# LiteSession [![View Source On Gitee](./_static/logo_source.png)](https://gitee.com/mindspore/docs/blob/r1.1/docs/api_java/source_en/lite_session.md) ```java import com.mindspore.lite.LiteSession; ``` LiteSession defines session in MindSpore Lite for compiling Model and forwarding model. ## Public Member Functions | function | | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | [boolean init(MSConfig config)](#init) | | [void bindThread(boolean if_bind)](#bindthread) | | [boolean compileGraph(Model model)](#compilegraph) | | [boolean runGraph()](#rungraph) | | [List getInputs()](#getinputs) | | [MSTensor getInputsByTensorName(String tensorName)](#getinputsbytensorname) | | [List getOutputsByNodeName(String nodeName)](#getoutputsbynodename) | | [Map getOutputMapByTensor()](#getoutputmapbytensor) | | [List getOutputTensorNames()](#getoutputtensornames) | | [MSTensor getOutputByTensorName(String tensorName)](#getoutputbytensorname) | | [boolean resize(List inputs, int[][] dims](#resize) | | [void free()](#free) | ## init ```java public boolean init(MSConfig config) ``` Initialize LiteSession. - Parameters - `MSConfig`: MSConfig class. - Returns Whether the initialization is successful. ## bindThread ```java public void bindThread(boolean if_bind) ``` Attempt to bind or unbind threads in the thread pool to or from the specified cpu core. - Parameters - `if_bind`: Define whether to bind or unbind threads. ## compileGraph ```java public boolean compileGraph(Model model) ``` Compile MindSpore Lite model. - Parameters - `Model`: Define the model to be compiled. - Returns Whether the compilation is successful. ## runGraph ```java public boolean runGraph() ``` Run the session for inference. - Returns Whether the inference is successful. ## getInputs ```java public List getInputs() ``` Get the MSTensors input of MindSpore Lite model. - Returns The vector of MindSpore Lite MSTensor. ## getInputsByTensorName ```java public MSTensor getInputsByTensorName(String tensorName) ``` Get the MSTensors input of MindSpore Lite model by the node name. - Parameters - `tensorName`: Define the tensor name. - Returns MindSpore Lite MSTensor. ## getOutputsByNodeName ```java public List getOutputsByNodeName(String nodeName) ``` Get the MSTensors output of MindSpore Lite model by the node name. - Parameters - `nodeName`: Define the node name. - Returns The vector of MindSpore Lite MSTensor. ## getOutputMapByTensor ```java public Map getOutputMapByTensor() ``` Get the MSTensors output of the MindSpore Lite model associated with the tensor name. - Returns The map of output tensor name and MindSpore Lite MSTensor. ## getOutputTensorNames ```java public List getOutputTensorNames() ``` Get the name of output tensors of the model compiled by this session. - Returns The vector of string as output tensor names in order. ## getOutputByTensorName ```java public MSTensor getOutputByTensorName(String tensorName) ``` Get the MSTensors output of MindSpore Lite model by the tensor name. - Parameters - `tensorName`: Define the tensor name. - Returns Pointer of MindSpore Lite MSTensor. ## resize ```java public boolean resize(List inputs, int[][] dims) ``` Resize inputs shape. - Parameters - `inputs`: Model inputs. - `dims`: Define the new inputs shape. - Returns Whether the resize is successful. ## free ```java public void free() ``` Free LiteSession.