Source code for

# Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ==============================================================================
Csv format convert tool for MindRecord.
from importlib import import_module
import os

from mindspore import log as logger
from ..filewriter import FileWriter
from ..shardutils import check_filename, ExceptionThread

    pd = import_module("pandas")
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    pd = None

__all__ = ['CsvToMR']

[docs]class CsvToMR: """ Class is for transformation from csv to MindRecord. Args: source (str): the file path of csv. destination (str): the MindRecord file path to transform into. columns_list(list[str], optional): List of columns to be read(default=None). partition_number (int, optional): partition size (default=1). Raises: ValueError: If source, destination, partition_number is invalid. RuntimeError: If columns_list is invalid. """ def __init__(self, source, destination, columns_list=None, partition_number=1): if not pd: raise Exception("Module pandas is not found, please use pip install it.") if isinstance(source, str): check_filename(source) self.source = source else: raise ValueError("The parameter source must be str.") self._check_columns(columns_list, "columns_list") self.columns_list = columns_list if isinstance(destination, str): check_filename(destination) self.destination = destination else: raise ValueError("The parameter destination must be str.") if partition_number is not None: if not isinstance(partition_number, int): raise ValueError("The parameter partition_number must be int") self.partition_number = partition_number else: raise ValueError("The parameter partition_number must be int") self.writer = FileWriter(self.destination, self.partition_number) def _check_columns(self, columns, columns_name): if columns: if isinstance(columns, list): for col in columns: if not isinstance(col, str): raise ValueError("The parameter {} must be list of str.".format(columns_name)) else: raise ValueError("The parameter {} must be list of str.".format(columns_name)) def _get_schema(self, df): """ Construct schema from df columns """ if self.columns_list: for col in self.columns_list: if col not in df.columns: raise RuntimeError("The parameter columns_list is illegal, column {} does not exist.".format(col)) else: self.columns_list = df.columns schema = {} for col in self.columns_list: if str(df[col].dtype) == 'int64': schema[col] = {"type": "int64"} elif str(df[col].dtype) == 'float64': schema[col] = {"type": "float64"} elif str(df[col].dtype) == 'bool': schema[col] = {"type": "int32"} else: schema[col] = {"type": "string"} if not schema: raise RuntimeError("Failed to generate schema from csv file.") return schema def _get_row_of_csv(self, df): """Get row data from csv file.""" for _, r in df.iterrows(): row = {} for col in self.columns_list: if str(df[col].dtype) == 'bool': row[col] = int(r[col]) else: row[col] = r[col] yield row
[docs] def run(self): """ Executes transformation from csv to MindRecord. Returns: SUCCESS/FAILED, whether successfully written into MindRecord. """ if not os.path.exists(self.source): raise IOError("Csv file {} do not exist.".format(self.source)) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) df = pd.read_csv(self.source) csv_schema = self._get_schema(df)"transformed MindRecord schema is: {}".format(csv_schema)) # set the header size self.writer.set_header_size(1 << 24) # set the page size self.writer.set_page_size(1 << 26) # create the schema self.writer.add_schema(csv_schema, "csv_schema") # add the index self.writer.add_index(list(self.columns_list)) csv_iter = self._get_row_of_csv(df) batch_size = 256 transform_count = 0 while True: data_list = [] try: for _ in range(batch_size): data_list.append(csv_iter.__next__()) transform_count += 1 self.writer.write_raw_data(data_list)"transformed {} record...".format(transform_count)) except StopIteration: if data_list: self.writer.write_raw_data(data_list) "transformed {} record...".format(transform_count)) break ret = self.writer.commit() return ret
def transform(self): t = ExceptionThread( t.daemon = True t.start() t.join() if t.exitcode != 0: raise t.exception return t.res