Source code for mindarmour.diff_privacy.mechanisms.mechanisms

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Noise Mechanisms.
from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore.nn import Cell
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.ops import functional as F
from mindspore.common.parameter import Parameter
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype

from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_param_type
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_value_positive
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_value_non_negative
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_param_in_range

[docs]class MechanismsFactory: """ Factory class of mechanisms""" def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def create(policy, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: policy(str): Noise generated strategy, could be 'Gaussian' or 'AdaGaussian'. Noise would be decayed with 'AdaGaussian' mechanism while be constant with 'Gaussian' mechanism. args(Union[float, str]): Parameters used for creating noise mechanisms. kwargs(Union[float, str]): Parameters used for creating noise mechanisms. Raises: NameError: `policy` must be in ['Gaussian', 'AdaGaussian']. Returns: Mechanisms, class of noise generated Mechanism. Examples: >>> class Net(nn.Cell): >>> def __init__(self): >>> super(Net, self).__init__() >>> self.conv = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, 3, has_bias=False, weight_init='normal') >>> = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) >>> self.relu = nn.ReLU() >>> self.flatten = nn.Flatten() >>> self.fc = nn.Dense(64*224*224, 12) # padding=0 >>> >>> def construct(self, x): >>> x = self.conv(x) >>> x = >>> x = self.relu(x) >>> x = self.flatten(x) >>> out = self.fc(x) >>> return out >>> norm_clip = 1.0 >>> initial_noise_multiplier = 1.5 >>> net = Net() >>> loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(is_grad=False, sparse=True) >>> net_opt = Momentum(params=net.trainable_params(), learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.9) >>> mech = MechanismsFactory().create('Gaussian', >>> norm_bound=norm_clip, >>> initial_noise_multiplier=initial_noise_multiplier) >>> model = DPModel(micro_batches=2, >>> norm_clip=1.0, >>> mech=mech, >>> network=net, >>> loss_fn=loss, >>> optimizer=net_opt, >>> metrics=None) >>> dataset = get_dataset() >>> model.train(2, dataset) """ if policy == 'Gaussian': return GaussianRandom(*args, **kwargs) if policy == 'AdaGaussian': return AdaGaussianRandom(*args, **kwargs) raise NameError("The {} is not implement, please choose " "['Gaussian', 'AdaGaussian']".format(policy))
class Mechanisms(Cell): """ Basic class of noise generated mechanism. """ def construct(self, gradients): """ Construct function. """
[docs]class GaussianRandom(Mechanisms): """ Gaussian noise generated mechanism. Args: norm_bound(float): Clipping bound for the l2 norm of the gradients. Default: 0.5. initial_noise_multiplier(float): Ratio of the standard deviation of Gaussian noise divided by the norm_bound, which will be used to calculate privacy spent. Default: 1.5. mean(float): Average value of random noise. Default: 0.0. seed(int): Original random seed. Default: 0. Returns: Tensor, generated noise with shape like given gradients. Examples: >>> gradients = Tensor([0.2, 0.9], mstype.float32) >>> norm_bound = 0.5 >>> initial_noise_multiplier = 1.5 >>> net = GaussianRandom(norm_bound, initial_noise_multiplier) >>> res = net(gradients) >>> print(res) """ def __init__(self, norm_bound=0.5, initial_noise_multiplier=1.5, mean=0.0, seed=0): super(GaussianRandom, self).__init__() self._norm_bound = check_value_positive('norm_bound', norm_bound) self._norm_bound = Tensor(norm_bound, mstype.float32) self._initial_noise_multiplier = check_value_positive('initial_noise_multiplier', initial_noise_multiplier) self._initial_noise_multiplier = Tensor(initial_noise_multiplier, mstype.float32) mean = check_param_type('mean', mean, float) mean = check_value_non_negative('mean', mean) self._mean = Tensor(mean, mstype.float32) self._normal = P.Normal(seed=seed)
[docs] def construct(self, gradients): """ Generated Gaussian noise. Args: gradients(Tensor): The gradients. Returns: Tensor, generated noise with shape like given gradients. """ shape = P.Shape()(gradients) stddev = P.Mul()(self._norm_bound, self._initial_noise_multiplier) noise = self._normal(shape, self._mean, stddev) return noise
[docs]class AdaGaussianRandom(Mechanisms): """ Adaptive Gaussian noise generated mechanism. Noise would be decayed with training. Decay mode could be 'Time' mode or 'Step' mode. Args: norm_bound(float): Clipping bound for the l2 norm of the gradients. Default: 1.0. initial_noise_multiplier(float): Ratio of the standard deviation of Gaussian noise divided by the norm_bound, which will be used to calculate privacy spent. Default: 1.5. mean(float): Average value of random noise. Default: 0.0 noise_decay_rate(float): Hyper parameter for controlling the noise decay. Default: 6e-4. decay_policy(str): Noise decay strategy include 'Step' and 'Time'. Default: 'Time'. seed(int): Original random seed. Default: 0. Returns: Tensor, generated noise with shape like given gradients. Examples: >>> gradients = Tensor([0.2, 0.9], mstype.float32) >>> norm_bound = 1.0 >>> initial_noise_multiplier = 1.5 >>> mean = 0.0 >>> noise_decay_rate = 6e-4 >>> decay_policy = "Time" >>> net = AdaGaussianRandom(norm_bound, initial_noise_multiplier, mean >>> noise_decay_rate, decay_policy) >>> res = net(gradients) >>> print(res) """ def __init__(self, norm_bound=1.0, initial_noise_multiplier=1.5, mean=0.0, noise_decay_rate=6e-4, decay_policy='Time', seed=0): super(AdaGaussianRandom, self).__init__() norm_bound = check_value_positive('norm_bound', norm_bound) initial_noise_multiplier = check_value_positive('initial_noise_multiplier', initial_noise_multiplier) self._norm_bound = Tensor(norm_bound, mstype.float32) initial_noise_multiplier = Tensor(initial_noise_multiplier, mstype.float32) self._initial_noise_multiplier = Parameter(initial_noise_multiplier, name='initial_noise_multiplier') self._noise_multiplier = Parameter(initial_noise_multiplier, name='noise_multiplier') mean = check_param_type('mean', mean, float) mean = check_value_non_negative('mean', mean) self._mean = Tensor(mean, mstype.float32) noise_decay_rate = check_param_type('noise_decay_rate', noise_decay_rate, float) check_param_in_range('noise_decay_rate', noise_decay_rate, 0.0, 1.0) self._noise_decay_rate = Tensor(noise_decay_rate, mstype.float32) if decay_policy not in ['Time', 'Step']: raise NameError("The decay_policy must be in ['Time', 'Step'], but " "get {}".format(decay_policy)) self._decay_policy = decay_policy self._sub = P.Sub() self._mul = P.Mul() self._add = P.TensorAdd() self._div = P.Div() self._dtype = mstype.float32 self._normal = P.Normal(seed=seed) self._assign = P.Assign() self._one = Tensor(1, self._dtype)
[docs] def construct(self, gradients): """ Generate adaptive Gaussian noise. Args: gradients(Tensor): The gradients. Returns: Tensor, generated noise with shape like given gradients. """ shape = P.Shape()(gradients) noise = self._normal(shape, self._mean, self._mul(self._noise_multiplier, self._norm_bound)) if self._decay_policy == 'Time': temp = self._div(self._initial_noise_multiplier, self._noise_multiplier) temp = self._add(temp, self._noise_decay_rate) multiplier = self._assign(self._noise_multiplier, self._div(self._initial_noise_multiplier, temp)) else: temp = self._sub(self._one, self._noise_decay_rate) multiplier = self._assign(self._noise_multiplier, self._mul(temp, self._noise_multiplier)) return F.depend(noise, multiplier)