# mindspore::lite [![View Source On Gitee](./_static/logo_source.png)](https://gitee.com/mindspore/docs/blob/r1.2/docs/api_cpp/source_en/lite.md) ## Allocator \#include <[context.h](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r1.2/mindspore/lite/include/context.h)> Allocator defines a memory pool for dynamic memory malloc and memory free. ## Context \#include <[context.h](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r1.2/mindspore/lite/include/context.h)> Context is defined for holding environment variables during runtime. ### Constructors & Destructors #### Context ```cpp Context() ``` Constructor of MindSpore Lite Context using default value for parameters. #### ~Context ```cpp ~Context() ``` Destructor of MindSpore Lite Context. ### Public Attributes #### vendor_name_ ```cpp vendor_name_ ``` A **string** value. Describes the vendor information. This attribute is used to distinguish from different vendors. #### thread_num_ ```cpp thread_num_ ``` An **int** value. Defaults to **2**. Thread number config for thread pool. #### allocator ```cpp allocator ``` A **pointer** pointing to [**Allocator**](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_cpp/en/r1.2/lite.html#allocator). #### device_list_ ```cpp device_list_ ``` A [**DeviceContextVector**](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_cpp/en/r1.2/lite.html#devicecontextvector) contains [**DeviceContext**](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_cpp/en/r1.2/lite.html#devicecontext) variables. > CPU, GPU and NPU are supported now. If GPU device context is set and GPU is supported in the current device, use GPU device first, otherwise use CPU device first. If NPU device context is set and GPU is supported in the current device, use NPU device first, otherwise use CPU device first. ## Model \#include <[model.h](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r1.2/mindspore/lite/include/model.h)> Model defines model in MindSpore Lite for managing graph. ### Destructors #### ~Model ```cpp virtual ~Model() ``` Destructor of MindSpore Lite Model. ### Public Member Functions #### Free ```cpp void Free() ``` Free MetaGraph in MindSpore Lite Model to reduce memory usage during inference. #### Destroy ```cpp void Destroy() ``` Free all temporary memory in MindSpore Lite Model. ### Static Public Member Functions #### Import ```cpp static Model *Import(const char *model_buf, size_t size) ``` Static method to create a Model pointer. - Parameters - `model_buf`: Defines the buffer read from a model file. - `size`: variable. Defines the byte number of model buffer. - Returns Pointer that points to the MindSpore Lite Model. ## CpuBindMode \#include <[context.h](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r1.2/mindspore/lite/include/context.h)> An **enum** type. CpuBindMode is defined for holding arguments of the bind CPU strategy. ### Public Attributes #### MID_CPU ```cpp MID_CPU = 2 ``` Bind middle cpu first. #### HIGHER_CPU ```cpp HIGHER_CPU = 1 ``` Bind higher cpu first. #### NO_BIND ```cpp NO_BIND = 0 ``` No bind. ## DeviceType \#include <[context.h](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r1.2/mindspore/lite/include/context.h)> An **enum** type. DeviceType is defined for holding user's preferred backend. ### Public Attributes #### DT_CPU ```cpp DT_CPU = 0 ``` CPU device type. #### DT_GPU ```cpp DT_GPU = 1 ``` GPU device type. #### DT_NPU ```cpp DT_NPU = 2 ``` NPU device type. ## Version \#include <[version.h](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r1.2/mindspore/lite/include/version.h)> ```cpp std::string Version() ``` Global method to get a version string. - Returns The version string of MindSpore Lite. ## StringsToMSTensor ```cpp int StringsToMSTensor(const std::vector &inputs, tensor::MSTensor *tensor) ``` Global method to store strings into MSTensor. - Returns STATUS, STATUS is defined in errorcode.h. ## MSTensorToStrings ```cpp std::vector MSTensorToStrings(const tensor::MSTensor *tensor) ``` Global method to get strings from MSTensor. - Returns The vector of strings. ## DeviceContextVector \#include <[context.h](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r1.2/mindspore/lite/include/context.h)> A **vector** contains [**DeviceContext**](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_cpp/en/r1.2/lite.html#devicecontext) variable. ## DeviceContext \#include <[context.h](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r1.2/mindspore/lite/include/context.h)> DeviceContext defines different device contexts. ### Public Attributes #### device_type_ ```cpp device_type_ ``` An **enum** type. Defaults to **DT_CPU**. DeviceType is defined for holding user’s CPU backend. #### device_info_ ```cpp device_info_ ``` An **union** value, contains [**CpuDeviceInfo**](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_cpp/en/r1.2/lite.html#cpudeviceinfo) , [**GpuDeviceInfo**](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_cpp/en/r1.2/lite.html#gpudeviceinfo) and [**NpuDeviceInfo**](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_cpp/en/r1.2/lite.html#npudeviceinfo) . ## DeviceInfo \#include <[context.h](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r1.2/mindspore/lite/include/context.h)> An **union** value. DeviceInfo is defined for backend's configuration information. ### Public Attributes #### cpu_device_info_ ```cpp cpu_device_info_ ``` [**CpuDeviceInfo**](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_cpp/en/r1.2/lite.html#cpudeviceinfo) is defined for CPU's configuration information. #### gpu_device_info_ ```cpp gpu_device_info_ ``` [**GpuDeviceInfo**](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_cpp/en/r1.2/lite.html#gpudeviceinfo) is defined for GPU's configuration information. ```cpp npu_device_info_ ``` [**GpuDeviceInfo**](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_cpp/en/r1.2/lite.html#gpudeviceinfo) is defined for NPU's configuration information. ## CpuDeviceInfo \#include <[context.h](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r1.2/mindspore/lite/include/context.h)> CpuDeviceInfo is defined for CPU's configuration information. ### Public Attributes #### enable_float16_ ```cpp enable_float16_ ``` A **bool** value. Defaults to **false**. This attribute enables to perform the GPU float16 inference. > Enabling float16 inference may cause low precision inference,because some variables may exceed the range of float16 during forwarding. #### cpu_bind_mode_ ```cpp cpu_bind_mode_ ``` A [**CpuBindMode**](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_cpp/en/r1.2/lite.html#cpubindmode) **enum** variable. Defaults to **MID_CPU**. ## GpuDeviceInfo \#include <[context.h](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r1.2/mindspore/lite/include/context.h)> GpuDeviceInfo is defined for GPU's configuration information. ### Public Attributes #### enable_float16_ ```cpp enable_float16_ ``` A **bool** value. Defaults to **false**. This attribute enables to perform the GPU float16 inference. > Enabling float16 inference may cause low inference precision, because some variables may exceed the range of float16 during forwarding. ## NpuDeviceInfo \#include <[context.h](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r1.2/mindspore/lite/include/context.h)> NpuDeviceInfo is defined for NPU's configuration information. ```cpp frequency_ ``` A **int** value. Defaults to **3**. This attribute is used to set the NPU frequency, which can be set to 1 (low power consumption), 2 (balanced), 3 (high performance), 4 (extreme performance). ## TrainModel \#include <[model.h](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/r1.2/mindspore/lite/include/model.h)> Inherited from Model, TrainModel defines a class that allows to import and export the MindSpore trainable model. ### Constructors & Destructors #### ~TrainModel ```cpp virtual ~TrainModel(); ``` Class destructor, free all memory. ### Public Member Functions #### Import ```cpp static TrainModel *Import(const char *model_buf, size_t size); ``` Static method to create a TrainModel object. - Parameters - `model_buf`: A buffer that was read from a MS model file. - `size`: Length of the buffer. - Returns Pointer to MindSpore Lite TrainModel. #### Free ```cpp void Free() override; ``` Free meta graph related data. #### ExportBuf ```cpp char *ExportBuf(char *buf, size_t *len) const; ``` Export Model into a buffer. - Parameters - `buf`: The buffer to be exported into. If it is equal to nullptr, `buf` will be allocated. - `len`: Size of the pre-allocated buffer and the returned size of the exported buffer. - Returns Pointer to buffer with exported model. ### Public Attributes #### buf_size_ ```cpp size_t buf_size_; ``` The length of the buffer with exported model.