

This module c_transforms provides common operations, including OneHotOp and TypeCast.

class mindspore.dataset.transforms.c_transforms.Compose(transforms)[source]

Compose a list of transforms into a single transform.


transforms (list) – List of transformations to be applied.


>>> compose = Compose([vision.Decode(), vision.RandomCrop()])
>>> dataset = ds.map(operations=compose)
class mindspore.dataset.transforms.c_transforms.Concatenate(axis=0, prepend=None, append=None)[source]

Tensor operation that concatenates all columns into a single tensor.

  • axis (int, optional) – axis to concatenate the tensors along (Default=0).

  • prepend (numpy.array, optional) – numpy array to be prepended to the already concatenated tensors (Default=None).

  • append (numpy.array, optional) – numpy array to be appended to the already concatenated tensors (Default=None).

class mindspore.dataset.transforms.c_transforms.Duplicate[source]

Duplicate the input tensor to a new output tensor. The input tensor is carried over to the output list.


>>> # Data before
>>> # |  x      |
>>> # +---------+
>>> # | [1,2,3] |
>>> # +---------+
>>> data = data.map(input_columns=["x"], operations=Duplicate(),
>>>         output_columns=["x", "y"], columns_order=["x", "y"])
>>> # Data after
>>> # |  x      |  y      |
>>> # +---------+---------+
>>> # | [1,2,3] | [1,2,3] |
>>> # +---------+---------+
class mindspore.dataset.transforms.c_transforms.Fill(fill_value)[source]

Tensor operation to create a tensor filled with passed scalar value. The output tensor will have the same shape and type as the input tensor.


fill_value (Union[str, bytes, int, float, bool])) – scalar value to fill created tensor with.

class mindspore.dataset.transforms.c_transforms.Mask(operator, constant, dtype=mindspore.bool)[source]

Mask content of the input tensor with the given predicate. Any element of the tensor that matches the predicate will be evaluated to True, otherwise False.

  • operator (Relational) – One of the relational operator EQ, NE LT, GT, LE or GE

  • constant (Union[str, int, float, bool]) – constant to be compared to. Constant will be casted to the type of the input tensor

  • dtype (mindspore.dtype, optional) – type of the generated mask. Default to bool


>>> # Data before
>>> # |  col1   |
>>> # +---------+
>>> # | [1,2,3] |
>>> # +---------+
>>> data = data.map(operations=Mask(Relational.EQ, 2))
>>> # Data after
>>> # |       col1         |
>>> # +--------------------+
>>> # | [False,True,False] |
>>> # +--------------------+
class mindspore.dataset.transforms.c_transforms.OneHot(num_classes)[source]

Tensor operation to apply one hot encoding.


num_classes (int) – Number of classes of the label.

class mindspore.dataset.transforms.c_transforms.PadEnd(pad_shape, pad_value=None)[source]

Pad input tensor according to pad_shape, need to have same rank.

  • pad_shape (list(int)) – list on integers representing the shape needed. Dimensions that set to None will not be padded (i.e., original dim will be used). Shorter dimensions will truncate the values.

  • pad_value (Union[str, bytes, int, float, bool]), optional) – value used to pad. Default to 0 or empty string in case of Tensors of strings.


>>> # Data before
>>> # |   col   |
>>> # +---------+
>>> # | [1,2,3] |
>>> # +---------|
>>> data = data.map(operations=PadEnd(pad_shape=[4], pad_value=10))
>>> # Data after
>>> # |    col     |
>>> # +------------+
>>> # | [1,2,3,10] |
>>> # +------------|
class mindspore.dataset.transforms.c_transforms.RandomApply(transforms, prob=0.5)[source]

Randomly performs a series of transforms with a given probability.

  • transforms (list) – List of transformations to be applied.

  • prob (float, optional) – The probability to apply the transformation list (default=0.5)


>>> rand_apply = RandomApply([vision.RandomCrop()])
>>> dataset = ds.map(operations=rand_apply)
class mindspore.dataset.transforms.c_transforms.RandomChoice(transforms)[source]

Randomly selects one transform from a list of transforms to perform operation.


transforms (list) – List of transformations to be chosen from to apply.


>>> rand_choice = RandomChoice([vision.CenterCrop(), vision.RandomCrop()])
>>> dataset = ds.map(operations=rand_choice)
class mindspore.dataset.transforms.c_transforms.Relational(value)[source]

An enumeration.

class mindspore.dataset.transforms.c_transforms.Slice(*slices)[source]

Slice operation to extract a tensor out using the given n slices.

The functionality of Slice is similar to NumPy indexing feature. (Currently only rank-1 tensors are supported).


slices (Union[int, list(int), slice, None, Ellipses]) – Maximum n number of arguments to slice a tensor of rank n. One object in slices can be one of: 1. int: Slice this index only. Negative index is supported. 2. list[int]: Slice these indices ion the list only. Negative indices are supported. 3. slice: Slice the generated indices from the slice object. Similar to start:stop:step. 4. None: Slice the whole dimension. Similar to : in python indexing. 5. Ellipses: Slice all dimensions between the two slices. Similar to in python indexing.


>>> # Data before
>>> # |   col   |
>>> # +---------+
>>> # | [1,2,3] |
>>> # +---------|
>>> data = data.map(operations=Slice(slice(1,3))) # slice indices 1 and 2 only
>>> # Data after
>>> # |   col   |
>>> # +---------+
>>> # |  [2,3]  |
>>> # +---------|
class mindspore.dataset.transforms.c_transforms.TypeCast(data_type)[source]

Tensor operation to cast to a given MindSpore data type.


data_type (mindspore.dtype) – mindspore.dtype to be casted to.


This module py_transforms is implemented basing on python. It provides common operations including OneHotOp.

class mindspore.dataset.transforms.py_transforms.OneHotOp(num_classes, smoothing_rate=0.0)[source]

Apply one hot encoding transformation to the input label, make label be more smoothing and continuous.

  • num_classes (int) – Num class of object in dataset, type is int and value over 0.

  • smoothing_rate (float) – The adjustable Hyper parameter decides the label smoothing level , 0.0 means not do it.