Source code for mindspore.mindrecord.mindpage

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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This module is to support reading page from mindrecord.

from mindspore import log as logger
from .shardsegment import ShardSegment
from .shardutils import MIN_CONSUMER_COUNT, MAX_CONSUMER_COUNT, check_filename
from .common.exceptions import ParamValueError, ParamTypeError, MRMDefineCategoryError

__all__ = ['MindPage']

[docs]class MindPage: """ Class to read MindRecord File series in pagination. Args: file_name (str): One of MindRecord File or file list. num_consumer(int, optional): Number of consumer threads which load data to memory (default=4). It should not be smaller than 1 or larger than the number of CPU. Raises: ParamValueError: If file_name, num_consumer or columns is invalid. MRMInitSegmentError: If failed to initialize ShardSegment. """ def __init__(self, file_name, num_consumer=4): if isinstance(file_name, list): for f in file_name: check_filename(f) else: check_filename(file_name) if num_consumer is not None: if isinstance(num_consumer, int): if num_consumer < MIN_CONSUMER_COUNT or num_consumer > MAX_CONSUMER_COUNT(): raise ParamValueError("Consumer number should between {} and {}." .format(MIN_CONSUMER_COUNT, MAX_CONSUMER_COUNT())) else: raise ParamValueError("Consumer number is illegal.") else: raise ParamValueError("Consumer number is illegal.") self._segment = ShardSegment(), num_consumer) self._category_field = None self._candidate_fields = [field[:field.rfind('_')] for field in self._segment.get_category_fields()] @property def candidate_fields(self): """ Return candidate category fields. Returns: list[str], by which data could be grouped. """ return self._candidate_fields
[docs] def get_category_fields(self): """Return candidate category fields.""" logger.warning("WARN_DEPRECATED: The usage of get_category_fields is deprecated." " Please use candidate_fields") return self.candidate_fields
[docs] def set_category_field(self, category_field): """ Set category field for reading. Note: Should be a candidate category field. Args: category_field (str): String of category field name. Returns: MSRStatus, SUCCESS or FAILED. """ logger.warning("WARN_DEPRECATED: The usage of set_category_field is deprecated." " Please use category_field") if not category_field or not isinstance(category_field, str): raise ParamTypeError('category_fields', 'str') if category_field not in self._candidate_fields: raise MRMDefineCategoryError("Field '{}' is not a candidate category field.".format(category_field)) return self._segment.set_category_field(category_field)
@property def category_field(self): """Getter function for category field""" return self._category_field @category_field.setter def category_field(self, category_field): """Setter function for category field""" if not category_field or not isinstance(category_field, str): raise ParamTypeError('category_fields', 'str') if category_field not in self._candidate_fields: raise MRMDefineCategoryError("Field '{}' is not a candidate category field.".format(category_field)) self._category_field = category_field return self._segment.set_category_field(self._category_field)
[docs] def read_category_info(self): """ Return category information when data is grouped by indicated category field. Returns: str, description of group information. Raises: MRMReadCategoryInfoError: If failed to read category information. """ return self._segment.read_category_info()
[docs] def read_at_page_by_id(self, category_id, page, num_row): """ Query by category id in pagination. Args: category_id (int): Category id, referred to the return of read_category_info. page (int): Index of page. num_row (int): Number of rows in a page. Returns: List, list[dict]. Raises: ParamValueError: If any parameter is invalid. MRMFetchDataError: If failed to fetch data by category. MRMUnsupportedSchemaError: If schema is invalid. """ if not isinstance(category_id, int) or category_id < 0: raise ParamValueError("Category id should be int and greater than or equal to 0.") if not isinstance(page, int) or page < 0: raise ParamValueError("Page should be int and greater than or equal to 0.") if not isinstance(num_row, int) or num_row <= 0: raise ParamValueError("num_row should be int and greater than 0.") return self._segment.read_at_page_by_id(category_id, page, num_row)
[docs] def read_at_page_by_name(self, category_name, page, num_row): """ Query by category name in pagination. Args: category_name (str): String of category field's value, referred to the return of read_category_info. page (int): Index of page. num_row (int): Number of row in a page. Returns: str, read at page. """ if not isinstance(category_name, str): raise ParamValueError("Category name should be str.") if not isinstance(page, int) or page < 0: raise ParamValueError("Page should be int and greater than or equal to 0.") if not isinstance(num_row, int) or num_row <= 0: raise ParamValueError("num_row should be int and greater than 0.") return self._segment.read_at_page_by_name(category_name, page, num_row)