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# Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ============================================================================
"""Communication management API"""
from mindspore import context
from mindspore.parallel._ps_context import _is_role_pserver, _is_role_sched
from ._comm_helper import Backend, _get_rank_helper, _get_size_helper, \
    _get_world_rank_from_group_rank_helper, _get_group_rank_from_world_rank_helper, \
    _create_group_helper, _destroy_group_helper, HCCL_WORLD_COMM_GROUP, NCCL_WORLD_COMM_GROUP, \
    _get_local_rank_helper, _get_local_size_helper
from .._c_expression import init_hccl, finalize_hccl, init_gpu_collective

__all__ = ["init", "release", "get_rank", "get_local_rank", "get_group_size",
           "get_local_rank_size", "get_world_rank_from_group_rank",
           "get_group_rank_from_world_rank", "create_group", "destroy_group",

DEFAULT_BACKEND = Backend("hccl")

def _get_group(group):
    """Return the world communication group if the `group` is `DEFAULT_WORLD_COMM_GROUP`."""
        return GlobalComm.WORLD_COMM_GROUP
    return group

[docs]class GlobalComm: """World communication information.""" BACKEND = DEFAULT_BACKEND WORLD_COMM_GROUP = DEFAULT_WORLD_COMM_GROUP
[docs]def init(backend_name=None): """ Initialize distributed backend, e.g. HCCL/NCCL, it is required before using the communication service. Note: The full name of HCCL is Huawei Collective Communication Library. The full name of NCCL is NVIDIA Collective Communication Library. Args: backend_name (str): Backend. Raises: TypeError: If `backend_name` is not a string. RuntimeError: If device target is invalid, or backend is invalid, or distributed initialization fails. """ if _is_role_pserver() or _is_role_sched(): return device_target = context.get_context("device_target") if backend_name is None: if device_target == "Ascend": backend_name = "hccl" elif device_target == "GPU": backend_name = "nccl" else: raise RuntimeError("Device target {} is not supported.".format(device_target)) if not isinstance(backend_name, str): raise TypeError("Backend name must be a string, but got {}".format(type(backend_name))) if backend_name == "hccl": if device_target != "Ascend": raise RuntimeError("Device target should be 'Ascend' to init hccl, but got {}".format(device_target)) init_hccl() GlobalComm.BACKEND = Backend("hccl") GlobalComm.WORLD_COMM_GROUP = HCCL_WORLD_COMM_GROUP elif backend_name == "nccl": init_gpu_collective() GlobalComm.BACKEND = Backend("nccl") GlobalComm.WORLD_COMM_GROUP = NCCL_WORLD_COMM_GROUP else: raise RuntimeError("Backend name {} is not supported.".format(backend_name))
[docs]def release(): """ Release distributed resource. e.g. HCCL/NCCL. Raises: RuntimeError: If failed to release distributed resource. """ finalize_hccl()
[docs]def get_rank(group=GlobalComm.WORLD_COMM_GROUP): """ Get the rank ID for the current device in the specified collective communication group. Args: group (str): ProcessGroup, the process group to work on. Default: WORLD_COMM_GROUP. Returns: int, the rank ID of the calling process within the group. Raises: TypeError: If group is not a string. ValueError: If backend is invalid. RuntimeError: If HCCL/NCCL is not available or NCCL is not supported. """ return _get_rank_helper(group=_get_group(group), backend=GlobalComm.BACKEND)
[docs]def get_local_rank(group=GlobalComm.WORLD_COMM_GROUP): """ Gets local rank ID for current device in specified collective communication group. Note: Nccl is not supported. Args: group (str): ProcessGroup, the process group to work on. Default: WORLD_COMM_GROUP. Returns: int, the local rank ID of the calling process within the group. Raises: TypeError: If group is not a string. ValueError: If backend is invalid. RuntimeError: If HCCL/NCCL is not available or NCCL is not supported. """ return _get_local_rank_helper(group=_get_group(group), backend=GlobalComm.BACKEND)
[docs]def get_group_size(group=GlobalComm.WORLD_COMM_GROUP): """ Get the rank size of the specified collective communication group. Args: group (str): ProcessGroup, the process group to work on. Returns: int, the rank size of the group. Raises: TypeError: If group is not a string. ValueError: If backend is invalid. RuntimeError: If HCCL/NCCL is not available or NCCL is not supported. """ return _get_size_helper(group=_get_group(group), backend=GlobalComm.BACKEND)
[docs]def get_local_rank_size(group=GlobalComm.WORLD_COMM_GROUP): """ Gets local rank size of the specified collective communication group. Note: Nccl is not supported. Args: group (str): ProcessGroup, the process group to work on. Returns: int, the local rank size where the calling process is within the group. Raises: TypeError: If group is not a string. ValueError: If backend is invalid. RuntimeError: If HCCL/NCCL is not available or NCCL is not supported. """ return _get_local_size_helper(group=_get_group(group), backend=GlobalComm.BACKEND)
[docs]def get_world_rank_from_group_rank(group, group_rank_id): """ Gets the rank ID in the world communication group corresponding to the rank ID in the specified user communication group. Note: NCCL is not supported. The parameter group should not be "hccl_world_group". Args: group (str): The user communication group. group_rank_id (int): A rank ID in user communication group. Returns: int, the rank ID in world communication group. Raises: TypeError: If `group_rank_id` is not an integer or the group is not a string. ValueError: If group is 'hccl_world_group' or backend is invalid. RuntimeError: If HCCL/NCCL is not available or NCCL is not supported. """ return _get_world_rank_from_group_rank_helper(group=group, group_rank_id=group_rank_id, backend=GlobalComm.BACKEND)
[docs]def get_group_rank_from_world_rank(world_rank_id, group): """ Get the rank ID in the specified user communication group corresponding to the rank ID in the world communication group. Note: NCCL is not supported. The parameter group should not be "hccl_world_group". Args: world_rank_id (int): A rank ID in the world communication group. group (str): The user communication group. Returns: int, the rank ID in the user communication group. Raises: TypeError: If world_rank_id is not an integer or the group is not a string. ValueError: If group is 'hccl_world_group' or backend is invalid. RuntimeError: If HCCL/NCCL is not available or NCCL is not supported. """ return _get_group_rank_from_world_rank_helper(world_rank_id=world_rank_id, group=group, backend=GlobalComm.BACKEND)
[docs]def create_group(group, rank_ids): """ Create a user collective communication group. Note: NCCL is not supported. The size of rank_ids should be larger than 1. Rank_ids should not have duplicate data. Args: group (str): ProcessGroup, the process group to create. rank_ids (list): A list of device IDs. Raises: TypeError: If group is not a string or `rank_ids` is not a list. ValueError: If `rank_ids` size is not larger than 1, or `rank_ids` has duplicate data, or backend is invalid. RuntimeError: If hccl/nccl is not available or nccl not supports. Examples: >>> group = "0-1" >>> rank_ids = [0,1] >>> create_group(group, rank_ids) """ _create_group_helper(group, rank_ids, backend=GlobalComm.BACKEND)
[docs]def destroy_group(group): """ Destroy the user collective communication group. Note: Nccl is not supported. The parameter group should not be "hccl_world_group". Args: group (str): ProcessGroup, the process group to destroy. Raises: TypeError: If group is not a string. ValueError: If group is "hccl_world_group" or backend is invalid. RuntimeError: If HCCL/NCCL is not available or NCCL is not supported. """ _destroy_group_helper(group, backend=GlobalComm.BACKEND)