', 'atom_energy']) self.add_prim_attr('dihedral_14_numbers', self.dihedral_14_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, ljtype_shape, charge_shape, boxlength_f_shape, a_14_shape, b_14_shape, lj_scale_factor_shape, cf_scale_factor_shape, lj_type_a_shape, lj_type_b_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers m = self.dihedral_14_numbers q = lj_type_a_shape[0] validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(ljtype_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(charge_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "charge_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(boxlength_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "boxlength_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(a_14_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "a_14_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(b_14_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "b_14_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(lj_scale_factor_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "lj_scale_factor_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(cf_scale_factor_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "cf_scale_factor_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(lj_type_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJ_type_B_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(ljtype_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(charge_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "charge_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(boxlength_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "boxlength_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(lj_type_b_shape[0], q, Rel.EQ, "LJ_type_B_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(a_14_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "a_14_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(b_14_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "b_14_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(lj_scale_factor_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "lj_scale_factor_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(cf_scale_factor_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "cf_scale_factor_shape", cls_name) return uint_crd_f_shape, charge_shape def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, ljtype_dtype, charge_dtype, boxlength_f_type, a_14_type, b_14_type, lj_scale_factor_type, cf_scale_factor_type, lj_type_a_type, lj_type_b_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJtype', ljtype_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('charge', charge_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('boxlength_f', boxlength_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('a_14', a_14_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('b_14', b_14_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('lj_scale_factor', lj_scale_factor_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('cf_scale_factor', cf_scale_factor_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJ_type_A', lj_type_a_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJ_type_B', lj_type_b_type, [mstype.float32], return charge_dtype, charge_dtype
[docs]class Dihedral14LJAtomEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Add the potenrial energy caused by Lennard-Jones energy correction for each necessary dihedral 1,4 terms to the total potential energy of each atom. The calculation formula is the same as operator Dihedral14LJEnergy(). Args: nb14_numbers (int32): the number of necessary dihedral 1,4 terms m. atom_numbers (int32): the number of atoms n. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **LJ_type** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the Lennard-Jones type of each atom. - **charge** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the charge of each atom. - **boxlength_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the length of molecular simulation box in 3 dimensions. - **a_14** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the first atom index of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **b_14** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the second atom index of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **lj_scale_factor** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the scale factor for the Lennard-Jones part of force correction of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **LJ_type_A** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the A parameter in Lennard-Jones scheme of each atom pair type. q is the number of atom pair. - **LJ_type_B** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the B parameter in Lennard-Jones shceme of each atom pair type. q is the number of atom pair. Outputs: - **ene** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the accumulated potential energy of each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, nb14_numbers, atom_numbers): validator.check_value_type('nb14_numbers', nb14_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), self.dihedral_14_numbers = nb14_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'LJtype', 'charge', 'boxlength_f', 'a_14', 'b_14', 'lj_scale_factor', 'LJ_type_A', 'LJ_type_B'], outputs=['ene']) self.add_prim_attr('dihedral_14_numbers', self.dihedral_14_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, ljtype_shape, charge_shape, boxlength_f_shape, a_14_shape, b_14_shape, lj_scale_factor_shape, lj_type_a_shape, lj_type_b_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers q = lj_type_a_shape[0] validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(ljtype_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(charge_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "charge_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(boxlength_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "boxlength_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(a_14_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "a_14_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(b_14_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "b_14_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(lj_scale_factor_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "lj_scale_factor_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(lj_type_b_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJ_type_B_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(ljtype_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(charge_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "charge_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(boxlength_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "boxlength_f_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(lj_type_b_shape[0], q, Rel.EQ, "LJ_type_B_shape", cls_name) m = self.dihedral_14_numbers validator.check_int(a_14_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "a_14_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(b_14_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "b_14_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(lj_scale_factor_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "lj_scale_factor_shape", cls_name) return ljtype_shape def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, ljtype_dtype, charge_dtype, boxlength_f_type, a_14_type, b_14_type, lj_scale_factor_type, lj_type_a_type, lj_type_b_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJtype', ljtype_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('charge', charge_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('boxlength_f', boxlength_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('a_14', a_14_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('b_14', b_14_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('lj_scale_factor', lj_scale_factor_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJ_type_A', lj_type_a_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJ_type_B', lj_type_b_type, [mstype.float32], return lj_type_a_type
[docs]class Dihedral14CFEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the Coulumb part of 1,4 dihedral energy correction for each necessary dihedral terms on the corresponding atoms. .. math:: dr = (x_a-x_b, y_a-y_b, z_a-z_b) .. math:: E = k*q_a*q_b/|dr| Args: nb14_numbers (int32): the number of necessary dihedral 1,4 terms m. atom_numbers (int32): the number of atoms n. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **LJ_type** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the Lennard-Jones type of each atom. - **charge** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the charge of each atom. - **boxlength_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the length of molecular simulation box in 3 dimensions. - **a_14** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the first atom index of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **b_14** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the second atom index of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **cf_scale_factor** (Tensor, float) - [m,], the scale factor for the Coulomb part of force correction for each dihedral 1,4 terms. Outputs: - **ene** (Tensor, float32) - [m,], the accumulated potential energy of each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, nb14_numbers, atom_numbers): validator.check_value_type('nb14_numbers', nb14_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), self.dihedral_14_numbers = nb14_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'LJtype', 'charge', 'boxlength_f', 'a_14', 'b_14', 'cj_scale_factor'], outputs=['ene']) self.add_prim_attr('dihedral_14_numbers', self.dihedral_14_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, ljtype_shape, charge_shape, boxlength_f_shape, a_14_shape, b_14_shape, cf_scale_factor_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(ljtype_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(charge_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "charge_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(boxlength_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "boxlength_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(a_14_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "a_14_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(b_14_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "b_14_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(cf_scale_factor_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "cf_scale_factor_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(ljtype_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(charge_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "charge_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(boxlength_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "boxlength_f_shape", cls_name) m = self.dihedral_14_numbers validator.check_int(a_14_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "a_14_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(b_14_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "b_14_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(cf_scale_factor_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "cf_scale_factor_shape", cls_name) return [self.dihedral_14_numbers,] def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, ljtype_dtype, charge_dtype, boxlength_f_type, a_14_type, b_14_type, cf_scale_factor_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJtype', ljtype_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('charge', charge_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('boxlength_f', boxlength_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('a_14', a_14_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('b_14', b_14_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('lj_scale_factor', cf_scale_factor_type, [mstype.float32], return charge_dtype
[docs]class Dihedral14CFAtomEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Add the potential energy caused by Coulumb energy correction for each necessary dihedral 1,4 terms to the total potential energy of each atom. The calculation formula is the same as operator Dihedral14CFEnergy(). Args: nb14_numbers (int32): the number of necessary dihedral 1,4 terms m. atom_numbers (int32): the number of atoms n. Inputs: - **uint_crd_f** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **LJ_type** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the Lennard-Jones type of each atom. - **charge** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the charge of each atom. - **boxlength_f** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the length of molecular simulation box in 3 dimensions. - **a_14** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the first atom index of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **b_14** (Tensor, int32) - [m,], the second atom index of each dihedral 1,4 term. - **cf_scale_factor** (Tensor, float) - [m,], the scale factor for the Coulomb part of force correction for each dihedral 1,4 terms. Outputs: - **ene** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the accumulated potential energy of each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, nb14_numbers, atom_numbers): validator.check_value_type('nb14_numbers', nb14_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), self.dihedral_14_numbers = nb14_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['uint_crd_f', 'LJtype', 'charge', 'boxlength_f', 'a_14', 'b_14', 'cf_scale_factor'], outputs=['ene']) self.add_prim_attr('dihedral_14_numbers', self.dihedral_14_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_f_shape, ljtype_shape, charge_shape, boxlength_f_shape, a_14_shape, b_14_shape, cf_scale_factor_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_f_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(ljtype_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(charge_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "charge_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(boxlength_f_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "boxlength_f_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(a_14_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "a_14_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(b_14_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "b_14_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(cf_scale_factor_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "cf_scale_factor_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_f_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(ljtype_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(charge_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "charge_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(boxlength_f_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "boxlength_f_shape", cls_name) m = self.dihedral_14_numbers validator.check_int(a_14_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "a_14_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(b_14_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "b_14_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(cf_scale_factor_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "cf_scale_factor_shape", cls_name) return ljtype_shape def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_f_dtype, ljtype_dtype, charge_dtype, boxlength_f_type, a_14_type, b_14_type, cf_scale_factor_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd_f', uint_crd_f_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJtype', ljtype_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('charge', charge_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('boxlength_f', boxlength_f_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('a_14', a_14_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('b_14', b_14_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('cf_scale_factor', cf_scale_factor_type, [mstype.float32], return charge_dtype
[docs]class MDIterationLeapFrog(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ One step of classical leap frog algorithm to solve the finite difference Hamiltonian equations of motion for certain system, using Langevin dynamics with Liu's thermostat scheme. Assume the number of atoms is n and the target control temperature is T. Detailed iteration formula can be found in this paper: A unified thermostat scheme for efficient configurational sampling for classical/quantum canonical ensembles via molecular dynamics. DOI: 10.1063/1.4991621. Args: float4_numbers(int32): total length to store random numbers. atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms n. dt(float32): time step for finite difference. half_dt(float32): half of time step for finite difference. exp_gamma(float32): parameter in Liu's dynamic, equals exp(-gamma_ln * dt), where gamma_ln is the firction factor in Langvin dynamics. max_velocity(float32): the upper limit of velocity, when the veclocity overflows, scale it to the upper limit. is_max_velocity(int32): whether the max velocity control is open or not. Inputs: - **mass_inverse** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the inverse value of mass of each atom. - **sqrt_mass** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the inverse square root value of effect mass in Liu's dynamics of each atom. Outputs: - **vel** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the velocity of each atom. - **crd** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the coordinate of each atom. - **frc** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the force felt by each atom. - **acc** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the acceleration of each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, float4_numbers, atom_numbers, half_dt, dt, exp_gamma, is_max_velocity, max_velocity): validator.check_value_type('float4_numbers', float4_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('half_dt', half_dt, (float), validator.check_value_type('dt', dt, (float), validator.check_value_type('exp_gamma', exp_gamma, (float), validator.check_value_type('is_max_velocity', is_max_velocity, (int), validator.check_value_type('max_velocity', max_velocity, (float), self.float4_numbers = float4_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.half_dt = half_dt self.dt = dt self.exp_gamma = exp_gamma self.is_max_velocity = is_max_velocity self.max_velocity = max_velocity self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['mass_inverse', 'sqrt_mass'], outputs=['vel', 'crd', 'frc', 'acc']) self.add_prim_attr('float4_numbers', self.float4_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('half_dt', self.half_dt) self.add_prim_attr('dt', self.dt) self.add_prim_attr('exp_gamma', self.exp_gamma) self.add_prim_attr('is_max_velocity', self.is_max_velocity) self.add_prim_attr('max_velocity', self.max_velocity) def infer_shape(self, mass_inverse_shape, sqrt_mass_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers validator.check_int(mass_inverse_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "mass_inverse", cls_name) validator.check_int(sqrt_mass_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "sqrt_mass", cls_name) return [self.atom_numbers, 3], [self.atom_numbers, 3], [self.atom_numbers, 3], [self.atom_numbers, 3] def infer_dtype(self, mass_inverse_dtype, sqrt_mass_dtype): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('mass_inverse', mass_inverse_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('sqrt_mass', sqrt_mass_dtype, [mstype.float32], return mass_inverse_dtype, mass_inverse_dtype, mass_inverse_dtype, mass_inverse_dtype
[docs]class PMEReciprocalForce(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the reciprocal part of long-range Coulumb force using PME(Particle Meshed Ewald) method. Assume the number of atoms is n. The detailed calculation formula of PME(Particle Meshed Ewald) method can be found in this paper: A Smooth Particle Mesh Ewald Method. DOI: 10.1063/1.470117. Args: atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms, n. beta(float32): the PME beta parameter, determined by the non-bond cutoff value and simulation precision tolerance. fftx(int32): the number of points for Fourier transform in dimension X. ffty(int32): the number of points for Fourier transform in dimension Y. fftz(int32): the number of points for Fourier transform in dimension Z. box_length_0(float32): the value of boxlength idx 0 box_length_1(float32): the value of boxlength idx 1 box_length_2(float32): the value of boxlength idx 2 Inputs: - **uint_crd** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinates value of each atom. - **charge** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the charge carried by each atom. Outputs: - **force** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the force felt by each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, atom_numbers, beta, fftx, ffty, fftz, box_length_0, box_length_1, box_length_2): validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('beta', beta, (float), validator.check_value_type('fftx', fftx, (int), validator.check_value_type('ffty', ffty, (int), validator.check_value_type('fftz', fftz, (int), validator.check_value_type('box_length_0', box_length_0, (float), validator.check_value_type('box_length_1', box_length_1, (float), validator.check_value_type('box_length_2', box_length_2, (float), self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.beta = beta self.fftx = fftx self.ffty = ffty self.fftz = fftz self.box_length_0 = box_length_0 self.box_length_1 = box_length_1 self.box_length_2 = box_length_2 self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['boxlength', 'uint_crd', 'charge'], outputs=['force']) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('beta', self.beta) self.add_prim_attr('fftx', self.fftx) self.add_prim_attr('ffty', self.ffty) self.add_prim_attr('fftz', self.fftz) self.add_prim_attr('box_length_0', self.box_length_0) self.add_prim_attr('box_length_1', self.box_length_1) self.add_prim_attr('box_length_2', self.box_length_2) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_shape, charge_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(charge_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "charge_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(charge_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "charge_shape", cls_name) return uint_crd_shape def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_type, charge_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd', uint_crd_type, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('charge', charge_type, [mstype.float32], return charge_type
[docs]class PMEExcludedForce(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the excluded part of long-range Coulumb force using PME(Particle Meshed Ewald) method. Assume the number of atoms is n, and the length of excluded list is E. Args: atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms, n. excluded_numbers(int32): the length of excluded list, E. beta(float32): the PME beta parameter, determined by the non-bond cutoff value and simulation precision tolerance. Inputs: - **uint_crd** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinates value of each atom. - **scaler** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the scale factor between real space coordinates and its unsigned int value. - **charge** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the charge carried by each atom. - **excluded_list_start** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the start excluded index in excluded list for each atom. - **excluded_list** (Tensor, int32) - [E,], the contiguous join of excluded list of each atom. E is the number of excluded atoms. - **excluded_atom_numbers** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the number of atom excluded in excluded list for each atom. Outputs: - **force** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the force felt by each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, atom_numbers, excluded_numbers, beta): validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('excluded_numbers', excluded_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('beta', beta, (float), self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.excluded_numbers = excluded_numbers self.beta = beta self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['uint_crd', 'sacler', 'charge', 'excluded_list_start', 'excluded_list', 'excluded_atom_numbers'], outputs=['force']) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('excluded_numbers', self.excluded_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('beta', self.beta) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd_shape, sacler_shape, charge_shape, excluded_list_start_shape, excluded_list_shape, excluded_atom_numbers_shape): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(sacler_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "sacler_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(charge_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "charge_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(excluded_list_start_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "excluded_list_start_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(excluded_atom_numbers_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "excluded_atom_numbers_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(sacler_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "sacler_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(charge_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "charge_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(excluded_list_start_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "excluded_list_start_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(excluded_atom_numbers_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "excluded_atom_numbers_shape", cls_name) return uint_crd_shape def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd_type, sacler_type, charge_type, excluded_list_start_type, excluded_list_type, excluded_atom_numbers_type): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('sacler', sacler_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd', uint_crd_type, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('charge', charge_type, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('excluded_list_start', excluded_list_start_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('excluded_list', excluded_list_type, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('excluded_atom_numbers', excluded_atom_numbers_type, [mstype.int32], return charge_type
[docs]class PMEEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the Coulumb energy of the system using PME method. .. math:: E = sum_{ij} q_iq_j/r_{ij} Args: atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms, n. excluded_numbers(int32): the length of excluded list, E. beta(float32): the PME beta parameter, determined by the non-bond cutoff value and simulation precision tolerance. fftx(int32): the number of points for Fourier transform in dimension X. ffty(int32): the number of points for Fourier transform in dimension Y. fftz(int32): the number of points for Fourier transform in dimension Z. box_length_0(float32): the value of boxlength idx 0 box_length_1(float32): the value of boxlength idx 1 box_length_2(float32): the value of boxlength idx 2 Inputs: - **uint_crd** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinates value of each atom. - **charge** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the charge carried by each atom. - **nl_numbers** - (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the each atom. - **nl_serial** - (Tensor, int32) - [n, 800], the neighbor list of each atom, the max number is 800. - **scaler** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the scale factor between real space coordinates and its unsigned int value. - **excluded_list_start** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the start excluded index in excluded list for each atom. - **excluded_list** (Tensor, int32) - [E,], the contiguous join of excluded list of each atom. E is the number of excluded atoms. - **excluded_atom_numbers** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the number of atom excluded in excluded list for each atom. Outputs: - **reciprocal_ene** (float32) - the reciprocal term of PME energy. - **self_ene** (float32) - the self term of PME energy. - **direct_ene** (float32) - the direct term of PME energy. - **correction_ene** (float32) - the correction term of PME energy. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, atom_numbers, excluded_numbers, beta, fftx, ffty, fftz, box_length_0, box_length_1, box_length_2): validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('excluded_numbers', excluded_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('beta', beta, (float), validator.check_value_type('fftx', fftx, (int), validator.check_value_type('ffty', ffty, (int), validator.check_value_type('fftz', fftz, (int), validator.check_value_type('box_length_0', box_length_0, (float), validator.check_value_type('box_length_1', box_length_1, (float), validator.check_value_type('box_length_2', box_length_2, (float), self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.excluded_numbers = excluded_numbers self.beta = beta self.fftx = fftx self.ffty = ffty self.fftz = fftz self.box_length_0 = box_length_0 self.box_length_1 = box_length_1 self.box_length_2 = box_length_2 self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['box_length', 'uint_crd', 'charge', 'nl_numbers', 'nl_serial', 'scaler', 'excluded_list_start', 'excluded_list', 'excluded_atom_numbers'], outputs=['reciprocal_ene', 'self_ene', 'direct_ene', 'correction_ene']) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('excluded_numbers', self.excluded_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('beta', self.beta) self.add_prim_attr('fftx', self.fftx) self.add_prim_attr('ffty', self.ffty) self.add_prim_attr('fftz', self.fftz) self.add_prim_attr('box_length_0', self.box_length_0) self.add_prim_attr('box_length_1', self.box_length_1) self.add_prim_attr('box_length_2', self.box_length_2) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd, charge, nl_numbers, nl_serial, scaler, excluded_list_start, excluded_list, excluded_atom_numbers): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers validator.check_int(len(uint_crd), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(charge), 1, Rel.EQ, "charge_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(nl_numbers), 1, Rel.EQ, "nl_numbers_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(nl_serial), 2, Rel.LE, "nl_serial_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(excluded_list_start), 1, Rel.EQ, "excluded_list_start_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(excluded_atom_numbers), 1, Rel.EQ, "excluded_atom_numbers_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(excluded_list), 1, Rel.GE, "excluded_list", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(charge[0], n, Rel.EQ, "charge_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(nl_numbers[0], n, Rel.EQ, "nl_numbers_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(nl_serial[0], n, Rel.LE, "nl_serial_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(nl_serial[1], 800, Rel.LE, "nl_serial_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(excluded_list_start[0], n, Rel.EQ, "excluded_list_start_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(excluded_atom_numbers[0], n, Rel.EQ, "excluded_atom_numbers_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(excluded_list[0], 0, Rel.GE, "excluded_list_shape", cls_name) return (1,), (1,), (1,), (1,) def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd, charge, nl_numbers, nl_serial, scaler, excluded_list_start, excluded_list, excluded_atom_numbers): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd', uint_crd, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('charge', charge, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('nl_numbers', nl_numbers, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('nl_serial', nl_serial, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler', scaler, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('excluded_list_start', excluded_list_start, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('excluded_list', excluded_list, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('excluded_atom_numbers', excluded_atom_numbers, [mstype.int32], return charge, charge, charge, charge
[docs]class LJEnergy(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the Van der Waals interaction energy described by Lennard-Jones potential for each atom. Assume the number of atoms is n, and the number of Lennard-Jones types for all atoms is P, which means there will be q = P*(P+1)/2 types of possible Lennard-Jones interactions for all kinds of atom pairs. .. math:: dr = (x_a-x_b, y_a-y_b, z_a-z_b) .. math:: E = A/|dr|^{12} - B/|dr|^{6} Agrs: atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms, n. cutoff_square(float32): the square value of cutoff. Inputs: - **uint_crd** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **LJtype** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the Lennard-Jones type of each atom. - **charge** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the charge carried by each atom. - **scaler** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the scale factor between real space coordinate and its unsigned int value. - **nl_numbers** - (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the each atom. - **nl_serial** - (Tensor, int32) - [n, 800], the neighbor list of each atom, the max number is 800. - **d_LJ_A** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the Lennard-Jones A coefficient of each kind of atom pair. q is the number of atom pair. - **d_LJ_B** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the Lennard-Jones B coefficient of each kind of atom pair. q is the number of atom pair. Outputs: - **d_LJ_energy_atom** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the Lennard-Jones potential energy of each atom. - **d_LJ_energy_sum** (float32), the sum of Lennard-Jones potential energy of each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, atom_numbers, cutoff_square): validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('cutoff_square', cutoff_square, (float), self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.cutoff_square = cutoff_square self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['uint_crd', 'LJtype', 'charge', 'scaler', 'nl_numbers', 'nl_serial', 'd_LJ_A', 'd_LJ_B'], outputs=['d_LJ_energy_atom']) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('cutoff_square', self.cutoff_square) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd, ljtype, charge, scaler, nl_numbers, nl_serial, d_lj_a, d_lj_b): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers q = d_lj_a[0] validator.check_int(len(uint_crd), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(ljtype), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(charge), 1, Rel.EQ, "charge_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(nl_numbers), 1, Rel.EQ, "nl_numbers_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(nl_serial), 2, Rel.EQ, "nl_serial_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(d_lj_b), 1, Rel.EQ, "d_LJ_B_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(ljtype[0], n, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(charge[0], n, Rel.EQ, "charge_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(nl_numbers[0], n, Rel.EQ, "nl_numbers_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(nl_serial[0], n, Rel.EQ, "nl_serial_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(nl_serial[1], 800, Rel.LE, "nl_serial_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(d_lj_b[0], q, Rel.EQ, "d_LJ_B_shape[0]", cls_name) return charge def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd, ljtype, charge, scaler, nl_numbers, nl_serial, d_lj_a, d_lj_b): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd', uint_crd, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJtype', ljtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('charge', charge, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler', scaler, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('nl_numbers', nl_numbers, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('nl_serial', nl_serial, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('d_LJ_A', d_lj_a, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('d_LJ_B', d_lj_b, [mstype.float32], return charge
[docs]class LJForce(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the Van der Waals interaction force described by Lennard-Jones potential energy for each atom. .. math:: dr = (x_a-x_b, y_a-y_b, z_a-z_b) .. math:: F = (-12*A/|dr|^{14} + 6*B/|dr|^{8}) * dr Agrs: atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms, n. cutoff_square(float32): the square value of cutoff. Inputs: - **uint_crd** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **LJtype** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the Lennard-Jones type of each atom. - **charge** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the charge carried by each atom. - **scaler** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the scale factor between real space coordinate and its unsigned int value. - **nl_numbers** - (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the each atom. - **nl_serial** - (Tensor, int32) - [n, 800], the neighbor list of each atom, the max number is 800. - **d_LJ_A** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the Lennard-Jones A coefficient of each kind of atom pair. q is the number of atom pair. - **d_LJ_B** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the Lennard-Jones B coefficient of each kind of atom pair. q is the number of atom pair. outputs: - **frc** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the force felt by each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, atom_numbers, cutoff_square): validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('cutoff_square', cutoff_square, (float), self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.cutoff_square = cutoff_square self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['uint_crd', 'LJtype', 'charge', 'scaler', 'nl_numbers', 'nl_serial', 'd_LJ_A', 'd_LJ_B'], outputs=['frc']) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('cutoff_square', self.cutoff_square) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd, ljtype, charge, scaler, nl_numbers, nl_serial, d_lj_a, d_lj_b): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers q = d_lj_a[0] validator.check_int(len(uint_crd), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(ljtype), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(charge), 1, Rel.EQ, "charge_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(nl_numbers), 1, Rel.EQ, "nl_numbers_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(nl_serial), 2, Rel.EQ, "nl_serial_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(d_lj_b), 1, Rel.EQ, "d_LJ_B_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(ljtype[0], n, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(charge[0], n, Rel.EQ, "charge_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(nl_numbers[0], n, Rel.EQ, "nl_numbers_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(nl_serial[0], n, Rel.EQ, "nl_serial_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(nl_serial[1], 800, Rel.LE, "nl_serial_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(d_lj_b[0], q, Rel.EQ, "d_LJ_B_shape[0]", cls_name) return uint_crd def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd, ljtype, charge, scaler, nl_numbers, nl_serial, d_lj_a, d_lj_b): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd', uint_crd, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJtype', ljtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('charge', charge, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler', scaler, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('nl_numbers', nl_numbers, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('nl_serial', nl_serial, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('d_LJ_A', d_lj_a, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('d_LJ_B', d_lj_b, [mstype.float32], return charge
[docs]class LJForceWithPMEDirectForce(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the Lennard-Jones force and PME direct force together. The calculation formula of Lennard-Jones part is the same as operator LJForce(), and the PME direct part is within PME method. Agrs: atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms, n. cutoff_square(float32): the square value of cutoff. pme_beta(float32): PME beta parameter, same as operator PMEReciprocalForce(). Inputs: - **uint_crd** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinate value of each atom. - **LJtype** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the Lennard-Jones type of each atom. - **charge** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the charge carried by each atom. - **scaler** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the scale factor between real space coordinate and its unsigned int value. - **nl_numbers** - (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the each atom. - **nl_serial** - (Tensor, int32) - [n, 800], the neighbor list of each atom, the max number is 800. - **d_LJ_A** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the Lennard-Jones A coefficient of each kind of atom pair. q is the number of atom pair. - **d_LJ_B** (Tensor, float32) - [q,], the Lennard-Jones B coefficient of each kind of atom pair. q is the number of atom pair. Outputs: - **frc** (Tensor, float32), [n, 3], the force felt by each atom. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, atom_numbers, cutoff, pme_beta): validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('cutoff', cutoff, (float), validator.check_value_type('pme_beta', pme_beta, (float), self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.cutoff = cutoff self.pme_beta = pme_beta self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['uint_crd', 'LJtype', 'charge', 'scaler', 'nl_numbers', 'nl_serial', 'd_LJ_A', 'd_LJ_B'], outputs=['frc']) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('cutoff', self.cutoff) self.add_prim_attr('pme_beta', self.pme_beta) def infer_shape(self, uint_crd, ljtype, charge, scaler, nl_numbers, nl_serial, d_lj_a, d_lj_b): cls_name = n = self.atom_numbers q = d_lj_a[0] validator.check_int(len(uint_crd), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(ljtype), 1, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(charge), 1, Rel.EQ, "charge_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(nl_numbers), 1, Rel.EQ, "nl_numbers_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(nl_serial), 2, Rel.EQ, "nl_serial_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(scaler), 1, Rel.EQ, "scaler_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(d_lj_b), 1, Rel.EQ, "d_LJ_B_dim", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd[0], n, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(uint_crd[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(ljtype[0], n, Rel.EQ, "LJtype_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(charge[0], n, Rel.EQ, "charge_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(nl_numbers[0], n, Rel.EQ, "nl_numbers_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(nl_serial[0], n, Rel.EQ, "nl_serial_shape[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(nl_serial[1], 800, Rel.LE, "nl_serial_shape[1]", cls_name) validator.check_int(scaler[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "scaler_shape", cls_name) validator.check_int(d_lj_b[0], q, Rel.EQ, "d_LJ_B_shape[0]", cls_name) return uint_crd def infer_dtype(self, uint_crd, ljtype, charge, scaler, nl_numbers, nl_serial, d_lj_a, d_lj_b): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd', uint_crd, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('LJtype', ljtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('charge', charge, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('scaler', scaler, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('nl_numbers', nl_numbers, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('nl_serial', nl_serial, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('d_LJ_A', d_lj_a, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('d_LJ_B', d_lj_b, [mstype.float32], return charge
class GetCenterOfGeometry(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Get Center Of Geometry. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, center_numbers, center_numbers_inverse): validator.check_value_type('center_numbers', center_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('center_numbers_inverse', center_numbers_inverse, (float), self.center_numbers = center_numbers self.center_numbers_inverse = center_numbers_inverse self.add_prim_attr('center_numbers', self.center_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('center_numbers_inverse', self.center_numbers_inverse) self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['center_atoms', 'crd_f'], outputs=['center_of_geometry_f']) def infer_shape(self, center_atoms_shape, crd_f_shape): cls_name = n = self.center_numbers validator.check_int(center_atoms_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "center_atoms", cls_name) validator.check_int(crd_f_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "crd_f[0]", cls_name) validator.check_int(crd_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "crd_f[1]", cls_name) return [3,] def infer_dtype(self, center_atoms_dtype, crd_f_dtype): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('center_atoms', center_atoms_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('crd_f', crd_f_dtype, [mstype.float32], return crd_f_dtype class MDTemperature(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Calculate the MD Temperature. Calculate the temperature. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, residue_numbers, atom_numbers): validator.check_value_type('residue_numbers', residue_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), self.residue_numbers = residue_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.add_prim_attr('residue_numbers', self.residue_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['start', 'end', 'atom_vel_f', 'atom_mass'], outputs=['ek']) def infer_shape(self, start_shape, end_shape, atom_vel_f_shape, atom_mass_shape): cls_name = n = self.residue_numbers m = self.atom_numbers validator.check_int(len(start_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "start", cls_name) validator.check_int(start_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "end", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(end_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "start", cls_name) validator.check_int(end_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "end", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_vel_f_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_vel_f", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_vel_f_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "atom_vel_f", cls_name) validator.check_int(len(atom_mass_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_mass", cls_name) validator.check_int(atom_mass_shape[0], m, Rel.EQ, "atom_mass", cls_name) return [n,] def infer_dtype(self, start_dtype, end_dtype, atom_vel_f_dtype, atom_mass_dtype): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('start', start_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('end', end_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_vel_f', atom_vel_f_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_mass', atom_mass_dtype, [mstype.float32], return atom_mass_dtype
[docs]class NeighborListUpdate(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Update (or construct if first time) the Verlet neighbor list for the calculation of short-ranged force. Assume the number of atoms is n, the number of grids divided is G, the maximum number of atoms in one grid is m, the maximum number of atoms in single atom's neighbor list is L, and the number of total atom in excluded list is E. Args: grid_numbers(int32): the total number of grids divided. not_first_time(int32): whether to construct the neighbor list first time or not. nxy(int32): the total number of grids divided in xy plane. excluded_atom_numbers(int32): the total atom numbers in the excluded list. cutoff(float32): the cutoff distance for short-range force calculation. skin(float32): the overflow value of cutoff to maintain a neighbor list. cutoff_square(float32): the suqare value of cutoff. half_skin_square(float32): skin*skin/4, indicates the maximum square value of the distance atom allowed to move between two updates. cutoff_with_skin(float32): cutoff + skin, indicates the radius of the neighbor list for each atom. half_cutoff_with_skin(float32): cutoff_with_skin/2. cutoff_with_skin_square(float32): the square value of cutoff_with_skin. refresh_interval(int32): the number of iteration steps between two updates of neighbor list. max_atom_in_grid_numbers(int32): the maximum number of atoms in one grid. Inputs: - **atom_numbers_in_grid_bucket** (Tensor, int32) - [G,], the number of atoms in each grid bucket. - **bucket** (Tensor, int32) - (Tensor,int32) - [G, m], the atom indices in each grid bucket. - **crd** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the coordinates of each atom. - **box_length** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the length of 3 dimensions of the simulation box. - **grid_n** (Tensor, int32) - [3,], the number of grids divided of 3 dimensions of the simulation box. - **grid_length_inverse** (float32) - the inverse value of grid length. - **atom_in_grid_serial** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the grid index for each atom. - **old_crd** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the coordinates before update of each atom. - **crd_to_uint_crd_cof** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the scale factor between the unsigned int value and the real space coordinates. - **uint_crd** (Tensor, uint32) - [n, 3], the unsigned int coordinates value fo each atom. - **gpointer** (Tensor, int32) - [G, 125], the 125 nearest neighbor grids (including self) of each grid. G is the number of nearest neighbor grids. - **nl_atom_numbers** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the number of atoms in neighbor list of each atom. - **nl_atom_serial** (Tensor, int32) - [n, L], the indices of atoms in neighbor list of each atom. - **uint_dr_to_dr_cof** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the scale factor between the real space coordinates and the unsigned int value. - **excluded_list_start** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the start excluded index in excluded list for each atom. - **excluded_numbers** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], the number of atom excluded in excluded list for each atom. - **excluded_list** (Tensor, int32) - [E,], the contiguous join of excluded list of each atom. - **need_refresh_flag** (Tensor, int32) - [n,], whether the neighbor list of each atom need update or not. - **refresh_count** (Tensor, int32) - [1,], count how many iteration steps have passed since last update. Outputs: - **res** (float32) Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, grid_numbers, atom_numbers, not_first_time, nxy, excluded_atom_numbers, cutoff_square, half_skin_square, cutoff_with_skin, half_cutoff_with_skin, cutoff_with_skin_square, refresh_interval=20, cutoff=10.0, skin=2.0, max_atom_in_grid_numbers=64, max_neighbor_numbers=800): self.grid_numbers = grid_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.refresh_interval = refresh_interval self.not_first_time = not_first_time self.cutoff = cutoff = skin self.max_atom_in_grid_numbers = max_atom_in_grid_numbers self.nxy = nxy self.excluded_atom_numbers = excluded_atom_numbers self.cutoff_square = cutoff_square self.half_skin_square = half_skin_square self.cutoff_with_skin = cutoff_with_skin self.half_cutoff_with_skin = half_cutoff_with_skin self.cutoff_with_skin_square = cutoff_with_skin_square self.max_neighbor_numbers = max_neighbor_numbers self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['atom_numbers_in_grid_bucket', 'bucket', 'crd', 'box_length', 'grid_n', 'grid_length_inverse', 'atom_in_grid_serial', 'old_crd', 'crd_to_uint_crd_cof', 'uint_crd', 'gpointer', 'nl_atom_numbers', 'nl_atom_serial', 'uint_dr_to_dr_cof', 'excluded_list_start', 'excluded_list', 'excluded_numbers', 'need_refresh_flag', 'refresh_count'], outputs=['res']) self.add_prim_attr('grid_numbers', self.grid_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('refresh_interval', self.refresh_interval) self.add_prim_attr('not_first_time', self.not_first_time) self.add_prim_attr('cutoff', self.cutoff) self.add_prim_attr('skin', self.add_prim_attr('max_atom_in_grid_numbers', self.max_atom_in_grid_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('nxy', self.nxy) self.add_prim_attr('excluded_atom_numbers', self.excluded_atom_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('cutoff_square', self.cutoff_square) self.add_prim_attr('half_skin_square', self.half_skin_square) self.add_prim_attr('cutoff_with_skin', self.cutoff_with_skin) self.add_prim_attr('half_cutoff_with_skin', self.half_cutoff_with_skin) self.add_prim_attr('cutoff_with_skin_square', self.cutoff_with_skin_square) def infer_shape(self, atom_numbers_in_grid_bucket_shape, bucket_shape, crd_shape, box_length_shape, grid_n_shape, grid_length_inverse_shape, atom_in_grid_serial_shape, old_crd_shape, crd_to_uint_crd_cof_shape, uint_crd_shape, gpointer_shape, nl_atom_numbers_shape, nl_atom_serial_shape, uint_dr_to_dr_cof_shape, excluded_list_start_shape, excluded_list_shape, excluded_numbers_shape, need_refresh_flag_shape, refresh_count_shape): validator.check_int(len(atom_numbers_in_grid_bucket_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_numbers_in_grid_bucket_dim", validator.check_int(len(bucket_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "bucket_dim", validator.check_int(len(crd_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "crd_dim", validator.check_int(len(box_length_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "box_length_dim", validator.check_int(len(grid_n_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "grid_n_dim", validator.check_int(len(grid_length_inverse_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "grid_length_inverse_dim", validator.check_int(len(atom_in_grid_serial_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "atom_in_grid_serial_dim", validator.check_int(len(old_crd_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "old_crd_dim", validator.check_int(len(crd_to_uint_crd_cof_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "crd_to_uint_crd_cof_dim", validator.check_int(len(uint_crd_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd_dim", validator.check_int(len(gpointer_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "gpointer_dim", validator.check_int(len(nl_atom_numbers_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "nl_atom_numbers_dim", validator.check_int(len(nl_atom_serial_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "nl_atom_serial_dim", validator.check_int(len(uint_dr_to_dr_cof_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "uint_dr_to_dr_cof_dim", validator.check_int(len(excluded_list_start_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "excluded_list_start_dim", validator.check_int(len(excluded_list_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "excluded_list_dim", validator.check_int(len(excluded_numbers_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "excluded_numbers_dim", validator.check_int(len(need_refresh_flag_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "need_refresh_flag_dim", validator.check_int(atom_numbers_in_grid_bucket_shape[0], self.grid_numbers, Rel.EQ, "atom_numbers_in_grid_bucket", validator.check_int(bucket_shape[0], self.grid_numbers, Rel.EQ, "bucket", validator.check_int(bucket_shape[1], self.max_atom_in_grid_numbers, Rel.EQ, "bucket", validator.check_int(crd_shape[0], self.atom_numbers, Rel.EQ, "crd", validator.check_int(crd_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "crd", validator.check_int(box_length_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "box_length", validator.check_int(grid_n_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "grid_n", validator.check_int(grid_length_inverse_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "grid_length_inverse", validator.check_int(atom_in_grid_serial_shape[0], self.atom_numbers, Rel.EQ, "atom_in_grid_serial", validator.check_int(old_crd_shape[0], self.atom_numbers, Rel.EQ, "old_crd", validator.check_int(old_crd_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "old_crd", validator.check_int(crd_to_uint_crd_cof_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "crd_to_uint_crd_cof", validator.check_int(uint_crd_shape[0], self.atom_numbers, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd", validator.check_int(uint_crd_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_crd", validator.check_int(gpointer_shape[0], self.grid_numbers, Rel.EQ, "gpointer", validator.check_int(gpointer_shape[1], 125, Rel.EQ, "gpointer", validator.check_int(nl_atom_numbers_shape[0], self.atom_numbers, Rel.EQ, "nl_atom_numbers", validator.check_int(nl_atom_serial_shape[0], self.atom_numbers, Rel.EQ, "nl_atom_serial", validator.check_int(nl_atom_serial_shape[1], self.max_neighbor_numbers, Rel.EQ, "nl_atom_serial", validator.check_int(uint_dr_to_dr_cof_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "uint_dr_to_dr_cof", validator.check_int(excluded_list_start_shape[0], self.atom_numbers, Rel.EQ, "excluded_list_start", validator.check_int(excluded_list_shape[0], self.excluded_atom_numbers, Rel.EQ, "excluded_list", validator.check_int(excluded_numbers_shape[0], self.atom_numbers, Rel.EQ, "excluded_numbers", validator.check_int(need_refresh_flag_shape[0], 1, Rel.EQ, "need_refresh_flag", return [1,] def infer_dtype(self, atom_numbers_in_grid_bucket_dtype, bucket_dtype, crd_dtype, box_length_dtype, grid_n_dtype, grid_length_inverse_dtype, atom_in_grid_serial_dtype, old_crd_dtype, crd_to_uint_crd_cof_dtype, uint_crd_dtype, gpointer_dtype, nl_atom_numbers_dtype, nl_atom_serial_dtype, uint_dr_to_dr_cof_dtype, excluded_list_start_dtype, excluded_list_dtype, excluded_numbers_dtype, need_refresh_flag_dtype, refresh_count_dtype): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_numbers_in_grid_bucket', atom_numbers_in_grid_bucket_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('bucket', bucket_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('crd', crd_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('box_length', box_length_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('grid_n', grid_n_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('grid_length_inverse', grid_length_inverse_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('atom_in_grid_serial', atom_in_grid_serial_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('old_crd', old_crd_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('crd_to_uint_crd_cof', crd_to_uint_crd_cof_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_crd', uint_crd_dtype, [mstype.uint32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('gpointer', gpointer_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('nl_atom_numbers', nl_atom_numbers_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('nl_atom_serial', nl_atom_serial_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('uint_dr_to_dr_cof', uint_dr_to_dr_cof_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('excluded_list_start', excluded_list_start_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('excluded_list', excluded_list_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('excluded_numbers', excluded_numbers_dtype, [mstype.int32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('need_refresh_flag', need_refresh_flag_dtype, [mstype.int32], return mstype.float32
class MDIterationLeapFrogWithRF(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ One step of classical leap frog algorithm to solve the finite difference Hamiltonian equations of motion for certain system, using Langevin dynamics with Liu's thermostat scheme. Assume the number of atoms is n and the target control temperature is T. Detailed iteration formula can be found in this paper: A unified thermostat scheme for efficient configurational sampling for classical/quantum canonical ensembles via molecular dynamics. DOI: 10.1063/1.4991621. Inputs: - **float4_numbers** (int32) - total length to store random numbers. - **atom_numbers** (int32) - the number of atoms n. - **dt** (float32) - time step for finite difference. - **half_dt** (float32) - half of time step for finite difference. - **exp_gamma** (float32) - parameter in Liu's dynamic, equals exp(-gamma_ln * dt), where gamma_ln is the firction factor in Langvin dynamics. - **max_velocity** (float32) - the upper limit of velocity, when the veclocity overflows, scale it to the upper limit. - **is_max_velocity** (int32) - whether the max velocity control is open or not. - **mass_inverse** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the inverse value of mass of each atom. - **sqrt_mass** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the inverse square root value of effect mass in Liu's dynamics of each atom. - **vel** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the velocity of each atom. - **crd** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the coordinate of each atom. - **frc** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the force felt by each atom. - **acc** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the acceleration of each atom. - **random force** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the random forces. Outputs: - **res** (float32) Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` Examples: """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, float4_numbers, atom_numbers, half_dt, dt, exp_gamma, is_max_velocity, max_velocity): validator.check_value_type('float4_numbers', float4_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), validator.check_value_type('half_dt', half_dt, (float), validator.check_value_type('dt', dt, (float), validator.check_value_type('exp_gamma', exp_gamma, (float), validator.check_value_type('is_max_velocity', is_max_velocity, (int), validator.check_value_type('max_velocity', max_velocity, (float), self.float4_numbers = float4_numbers self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.half_dt = half_dt self.dt = dt self.exp_gamma = exp_gamma self.is_max_velocity = is_max_velocity self.max_velocity = max_velocity self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['mass_inverse', 'sqrt_mass', 'vel_in', 'crd_in', 'frc_in', 'acc_in', 'random_force'], outputs=['res']) self.add_prim_attr('float4_numbers', self.float4_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('half_dt', self.half_dt) self.add_prim_attr('dt', self.dt) self.add_prim_attr('exp_gamma', self.exp_gamma) self.add_prim_attr('is_max_velocity', self.is_max_velocity) self.add_prim_attr('max_velocity', self.max_velocity) def infer_shape(self, mass_inverse_shape, sqrt_mass_shape, vel_in_shape, crd_in_shape, frc_in_shape, acc_in_shape, random_force_shape): n = self.atom_numbers validator.check_int(len(mass_inverse_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "mass_inverse", validator.check_int(len(sqrt_mass_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "mass_inverse", validator.check_int(mass_inverse_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "mass_inverse", validator.check_int(sqrt_mass_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "mass_inverse", validator.check_int(vel_in_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "vel_in", validator.check_int(vel_in_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "vel_in", validator.check_int(crd_in_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "crd_in", validator.check_int(crd_in_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "crd_in", validator.check_int(frc_in_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "frc_in", validator.check_int(frc_in_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "frc_in", validator.check_int(acc_in_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "acc_in", validator.check_int(acc_in_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "acc_in", validator.check_int(random_force_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "random_force", validator.check_int(random_force_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "random_force", return [1,] def infer_dtype(self, mass_inverse_dtype, sqrt_mass_dtype, vel_in_dtype, crd_in_dtype, frc_in_dtype, acc_in_dtype, rf_dtype): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('mass_inverse', mass_inverse_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('sqrt_mass', sqrt_mass_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('vel_in', vel_in_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('crd_in', crd_in_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('frc_in', frc_in_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('acc_in', acc_in_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('rf', rf_dtype, [mstype.float32], return mstype.float32 class MDIterationLeapFrogLiujian(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ One step of classical leap frog algorithm to solve the finite difference Hamiltonian equations of motion for certain system, using Langevin dynamics with Liu's thermostat scheme. Assume the number of atoms is n and the target control temperature is T. Detailed iteration formula can be found in this paper: A unified thermostat scheme for efficient configurational sampling for classical/quantum canonical ensembles via molecular dynamics. DOI: 10.1063/1.4991621. Args: atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms n. dt(float32): time step for finite difference. half_dt(float32): half of time step for finite difference. exp_gamma(float32): parameter in Liu's dynamic, equals exp(-gamma_ln * dt), where gamma_ln is the firction factor in Langvin dynamics. Inputs: - **inverse_mass** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the inverse value of mass of each atom. - **sqrt_mass_inverse** (Tensor, float32) - [n,], the inverse square root value of effect mass in Liu's dynamics of each atom. - **vel** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the velocity of each atom. - **crd** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the coordinate of each atom. - **frc** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the force felt by each atom. - **acc** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the acceleration of each atom. - **rand_state** (Tensor, float32) - [math.ceil(atom_numbers * 3.0 / 4.0) * 16, ], random state to generate random force. - **rand_frc** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the random forces. Outputs: - **output** (float32) Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, atom_numbers, half_dt, dt, exp_gamma): self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.half_dt = half_dt self.dt = dt self.exp_gamma = exp_gamma self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('half_dt', self.half_dt) self.add_prim_attr('dt', self.dt) self.add_prim_attr('exp_gamma', self.exp_gamma) self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['inverse_mass', 'sqrt_mass_inverse', 'vel', 'crd', 'frc', 'acc', 'rand_state', 'rand_frc'], outputs=['output']) def infer_shape(self, inverse_mass, sqrt_mass_inverse, vel, crd, frc, acc, rand_state, rand_frc): n = self.atom_numbers validator.check_int(len(inverse_mass), 1, Rel.EQ, "inverse_mass", validator.check_int(len(sqrt_mass_inverse), 1, Rel.EQ, "sqrt_mass_inverse", validator.check_int(inverse_mass[0], n, Rel.EQ, "inverse_mass", validator.check_int(sqrt_mass_inverse[0], n, Rel.EQ, "sqrt_mass_inverse", return [self.atom_numbers, 3] def infer_dtype(self, inverse_mass, sqrt_mass_inverse, vel, crd, frc, acc, rand_state, rand_frc): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('inverse_mass', inverse_mass, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('sqrt_mass_inverse', sqrt_mass_inverse, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('vel', vel, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('crd', crd, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('frc', frc, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('acc', acc, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('rand_frc', rand_frc, [mstype.float32], return mstype.float32 class CrdToUintCrd(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Convert FP32 coordinate to Uint32 coordinate. Args: atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms n. Inputs: - **crd_to_uint_crd_cof** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the . - **crd** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the coordinate of each atom. Outputs: - **output** (uint32) Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, atom_numbers): self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['crd_to_uint_crd_cof', 'crd'], outputs=['output']) def infer_shape(self, crd_to_uint_crd_cof, crd): validator.check_int(crd_to_uint_crd_cof[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "crd_to_uint_crd_cof_shape", validator.check_int(crd[0], self.atom_numbers, Rel.EQ, "crd[0]", validator.check_int(crd[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "crd[1]", return crd def infer_dtype(self, crd_to_uint_crd_cof, crd): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('crd_to_uint_crd_cof', crd_to_uint_crd_cof, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('crd', crd, [mstype.float32], return mstype.uint32 class MDIterationSetupRandState(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Convert FP32 coordinate to Uint32 coordinate. Args: atom_numbers(int32): the number of atoms n. seed(int32): random seed. Outputs: - **output** (uint32) random state. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, atom_numbers, seed): self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.seed = seed self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.add_prim_attr('seed', self.seed) self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=[], outputs=['output']) def infer_shape(self): float4_numbers = math.ceil(self.atom_numbers * 3 / 4.0) curandsize = 64 / 4 return [float4_numbers * int(curandsize),] def infer_dtype(self): return mstype.float32 class TransferCrd(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Transfer the coordinates to angular and radial. Args: start_serial(int32): the index start position. end_serial(int32): the index end position. number(int32): the length of angular and radial. Inputs: - **crd** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the coordinate of each atom. n is the number of atoms.. - **old_crd** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the last coordinate of each atom. n is the number of atoms. - **box** (Tensor, float32) - [3,], the length of 3 dimensions of the simulation box. Outputs: - **radial** (Tensor, float32) - [number,], the array of radial transferred from coordinates. - **angular** (Tensor, float32) - [number,], the array of angular transferred from coordinates. - **nowarp_crd** (Tensor, float32) - [n, 3], the modified coordinate of each atom for computing radial and angular. - **box_map_times** (Tensor, int32) - [n, 3], the box map times for radial and angular. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, start_serial, end_serial, number, atom_numbers): validator.check_value_type('start_serial', start_serial, (int), validator.check_value_type('end_serial', end_serial, (int), validator.check_value_type('number', number, (int), validator.check_value_type('atom_numbers', atom_numbers, (int), self.start_serial = start_serial self.end_serial = end_serial self.number = number self.atom_numbers = atom_numbers self.add_prim_attr('start_serial', self.start_serial) self.add_prim_attr('end_serial', self.end_serial) self.add_prim_attr('number', self.number) self.add_prim_attr('atom_numbers', self.atom_numbers) self.init_prim_io_names( inputs=['crd', 'old_crd', 'box'], outputs=['radial', 'angular', 'nowarp_crd', 'box_map_times']) def infer_shape(self, crd_shape, old_crd_shape, box_shape): n = self.atom_numbers validator.check_int(len(crd_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "crd_dim", validator.check_int(crd_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "crd_shape[0]", validator.check_int(crd_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "crd_shape[1]", validator.check_int(len(old_crd_shape), 2, Rel.EQ, "old_crd_dim", validator.check_int(old_crd_shape[0], n, Rel.EQ, "old_crd_shape[0]", validator.check_int(old_crd_shape[1], 3, Rel.EQ, "old_crd_shape[1]", validator.check_int(len(box_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "box_dim", validator.check_int(box_shape[0], 3, Rel.EQ, "box_shape[0]", return [self.number,], [self.number,], [n, 3], [n, 3] def infer_dtype(self, crd_dtype, old_crd_dtype, box_dtype): validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('crd', crd_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('old_crd', old_crd_dtype, [mstype.float32], validator.check_tensor_dtype_valid('box', box_dtype, [mstype.float32], return mstype.float32, mstype.float32, mstype.float32, mstype.int32